Jack had just finished the usual breakfast when he saw Emma give him a warning look. Jack turned and saw his father enter the kitchen, but instead of his usual scowl he was…..smiling? Jack turned back to look at his mother and siblings. They all seemed just as confused as he was. His father put some eggs on his plate and sat down at the table humming a cheery tune. His mother looked between him, Emma, and Peter who were all looking down at their plates. Then she looked at their father. “What has you in such a cheery mood?” she asked, uncertainly. Bet you it’s about me leaving. Jack mouthed to Emma. She shook her head.
His father finished chewing then looked up at them all. “The curse is leaving.” he replied simply. “Told you so.” Jack muttered, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “That’s very harsh, father.” Emma said, glaring at theory father. His mother looked slightly angry but she said nothing. Peter looked uncomfortable and just kept looking at his empty plate. “No more problems in this household, and no more cursed magic.” their father said, hissing the last word. Jack bit his tongue. He was mad of course but he was hurt too. He was leaving and his father was so openly happy about it. His father didn’t love him and Jack knew he never would.
“Jack, are you alright?” his mother asked. “Who cares.” his father muttered. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Jack mumbled, unconvincingly. “Well? Get going, boy. Sooner you're out the better.” his father told him, the scowl returning to his face. Jack couldn’t take it anymore. “I’ve spent years wondering what I did and why you hate me so much, but I didn’t do anything and you just hate me because I’m different. I’m your son but that means nothing to you. I tried for so long to get on your good side and hoping one day you would accept me. Then I just gave up because there was no hope at all. You are never going to stop hating me and punishing me for things I can’t control. I didn't choose to be born with different abilities than everyone else. So enjoy not having me around because I’ll enjoy not having you around either. You are the only one in this house I won’t miss.” Jack said, his voice hard.
He got up and put his plate in the sink, and before he could leave the kitchen his father was blocking the doorway. Jack stood in front of him and looked him right in the eye. “Then you wasted so much time with your foolish hopes because you are a curse. I knew it the very moment you were born. That school will know it too. You aren’t supposed to exist and if you didn’t this family would be perfect.” his father growled. “Now you get your “perfect family.” Jack replied, his voice breaking. He pushed past his father and went to his room. His father had a satisfied smirk on his face as he left. As he entered his room, he could hear everyone shouting at his father. They were all talking over each other so he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
He wasn’t really listening anyway. He looked out the window and saw the sun had risen, but it was blurred by tears. He didn’t think anything his father said would affect him anymore but that did. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He went down the hall and quickened his pace when he passed the kitchen. He heard the conversation cease but he kept walking anyway. He closed the front door as he made it outside. He didn’t let his tears fall but he couldn’t get his vision cleared.
He waited on the small porch. He knew his mother, Emma, and Peter wanted to go with him. He felt a tear fall and quickly wiped it away. He heard the front door open and kept his gaze down. “Jack?” Emma asked, uncertainly. “Yeah?” Jack mumbled. His mother stepped in front of him and put a finger beneath his chin and lifted his gaze. Emma stood between his mother and Peter. He saw a little bit of surprise in her expression. She probably thought that he didn’t care what his father said. “What your father said was uncalled for and untrue.” his mother told him, hugging him.
Jack didn’t say anything. “Come on, Jack. He’s so small minded and he can’t hurt you anymore.” Emma said. “Yes he can. I’m going to fail whatever test it is and be sent right back here.” Jack whispered, as his mother released him. “Jack Larmen. We can believe in you but it only counts if you believe in yourself. You have an opportunity to change your life so take it.” his mother countered. Before Jack could say anything Peter moved forward and stood in front of Jack. His mother took a few steps back to stand beside Emma.
“Father was wrong because if you aren’t here, then it’s broken.” Peter said, looking up at Jack. “What’s broken?” Emma asked, confused. Jack was a bit confused too. “He said that without you our family would be perfect, but that isn’t true. It would just be broken.” Peter replied, sadly. His mother smiled and Emma looked at Jack waiting for his reaction. Jack blinked his tears away and crouched down so he was a little shorter than Peter. “You have been so sad about me leaving and now you say that without me our family is broken. Yet you made me promise that I would be happier there.” Jack said, finally. Even though Peter was so childish and younger than him, sometimes the things he said were so surprising. His mother and Emma just watched the two boys.
