Luke ran down the opposite side of the hill than Jack had. However later regretted it because he now had to walk around the hill to get back into the town. As he walked quickly through the streets he noticed the red on his wrists had faded. He couldn’t believe that Jack the servant boy could do magic. He was a freak. No one was supposed to be able to do magic on their own.602Please respect copyright.PENANA92yeKMQJ7H
He was going to tell his parents immediately because he could have been hurt by that wimp. He knew Jack was sensitive to certain things so he always made sure to form his insults around them. He never thought Jack could cause him any harm because he was taller and much stronger than him. He’d never worried for a second that a boy like Jack could ever hurt him. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAjfqYlrJJXH
He finally made it to his home and walked up the smooth marble steps and up to the front door. He opened the door into a luxurious sitting room. There were lush couches for his family, himself, and guests to lounge on. They were near a grand fireplace that would keep the room perfectly warm during winter. He heard voices coming from the floor above. He guessed his parents were in his father’s office. His father was the governor of the town so naturally they had a lot of money. In fact they had so much that his mother didn’t have to work at all.602Please respect copyright.PENANAWFzzZAlvSi
He went up the spiraling marble staircase which led to a long hallway with several doors on each side. His bedroom was further down the hallway and he loved being in there. He could do whatever he wanted and his friends always told him how amazing his room was. He walked down the hallway passing servants dressed in grey as he went. He saw Jack’s mother and a smirk appeared on his face. That would be Jack in the future tending to his family’s every need.602Please respect copyright.PENANAkOOI5PFQHH
He would never get accepted into the Academy. He was nothing when compared to Luke. Luke had everything and Jack had nothing he thought to himself. He walked down the hallway as he made it to the center he looked up at the brilliant chandelier that hung overhead. He continued down the hall to the fifth door on the left. He heard his parents talking in there but he couldn’t make out what they were saying.602Please respect copyright.PENANA8k3LY79tm5
He opened the door to reveal a room with a large mahogany desk straight back. There were bookshelves from floor to ceiling that made up the walls to the left and the right. There was a small fireplace with an armchair in front of it. His father was sitting at the desk and his mother sitting in a chair opposite of him. His father was tall and lean like him. He had the same dirty blond hair but instead of blue eyes he had brown. His mother had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.602Please respect copyright.PENANAsGrD7T8045
“Hello dear. Have fun with you friends?” His mother asked as he closed the door. “Yeah, it was fine. Actually there’s something I have to tell you.” Luke replied, walking over to stand beside his mother. “Can it wait son?” His father asked. “No it’s really important.” Luke pressed. “What is it?” His mother asked, concerned. “It’s that servant’s son Jack. He actually did magic.” Luke said, quickly. His parents looked at him. “That’s impossible, dear. You must have imagined it.” His mother said. “I didn’t! He made vines grow out of the ground and hold me in place!” Luke exclaimed.602Please respect copyright.PENANA5Ymx2Mej1M
“Your mother’s right. That is impossible. There must have been some misunderstanding.” His father countered. “There was no misunderstanding! He used magic!” Luke shouted. He was very angry that his parents didn’t believe him. They always gave him what he wanted and they always believed every word he said, so why was that changing now. “No child in history has been able to perform magic before going to the Academy.” his mother said, softly. Luke scowled at them and stormed out of the room.602Please respect copyright.PENANArxbpvV1ZND
He went further down the hall until he reached the last door on the left. He threw it open and huffed inside. His room had a big comfortable bed in the corner and there were the best wooden swords in the town displayed on one of the walls. He enjoyed dueling with his friends. He usually won because he had become quite skilled with a sword. There were low squashy chairs in one corner for sitting and reading. Although sometimes he would just jump into them. There was also a desk with quills and papers scattered across it. All the crumpled papers on the floor around it were from failed drawings.602Please respect copyright.PENANAF9r9IFVvys
