Jack walked up the spiraling staircase behind Luke, Bethany, and Alicia. They had to go up to the tenth floor. By the time they arrived they were all slightly out of breath. They walked down the hallway to the left that was lit by sunlight flooding in through the windows. They reached the fourth door on the right and opened it to reveal a room with padded walls and floor. As Jack entered the room he noticed the ceiling was white with what appeared to be gold mist swirling right underneath it. A young woman was standing near a rack that held wands, scepters, and focus gems. She had olive brown skin, dark brown eyes, and black hair. She smiled kindly at them as they formed a staggered horizontal line in front of her. "Hello to all of you. I'm Professor Amora and today I will be helping you select a Focus to channel your magic." she told them. None of them said anything. Jack was very nervous, his palms were slick with sweat. He noticed Luke was fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt and Alicia was twirling her hair. However, Bethany seemed perfectly at ease. His attention was brought back to Professor Amora as she asked what they're names were. "Bethany." "Luke." "Alicia." they said. "And your name?" she asked, looking at Jack. "Um, Jack." he said nervously. She smiled at him before turning to address them all again. "It's very nice to meet all of you. Now I need a volunteer." Professor Amora told them. Everyone but Jack raised their hand. She turned to him and motioned for him to come forward. He pointed at himself. "M-Me?" he stammered. "Yes you." she replied. Jack reluctantly walked forward. She smiled encouragingly as she handed him a wand. Jack hesitated. He didn't really know what to do. "Just say the incantation Lumineux as you wave the wand. It should create a small ball of light a few inches from the wand's tip." Professor Amora instructed him. Jack nodded once. He felt his heart hammering in his chest and sweat on his brow. He wasn't sure if he could do this. "Go on." Professor Amora pressed. He looked at her then back at the wand. After oner more moment's hesitation he waved the wand. "Lumineux." he said as he waved it. A blinding flash of light filled the room followed by a sharp crack. As the light faded Jack cried out in pain. He was laying on the floor, pale faced and breathless. Beside him the beautiful wooden wand lay snapped in half.