Jack woke up with only fleeting memories of his dream. What he did remember he tried to hold onto in hopes it would come true. Tomorrow was a big day for him and he was very nervous. In his dream he’d been Selected to go to the Academy of Sorcery. The school only accepted students at the age of fifteen and on rare occasions a little older. However only a handful of students were Selected. There was also some sort of test to get in once you were Selected, but only the students within the school knew what it was. The kids that failed never spoke of it. Even when people asked them about it they always told them they couldn’t say anything about what happened.
He got out of bed and as he looked in the mirror his doubts grew. Having a mirror was considered somewhat of a luxury but this one had been given to him by a stranger. He didn’t know why but his parents couldn’t remove it from the wall so it was his. As he looked at his reflection he saw the same tall skinny boy. He had brown hair and for some reason blue eyes. He had no idea why his eyes were blue instead of brown or hazel like the rest of his family. They weren't even a normal blue. They were an unusually icy blue.
His parents had told him not even his relatives had blue eyes. He didn’t know if the Academy would accept him, I mean he wasn’t strong and the magic he caused was purely accidental. It usually always ended badly. However what he didn’t know was the other kids wanting to be accepted couldn’t do magic at all.
“Jack!” His mother called. “Just a sec!” Jack called back. He never told anyone besides his parents and his older sister he only did magic on accident. When he felt the wave coming he’d usually run and hide somewhere before anyone saw. He felt like his magic just acted up on it’s own. Usually Luke was the cause of the outbursts. He hated Jack and took every opportunity to remind him of his unimportance. Luke always bragged he would be accepted and Jack was just some meaningless worm with no hope of being accepted whatsoever.
“Jack! I’m not going to ask again! Come down here and eat breakfast!” His mother called again. “Coming!” Jack shouted, as he quickly changed into a pair of beat up jeans and an old t-shirt. He hadn’t gotten new clothes in a very long time. Unlike Luke his family was not rich and didn’t have the spare money to spend on luxuries such as fancy clothes or even just normal clothes. He headed into the kitchen where his mother was setting breakfast on the table. It was the usual scrambled eggs and toast, only enough for one serving. Their money was very limited being how his father was a tailor. His mother worked too and that’s where Luke teased him most because his mother worked as a servant in his mansion.
Jack hated the fact that she did. Luke was a total brat and he always criticized his mother. However for some reason he had always hated Jack. Jack hadn’t done anything to him but apparently Luke didn’t need a reason. He always made sure no one was Jack’s friend. Everyone practically worshipped Luke. Every girl their age liked him and every boy wanted to be his friend. Luke always told them how wimpy and ridiculous Jack was, so they all tended to stay away from him or pick on him from time to time.
“Jack go sit at the table.” his mother ordered. Jack sat down at the table first soon followed by his older sister and younger brother. His sister was truly very pretty. She had long black hair similar to their mother’s when she was younger, hazel eyes, and fair skin. She didn’t care much for the Academy of Sorcery so she didn’t mind a bit when she wasn’t chosen. She knew Jack however would care very much. “Don’t be excited about that stupid school, Jack.” She’d said to him. He was pulled out of his thoughts by his little brother’s complaining.
“Mom, we have this everyday. I want something else.” He said, crossing his arms. His brother was nine and very annoying at times. He had brown hair and brown eyes with tanned skin from being outside. It stood out immensely when he stood next to Jack. Jack was pretty pale so people often asked if him and his brother Peter were even related. Before his mother could respond Jack cut in. “Knock it off, Peter. You should be grateful there’s food in front of you.” He said. Jack knew his parents worked hard so he hated when Peter complained about things. He also liked to stay on his parents good side being how his father already disliked him very much.
“Thank you, Jack.” His mother said, smiling at him. His mother looked nothing like him to be honest. She had black hair with a few streaks of grey, skin like his sister Emma, and brown eyes like Peter. She sat down and a few moments later Jack’s dad joined them. He was a tall man with a stocky build. He had brown hair like Jack and the same pale complexion. They didn’t talk much while they ate breakfast. When they finished Jack did the dishes quickly and was about to go into his room but he heard his parents talking.