“Mother may send me out of the room but I know what father does to you, but you still play with me. You always make games so much fun and you didn’t have to use your magic to help me but you did. You do so many amazing things and father just doesn’t see them. I’m going to miss you so much but I want you to have fun and be happy.” Peter explained. Jack smiled at him. “You’re a really awesome brother, Peter and I will miss you too. I will come back, I promise.” he said. “Then let’s go!” Peter said, excitedly. Jack laughed quietly and he stood up. Peter hugged Jack tightly for a moment then tugged at his hand and pulled him off the porch. As they started walking and in Peter’s case running Emma fell into step beside Jack.
Their mother went chasing after Peter and telling him not to get too far ahead. “I’ve been meaning to ask you if you really are alright. You seemed very shaken this morning after I woke you. Not to mention what father said to you.” Emma said, a slight edge came into her voice at the mention of their father. “I’m okay. It was just a bad dream and father….well let’s just say I’m used to it.” Jack replied. “You shouldn’t be.” Emma muttered. They continued the walk in silence as their mother finally got Peter to walk beside her. Jack noticed that everyone was looking at him with what appeared to be...pity?
Emma seemed to notice too because she gave Jack a curious look. Jack just shrugged. When they reached the fountain, he saw Bethany was already there standing on the opposite side. Once they got there, his family had to say goodbye and leave. The location of the school was a secret and no one was to know except the students and the Selected fail or not. Bethany was looking at him with pity too. What was going on? Emma hugged him tight. “Goodbye, Jack.” she whispered. “Bye sis.” Jack replied, hugging her just as tight.
Peter and his mother hugged him too and they all said their goodbyes. Jack watched them walk away. They were going to go home now and Jack felt a pang of sadness as he watched them. Peter turned and waved one last time. Jack waved back and he turned around to see the town’s biggest gossip behind him. He leapt back startled. She laughed lightly. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” she said. “Um it’s fine.” Jack replied. Her face turned serious now. “I’m so sorry by the way.” she told him, somberly.
“About?” Jack asked, confused. The woman looked at him looking very surprised. “You don’t know?” she said. “Know what?” Jack replied, feeling eyes on him. “Everyone’s been talking about it since last night. Your father beats you doesn’t he?” she said, her voice quiet. Jack’s eyes widened. “H-How do you know that?” he gasped. “So it is true.” she murmured, sympathy strong in her tone. “Of course I suspected something was going on when you had your hands bandaged often and how you’re usually out of the house.” she added, thoughtfully.
“How did everyone find out?” Jack whispered. “I do not know where the rumor originated from.” she replied, tilting her head. “Well I must be going. Again I’m sorry for you.” she said. She walked away before Jack could even respond. Bethany still looked at him with pity. He groaned and walked around the fountain to her. She opened her mouth to say something but Jack cut her off. “I know just please stop looking at me like that.” he told her.
Bethany smiled slightly. “You really don’t like to be the center of attention do you?” she asked. Jack shook his head. “I don’t even….wait the only people who knew outside of my family were Alicia and Luke.” he said, facepalming. “I really do not like you but I didn’t tell anyone and neither did my parents.” Luke said, from behind him. “You had to have said something to someone.” Jack retorted, turning around. “You don’t like Jack?” Bethany asked. “It’s complicated but yes he detests me.” Jack replied. “I didn’t say anything.” Luke grumbled.
Jack was about to retort when he saw Alicia walking toward them with her head down. They all had one bag slung over their shoulders. “What’s the matter with her?” Luke muttered. “Shut up.” Bethany retorted. Jack smiled slightly. He liked Bethany already. Luke scowled and stomped a few steps away. Bethany nudged him, Alicia had stopped at the other side of the fountain and wasn’t looking at anyone. “I don’t know what to do.” Jack muttered.
“Just go make her feel better and figure out what’s wrong.” Bethany told him. Jack nodded and set his bag down on the ground near the base of the fountain. Bethany smiled encouragingly. Jack took a breath and walked over to Alicia. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked her. Alicia looked up and Jack could see a tinge of red around her eyes. She’d been crying. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.” she whispered, looking down again. “What are you talking about? You didn’t do anything.” Jack replied. He didn’t really know what to do. He hated seeing Alicia upset.
