Jack woke up in a room he didn’t recognize. He was laying on a warm soft bed. He sat up and looked around the room. There was a desk in the corner and a small table beside the bed. There was a large window to his left where he could see the sun shining through it. Where am I? He thought. He noticed a doorway where he could see a tub through it. Then he heard the door open and he saw Luke enter the room.
“Luke?” Jack said in confusion. Luke walked over to him. “Are you alright?” he asked. Jack looked around, he was the only other person in the room. “Are you talking to me?” Jack asked. “You’re the only other person in here.” Luke retorted. “Yeah, I guess I’m fine. Where am I exactly?” Jack said, still confused. “My house. I brought you here after your father left.” Luke replied. “You...helped me?” Jack asked, baffled. “Yes I did. You know I don't like you, but even you didn’t deserve that.” Luke told him.
“I must be hallucinating.” Jack mumbled. “You aren’t, idiot. Believe me I’m just as confused as you are.” Luke replied. Jack looked at him then at his arms where he’d been hit one of the several times his father had hit him with the whip. He noticed that the wounds were closed. “So your parents know now?” he asked Luke. “Yeah they do. They’re concerned about you so will you come with me?” Luke asked. “Being nice to me is killing you isn’t it?” Jack asked. “Little bit.” Luke replied with a small smile. Jack smiled a little too. “It isn’t going to last long so don’t get used to it.” Luke snapped.
Jack got to his feet. “Okay. Temporary truce then?” Jack said. “Temporary truce.” Luke agreed leading the way to the living room. “I can’t believe this is happening right now.” Jack said as they walked down the hall. “Me neither. The only reason it is is because no one’s parents should treat them that way. Not even a wimp like you.” Luke replied. “Aw how kind of you.” Jack said with sarcasm. He followed Luke down the spiral staircase.
He saw Luke’s parents sitting in the family room deep in conversation. They looked up as the two boys approached them. “How are you feeling, Jack?” Luke’s mother asked him as she stood up. “I’m fine.” he replied, not really expecting the concern. “Do you mind telling us what happened or why you refused to talk to us?” Luke’s father asked. Luke’s mother looked at him. “But before that I’m Liz and this is Matt.” she said kindly. “Nice to meet you both.” Jack said. Luke’s parents smiled at him. “Now would you mind telling us? Please have a seat.” Matt said, gesturing to a couch.
Jack sat on the couch followed by Luke. Luke noticed Jack seemed a little uncomfortable. He glanced at his parents. They had noticed too. “Jack, we just want to help you.” Liz said comfortingly. “Why?” Jack asked. “You’re a child. You don’t deserve that.” Matt said. Jack was quiet for a few minutes. “I didn’t want to talk to you because it just would have made it worse.” he said. “Is that why he whipped you?” Luke asked quietly. “Yes because he thinks I told Luke that he beats me.” Jack muttered looking at his hands.
“I’m sorry.” Liz whispered. “Don’t be. It doesn’t matter.” Jack said looking at her. “It does matter. Why would you say that?” Matt said. “You both already know what I can do and my father believes I’m a curse and…...so do I.” Jack said looking away from them. Luke looked at his mother. She rose from her chair and motioned for Luke to switch with her so he did. Matt just watched unsure of what to say. “Jack you aren’t a curse. I’ve known you since you were little.” Liz said. “I am a curse. I’ve almost hurt Luke twice now.” Jack mumbled. Liz put her hand on Jack’s shoulder. “We don’t think you did it on purpose. Besides we know the two of you don’t really get along.” she said.
“I should probably go home.” Jack said suddenly. “You shouldn’t go back there.” Matt said. Jack stood up anyway. “I do have a brother and a sister so I kind of have to go back.” he said. Luke stood up as well. “Your brother and sister does your father…...you know.” he asked. “No.” Jack said, walking over to the door. Luke’s parents didn’t try to stop him. Luke followed him to the door so they were out of earshot of his parents. “You can just keep the shirt. It’s already been contaminated.” he said. Jack rolled his eyes.
“Fine.” he said then he hesitated before opening the door. “Thank you for helping me. I know you didn’t have to but you did.” he said. “It was a one time thing, servant boy.” Luke retorted. The temporary truce was over and Jack knew it. “I’m not a servant, Luke.” Jack said, quietly. Then he opened the door and walked down the steps and into the street. He heard Luke close the door behind him.