They were two of the three that knew of his magical abilities. “I’m worried about him.” He heard his mother say. “I know. No other child is able to do magic before they’re Selected to go to that school, so why can he?” His father said, running his fingers through his beard. Jack’s eyes widened. He was the only one? He thought. “We have to be careful with him. He could be dangerous if he loses control of his powers completely.” His mother said anxiously. Jack took a step back. He couldn’t believe his mother had called him dangerous. "He's such a curse." his father replied.
He ran to the door and slammed it behind him before he heard anything else. He ran away from the house down several streets toward the hills at the edge of town to the left of his home. He went through the streets passing stalls filled with things from food and candles to dresses and necklaces. He ran through the center of the marketplace seeing the large fountain in the center. This fountain was how students were chosen. He had never seen it choose someone up close but he’d hurt it call people’s names. It usually asked a question to the students it picked as well. He ran down more streets that were a series of twists and turns between buildings.
He also passed children playing with wooden swords and fake wands. He almost ran into a group of women gossiping in the middle of the street. He barely missed them and received their glares in return. He passed Luke’s mansion which made his blood boil. He hated looking at that mansion knowing the spoiled brat that lived in it. It was a beautiful home and he couldn’t deny that. It was a clean white with two pillars flanking the front door which was made of oak and stood twice as tall as him. The windows were never dirty and they were huge. After a moment he entered the much dirtier part of town. Garbage littered the ground and people sat huddled together. They all had dirt on their faces and their clothes were tattered and most had holes in them. He usually ran through here to get to the hills faster. After a moment the smell hit him. It reeked. He felt his lungs burning from running. He turned onto another street and he made it to the foot of a hill.
He ran up the hill and collapsed on top of it gasping for breath. Once he caught his breath and he heard the conversation again he sat up his eyes shimmering.
“Oh is the servant’s son crying?” A voice sneered. Jack looked up blinking away the tears. Luke stood there with his fancy clothes, combed dirty blond hair, and blue eyes filled with hate and disgust toward Jack. “Go away, Luke.” Jack snapped. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. Your mother works for my family doesn’t she? So if you value her job you will be nice.” Luke taunted, standing over Jack. Jack got to his feet and glared at Luke but said nothing.
Even when Jack stood Luke was still taller. Luke was also very strong as Jack found out and was reminded of pretty much every time they crossed paths. Which unfortunately for Jack was very often. “You should be thanking me, Jack. I mean I deal with you and still let your mother keep her job as a servant. You better ask her for some tips because that’s probably your future as well.” Luke said. “No it isn’t.” Jack retorted. “Maybe you’ll be a tailor just like your father then. I’m still betting on you becoming a servant.” Luke said. “No I won’t. I am not going to be like them.” Jack snapped.
Luke grinned. “Oh you think you’ll be accepted into the Academy? I doubt it. You are nothing. They probably don’t even know you exist. I will be accepted however because I am actually something. Your own parents probably think you’re nothing.” He said. Jack felt the wave. It felt like a surge of energy running through him. He turned and began to run away, but Luke grabbed his arm tightly. “No running away, servant boy.” He said. “I am not a servant.” Jack said through gritted teeth. He pulled his arm hard trying to break Luke’s grip which was rather pointless. Luke laughed at him.
Then Luke suddenly let go and looked down at his foot. Vines. There were vines wrapping around his ankles and around his legs. Jack backed away horrified. “What is going on?!” Luke shouted. Jack didn’t respond, he tried to make it stop but he didn’t know how. More vines grew wrapping around Luke’s wrists continuing up his arms. He noticed Jack’s expression. “You! You’re doing this!” He shouted. “I-I didn’t mean to do it.” Jack said. “You’re a freak!” Luke shouted, struggling against the vines. “No I’m not. You shouldn’t have bothered me.” Jack replied slightly frantic. “I’m telling my parents!” Luke shouted, jerking his arms trying to get them free.