“I-I told my mom and she t-told everyone. I-It’s all my fault and now you’re going to hate me and y-you’re going to n-” Jack interrupted her. “That isn’t your fault. I don’t hate you, Alicia and I don’t think I ever could.” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him, shocked. “B-But you trusted me and I-” her voice broke. Jack brushed a tear off her face. “Alicia, it’s okay. You don’t have to be upset about it.” “How are you not mad?” Alicia asked. Jack shrugged. “You’re my friend and it isn’t your fault. You can’t control what your mom does.”
“Is everything alright here?” A voice asked beside Jack. Jack made himself stay still then he looked over. The Headmaster was standing beside him. “Yes.” Jack and Alicia said in unison. “Then let’s be going.” he told them, then turned on his heel and walked over to Luke and Bethany. Jack and Alicia followed and Jack noticed Alicia had her head up and was smiling a bit. “As all of you know the location of the Academy of Sorcery is a secret and if you shall fail your test, you will not speak of it. If you do there shall be consequences.” the Headmaster said. The four of them shifted nervously at his tone. No one knew what these “consequences” were because no one had yet to deserve them.
“Today you will adjust and nothing will be expected of you today accept the obvious good behavior. Tomorrow the teachers and a few students shall help prepare you for your test but you will not find out what that is for quite some time.” the Headmaster continued. “What? We can’t even know what the test is and you expect us to pass it?” Luke said, exasperated. “A short temper and little patience will not help you.” the Headmaster retorted. Jack almost laughed at the expression on Luke’s face. He was so used to getting what he wanted. Luke scowled at the ground and didn’t say anything else. “When you say “prepare us” prepare us with what?” Bethany asked, suppressing a smile of her own. Bethany had brown skin and brown eyes. Her long black hair was braided and her posture was relaxed. She obviously didn’t like Luke much and Jack was relieved by this because he was tired of everyone practically worshipping him.
“You will learn the skills you require to complete your test. Magic and knowledge we can teach you, good instincts you must already have.” the Headmaster explained, his eyes turned to Jack. “You always seem to be the center of attention one way or another. However you do not like it.” he said. Jack hesitated, what the headmaster said was true he couldn’t deny it. The Headmaster looked at him expectantly. “What do you want me to say? I mean you’re right. I don’t like it yet it happens.” Jack muttered. “If you wouldn’t mind, I would like you to answer a question for me.” the Headmaster replied. By the tone, Jack knew he probably didn’t really have a choice. “How is it that no one caught on to the….relationship between you and your father? You must have been injured a great deal of the time.” the Headmaster mused.
Luke looked at Jack. He knew the answer too. “Well?” the Headmaster pressed. “He can heal himself.” Luke blurted. “It isn’t intentional.” Jack mumbled. “Hm so it just occurs naturally.” the Headmaster said. Jack nodded once, he was looking down. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him. “And you witnessed this?” the Headmaster asked, shifting his gaze to Luke. “Um yes.” Luke replied, his usual air of confidence a little cracked. All of them were intimidated by the Headmaster. “Your abilities could be dangerous.” the Headmaster told Jack. “Jack isn’t dangerous.” Alicia argued. “How do you know that? I am simply wondering because I have not seen anything like him before.” The Headmaster said, calmly.
Jack sighed. “I can’t control it and it only works on occasion. It has its affects on me and that’s really all I know.” The Headmaster looked at him for a moment then at the sun that was slowly climbing through the sky. “Follow me.” he said. Jack didn’t know what to think of the Headmaster. He was definitely unnerving but he seemed so wise in a way. They followed him to the edge of town in silence. No one had the courage to break the silence. Then they went into the woods. “Wait, we're going into the woods?” Luke asked. “Yes, do you have a problem with that?” the Headmaster drawled. “Um, no.” Luke replied, quickly.