Luke loved art which was why he had a few paintings hanging on the walls of his bedroom. He was good at drawing himself but he never could find the right inspiration. His father encouraged this passion of his and so did his mother. They liked that he was artistic and his friends thought it was cool too, but Luke never showed his drawings to anyone anymore. He didn’t draw much anymore either. He was focused more on getting into the Academy and hanging out with his friends. Which is more than Jack could say. He thought. He knew Jack wanted to get in but Luke knew he wouldn’t.602Please respect copyright.PENANAKrlr4s8VhL
He went and sat down on one of the squashy chairs. He knew Jack could do magic but no one would believe him. He had to get proof somehow. He had to get others to see Jack do magic. He decided to do it after the students were chosen tomorrow. He knew he would be but they didn’t go to the school straight away. They got to spend one more day with their families before they went. He would take a couple of his friends and find Jack. Then he would do what he did last time to get Jack to react then his friends would see what an even bigger freak Jack was.602Please respect copyright.PENANAnLlr3JVs80
However, what if he got hurt? No that wouldn’t happen. Jack’s weak. He thought. But are his powers? He debated for a while whether it was safe or not then he scowled to himself. He wasn’t going to be afraid of Jack. Powers or no powers. His friends would be there so nothing would hurt him. He wanted to expose Jack for what he really was. He should be the one to have magic not him. If anyone deserves special abilities it was himself. He could probably have kept his cool unlike Jack.602Please respect copyright.PENANAOhzw2oNd5J
He thought about how well he would use his powers once he learned at the Academy. Now that he thought about it why couldn’t the kids chosen to go to the Academy do magic before they went? He couldn’t arrive at an answer so after a few moments he got to his feet and left him room.602Please respect copyright.PENANAufHmgj5oSl
He walked down the hallway again and heard his parents voices still talking in his father’s office. He pressed his ear to the door so he could hear their conversation. “Do you really think it could be possible?” he heard his mother ask his father. “Luke hasn’t lied to us before, but that boy Jeremy-” his mother interrupted his father. “Jack.” she said. “-yes Jack has powers.” his father finished. Luke wondered why his mother cared whether or not his father got Jack’s name right.602Please respect copyright.PENANAm12A18lqMz
“I know. Let’s just leave that poor boy alone.” his mother replied with slight pity in her tone. Why would she pity Jack of all people? Luke thought angrily. “Yes, I agree. He isn’t as privileged as Luke and he doesn’t seem to have any friends.” his father said. “Why don’t we send Luke to hang out with him? One of the butlers could go watch them to make sure they don’t get into any trouble.” his mother suggested. Luke’s jaw dropped in horror. He couldn’t believe what his mother had just said. He prayed his father wouldn’t agree to it. “I think that’s a good idea. It would give us an even better image as well since we’ll be helping the less fortunate.” his father agreed thoughtfully.602Please respect copyright.PENANAl0qjZHkzWw
Luke stormed away from the door and started down the stairs. He was going to go spend time with his real friends before his parents made him spend time with a servant’s son. He had just made it to the front door when he heard his mother calling him. He turned and saw her and his father coming down the stairs. 602Please respect copyright.PENANABFGGIHaWwV
“Come here son. We need you to do something.” his father said as they walked over to him. “What?” Luke asked, pretending to be clueless. Before his father answered a young man in what appeared to be his late thirties arrived at his mother’s side. “Abe here is going to take you to that boy Jack’s house.” his mother explained. “I don’t want to go over there. I want to go hang out with my friends.” Luke argued, crossing his arms. “He doesn’t have any friends. It will also make us look good. Just go spend some time with him. Abe will watch you so you two don’t get into trouble.” his father said. His tone made it clear there would be no arguments. 602Please respect copyright.PENANA3vzavbU9VF