Jack ran. He didn’t know what else to do but he heard footsteps running down the other side of the hill. Luke was free now and Jack knew he was in trouble. He ran back to his house. His parents had gone to work and he’d seen Peter playing outside. There was one person he knew he could talk to. He knew she’d help him like she always did. He ran into Emma’s room. Emma was seventeen that meant she was an adult now so their parents had given her a room away from her brothers’. When he opened the door Emma was writing in a journal at her desk.
She turned around and noticed Jack’s horrified and fear filled expression. She got to her feet and rushed over to him. “What happened.” She asked, hugging him. He felt comforted in her arms. Emma was always there for him and she always made him feel better. “I-I didn’t mean to do it.” He whispered. Emma brought him over to her bed and sat with him. “What did you do?” She asked. “It was Luke and I tried to leave but he wouldn’t let me and.. and….” Jack trailed off.
Emma hugged him again. “It will be okay. No one is going to believe him you know. You aren’t supposed to be able to do magic.” She said. Jack relaxed in her embrace. He knew she was probably right. He just really hoped no one believed Luke. “How about you take a walk with me? I think there are more things troubling you.” Emma said after a few moments. “But there isn-“ Emma cut Jack off. “Jack, I know you better than anyone.” She said. Jack smiled slightly. Emma stood up and led him out the front door. They walked on a path very few used so they would be alone.
“What else is wrong?” Emma asked him. “I heard mom and dad talking. They think I’m d-dangerous.” Jack whispered. Emma put a hand on his shoulder. “You aren’t dangerous. They’re just being fools. I know you wouldn’t hurt anyone and no matter what as your older sister I won’t let anything happen to you.” She promised. Jack smiled at her. “Thanks, Emma.” He said.
He was closer to Emma than anyone else in his family. He loved the rest of them but Emma was the only one in the world that made him feel like he was somewhat important. He didn’t have any friends but Emma told him she was his friend. She always paused what she was doing just to make him feel better when she was upset and she liked hanging out with him. They walked in silence for a few minutes then they started making jokes and making each other laugh as they usually did.
Eventually they had to go home to do chores. It was late in the afternoon now. Jack was starving. His family always skipped lunch which only made them want dinner more. Their parents would be home in a few hours so they had to do their chores rather quickly because it always took forever to get Peter to do his chores. Jack cleaned the kitchen and swept the floor while Emma did the laundry and made the beds. Peter just had to wash the windows which he did grumbling the whole time.
Once they finished Peter went back outside and after Emma made sure Jack was fine she went to her room. Jack went into his and sat on his bed. He saw one of his old beat up books on the other side of the room. He had books but they were often used by several people before getting to him. He was going to get up and get it but then he had an idea. He knew if he didn’t want the situation with Luke to repeat itself he’d have to learn to control his powers. He’d never really tried to use them on purpose before. He looked at the book and concentrated hard. He felt the energy surge through him again and the book lifted into the air.
He wanted it to come to him but instead it banged itself into the wall and fell onto the floor again. He tried again and this time it didn’t move at all. He kept trying but all it resulted in was it banging into the wall, not moving, or crashing back down onto the floor. He took a deep breath and decided to try it one last time but what he didn’t know was that his father had gotten home and was watching him through the crack in Jack’s door. The book lifted into the air again and this time it floated toward Jack. He lifted his hand and the book landed on it. He couldn’t believe he actually did it! He smiled as he opened the book.
Then his door opened and his father walked into the room. “What do you think you’re doing?!” He shouted. Jack shrank back. “I-I was just-“ he stammered. “You have caused enough trouble in this household with your magic! You will not use it again and to make sure of it….” his father stopped and pulled out a flat wooden stick. His father didn’t like magic so he naturally didn’t like Jack. His mother usually kept his father from hurting him but she wasn’t home yet and Emma hadn’t heard.
