Orientation 679Please respect copyright.PENANA07MlfB5791
Hey, I'm Bradly. Before I introduce myself, there is something about VR you'll be interested to hear.
Lately the world has been on this big new craze called Virtual Reality. It's been such a big hit with scientists that they want to use it so they'll have a safer way of testing experiments. But the problem so far is, how do we get it to work? Scientists can't seem to figure out how they can hook up a machine to someone and completely immobilize their body without dangerous means. A simple yet complex program has been developed for use alongside the virtual reality system, but without a full dive unit it just won't work properly.
The first few tests made without a full dive unit ended up in complete catastrophe. Nobody cared to think whether the room they placed the subject in was big enough, for instance. So the subject ended up constantly hitting walls and colliding with tables. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAvu7fV4Avyo
They managed to find a bigger room, eventually. But a new headache came - the cords.679Please respect copyright.PENANAlk2713hkm3
Every time someone used the virtual reality headset they would end up entangling themselves in the cords, causing them to trip and fall, or even bind their hands. That became a serious issue, so the scientists came up with a way to send a wireless signal to the program, replacing the cord that ran from the headset and gloves. This made mobility much easier and tripping began to show up less and less in their studies. Without the cords though, power supply became an issue.
The scientists decided then that they would move the system over to a rechargeable lithium ion battery until they figured out how to make a full dive unit. The battery seemed to hold up for quite some time, but not long enough. There had to be another way they could go about it. So they decided to put back full effort into making a full dive unit. The first thing they had to do though, was figure out how.
Eventually after a few thousand failed attempts and failed ideas, they narrowed it down to one design. A little transmitter in the back of the helmet which diverts signals going out to the body was designed to move the body in the virtual reality. This proved to work fairly well when it was tested on a small group of scientists. On a monitor in a separate room, you could see what each scientist was doing. All of those being tested were able to complete their tasks by only laying down in the real world. 679Please respect copyright.PENANA2azcwhbXeK
The design process took time, no doubt, but the helmets that these scientists created reached the open market for businesses and medical associations soon enough.
The businesses ended up using the helmets to set up certain scenarios for new employees to see how well they could handle them. Hospitals were able to use them to train new workers different surgery techniques, show patients their surgery plans and go through step by step what was going to happen, and even do scenarios that would help get workers through a rush.
It wasn't long after common folk got their hands on this new technology and started to make games. The gaming industry blew up with how much profit was coming in. Well, the virtual reality headset have always been something people had been waiting years for ever since they talked about it in research.
This is where I come in. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAhahuDKpV1L
I am an 18 year old boy whose job was to help his parents distribute these VR helmets globally. VR is a name I coined because virtual reality is a mouth full when you have to say it over and over. 679Please respect copyright.PENANARGPpCj0KSj
I fly from country to country, walking business to business showing off the product these scientists have made, hoping that they would help fund or even buy the product. Most of the time people are very skeptical, like it’s some scam or there is no way this could possibly work. Well, I couldn't blame them. It is indeed something truly extraordinary and strange. But when I have them try it on, their minds are blown. Oh, how blown they were. This VR stuff is the next step in a better tomorrow, I have faith in that.
The Business Deal
On my third flight to Japan, I was contacted by an organization that created video games for things like consoles and pcs. They wanted to know if I was willing to let them turn our product into more of a gaming system rather than a business tool. At first my thoughts were, why would anyone want this product for a game? I contacted the organization back and told them I'd be willing to look at what they have for a set up. The last thing I would want to do is sell our life's work away to a bunch of gamers.
My plane touched down in Tokyo that night. I arranged to stay at a nearby hotel just in case I needed a quick escape. Tokyo at night was a scary yet cool place, but because I was a tourist in their country I was a little cautious. The next morning I was to meet with this organization and make a decision on whether we'd want to sell our product to them. This would be a big step for us, possibly in the wrong direction though. The intended use for the VR helmet was for training and medical demonstration, not for gaming. With this contract, however, it would bring the company more money and publicity. We could potentially improve the helmet too, with such a change.
The day has finally come, where I was to go and meet with the Head of Ragnar Gaming, Mr. Ishito Fugasaki. I won’t lie, this building I was about to enter was massive - unlike any I have seen before. I didn’t even get five steps in the door and saw someone waiting for me, which was really odd because normally I have to wait for an executive to send for me. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAiQz7Ec5EBn
The inside of this building was very modern compared to others I have visited in my short stays in Japan. I was directed to an elevator that was made of glass. This elevator looked out over Japan as you went up to the top of the building, the scenery of the streets and lights and people changing little by little as I go up, which was truly mesmerising and stunning, and peaceful too.