“Fine.” Luke said through gritted teeth. He knew with the butler watching him he’d have to be somewhat nice to Jack or he would tell his parents. Abe walked over to stand beside him. “Thank you, sweetheart.” his mother said, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Luke sighed. He knew he was going to hate every moment he spent over there but at least he’d made his parents happy. “Be nice to him.” his mother said as Abe led Luke out the door. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAK35bfSCEt3
They walked in silence as they made their way to Jack’s house. They went through the middle of town where the giant fountain stood. By this time tomorrow he knew that fountain would say his name. He kept that thought in his mind as they got closer to Jack’s house. They had entered the poor people’s part of town. Luke looked around in disgust.602Please respect copyright.PENANArqTP1ECqRs
Everything was dull and dirty. There were people sleeping on the streets and huddled around small fires. Then there were the people who actually had houses. All of them were dull grey or tan. The windows were small and some looked like they were going to collapse. As the wind blew through the street dust blew up in Luke’s face making him cough.602Please respect copyright.PENANAkrp2YQpGGS
As he and Abe continued walking people stared at them. They were both too well dressed to live in these parts. One woman was brave enough to confront them. She wore a faded over worn red dress and the soles of her shoes were falling apart. She seemed pretty young and had her short brown hair tied back in a knot. “What are such fine dressed young men like you doing in this part of town?” she asked them. “Visiting someone.” Luke replied, forcing a smile.602Please respect copyright.PENANA5H3CqUHJhz
“Oh well who would this someone be?” she asked. She obviously loved gossip so the whole town would probably know by the next afternoon. He knew that’s what his parents wanted anyway. “Jack Larmen.” Luke replied, barely remembering Jack’s last name. He also hid the dislike in his tone. Abe didn’t seem to want to answer the questions at all. He seemed perfectly content with remaining quiet. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAqLuelNR4q9
“Jack Larmen? Doesn’t his mother work in your household. I recognize you.” the woman said, looking at Luke. “Yes she does. It’s just he doesn’t have any friends so my parents and myself thought I should go talk to him. Being how he is my age.” Luke said flatly. He would have rather said anything else but he knew he had to act nice. “That’s so kind of you. Why he almost ran into me and a few of my friends earlier today. Seemed quite upset now that I think about it.” the woman replied. “That’s terrible. Do you know what could upset him?” Luke asked with fake concern. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAUUBcCDIZ8y
“I did overhear him talking to his older sister actually. I’m not sure exactly what his parents said but they said something that he overheard that upset him. I also heard him scream earlier today as well. A while after he and his sister arrived at home. Poor boy must be having some family issues.” the woman simpered. Luke was quiet. He wondered what Jack’s parents could have said. It had upset him because when Luke caught up with him he was about to cry. He really was such a wimp.602Please respect copyright.PENANAAAbkMhZI3a
“We best be going. The sun is beginning to set. Your parents don’t want you out too late.” Abe said in a deep voice. Luke nodded and smiled at the woman. “Thank you for telling me those things. Maybe I can figure out what happened.” he said. “If you do find out then tell me. I always enjoy a good piece of news.” the woman said then walked past them. No doubt to go start telling people about their conversation. Abe looked at Luke for a moment. “I’ve seen this boy before. It was a few weeks ago and when I did he had bandages on his hands.” he said. There was so much pity in his tone Luke almost scowled.602Please respect copyright.PENANAD0IrjF4kwK