“Hold out your hands now. Palms up.” His father ordered. “No please.” Jack pleaded. “Now.” His father commanded. “I-I don’t want to. Please.” Jack begged. His father hit Jake’s shoulder with the stick. “Now.” his father repeated. Jack set down the book and held out trembling hands. His father hit his hands hard with the stick. Jack cried out in pain as his father did it again and again. He cried out louder as he hit his hands again. Then Emma burst into the room. “Father, stop.” She commanded. “He needs to learn.” His father said. Emma walked over so she stood in front of Jack.
“He’s learned now leave him alone.” Emma said. “He’s a curse and will be treated as such.” his father said. “Jack is not a curse. Now leave him alone. He’s been hurt enough today.” Emma retorted. With a final glare at Jack their father left the room. A few tears fell down Jack’s face. His hands were red and bleeding a little bit. Emma left the room and returned with some bandages. She wrapped them around Jack’s palms then set them aside. She pulled him into her arms. “I’m sorry. I should have come sooner.” She said, brushing the tears from his face. “I actually used it on purpose this time and did what I wanted it to.” Jack said, quietly. “He doesn’t want magic anywhere near him and that’s incredibly stupid. I won’t let that happen again, okay?” Emma said. “Okay. If I was normal he wouldn’t hate me.” Jack replied. “You have the gift for a reason.” Emma said. “It’s not a gift all it’s been is a curse just like he said.” Jack retorted.
They heard the door open and their mother starting dinner in the kitchen. “I don’t want to go down there.” Jack said his voice barely above a whisper. “You can’t hide from him. Don’t worry I’ll be right there the whole time and mom won’t let him hurt you.” Emma told him, pulling him to his feet. Jack reluctantly followed her to the kitchen. Emma helped their mother with dinner while Jack went outside to get Peter. “Come on, Peter. Dinner will be ready soon!” He called. Peter ran up to him after a moment. “Let’s go. I’m starving.” He said going inside.
Jack looked at their house. It was small and grey. He liked color and he liked to be creative but only Emma knew that. He felt a sadness in his heart. His parents barely knew him at all and Peter was well Peter. He went inside and found everyone sitting down. He sat next to Peter with Emma across from him. Peter looked over at him and saw his hands. “What happened to your hands?” He asked. “Nothing.” Jack replied, feeling his father’s eyes on him.
“May I see them?” His mother asked. Jack hesitated then lifted his hands so she could see. “Why are they bandaged? What happened?” His mother asked with genuine concern. “I just fell.” Jack lied. Emma looked at him. “Tell the truth.” She said, turning her gaze to their father daring him to object. He remained quiet. “What is she talking about?” His mother asked him. Jack looked down at his plate of meat and rice and said nothing. “Father hit him with the stick.” Emma told her.
“Why would you do that, Bill?” His mother asked. “He was doing what he wasn’t supposed to.” Bill replied. Their parents rarely used each other's names. They usually talked directly to each other so this meant that his mother was upset. His mother knew what Bill was talking about. “It doesn’t look like anything was harmed.” His mother said. “Elise, he was doing it on purpose.” Bill said, his voice hard. Jack had finished his food trying to distract himself from his parents and Peter looked between their parents with confusion. Emma smiled encouragingly at Jack, trying to comfort him.
“He he what?” Elise asked, surprised. Jack hated this. It was like he wasn’t even there. He was angry and hurt. “I get it okay?! I’m dangerous! I know!” He shouted. His mother turned to him stunned. “Peter, take your dinner to your room.” she said finally. “Why? I don’t want to.” Peter replied in a whiny voice. “Now.” his mother said. Peter heard the command in her tone. He picked up his plate and went into his room. Emma looked at Jack. She knew how upset he was and she wanted to stay with him.
“You overheard our conversation then?” Elise asked Jack. “Yes I did.” Jack retorted. “First you curse this house with magic and now you’re eavesdropping?!” Bill shouted at him. Jack flinched. “The conversation was about him. He had a right to hear it. How dare you say those things about Jack.” Emma said, irritation in her tone. “Emma, he wasn’t supposed to hear.” Elise told her. “That doesn’t make it right.” Emma retorted. Bill looked at Jack. “You’re lucky your angelic sister came into your room.” he said. Jack looked down at the table. Then he glared at his father. “I didn’t ask to be different! I don’t want you to hate me, but you do. And you’re right. I am lucky I have Emma because she’s been better to me than you or mom.” Jack said angrily.
