Just then, we heard something move from the ruined lab behind us.
It was not pretty.
Suddenly, in front of us there stood a couple dozen dented, distorted robot henchmen. They crawled out from their graves like zombies in a graveyard and we stared on as more and more were resurrected, poised and ready to kill us.
Brilliant(!) Just what we needed.
A mission to save the rest of the world from evil robots and we were trapped at the first hurdle.
Or cliff.
Next to me Dianne pulled out a machine gun (?! A 14-year-old with a machine gun?!) and began to shoot the robots.
I stood next to her, my robotic mind processing plans and instructions.
Then I ran towards the swarm of robot zombies, dodged Dianne's bullets and attacked.
The first went down with a THUMP! and the second must have been mortally wounded before because it collapsed before I got a chance to hit it.
Then I realised the rest of the robots had already dropped dead.
"Well," Dianne said from behind me. "That's them sorted. Now, if you don't mind, let's just get out of this place."