“Have you never been in the woods before?” Jack asked Luke, surprised. “You have?” Bethany interjected. “Uh yeah, I have.” Jack mumbled. “Guys I think we’d better get walking.” Alicia said just as Luke was about to say something. “Why?” Luke asked, exasperated. Alicia just pointed ahead where the Headmaster was already a few yards into the woods. The four of them jogged, going over roots and underbrush to catch up. “That is why we pay attention to our surroundings.” the Headmaster told them once they caught up. Luke grumbled something but it was unintelligible. Alicia nudged Jack. “You okay?” she asked quietly. Jack shrugged. “I wasn’t even supposed to be Selected.” he muttered. “But you were, Jack. That’s the important thing.” Alicia replied.
“You should listen to her.” Bethany chimed in. The Headmaster seemed to have not heard the conversation at all. Luke was glaring at Jack. He knew the minute the Headmaster wasn’t there Luke would say all the things he’d wanted to say now. The Headmaster had stopped and Jack nearly ran into him. “You two do not like each other.” he stated, looking between Luke and Jack once he turned. Jack and Luke said nothing in response. “Do not bring whatever quarrels you have into the Academy. You are to learn not bicker. Am I clear?” the Headmaster said.
The two boys nodded once. It looked like the Headmaster was going to say something else but he froze. “What is it?” Alicia asked, worry in her expression. The Headmaster shushed her. “There is something here.” he whispered. Jack tensed he saw what it was but it wasn’t a what. It was a person but he couldn’t make it out. It was like a shadow, completely dark. That voice rang in his head from the night before. Then burning, everything burned again. “Jack! Jack snap out of it!” came Alicia’s worried tone. The shadow was gone. The burning wasn’t there anymore. Alicia was in front of him and so were the other two Selected and the Headmaster.
“W-What happened?” asked Jack, dazed. “Jack, listen to me very carefully. I want you to concentrate on being calm.” the Headmaster instructed. Jack was confused. What was going on? The headmaster pulled Alicia farther away from him. Then he looked down. His hands were ablaze with orange flames and the ground around him was scorched. He panicked but it immediately went out. His hands were completely fine. He waited for the wave of exhaustion to hit but it never did.
“Jack are you alright?” Bethany asked, tentatively. “I have no idea. What happened? I didn’t even know I was doing that.” Jack said, his voice quiet. The Headmaster walked over to him in a few long strides. “Tell us what happened.” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. “I saw something. It was like a...a shadow but it was strange. Then my whole body started to burn.” Jack whispered. “That’s happened before though.” Alicia said, quietly. Jack thought he saw pain in her eyes. It seemed like it was emotional but then something was….off.
Luke and Bethany were looking at him and they had a flicker of fear in their eyes. He’d done something. He could feel it. Not just using his magic, he’d done something else. “What did I do?” Jack asked, his voice slightly strained. Everyone was silent. He looked at Alicia again and in one split second when he met her eyes he knew. He knew exactly what he did. He blinked fast and looked down. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything. “Jack, it wasn’t your fault.” Alicia whispered. “Your powers are uncontrolled, Jack. They simply reacted to something you felt. You weren’t here in that moment. You were in some sort of daze.” The headmaster explained.
“Please tell me I didn’t….I didn’t do what I think I did.” Jack whispered. Again everyone was silent. Jack glanced at Alicia and he noticed she’d shifted her hand so it was slightly behind her back. “Maybe your father had a good reason.” Luke muttered. “Silence.” the Headmaster commanded but it was too late. Jack said nothing. “Jack just say something.” Bethany murmured. “What do you want me to say? Tell Luke he’s wrong? Well he isn’t. If i thought my father was wrong do you think I would have kept it a secret for this long? I knew something like this was going to happen eventually.” Jack whispered. It was taking everything in him not to just cry.
“It is not your fault that you cannot control your magic, Jack. I am taking an educated guess when I say that you’ve been growing up being told that it was wrong to use it. This also has not been seen before.” the Headmaster said. Jack looked at Alicia who was still obscuring her hand from his view. His eyes shimmered a bit but he ignored it. He knew he was going to regret his next words but he had to say them. “Show me what I did, Alicia.” he murmured. The Headmaster turned and nodded once to Alicia. “Jack, please it wasn’t your fault. I was just standing next to you when….” she trailed off.