No one said a word as Jack’s words sank in. “You really think that?” Elise asked quietly. “Yes because she has never called me dangerous and always comforts me when I need it. She makes me feel like I actually matter.” Jake said looking at Emma. Emma smiled at him. There were tears in her eyes. She hadn’t realized how much she meant to Jake. “You will not speak to your mother and me like that.” Bill said, coming forward and smacking Jack hard across the face. His cheek stung and the force of the blow had knocked him out of his chair.
“Bill, hurting him like that isn’t going to help anything.” Elise said. “Fine.” Bill replied sitting back down. Jack got up and started to go to his room. “Jack sit down.” his mother said. Jack turned around again and he felt his father’s stare and was instantly afraid. He sat back in his chair and stared down at the table. His cheek was bright red and it still stung. Emma was glaring daggers at Bill. “We just don’t want you to hurt anyone.” Elise told Jack. He said nothing. “No other child in the history of our town has been able to do magic before going to the Academy.” Elise continued. Jack looked at her. “Fantastic another reason for almost everyone to hate me.” he snapped. “That isn’t true.” his mother countered. “Yes it is. You just don’t care enough to ask.” Jack retorted.
Elise sighed. “It’s true, mom. Haven’t you ever wondered why no one comes here asking to hang out with him? Or why he never talks about something fun he did?” Emma asked. “I’m sorry, Jack.” Elise said after a long moment of silence. “Don’t apologize to him. He’s a curse and it seems others think the same.” Bill said, still glaring at Jack. “I’m not a curse!” Jack shouted, and the plate in front of him exploded cutting his arm. He winced and bit his lip to keep from making a sound. Everyone at the table stared at him. Then his father got up and wrenched him out of his chair. “You are a curse.” he said, dragging Jake into his room. He threw Jake to the ground in the center of the room and left locking the door behind him.
“Don’t lock him in there! Let me talk to him!” he heard Emma shout. “No.” Bill said. Jack sat up and looked at the cut in his arm. It was a small cut so he wasn’t too concerned about it. He got to his feet and flopped onto his bed. Maybe I really am a curse. He thought. He was the only kid who could do magic and that didn’t seem like a good thing. He wasn’t supposed to be able to do it on his own. However he could do it and that resulted in only pain and catastrophe. He thought maybe if he was normal then maybe he’d have friends, maybe his dad wouldn’t hate him, and maybe just maybe he wouldn't be thought of as dangerous.
Now he had no hope of being chosen for the Academy at all because he knew they wouldn’t want a freak curse wandering through the halls. He knew he was lucky his dad hadn’t punished him more. Then he realized something. His hands. They’d stopped aching. He sat up and unwrapped the bandages around his hands.
He gasped. The cuts and welts were gone. His hands showed no signs of the stick hitting them. He touched his right hand lightly with his fingertips. It didn’t hurt at all his hands were fully healed. That didn't make any sense. When his father had done that to him before it had taken a little over a week for his hands to fully heal.
He looked out of his window. The sun was setting now. It was a beautiful display of different shades of reds, yellows, oranges, and pinks. He saw a flock of birds fly through the sky. He wished he could be like them. Living a free life with no burdens on them. He didn’t just want to go to the Academy so he could study magic. He wanted to go because it would mean escaping his parents and this life. Of course if he did get chosen which he highly doubted he would visit Emma and Peter.
He would have to visit Emma. She wasn’t just his sister, she was his best friend too. Even though Peter annoyed him at times he did love him. Peter loved Jack too. They would often play tag or a game of some sort together. He smiled at the thought. Just a few days earlier they’d been playing a game they called Knight and Wizard. Peter had come up with the name.
One of them was a wizard and one of them was a knight. Peter usually picked being a knight. He would find a long stick and use it like a sword. Jack would find a shorter stick like a wand. They battled each other then eventually gave up with wands and swords and just tackled each other. They would roll around on the ground laughing. Jack usually let Peter win. When they were younger Emma had been in those games too. She would need to be saved and he and Peter would race to see who could save her first.