He started walking home when the gossip woman walked up to him. “I heard young Luke visited you yesterday.” she said. “He did.” Jack replied as he continued walking. The woman stayed beside him. “I was just wondering why you screamed yesterday.” she said. Jack knew that’s all she wanted. More gossip. “Nothing. My little brother scared me.” he lied. “Oh well then see you around.” she said, obviously disappointed.
Jack sighed as he continued the walk to his house. “Hello Jack.” a voice said from behind him. He turned around to find Abe standing there. “You were with Luke yesterday.” Jack commented. “Yes, I’m Abe.” Abe told him. “Nice to meet you.” Jack muttered. “The Selection is today. Do you want to be selected?” Abe asked as he walked beside Jack. “I do but I doubt I will.” he replied. “I don’t know about that. From what I’ve heard you have quite a gift.” Abe countered. “It isn’t a gift.” Jack retorted. He figured Abe must have overheard them in Luke’s house. “We’ll see. I know that you have a hard time with your parents and all so if you get selected then you’ll be free of them.” Abe said. “Yeah I guess but I would miss my brother and sister. Wait why are you even talking to me?” Jack replied.
“You remind me of myself at your age, but there are some major differences. I know how it feels to live in a poor environment and deal with Luke.” Abe admitted. Jack was quiet. “You’re right. I do want to escape my parents and I just want to maybe fit in somewhere.” he said finally. “You have every right to want that. I best be going now. I can’t be late.” Abe said. Jack turned to answer but he was gone. He looked around but didn’t see any signs of where Abe went.
He turned back and walked quickly to his house. He knew his mother hadn’t left for Luke’s mansion yet. She would be leaving in about thirty minutes he said looking at the sun’s position in the sky. He passed the rows of grey and tan houses until he reached his small house. As he opened the door he thought about how nervous he was. The Selection would be later that afternoon.
He was trying not to get his hopes up. If he just didn’t hope then he wouldn;t be too disappointed later. He walked into the house closing the door. He’d barely taken a step before Emma came rushing down the hall. She hugged him tight. “I was so worried. Where were you? What happened? Why are there marks on your arms?” She said in a rush. “Father took me to the hill and whipped me. Luke stopped him and took me to his house. The wounds were worse but my magic healed them.” Jack explained hugging her just as tight.
“Mom! Dad! Jack’s back!” he heard Peter call as he ran up to Jack. Jack let go of Emma and Peter immediately hugged him then let go quickly. “Jack are you sure you’re okay and Luke helped you?” Emma asked in disbelief. Before she could answer Jack’s father rushed into the hall. Before Emma could do anything his father grabbed Jack by the shirt and pinned him against the wall. “So you come back? I’m not finished with you boy.” his father growled.
“Please.” Jack whispered. Emma glared at their father. “Leave him alone, father. He’s been through enough.” she said. “Yes, Bill let him go.” their mother said appearing in the hall. Bill muttered something under his breath then released Jack’s shirt. Emma moved so she was beside Jack. His mother rushed over to him but before she could say anything Jack glared at her. “You lied to them.” he said, his voice hard. His mother was taken aback. “Look Jack I’m sorry but our family is-” Jack cut her off. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Luke of all people has helped me more than you. Sure you’ve told father not to harm me but he still does it.” he replied coldly.
“Emma, Peter, go to your rooms now.” his father ordered. Peter left immediately not wanting to get in trouble. “I’m not leaving Jack.” Emma said, determined. “Now.” his father commanded. Emma opened her mouth to say something but Jack beat her to it. “Just go Emma. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” he told her. “But I don’t want you to get hurt.” she argued. “I’m used to it, just go.” Jack said. Emma hesitated for a moment then she went to her room. His father looked very angry so Jack knew how this was going to end. “You’re lucky that boy came.” his father said darkly. Jack glared at him. “You know his parents actually cared about my well being. They went out of their way to help me because they are nice people. They love Luke. Neither of you love me and you know it.” he said.
“Jack, that isn’t true.” his mother replied. “Yes it is. You think I’m dangerous and he thinks I’m a curse and reminds me of it every chance he gets.” Jack retorted, gesturing to his father. “You’re right boy. You are a curse and will be treated as such. I detest you. You can’t be normal like your brother and sister or even try to act normal.” his father said through gritted teeth.