“My magic.” Jack muttered. “Just show him. Hiding it isn’t going to help.” Bethany said. Luke was glaring at Jack. Alicia looked at Jack as she moved her hand into view. The top had several burns on it. Jack felt energy rush through his body as he looked at her hand. He felt guilt, sadness, and he was angry at himself. He’d hurt his friend and it was his fault. Then he felt the burning again and it was most intense on his hand. He held in his pain. It probably showed in his expression but he didn’t make a sound. He felt a small wave of exhaustion now then he looked away from Alicia’s hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said, quietly. “It-” she stopped and looked at her hand. The burns were gone. It looked like nothing had happened. Jack however felt the burns on his hand but he didn’t look. She looked at the Headmaster. “Did you…..” she trailed off. The Headmaster shook his head then looked at Jack. “But...what?” Luke gasped totally confused. Bethany was looking at Jack. She was smiling a little bit. Alicia looked at her hand. “If you didn’t…..” she murmured, looking at Jack. He was slightly paler than before and his hands were by his side. No one had noticed the burns that had transferred to him yet. “I believe you can control your magic more than you realize.” the Headmaster said.
“I’ve done that once before.” Jack muttered, he heard the pain in his own voice. “Hmmm.” the Headmaster replied. “Jack, no you didn’t. You didn't just do that.” Alicia whispered. Jack held up his hand. The burns from Alicia’s hand were now on his but they were already half healed. “It was not entirely intentional. I felt bad, guilty. Now I have the consequences and you don’t.” Jack told her, dropping his hand to his side. Alicia looked slightly horrified and very upset. Jack was confused. Why was she upset now that he was hurt? “You’ve done that before?” Bethany asked, curious. Jack nodded once unable to look at Alicia anymore.
The expression on her face was making him feel bad all over again. “When?” Bethany asked. Luke was still glaring at him. He was probably furious at the fact that no one was mad at Jack. Jack didn’t answer. “Then let’s continue before whoever was out here decides to come again.” the Headmaster said. Alicia walked past Jack and stayed behind the Headmaster. She was angry at him and he didn’t blame her. He’d hurt her with his magic which was the last thing he wanted to do. Luke shoved past him but Bethany walked beside him.
“It wasn’t your fault you know. It was like you weren’t even here for a second. You didn’t seem to hear us.” she told him. “It is my fault. Now Alicia is mad at me.” Jack replied, quietly. “She didn’t seem mad until after you hurt yourself.” Bethany commented. “That doesn’t make any sense.” Jack muttered. They were talking in somewhat hushed voices and they drifted back so the others wouldn’t hear them. “Well I could talk to her.” Bethany said, thoughtfully.
“You don’t have to do that.” Jack replied. “I just think she’s upset because you hurt yourself on purpose. The few moments you were like that she was just worried about you.” Bethany replied. Jack smiled a little bit. He was happy that Alicia cared about him, but the smile quickly vanished. She cared about him but he’d actually hurt her. “Why are you not upset then? Everyone else is.” Jack said. “None of it was your fault.” she replied with a shrug. They didn’t speak for the remainder of the way, no one did. Alicia was walking with her arms crossed and Luke looked like he was going to explode from anger.
Jack couldn’t tell what the Headmaster was thinking due to the mask. They had stopped at the base of a rocky mountain that could be seen from in town. They had walked a pretty far distance and Jack had barely noticed. Now that he thought about it his legs hurt but he ignored it. He’d been ignoring his exhaustion too. “Um this is a dead end. What are we doing here?” Luke asked incredulously. The base was smooth and it went straight up so they couldn’t climb it. “Patience.” the Headmaster said. Jack looked over at Alicia; she looked like she was watching the Headmaster but her mind seemed to be thinking about something else.
The corners of her mouth were turned down slightly in a frown and her arms were still crossed. Bethany nudged him a little bit. Jack glanced at the Headmaster he was telling Luke the importance of patience. Luke looked like a small child getting told off. He was arguing a bit too. Jack then turned his gaze to Bethany. She had been very kind to him and it seemed like she knew Alicia. Maybe they were friends? She gave him a pointed look then gestured to Alicia.