Abe didn’t give him a chance to respond. He started walking again and Luke followed. They were walking in silence once again. They went down a few more streets then they stopped at a small grey house. As they stepped onto the porch the wood creaked beneath their feet. The windows were small but it looked like they’d been cleaned. However whoever cleaned them did not do a very good job. Abe gestured for Luke to step forward. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAVXGaNT8OxJ
Luke reluctantly stood in front of the door and knocked. After a moment he heard Jack’s father yell at Jack to open it. He heard footsteps come toward the door. Then it opened and Jack stood there. He looked at Luke in disbelief. Luke grinned at him. “What are you doing here?” Jack asked. “Came to see you.” Luke said dully. Jack was about to respond when his mother came around the corner. “Jack, who is-” she stopped when she saw Luke.602Please respect copyright.PENANA5N7HAyH4xX
“Come in.” she said. Luke and Abe entered the house and Jack trailed behind them while his mother led them to the kitchen table. “What is the reason for your visit, Master Luke.” his mother asked. Luke saw Jack scowl when his mother called Luke that. “Actually I’m here to hang out with Jack. My parents and I noticed he didn’t really have any friends so we thought it would be a good opportunity for me to make a new friend.” Luke said his voice emotionless. Jack’s face turned red. He was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.602Please respect copyright.PENANAWXtkRTSc7F
“I’m perfectly fine by myself.” he snapped. “Jack, be nice. He’s being very kind by coming all the way here just to spend time with you.” his mother said. Luke smirked at Jack. “He is the reason no one talks to me.” Jack muttered. “What was that?” his mother asked. “Nothing.” Jack replied. “That’s what I thought. Now why don’t you and Luke go into your room.” His mother said. Jack didn’t argue. Luke and Abe followed Jack down the hallway and into a room with nothing but a bed, a very small desk, and a mirror on the wall. There were also a few books piled in the corner.602Please respect copyright.PENANACEW0Mu5SrS
“Why are you really here?” Jack asked, glaring at Luke. “Like I said to hang out with you.” Luke replied. Then he turned to Abe. “We can handle ourselves here.” he told him. “Your parents told me to keep an eye on you.” Abe replied. “Then wait in the hall.” Luke snapped. Abe bowed his head and left the room, closing the door behind him. Now Luke glared at Jack. “My parents made me.” he said in a hushed tone so Abe wouldn’t overhear. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAaYmDNtLsHW
“They sent you here to hang out with me?” Jack asked, as he leaned against the wall beside the mirror. “Yes, they want to make our family look good, so they decided that being nice to you the less fortunate would work.” Luke replied. “That sounds about right. I don’t want you here.” Jack said, crossing his arms. “You think I want to be here? I would rather be anywhere else.” Luke snapped then he looked at the mirror. “How did a servant boy like you get a mirror?” he asked. “Stranger gave it to me.” Jack replied. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAMgKz6O3qmC
“Speaking of strangers. I met a woman who told me why you were crying like a baby on the hill.” Luke taunted with a grin. Jack looked down. “I wasn’t crying. Just leave it be.” he muttered. “She said that your parents said something to you. What did they say?” Luke continued. “I am not telling you.” Jack retorted. “Alright then shall I try another? She heard you scream earlier as well. The butler said that a few weeks ago you had bandages on your hands. What a coincidence.” Luke said walking over so he stood in front of Jack.602Please respect copyright.PENANA9QH73Lgte5
“Not all of us have parents that give us whatever we want.” Jack snapped. “Oh but this isn’t just about getting what you want. It seems one of them beats you. I would assume your father. Your mother doesn’t have that in her.” Luke said. “Shut up.” Jack replied in a small voice. “Mm seems I hit a nerve. I’ll hit another while I'm at it. You have magic. A wimpy freak like you can actually do magic without going to the Academy.” Luke continued. He enjoyed seeing Jack’s face as he set it. 602Please respect copyright.PENANA61HXzl22Oh