“I know! I get it okay?! Just shut up!” Jack shouted and an energy blast slammed into his father knocking him into the wall. He got to his feet and he came forward and pinned Jack to the wall again. He used his other hand to make Jack look at him. “Now you’re going to get it.” he warned. This time his mother said nothing. She wasn’t going to stop him. Jack didn’t say a word as his father dragged him to his bedroom. Before his father closed the door he saw his mother go into Emma’s room.
No one was going to interfere this time. He was alone. His father shoved him to the ground and was about to strike him but stopped. He smiled in an evil way. “You will be missing the Selection.” he said. “No please no.” Jack pleaded. His father didn’t answer, he just walked out the door and Jack heard it lock. He got to his feet and ran to the door. He banged on it. “Let me out!” he shouted. He banged on it again.
His father reentered with a belt in hand. It was an old beat up belt that his father had gotten years ago. Jack backed away from him. “I was going to leave you unharmed but since you insist on being a pest I’ve changed my mind.” his father said walking toward him. “Please please do-” Jack stopped talking and cried out in pain as his father hit his arm with the belt. His father hit him again on the side. Then as he was about to strike him a third time the belt rose up in the air and out of his reach.
His father scowled at Jack. He kicked his legs out from under him so Jack fell on the floor hard. The belt dropped to the ground. His father picked it up and Jack tensed ready for another blow but his father just left the room once again. The door locked and Jack was alone. He looked at his arm and saw a welt running down his it. It was red and puffy but the swelling went down a bit as Jack looked at it. He looked at the door and focused hard. He was trying to unlock it by magic but it just made the door handle rattle.
He tried for ten minutes straight but everytime he tried to open the door it was still locked. He went to go lay on his bed but a flash of movement caught his eye. He looked over but all he saw was his mirror. He walked over to it and just saw his reflection. He turned away again but his reflection hadn’t moved. Jack froze and his reflection smiled at him. “So here you are trapped in your room.” it said. “H-How are you talking?” Jack asked. “I’ve always been able to but I didn’t until today.” it replied.
“What do you want from me?” Jack asked his reflection. “I do not want anything from you. I am simply here to help you. I can answer any question but you may only ask one so I suggest you use it wisely. Small questions I can answer limitlessly; however only one major question you get the answer to.” his reflection told him. “Okay do you know what I can do and why?” he asked the mirror. “I do know what you can do, however why you can do it is even a mystery to me.” his reflection answered. Jack looked down but when he looked up his reflection did as he did.
He thought he must have imagined it. It was noon now. The Selection would begin soon. He looked out his window and already saw people heading towards town. He couldn't see the fountain. He laid down on his bed angry and upset. He couldn;t get out of here and he wouldn’t be chosen. He knew it was true. Luke was right he would probably end up as a servant.
He just lay in his bed thoughts of his future and past circling in his mind. Then he heard it. The voice that spoke every year to pick the new students. He must have missed the opening where the Headmaster spoke and some of the students performed magic. He remembered last year when the students made fireworks with their wands and some used scepters. They also used water or fire to make shapes in the air and fly above the crowd.
He wondered what they had done this year. The voice said: “This year I choose three new students to attend The Academy of Sorcery. There shall be a test however to prove yourselves. If you fail you return to the life you once knew never speaking of your test. If you pass then you will be a student at the Academy until you are ready. It will open up your future and teach you how to wield magic.” it’s voice was deep and it echoed throughout the town.
Jack heard absolute silence as the crowd waited. “Let the Selection begin.” the voice boomed. He heard the crowd cheer in excitement then go quiet once more. “Alicia Belle, come forward.” the voice commanded. Jack heard nothing for the moment until the voice spoke again. “You must answer this question to continue to your test. No one is to speak to anyone else of her answer.” it said. Jack knew no one would because everyone obeyed this voice. “There is someone you like yet you have told no one. What is his name?” the voice asked. Jack did not hear her answer but he heard the crowd gasp and a few laugh.
“Stand beside the Headmaster. Luke Ramos, come forward.” the voice said. Jack sighed of course Luke had been selected. He heard many cheers from the crowd. “You must answer this question to continue. Why do you keep up your pretenses instead of acting as you truly are?” the voice said. Jack was confused what did that question even mean. Pretenses? What pretenses? Again he could not hear the answer to the question.
He missed who the voice called next. He thought he heard Bethany. He was tuning it out now because he hadn’t been chosen. He was trying to suppress his disappointment. Then the crowd erupted in cheers as Jack guessed Bethany joined the others beside the Headmaster. “Now the newest students have been..” the voice paused. “Wait, there is one more I would like to Select.” it said after a moment. Jack heard gasps from the crowd and them talking amongst each other.