“She doesn’t want to talk to me.” Jack mumbled. “Just try.” Bethany urged. Now it was too late the Headmaster turned to address them all now. “This is the entrance to the Academy of Sorcery. You will be on your best behavior and if not there will be consequences.” he told them. They all nodded nervously but Jack was sure they were all thinking the same thing. There was no door or building in sight. It was just the rocky cliff face and the forest surrounding them. The Headmaster turned and made a series of a few short movements in the air. Jack watched in wonder as a dim blue glow lit the headmaster’s fingertips. Then he lowered his hands and the cliff face was...moving? No that wasn’t the right word. It was more like it was fading away. Now there was a door embedded an inch into the rock. They were twice as tall as Jack and seemed to be made of oak with giant golden loops for door handles.
With a flick of the Headmaster’s hand the doors swung open.
Alicia’s arms dropped to her sides, her bag almost sliding off her shoulder. As she stood with the others in the doorway she thought there was no way this was inside a mountain. The walls were grey stone, they looked smooth and so was the floor. There were kids of various ages walking in different directions down the hallway in front of them. Further back it opened up into a large room where staircases spiraled upward and downward. The room echoed with chatter and laughter. The room was lit with a golden glow and Alicia looked around but there were no lanterns or torches of any sort.
Then she looked up and it seemed like the air itself was glowing. Almost like the glow was just surrounding them. The Headmaster led them past the line of students moving down the hallway. They all parted immediately when they saw him. Alicia noticed most of them were looking at Jack and whispering. She stole a glance back at him and saw he was looking around and trying to ignore the fact that everyone was looking at him. She looked forward again. She wasn’t really mad at Jack. She was just upset that he’d hurt himself and she wanted to talk to him but she decided against it. She was still upset with him.
She also saw Bethany walking beside Jack and Luke was now behind them. He had been scowling as the door opened but now he looked just as filled with wonder and excitement as the rest of them. When she looked up again there was a smooth stone ceiling overhead but she knew there must be many floors above it. Then the Headmaster called their attention back to him as he waved his hand again and the door closed on the opposite side of the room. Many of the students had stopped in a few huddles to watch them. Jack was looking down and there was a touch of red on his cheeks which contrasted greatly with his pale complexion.
He was still pale and slightly exhausted looking from earlier. He seemed to feel her gaze and he glanced up for a moment meeting her eyes. Then he looked down again. She could see how bad he felt and she didn’t want him to feel like that. She swore to herself that once everything was figured out then she would go talk to him. “Now you are going to be shown around a few floors. These will be the places you go before it is time for your test. Today you may explore for a short while. Then you will attend an Assembly of sorts this afternoon.” he said. “What’s the Assembly about?” Bethany asked, coolly.
Before the Headmaster could respond a boy of about sixteen walked down one of the staircases and came over to them. He had black hair and slightly tanned skin. He wore a plain long sleeved shirt and pants. “Headmaster.” he said. “Martin these are the Selected. I would like you to show them to where they will be staying. I also would like you to show them around the places where they will be expected to attend.” the Headmaster said to him. Martin nodded as his eyes passed over each of them. Alicia noticed they stayed on Jack for a short while before looking back to the Headmaster. “Of course. Shall I introduce them to the teachers as well?” Martin replied.
“No they will meet them tomorrow.” the Headmaster said. Martin nodded then turned to the Selected with a warm smile. “Follow me.” he said, turning toward the left staircase. Alicia walked behind him and she heard the other three follow. The staircase was almost white in color compared to the walls and ceiling. Alicia looked around in awe and she still couldn’t find the direct source of the light. Martin led them up two staircases spiraling upward. Then down a hallway to the left. This had less students coming and going from it. “This is where the Selected students stay until after their test, the younger students stay here as well.” Martin told them.
“Boys are on the right side of the hall and girls to the left.” he added, stopping at the last doors on either side. They were simple doors and there were a few voices drifting from a few doors that were cracked open. “We’re sharing rooms?” Luke asked, glaring at Jack. “Remember what the Headmaster said, Luke. All quarrels stay outside the Academy.” Jack replied in turn. Alicia suppressed a laugh and she saw Bethany hiding a smile. She did notice that Jack’s tone was a bit off. She knew he was probably exhausted from what had happened.
Martin looked at Jack. “You’re the kid who can do magic before even coming here right?” he asked. Jack nodded but didn’t say anything. Martin looked at him for a moment then looked away. “It’s colder here than it is in town so you have clothes already set in your wardrobe that are better suited for your time here.” he continued. Luke and Jack went into the door to the right and Alicia followed Bethany into the door to the left.