Jack was silent for a long time. “You know what you are right. About everything you said. My life isn’t like yours. I don’t have the things you do or parents like you. Try to imagine my life, Luke. On top of it all here you are rubbing it in my face. I might be able to do magic but all it results in is trouble.” he said finally. Luke was surprised. He wasn’t fighting back. He didn’t even look like he wanted to. Luke backed away from him. For the first time he almost felt bad for Jack. Almost.602Please respect copyright.PENANAwJcWsFBcIL
“Show me.” he demanded. “Show you what?” Jack asked. “Your magic.” Luke replied. He didn’t know how to respond to anything else Jack said. Jack looked at him. “That isn’t a good idea.” he said. “Just do it.” Luke pressed. “I don’t know if I can.” Jack muttered. “Will you just try?” Luke asked. He hadn’t sounded rude this time. He was genuinely curious. He wanted to make sure he hadn’t imagined what happened on the hill like his parents thought. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAxJgzGWL6tE
Jack sighed then looked at the pile of books in the corner. He held out a hand and one of the books slammed into the wall. He tried again and the book rose into the air and into Jack’s hand. Luke just stared at him. Jack walked over and put the book back on the pile. “Happy?” he asked. “How do you do that?” Luke asked. He was irritated Jack could do magic and he couldn’t. “I have no idea.” Jack replied. “The remark your parents made must have been about your magical abilities.” Luke said with a smirk. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAx66INFMinX
The pained expression that flashed across Jack’s face confirmed it. “Tomorrow should be fun. Not for you. Tomorrow you will start your training to become a servant.” Luke said. Jack scowled at him. “I am not going to be a servant.” he said coldly. Luke grinned. “Keep dreaming Jack. That’s all you’ll have dreams. You will be nothing just as your mother and father are nothing.” Luke retorted. “Knock it off!” Jack shouted and a book flew from the pile and hit Luke in the head. Luke was about to run at Jack when the door opened.602Please respect copyright.PENANADkAXkrxw5O
“Everything alright in here, sir?” Abe asked Luke. “Yes everything is fine.” Luke lied. “We best be going. It’s getting late.” Abe said. Luke glanced out the window. Abe was right. The sun had set and a few stars already dotted the sky. The only light in the room was from an old rusted lamp. “Yes. We should go.” Luke agreed. “Jack, walk them out.” his mother called from the hallway.602Please respect copyright.PENANAk0TbuJeEiy
Jack muttered something under his breath as he followed Luke and Abe down the hall. Abe opened the door for Luke. Luke turned and forced a smile at Jack. “See you tomorrow at the Selection.” he said. “See you.” Jack replied dully. Then Luke turned and walked out of the house followed by Abe. Luke heard Jack close the door harder than necessary. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAitFPhT9y1v
“Is he alright?” Abe asked Luke. “What do you care?” Luke asked. “I used to be like him.” Abe replied with a small shrug. “What do you mean?” Luke asked. “I grew up in the same environment he is.” Abe said. “Did your father beat you?” Luke asked after a moment. “No, why?” Abe asked. “Jack’s does.” Luke said. “I know you don’t like that boy. It’s quite obvious by the way you look at him. Can’t you just show him a but of sympathy?” Abe said. “Why would I do that?” Luke scoffed. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAIepCHnwiw0
“You just said his father beats him. He deserves a friend.” Abe said. “You shouldn’t be telling me what to do. You are a servant.” Luke snapped. Abe was quiet. “Sorry sir. Just old memories.” he said finally. Luke looked at him. Before he could say anything the gossip woman appeared again. “Hello again. Did you find out about what happened?” She asked. Luke opened his mouth to respond and closed it again. After a moment he said, “No I didn’t find out.” he said. “That’s a shame. Well I hope to speak to you again.” the woman said. Luke nodded once and then she turned and walked into a tan house nearby.602Please respect copyright.PENANAxfLqJPsOUD
“Why didn’t you tell her?” Abe asked. He thought Luke would being how he didn’t like Jack and that rumor would have made things worse for him. Luke hesitated. “I don’t know.” he said finally. “Is it possible that maybe you had an ounce of sympathy for him?” Abe asked. Luke gasped. “No way!” he exclaimed, surprised it was kind of true. “Why do you dislike him so much?” Abe asked. Luke was confused as to why Abe was suddenly talking to him. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAelDt0ukOot
