Ryann opened the door and was welcomed by the warm rain shower. Nothing was ever cold in the tropics. He ran through the rain to the gazebo, hoping not to get too wet.
The new kid didn’t seem to notice or care as he shook his wet locks beneath the dry gazebo. He only continued to stare at a notebook on his lap. He was dressed quiet heavily for the weather, despite the rain. It was as if he expected it to be cold in this drizzle.
Ryann smiled at the face hidden behind the baseball hat, knowing that specific team to be very popular in the capitol of the big city across the sea from his small island. It only proved further that the new kid was from over main land.
Ryann cleared his throat nervously in an attempt to start a conversation. "I like your hat, new guy."
"I'm not a guy, and this isn't a hat." A snarky tone beyond the shadow of the cap spoke back with assertive confidence. Other than that, she didn't move, obviously uninterested with making any new friends.
Ryann pouted, displeased with the new girl’s response, but decided to press on with the conversation. "Well, I like your cap.” Ryann gave a tight smile. He couldn't help but squeeze the photo in his pocket a little, as if it would juice out a little good luck for him. Taking a seat next to the new girl, he hoped to win her over.
"You like it? Do you know the Silver State Soldiers?" She asked before reaching up and removing the cap, letting free a swell of light and bouncy, long and flowing red hair. "Here, then. You have it."
Ryann caught his breath, his grip on the photo completely loosened as he was suddenly lost in a flashback. Myah had said hello to him for the first time in day care, and had given him all of her crayons. Ryann speechlessly took the cap just like he took the crayons a decade ago.
"I hate that cap... But Rebecca told me to wear it to hide my hair..." the girl continued, tucking her notebook into her neat backpack, a sad smile on her face. "She wanted me to at least make one friend today. Well, why can’t I have a friend who’ll just accept me for me? I don’t need that stupid cap to make some friends." She turned her beaming smile to him. "Don't you think so?"
Ryann still stood there with his mouth wide open, flabbergasted. What was he supposed to say to the most perfect person in the world sitting right next to him? Who was he supposed to thank for this unbelievable gift?
"The new student has red hair?!" Reid gasped from the second story hallway.
"And is a girl?!" the oinker added. Cole just stood there wordlessly as other students circled around, gasping and gossiping.
"M-My..." Ryann couldn't get the name to slip out of his lips.
The girl laughed at him, her laughter as pure as crystal. "What’s wrong?" she asked before leaning in and whispering, "You haven't gone and forgotten me now, have you Ryann?”