There were four beds in the room, one in each corner. There was a carpet and there were curtains next to a window. Alicia was confused because she could see the forest outside. Then she smiled relaxing the magic. There was no one else living in the room, it would just be her and Bethany. There was another door that she assumed led to a bathroom. The room felt comfortable and unlike the entrance and the hallways this room was lit by lanterns. Bethany had chosen the closest bed and she had set her bag down on it. Alicia walked over to one of the farther ones on the opposite side and set her bag down.
Her and Bethany had been friends for a while now. They weren’t incredibly close but they would definitely have a less difficult time sharing a room than Luke and Jack. “Hey, Alicia?” Bethan said tentatively. They only had a few minutes so Alicia could hear that she was trying to be quick. “Yeah?” she asked, turning to look at Bethany. She was sitting on the bed beside her bag. “Please talk to Jack soon. He’s so upset and he thinks you’re mad because he hurt you on accident.” Bethany murmured. Alicia was kind of surprised. “H-He thinks I’m mad about that?” she whispered.
“Yes, he feels so terrible and he can barely bring himself to make eye contact with you. How have you not noticed that?” Bethany replied, softly. “You notice these things all the time, Bethany. You can always see what people are feeling. I don’t want him to be upset. I was just upset because….” Alicia trailed off. Bethany looked at her with a little bit of sympathy. “I know you don ’t. However one thing I can’t figure out is why are you upset if that isn’t it?” she wondered. “He hurt himself. I’ve seen what using his magic does to him and on top of it he used it so I wouldn’t be hurt.” Alicia whispered.
Bethany was quiet. She didn’t ask about what Alicia had meant about Jack’s magic. “Bethany, do you know how upset he is?” Alicia asked, quietly. The last thing she wanted was for Jack to be in any sort of pain. She wanted to see him smile and be happy. She hadn’t realized until now how rare it had been for her to see him smile. “The moment he realized that he hurt you….there was so much emotion in his eyes. He looked so angry and himself and so horrified. He looked so guilty.” Bethany whispered. “He didn’t deserve what Luke said and hearing him say that he thought his father was right….that was awful. He’s so nice and he really is a great person. I feel like he just doesn’t see it at all.” Alicia muttered.
“Talk to him okay?” Bethany urged. “I will.” Alicia promised. Then the door burst open and Luke was standing there. “Both of you come on now.” he said, urgently. Before either of them could respond he left the doorway. The two girls exchanged a quick glance then went out the door. Luke had gone back into his and Jack’s room. Martin was kneeling on the floor next to Jack. Alicia and Bethany went into the room quickly and stood beside Luke. Jack was writhing in agony. His teeth were clenched trying not to make a sound. There were a few tears on his face.
“What happened?” Bethany demanded. Martin didn’t answer, he was trying to get Jack to calm down. “I-It was an accident. I found this sword under one of the beds and I turned with it and it cut Jack’s arm. Then he went rigid and collapsed. Now…” he trailed off gesturing to Jack. Alicia saw the sword on the floor and the edge had blood on it. She went over and got on her knees on Jack’s other side. “Stay here all of you and try to keep him calm. I’m getting the first teacher I find.” Martin said, quickly getting to his feet and rushing out the door.
“Jack.” Alicia said softly. Jack looked at her and she could see the pain he was in. Then he jerked and a scream finally escaped him. Alicia didn’t know what to do. Then she saw his arm. Luke and Bethany had moved a bit closer and they were looking at his arm too. There was black along the edges of the cut. “It isn’t healing.” Luke muttered. “What do you mean?” Alicia asked, wincing as Jack screamed again. Thankfully Martin had closed the door and there were still voices talking in the hallway. They probably wouldn’t hear him. “His wounds heal. They heal by themselves faster than normal and this one isn’t healing.” Luke explained, slightly panicked.