“Well when we were younger I just felt like my parents liked Jack better than me. He was also really good at dueling with swords and he beat me loads of times. I got way better so I could beat him now. He is also just a good for nothing freaky wimp.” Luke said. “None of that is his fault. I don’t believe he’s a ‘good for nothing freaky wimp either.’ It’s up to you sir but maybe you should try to be nicer to him.” Abe suggested quietly. “You don’t know him and I get you might have things in common with him but why do you care so much?” Luke asked as they continued walking. “I just do.” Abe replied. “But why?” Luke pressed. Abe didn’t answer so they continued in silence to Luke’s house.602Please respect copyright.PENANAH1IDHyn3o5
As they arrived at Luke’s house the moon was just rising. It wasn’t very late no one would be going to bed for a while. Abe opened the front door and bowed his head slightly. Luke walked in the door and saw his parents sitting in two armchairs by the fire. His father was reading the paper and his mother was reading a book. They both looked up as he entered. Luke turned back to the door but it was closed and Abe was gone.602Please respect copyright.PENANAt0oE73oPky
“How did it go, honey?” his mother asked. “I don’t want to go back there.” Luke replied. Visiting that house had done something. He couldn’t believe he’s even felt a shred of sympathy for Jack. “I don’t think you’ll have to, but it was nice of you to go.” his father said. Luke was quiet, he was thinking about what Jack had said. “Something on your mind?” his mother asked him concern in her expression.602Please respect copyright.PENANAOZIp9jtduk
“I wanted to ask you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.” Luke said after a minute. “We promise.” his parents said in unison. “Would you ever….beat me as a punishment for something?” Luke asked, his voice quiet. “No of course not! Where would you get an idea like that?!” his mother exclaimed getting to her feet. “No one should beat their children. It’s wrong.” his father said, his forehead creased with worry. “It’s….Jack.” he admitted. He didn’t know why he was bothering to try to help him.602Please respect copyright.PENANAud0pA17E9A
He isn’t fun to mess with if you aren’t his biggest problem. He argued with himself. He was doing it for himself not Jack. He was trying to persuade himself of that fact. “What do you mean by that?” his mother asked, walking over to him. “Jack’s father. He beats him. I just heard some rumors and Jack...confirmed it.” Luke said hesitantly. “That’s awful! We should help him.” his mother said. “Yes but how?” his father asked. “Why don’t you talk to his parents? Maybe that will help.” Luke suggested. He hid a grimace and told himself it wasn’t for Jack it was for him.602Please respect copyright.PENANAvEaAu0U0Wl
“That’s a good idea. We should go now.” his father told his mother. “I agree.” his mother said. In a rush they got their coats and headed out the door. Luke watched them go still confused as to why he did it. He turned and ran into Abe. “You need to stop doing that.” Luke snapped. “Sorry, sir. I was just sent to tell you that your dinner was sent to your room.” Abe replied. “Oh thanks.” Luke mumbled, walking past him to the stairs. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAmGPkjWn2NF
He glanced back and was unsurprised to see Abe had disappeared once again. He wondered how he did that. He went up to his room and saw the food had been set on his now cleared off and organized desk. It was roasted chicken, steamed carrots, and for a dessert a mini chocolate cake. He sat down at his desk several thoughts circling his mind as he ate. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAHYjFJU03z6
Why did he keep hurting Jack? I mean he’s been doing it for years now. Jack had never done anything to him and it was just his pride that had made him hate Jack. Maybe he should try to be nicer to him. Wait what was he thinking? Jack had tried to hurt him with his magic twice now. He had to show everyone what Jack was. A freak. Then there was Abe. I mean is that what Jack would end up being in the future? It’s what he deserves. He thought.602Please respect copyright.PENANATdg3V73V6R