Then sometimes Emma would just move out of the way and trip them. Then Jack usually pulled her down and Peter would climb on top of her. They would all laugh together and go into the house dirty and tired. During one of those games was when Jack’s magic had begun to show. He’d been dueling with Peter because they’d found two long sticks and started trying to hit each other with them. Peter was just about to hit Jack’s leg when the stick just vanished.
They’d both been very confused. Then there was another instance when he’d gotten into an argument with his father. Jack had gotten really mad and upset so then some mud that Jack and Peter had been playing flew up and hit his father right in the face. Things like that kept happening so soon enough they began to realize it was Jack.
He sighed as he remembered all of this. If he’d just been normal then maybe he wouldn’t have caused so much tension within his family. He wondered what his life would be like if he had been normal. Maybe he’d have a better relationship with his parents and maybe he wouldn’t be punished as often. He was brought out of his train of thought to the door unlocking.
The door opened and Emma entered the room. “Five minutes.” he heard his father growl as the door closed again. Emma walked over and sat beside Jack. “Why did you take off the bandages?” she asked him. Jack showed her his hands and her eyes widened. She put an arm around his shoulders. “You shouldn’t believe him you know. You aren’t a curse and neither is your magic.” she said. “Yes it is. Maybe if I didn’t have it mom and dad might actually like me and not think I’m dangerous.” Jack replied. “You have it for a reason. It’s part of you and I don’t think you’re dangerous at all. They’re just paranoid and small minded.” Emma said. She wasn’t overly fond of their parents being how they treated Jack so poorly compared to her and Peter.
“Thanks, Emma. For everything.” Jack said, smiling at her. “No problem. Just between you and me I hope you get chosen. Then maybe you’ll get the life you truly deserve.” She responded. Jack hugged her. “You’re the best sister ever.” he said. “You’re one of the best brothers ever.” she said, hugging him back. “I don’t think the Academy will choose me. I am just me. I am a freak.” Jack said after a minute. “You aren’t a freak and maybe they will and maybe they won’t. I won’t let dad hurt you anymore though. You don’t deserve any of this.” Emma said.
Jack was quiet. “There’s something else. I mean we’ve seen the students of the Academy do magic before and they’re magic is nothing like…..mine.” he said, finally. “I’ve noticed that too, but we will get answers somehow.” Emma assured him. Jack found comfort in her words and they just sat in silence with Emma wrapping her arms around him. Then the door opened and their father entered the room. “Out, Emma.” he growled. Emma gave Jack one last hug before leaving the room.
“I figure she tried to convince you that you aren’t a curse but you are. All you’ve done is wreak havoc and cause trouble. That’s what curses do and you are the worst one of all.” his father said before leaving the room and closing the door. This time he didn’t lock it. The words stung. Jack laid down and stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t get rid of the idea that what his father said was true.
“If the magic that came from me didn’t cause trouble then maybe it would be different.” he thought sadly. He knew that the magic that usually came from him just caused trouble. Every time it resulted in some sort of chaos. The two things that hadn’t been bad uses of his magic were when he got the book to fly over to him or how his hands magically healed. He wished his magic worked like that every time. He sucked in a sharp breath. “Maybe I could learn to control it.” he said to himself. I mean if he did go to the Academy they would teach him to control it right, and even if he wasn’t selected which he knew was probably going to happen he could teach himself. He could try to figure out what caused the magic and make sure he controlled it. Then he could use his magic the right way and that would fix everything. As the sun began to set overhead Jack found hope in his idea.
However his idea was shattered when he remembered what happened when his father had caught him doing magic on purpose. He couldn’t do in the open either just in case someone saw. He rolled onto his side trying to diminish any hope of being chosen the next day. Luke was right. He was nothing and he was a freak. If he didn’t hope then maybe he wouldn’t be too disappointed. He thought about all that had happened that day and what the next day would bring.