A dry lump slumped down Myah’s throat as her gaze trailed up his cerulean tail, up every nook and cranny of his chiseled abdomen, and finally traced the hard edges of his face, searching for any imperfection to prove this…merman in front of her was real. As she came up empty handed, her shoulders relaxed at the only reasonable explanation her exhausted mind could muster. He was a mirage, a hallucination right before she dies. A very handsome hallucination...
"H-hello..." Myah stuttered through wavering lips, leaning in to him slightly. If this would be the being that would ferry her to the afterlife, she might as well squeeze in one last conversation.
His eyes narrowed, and he cocked his head to the side, mirroring the fatigued girl by leaning in as well.
She raised a brow, suddenly suspicious of what the merman really was. Wouldn’t the being sent to ferry her to death at least be able to speak her language? She let the thought go with a shrug from her achy shoulders, deciding no one really knew anything about death and the afterlife anyway.
Bringing her tender arms to her chest, she mumbled, "My-ah."
The mirage seemed to understand that as he let out a small gasp, his eyes widening in realization. "Myah?" his tone was questioning as he pointed to her sand coated toes.
With a little wiggle that freed some of the grains from between her damp toes, Myah gave a heavy nod. "Myah."
The merman pressed the middle finger of his right hand against the center of his forehead, his gentle moves graceful, but with such sovereignty among it that would match the noble swells of the ocean. “Arynythoveoniq.” His tone was firm.
Myah was more startled by his voice than his name. The sound of it buzzed around her fragile head, and her vision spun for a moment. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to regain control over the sudden haziness, and licking the dry saltiness from her lips. “Ar—Ar-ny-vio—”
Her lips froze at the sudden cool touch of his swift fingers, his other hand against his chest as he stated, “Aryn.”
As his fingers pulled away, leaving a frostbitten tingle on her burning lips, shivers ran down her spine that paralyzed her. She shook at how icy his fingers were, but it was the final answer to her questions. There was no way he could be real; his body was as cold as a corpse. He really was death, collecting her to the afterlife. There was no doubt about it now.
Her chest emptied as a ghostly breath escaped her lips. She thought about Rebecca’s hearty smile and Ryann’s warm embrace, and found herself longing for a few more moments to say goodbye to them. She had done so little to repay them for their kindnesses, and, still, there was little she could do for them now.
She’ll just have to be their guardian angels, and watch over them just as they’ve always done for her.
Her shoulders lightened at the thought, realizing her death would not have been in vain. She still had the chance to protect them into a long and healthy life, and then to greet them in Paradise when the time came.
Myah turned back to the handsome mirage who had called himself Aryn. Such a wonderful name and an alluring voice, she thought. Who wouldn’t follow him to wherever he led? With as much bravery as her small pout could muster, she held out her aching hand to him and nudged her bruised chin toward the straight horizon of the sea, ready for him to ferry her off.
Aryn’s lips dropped with a gasp, taken aback by her sudden bravery. Suddenly, his hand raced to shut his lips and his eyes dropped, as if he were confused by what he had done.
Myah pulled her arm back by a fraction, startled by his reaction. His gaze shifted up slightly to look back at her, and she narrowed her eyes, surprised by what she saw.
His sea foam eyes were wider than saucers, drenched in unquestionable fear. Myah tightened her lips, unused to such raw emotion in the eyes of a stranger. Slowly, as he removed the hand from his lips, the fear melted to an emotion unexpected by Myah. She almost thought joy had lightened up his irises.
Refocusing his attention to her outstretched hand, the merman gently placed his palm against hers and folded his fingers around it. His movements were tender, as if she were made of the thinnest glass. Myah’s ears reddened at his gentleness, wondering if she had looked so frail.
Then, without any explanation or warning, he pulled the blushing girl close and laid his icy lips on hers.