This had never happened before. All of a sudden Jack was surrounded by water. It swirled around him for a few moments before it disappeared. He found himself in front of the fountain. There was a large water orb floating above the fountain. The center of it glowed blue. Everyone one was looking at him. He looked over and saw the Headmaster, Luke, Bethany, and Alicia were staring at him.
“Jack Larmen.” the voice echoed. Jack looked up at the orb. “To continue to your test you must answer this question.” it told him. Jack couldn’t believe he'd been Selected. The crowd was absolutely silent. There was no noise. Everyone just looked at him and the glowing orb. “You have a secret. Some have discovered it. What is it you’ve been hiding from everyone?” the orb asked him. Jack was quiet for a long time. “You must answer.” the orb pressed. “I-I can do magic.” Jack said finally. It seemed that the whole crowd gasped and backed away from him.
The Headmaster looked at him, obviously not believing him. “Some here do not believe you. You must prove it.” the orb commanded. “I can’t control it.” Jack replied in a quiet voice. Then a ball of fire launched toward him. Jack froze but he felt energy surge through him. Just as it was about to hit him a wall of water appeared in front of Jack stopping the ball of flames. The water evaporated and Jack stumbled forward. He caught himself with the edge of the fountain. He felt tired but after a few moments the wave passed and he stood up again.
Everyone stared at him with jaws dropped. “Very interesting. The students have been Selected. Now they must earn their place as students.” the orb said then it disappeared back into the fountain. Everyone still stared at Jack. “He’s a freak!” someone shouted. “He’s dangerous!” Another yelled. The shouts continued calling Jack a wide variety of nast things. Then the Headmaster held up a hand. The crowd went quiet. The Headmaster wore a mask so no one knew what he looked like. The Headmasters did this so no one would be able to trace them back to the Academy because the location was secret. The mask he wore was completely black. “True his abilities may be strange but he has been Selected. You all are to respect him.” he told the crowd. He turned to Jack and beckoned him forward.
Jack walked over to him. “When you casted your magic was it intentional and how did you feel afterward?” he asked Jack. “I didn’t mean to do it. I’ve tried to use it on purpose but it doesn’t work until after several tries or it doesn’t work at all. After that I got really exhausted.” Jack explained. The other three of the Selected listened, seeming very interested in the conversation. “I see.” was all the Headmaster said. Then he turned to the other three. “You are all to go to your families until tomorrow morning. Then you will meet me here with one bag of your belongings.” he told them. Jack knew he was talking to him as well.
The others turned to leave and so did Jack but the Headmaster stopped him. “Were you in the crowd during the Selection?” he asked him. “No, my father locked me in my room so I couldn’t come and I tried to use magic but I couldn’t do it.” Jack replied. “Try not to cause any trouble so that will not happen again. Now go.” the Headmaster told him. Jack nodded once and turned around.
The crowd had already dispersed and they seemed to have forgotten what every child’s question was. They all still looked at Jack and stayed several feet away from him. He didn’t care anymore though. He would be leaving tomorrow and he would try all he could to pass his test. Then he would never have to deal with his parents again. He would visit Emma and Peter of course.
He had just gotten out of the main square when someone did approach him. He recognized her from the Selected. He’d seen her around before. “Hey, I’m Alicia.” she said as she walked beside him. This was new for Jack. No one his own age had really bothered to talk to him before. Only to insult him, that was the only reason they talked to him at all. “Hi, I’m Jack.” he replied. He figured she already knew that but he didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah. I don’t think you were at the Selection.” she said. “I wasn’t until when I suddenly appeared. I got locked in my room.” he replied. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” she said. Then she saw the marks on his arms. They had faded a little bit but not much. Before she could comment Jack asked a question. “Why are you talking to me? I’m not trying to be rude but as you can guess I’m very much disliked by pretty much everyone in this town.” he said. “I don’t dislike you. I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you before. I just wasn’t sure what to say.” she said, slightly embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry. It’s fine. I’m rather used to it by now.” Jack replied, absentmindedly touching the welt on his arm.
“How did you get hurt?” Alicia asked. “My father.” Jack replied. “I’m so sorry. I was just wondering, do you want to maybe...I dunno be friends?” She asked, blushing slightly. Jack smiled a little bit. “You want to be friends with the freak?” he asked. “You aren’t a freak, Jack. I want to be your friend. I really wanted to ask sooner.” she told him.