He finished eating then changed into a loose white shirt and black pants. He flopped down on his bed and ran his fingers through his hair messing it up. His parents wanted him to wear the fancier clothes and have smoothed hair. He honestly didn’t mind but he was more comfortable in these clothes. He looked out his window and watched as the moon rose higher and more stars glittered in the sky.602Please respect copyright.PENANAhlkD3fVrul
He laid there for a while as he did a maid came in and took the empty plates off his desk and left silently. He sat up when he heard footsteps coming down the hall. His door opened and Abe was standing in the doorway. “Your parents are home sir. I thought you might want to hear what happened.” Abe said. Luke nodded once and got to his feet. He followed Abe to his father’s office where he opened the door from him. He walked in and heard the door close softly behind him. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAugodwtRKrh
His father was sitting at his desk again and his mother across from him. “What happened?” Luke asked them. “Well they were very surprised to see us. We sat at the table with them and asked about Jack. They seemed very surprised that our family is concerned about him. His father said it was a lie and so did his mother.” his father told him. “Yes they said he had bandages on his hands before because he fell and got scrapes on his hands.” his mother added.602Please respect copyright.PENANAZP85EyY7sJ
“I don’t think that’s true. He looked so….wounded when he talked about it.” Luke said, struggling for the right word to describe Jack’s expression. “Luke, your father and I both know you don’t like this boy whatsoever.” his mother said. “I get it. I know everyone knows. It’s just that everyone should have good parents. Even him.” Luke admitted. “That’s very big of you, son. Even grown men can’t admit what you just did. We don’t have proof however. We did try to talk to Jack but he refused.” his father said.602Please respect copyright.PENANAYhmyrokvFB
“He may be afraid of the consequences of speaking out.” his mother suggested. “I think he is. His expression is hard to explain.” Luke replied. “We’ll worry about it from here. You should go to bed.” his mother said. His mother was very kind and she did care about everyone. His father cared deeply for his mother so he took on her caring heart. “Yes, mother.” he replied coming forward. He hugged his mother and nodded to his father. “Goodnight son.” his father said. “Goodnight mother, goodnight father.” Luke said, walking to the door. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAgwCWozuUKr
He was about to leave the room when his mother said something. “It’s very good of you to care about him even though you dislike him.” she told him. “I don’t understand why I care.” Luke muttered. His mother smiled. “You have a good heart. Don’t let hatred or dislike guide you. Today you didn’t, you did the right thing.” his mother assured him. “Thank you mother.” Luke replied, then he left the room closing the door behind him.602Please respect copyright.PENANAjUvl7Y2aHT
He walked into his room and flopped down on his bed. Maybe mother’s right. He thought. Then after a few more moments his eyes closed and he fell asleep. He was awakened in the middle of the night by a scream that was abruptly cut off. He got to his feet quickly and went out into the hallway. It didn’t look like anyone else in the house had awoken. He heard another scream. It sounded like a boy’s. It was cut off again before it went on. It sounded like it was coming from the hills.602Please respect copyright.PENANAMoI3fdI09p
He went back into his room and put on a pair of shoes then moved quickly and quietly down the hallway. He slipped out the front door and ran toward the hills. Whoever it was needed help. He made it to the hill and he heard a sharp crack sound from on top and a muffled scream. Jack. It was Jack he realized. He debated turning back but then he remembered what his mother said. He couldn’t be blinded by hatred and dislike.602Please respect copyright.PENANAiXmz41a0Yi
He sprinted up the hill and he heard someone talking. He saw Jack’s father standing over Jack with a whip in hand. Jack was on the ground bleeding with a cloth wrapped around his mouth to muffle his screams. “How dare you tell anyone. You already curse our household and now you try to disgrace it further.” his father said in a hushed voice. Jack groaned. His father hit him with the whip again and another muffled scream came from Jack.602Please respect copyright.PENANA4XYuY376EM
