Myah fell into the vicious ocean. She tried to stay afloat as wave after deadly waved pushed her deep into the frigid waters. She was running out of breath and her head began to spin. Her mommy’s last words rang in her dizzying head, reminding her to swim strongly. Whenever she would come up from the waves, she'd gasp desperately for a breath of air only to be pushed back into the sea over and over. Seconds turned into an eternity, until, only moments after falling in, Davy Jones had a claim on her soul. Myah fell deeper and deeper into the ocean, losing all consciousness...
When she woke, she felt strong arms holding her tightly against a bare chest. She opened her eyes to see a shiny, blue tail racing effortlessly through the rough waters.
'A fish?' she thought, 'A fish with arms?'
Myah looked up to find a boy whose bronze hair shined red in the setting sunlight. His eyes were the same shade as sea foam, and his skin seemed kissed by the sun. But that was all Myah could make out as her tired mind fell back into restful sleep.
"Father?" Ryann asked as he began on his breakfast the next morning. "Do you think Myah and her family are okay?"
"You're already worried about them?" his father responded with obvious annoyance. "They just left yesterday! Enjoy the peace, why don't ya?" his father grunted. "If I were young, huh!"
"I know..." Ryann replied as he looked out into the calmed sea. "But... I just have this bad feeling... I hope Myah is okay..." Ryann couldn't help but feel as if something had gone terribly wrong.