“Thanks, Alicia. I wouldn’t mind being friends.” Jack said. He couldn’t believe that someone actually wanted to be friends with him. Alicia was very pretty. She had blue eyes and red hair. Her skin was a milky white and she had a dusting of freckles over her nose. He knew she was also really smart, funny, and compassionate.
“Um, do you want to hang out later?” Jack asked her. Alicia smiled at him. “Sure. We can just walk around town. Meet at the fountain in half an hour?” she said. “See you then.” Jack replied. She smiled at him one more time then turned around. She walked back down the street toward her house. Jack smiled slightly. Her house wasn’t even in this direction. She’d just wanted to talk to him. He continued to his house.
Then Emma emerged from one of the stalls. She had a small bag on her arm. “Jack! I’m so happy you got Selected! I told mother I’d get the groceries so I could see you before you got home.” Emma exclaimed excitedly. “I’m really happy too. I just hope I pass whatever the test is.” Jack replied as she walked with him. “I believe in you. Besides who was that girl you were talking to?” Emma asked him. “Thanks and I was talking to Alicia.” Jack replied, smiling slightly. “Why are you smiling?” Emma asked.
“No reason.” Jack said quickly. “It was when you said her name.” Emma teased. “Was not. She just asked to be friends and we’re going to hang out later.” Jack told her, elbowing her lightly. Emma elbowed him back. “She’s really pretty.” she commented. “Yeah she is and so are you so…” Jack trailed off. “Alright point taken. Father is very angry.” Emma said. “I knew he would be.” Jack replied. “I’m going to miss you, Jack.” Emma said, softly. “I’m going to miss you too, but I’ll visit you whenever I can. Besides I might come home anyway if I fail the test.” Jack said. He was afraid he was going to fail. He didn’t know how to use his magic, and he didn’t really know too much about magic.
“I think you’ll pass it. I have faith in you but that doesn’t matter if you don’t have faith in yourself.” Emma told him as they stopped in front of their house. “You’re about the only person who has faith in me.” Jack said, walking up the creaky steps. Emma followed him inside. She promised she wouldn’t leave his side no matter what. Jack had gotten five steps down the hall when his father appeared red faced and angry.
Before his father said anything Jack cut in. “You should be happy because I won’t be here for a while and if I pass my test then I won’t be back.” he told his father. His father paused as he mulled this over. “Then the curse will be gone.” he mused. “Yes, I’ll be gone.” Jack replied coldly. “However you did use magic to leave your bedroom…” his father trailed off. “No I didn’t. I was laying on my bed then I was surrounded by water and appeared in front of the fountain.” Jack countered. “I do not believe you.” his father said, his voice hard. “You should because you saw what happened when he used magic at the fountain. That’s the most he’s ever used and it made him tired. I could tell.” Emma told their father.
She sounded quite irritated. Their father was just looking for any reason to punish Jack. “I see. I suggest you go to your room before I find a reason to punish you.” his father warned him. Jack obeyed and Emma followed him to his room. However she stopped in the kitchen to put the small bag of groceries on the counter. Jack went inside his bedroom and found a small brown bag already on his bed. He pulled out the few clothes he owned and put them in along with a few of his books.
Packing was very quick being how he didn’t have much to pack. He left the mirror on his wall however. He knew he must have imagined what had happened earlier. He still had about fifteen minutes or so before he was supposed to meet up with Alicia. As he thought about it he remembered her question. There was a boy she cared about but she hadn’t admitted it or showed it. The crowd had gasped and a few laughed when she said her answer. Luke had also been glaring at her. Was that boy him? He pushed the thought from his mind. It couldn’t have been him but then why did she suddenly have the courage to talk to him? Well at least she said she had just gotten the courage to.
Emma entered his room. She looked at him for a moment. “There’s something on your mind.” she said. “Yeah. I was just thinking. I couldn’t hear the answers to the questions that were asked. I know we can’t talk about it but I was just thinking about Alicia’s question. It’s quite a coincidence that she got asked that question and starts talking to me.” Jack told her, sitting on his bed. Emma stood in front of him. “Well I can’t tell you what she said. I guess you’d have to ask her because only the people who answered the question can talk about it.” Emma replied. Thus was true no one had gone against the orb’s warning about speaking of the questions and answers, so no one knew what would happen if they did.