Luke ran up beside Jack and glared at his father. “Stop. Leave him alone.” he said. “What are you doing here?” Jack’s father asked him. “I heard Jack. Now leave him alone.” Luke said coldly. “Fine, I’ll just take him home.” Jack’s father replied, taking a step toward Jack. “No. You just leave.” Luke said. He understood why Jack feared his father and disliked him. His father was cruel and Luke did feel bad. His father was always kind and so were all his friends’. “Very well then he’s your problem.” Jack’s father retorted, storming down the hill.602Please respect copyright.PENANAnUaS6rwOxv
Luke sighed and crouched beside Jack. He undid the gag around his mouth. Jack didn’t even look at him. Luke noticed his eyes seemed unfocused. He needed to get him help. He was bleeding pretty bad. “Jack, you need to get up.” Luke told him. Jack winced as he tried to push himself up. Luke helped him up then out Jack’s arm over his shoulders to help him stand. Jack was obviously in a lot of pain. Luke helped him back to his house. He threw open the door and didn’t bother closing it. “Mother! Father!” he shouted. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAoCdhrxlfXe
He heard footsteps running down the hall. “Luke what are y-” his mother stopped when she saw Jack. She ran up to him. “What happened?” She exclaimed as Luke’s father came up beside her. “I’ll explain later he ne-” Luke was interrupted by Jack falling forward. He had passed out but before he hit the ground Luke’s father caught him and carefully laid him on the ground. “I’ll go get Susan. She’ll be able to help him.” his mother said running down a hallway to the right. 602Please respect copyright.PENANA1nYUlcgDmw
Luke looked at Jack. “What happened to him?” his father asked. “It was his father. He had a whip and he gagged him but before he did I heard him. I got his father to stop but he was already really injured.” Luke explained, quickly. “Some of these look bad but wait they’re………..closing.” his father said. Luke knelt down on Jack’s other side. His father was right. The wounds were closing. “How is this possible?” his father whispered. “I told you he had powers.” Luke muttered. His wounds were now just irritated red lines. His shirt was torn and blood soaked most of it.602Please respect copyright.PENANAibUcyJbYWy
Then his mother returned with a stern looking woman with red hair and brown eyes. The woman crouched beside Jack. “H-He was bleeding. W-What happened?” his mother stammered. “Luke was right.” was all his father said. His mother gasped but remained quiet. The woman cleaned off Jack’s wounds. “I can’t see them with the blood from his shirt.” she muttered. “Luke go get one of yours.” his mother told him. Luke nodded once and ran to his room and returned with a black shirt. 602Please respect copyright.PENANAropYETReRP
The woman took it and tore off Jack’s old one. She examined his wounds carefully. “He should be fine. He’s just unconscious.” she said finally as she put the new shirt on Jack. The woman who Luke guessed was Susan looked at him as she stood. “He’s lucky you showed up when you did. He doesn’t have too many wounds.” she said. He didn’t even get a chance to respond before she left the room. “Yes Luke, that was very brave. It seems you’re starting to get over whatever grudge you had against him.” his mother said. “I don’t know.” Luke said. “Well he’s going to be confused when he wakes up.” his father said. Then Susan reappeared.602Please respect copyright.PENANAl8dcm1M1Pf
Two male servants were following her. Only a few of the servants stayed in the mansion. They picked up Jack and Susan looked at Luke’s parents. “Where would you like us to put him?” she asked. “In the guest bedroom upstairs.” his mother replied. Susan nodded and they brought Jack upstairs. They laid Jack carefully on the bed. Luke had followed them upstairs and watched at the doorway for a moment. Then he went back to his own bedroom and laid on his bed.602Please respect copyright.PENANAyoolaebtjC
He couldn’t believe he’s just saved Jack of all people. Then he took a deep breath. Maybe he was being too hard on Jack. He should at least try to be friendly. He thought. He decided he would try. His mother and father would want him to as well. He fell asleep feeling good that he'd saved Jack. He knew deep down that Jack didn’t deserve what his father had done to him.602Please respect copyright.PENANAD6JKcQ139B
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