“Jack, listen to me. You’re going to be okay.” Alicia said, lightly touching his shoulder. “Make it stop! Make it stop!” Jack shouted, a few more tears falling. Alicia was stunned and she heard Bethany suck in a sharp breath. “Someone’s coming.” Luke said, relieved. Alicia could hear hurried footsteps coming down the hallway. The door opened and Martin came back in behind a young woman. She wore a long red robe and her expression turned worried the moment she saw Jack. “All of you back away.” the woman instructed, coming over to Jack. Alicia was reluctant but she went over to the other side of the room with Luke and Bethany.
Alicia looked at the woman, she had chestnut skin, kind brown eyes, and short dark brown hair. Martin stood beside her. “Shut the door please, Martin.” she said calmly. She looked at Jack’s arm as Martin did as she asked. “Will he be okay?” Alicia asked in a strained voice. The woman nodded and she touched Jack’s shoulder when he cried out again. “It hurts. Please make it stop.” Jack pleaded. “Shhh just focus on me.” the woman said kindly. Jack looked at her, trying to keep still. She touched his cheek lightly with her fingertips. There was a dim pink glow coming from them.
Jack jerked again, looking away. She turned his face toward her again. “Look at me. You’ll be alright.” she told him. Jack didn’t look away from her again and after a moment his body relaxed and his eyes closed. She quickly wiped the tears off his face then stood up. “W-What did you do?” Bethany asked. She didn’t answer but raised her hands and muttered something. Jack slowly rose off the floor and was lowered again onto the nearest bed. Then she turned to them. “Now tell me exactly what happened.” she said.
“What did you do?” Bethany repeated. “Don’t worry. He’ll be alright. He needs to rest right now and..” she trailed off turning to Martin. “Go get the Headmaster. He needs to see the cut on his arm now.” she finished. Martin nodded and left the room closing the door quickly behind him. The woman walked over and picked up the sword on the floor. “Where did this come from?” she demanded. “I don’t know. I found it under one of the beds and I turned around with it. Jack was standing closer than I thought and it cut his arm. H-He went rigid then collapsed.” Luke told her, nervously recounting the story.
Alicia was still looking at Jack. Bethany put a hand on her shoulder. “Look!” Alicia shouted, pointing at Jack's arm. The black outline had darkened and the cut was bleeding faster, staining the grey blankets. “Professor Amora let me handle this.” the Headmaster said, well it sounded like him. This man wore no mask. He looked to be in his mid forties and he had a few scars on his face. ‘Professor Amora’ quickly recounted Luke’s story as the Headmaster looked at the cut on Jack’s arm. “It’s his magic,'' he muttered. “Whatever that blade is, is using his magic against him.” “What does that mean?” Alicia blurted. The Headmaster sighed as he muttered a complicated series of words as he moved his hands in intricate patterns.
Jack’s breathing quickened and he moaned softly. The Headmaster still kept going. Jack tensed and he moaned again. Alicia started to move forward but Bethany grabbed her arm. “He’s hurting him.” Alicia hissed. Professor Amora walked over to them. “He is trying to suppress Jack’s magic enough so he can fix the cut on his arm.” she assured them. The Headmaster’s brow furrowed as he kept doing the spell. After a few more excruciating moments of Jack’s pain, the Headmaster’s concentration, and the silence from everyone else the Headmaster gasped and stumbled back.
Jack was still and the black outline around the cut was gone. “Headmaster? Are you alright?” Martin asked. “Professor Amora, I’m going to need to observe that sword more closely.” the headmaster whispered. “Why? What happened?” Professor Amora replied. The Headmaster turned slowly and looked at the other three Selected. He didn’t seem sure about continuing with them there. Alicia looked at him, defiantly. “Whatever it is. Tell us.” she said. “Please.” she added. “I was trying to suppress his magic. Only a bit of it. I almost could not do it.” the Headmaster muttered, steadying himself on the bed frame.
Martin’s and Professor Amora’s eyes widened in shock. “That blade seems to be specifically designed to hurt this boy.” he continued. “What does that mean?” Luke asked, there seemed to be a bit of guilt in his expression. “I could feel it as I reversed the magic. It was using his magic against him. He can heal himself faster than normal and whoever made that blade knows that. The cut was getting worse the more his magic tried to heal it.” the Headmaster said, wiping sweat off his forehead. “So what does this all mean? Why is this sword even here?” Alicia whispered. “It means that this blade can kill him and even I won’t be able to save him.” the Headmaster replied, gravely.
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