“I guess you’re right. I’m going to meet her in like ten minutes anyway so I should probably get going.” Jack said, standing again. “Have fun, Jack. You deserve a friend.” Emma said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I already have an amazing friend.” Jack replied with a smile. “Your own age and not related to you.” Emma corrected herself. She gave Jack a brief hug.
“Now let’s get you out before father gets to you first.” She said leading him to the doorway. She peeked into the hallway to make sure the coast was clear. “Alright go.” she whispered to him as she went into the hallway. Jack followed her then they heard their father shout. “Get back here, boy!” “Run.” Emma told him as their father came down the hallway. Jack ran down the hallway and toward the front door.
He opened it quickly and slipped outside. He started walking quickly down the street then he hadn’t gotten far when he heard the door open again. “Where do you think you’re going?” a voice asked. Jack turned around and saw his father standing on the small porch. “Going to hang out with someone.” Jack replied. “No one wants to spend time with you, so don’t lie.” his father warned. “I’m telling the truth but whatever.” Jack retorted turning around.
He heard his father’s footsteps behind him so he ran. He was very fast so he knew his father wouldn’t catch him. He ran down a few streets until he was almost to the fountain. He stopped running and began walking to catch his breath. “Running from father are we?” a voice asked. Jack looked over and saw Luke with a few of his friends. Jack sighed. “This is really what you’re going to do right now? Really?” he asked. “I can do whatever I want.” Luke retorted.
“Good for you, Luke. Did you want me to applaud you for figuring that out?” Jack said sarcastically. “Watch your mouth servant boy.” Luke warned. “I get it. You only called a truce for your parents. They aren’t here so you are going to do what you’ve always done.” Jack snapped. “I guess you do have common sense then. Me and my friends here were just going to teach you that you shouldn’t have been Selected.” Luke replied.
“Can it wait Luke? I actually have to be somewhere.” Jack said as Luke and his friends moved closer. “Going to hang out with your girlfriend?” one of Luke’s friends scoffed. Jack rolled his eyes. “I don’t have a girlfriend.” he said. “Not surprising.” another said. “The point is you aren’t going anywhere.” Luke said. Jack smiled. “We both know you’re stronger than me. We also know that I am much faster.” he said, sprinting off toward the fountain not bothering to hear Luke’s response.
He knew they were following him. He could see the fountain up ahead. He glanced back and saw he was several yards ahead of Luke and his friends. They had probably not expected him to take off like that. He looked ahead again and saw Alicia waiting for him at the fountain. She hadn’t seen him yet. He ran up so he was behind her. “Hi.” he said, breathless. She turned and smiled at him. “Why are you so out of breath?” she asked.
“Get back here, Jack!” he heard Luke shout. “That’s why. We have to get out of here.” Jack told her, grabbing her hand. He ran off again with Alicia running behind him. They stayed hand in hand as they ran from Luke and his friends. Jack led her down a series of streets and to the hills. He ran past the first two to one with a tree growing on top. He and Alicia ran up the hill and stopped at the tree.
Jack released her hand. “Sorry.” he mumbled. “It’s okay.” Alicia said, her face was flushed from running. Then they both burst out laughing as they collapsed on the ground from the exhaustion. When they both finally caught their breath and stopped laughing, they sat up. “Is it crazy that I thought that was kind of fun?” Alicia asked. “Maybe a little.” Jack teased. “Does he always give you a hard time like that?” she asked, turning serious. “Pretty much.” Jack replied. “He always told everyone to stay away from you. I never really understood why. His reasons were stupid. I feel stupid honestly for not talking to you sooner. I mean I’ve barely hung out with you and I think you’re pretty great.” Alicia said. Jack didn’t know if she was blushing or if her face was just still flushed.
“Thanks. You aren’t stupid by the way. At least I don’t think so.” Jack said, looking away for a second. “I heard your question but not your answer. Will you tell me?” he asked after a moment’s hesitation. Alicia was quiet for a long time. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Jack said, quickly. “It’s fine. My answer was you.” she admitted. Jack noticed she definitely got a darker shade of red.
“Come on. Let’s do something fun.” he said, getting to his feet. “Like what?” Alicia asked. Jack jumped up and pulled himself onto a branch. “Like this.” he said, looking down at her. She looked at him. “I’ve never really uh climbed anything before.” she said, slightly embarrassed. “Don’t worry it’s easy.” Jack said, holding a hand out to her.