As soon as the elevator door opened I was greeted by another person. I shook hands with the man of course, just to keep things polite. He held out his hand to point out the direction we were going. 679Please respect copyright.PENANA2vZiYtASeh
The hallway we traveled was lined with pictures of what seemed to be former employees/owners of the company. We arrived at the double doors that would lead my way into the head man's office.
I entered through those double doors and, standing near the windows, eyes looking out over the busy streets, was the Head of the company. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAizoOn28uDm
This guy wasn’t a short Japanese person like you would think. He was actually fairly tall, not skinny but not built either. It looked like he was dressed for some casual encounter and here I am all decked out in a suit and tie, thinking I was going to be stuck with some big CEO.
“Ahh, Bradly. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” Mr. Fugasaki turned from his place at his window and came to shake my hand.
“Yeah. It was no problem, but you could have told me that I didn’t need to dress so fancily.” Mr. Fugasaki laughed at me.
“I like you - you Americans always know how to make a joke.” 679Please respect copyright.PENANA53AF6EHTaX
I really didn’t think it was a joke but ok, whatever makes this man happy. When he talked to me though, he talked like he had known me for a thousand years. Mr. Fugasaki went and sat down at his desk. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAyj2K1s2Mdl
“So Mr. Fugasaki, what got you interested in the VR helmet in the first place?”679Please respect copyright.PENANAWiFtxElK5C
“Well Bradly, if you would take a seat I would be glad to tell you.” I took the seat he offered to me. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAkHmMKWvL9G
“Do you drink son?”
“No, no thanks. I haven’t for quite some time.”
“Ok, more for me then. Now where to get started, ah yes! So I first found out about your little VR project a few years back when you or your parents, or other scientists I should say, released pictures of the prototype they had been working on. I noticed that at first nobody really bought into the idea of Virtual Reality until they had actually seen the released footage of it working. That’s when it amazed me. You and your people had only been using it for business and medical, but then I thought - what if you were to put it to use not for that, but for video games?”
“It’s crossed my mind a few times, but how do you expect it to take off?”
“Well, Bradly. That’s where I thought you could help us. I know you already marketed it for sale to other companies, but do you think you could take it under consideration to join us in marketing the VR headset for video games?”
“Hmm that was quick. Ummm, this I will have to talk over with some of my associates and see what they have to say.”
“Why not call them up right now? The faster the answer the better.”
“Hmmm….. Yeah why the hell not, let’s give them a ring.” Mr. Fugasaki spun around his telephone and I dialed up the number for the other scientists. The phone rang a few tones and then a pause.
“Hello?” A woman’s voice sounded over the phone.
“Hey Shelly, I’m calling from Japan. One of my clients has a question for everyone, you think you could bring together everybody?”
“Yeah, no problem. I’m going to put you on hold for a second.” A beep sounded and then the annoying waiting music started to play.
“You know I’ve been trying to get them to change that music for a year now.”679Please respect copyright.PENANAQiyoAFdAzh
“Hahaha, I think it’s very amusing that you have waiting music.”
“It’s just to entertain people on the line, but I know it just pisses them off.” Another beep sounded over the phone.
“Ok Bradly. I was able to round up everyone.”
“Oh you were, thanks.”
"Hello!" The group of scientists sounded off. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAjMaVwrHtAm
"Hey guys, I have some news! The Head of Ragnar Gaming, Mr. Fugasaki, just offered me a spot on his team to help tune the VR machine for his company." 679Please respect copyright.PENANA0pQxaAugJM
Silence. No sound escaped the phone. Then a voice broke through.
"That's great son, I'm very proud of you!" Father's voice appeared from the phone.
"Well, I haven't said yes yet. I want it to be ok with everyone before I take on the job. So what have you guys got to say?" 679Please respect copyright.PENANAfhGiaOhe4K
The phone was dead silent again, and then -
"Son I want you to do what makes you happy. Don't worry about us old geezers, our work with the VR machine is done anyways. Why not take it a step farther -"
" Um, thank you dad. We'll talk soon."
"Bye son."679Please respect copyright.PENANApog2278s7D
Beep. 679Please respect copyright.PENANAiGyYnSSqLm
The call ended.
"Ok kid, so your decision - ?"
"I'll do it, Mr. Fugasaki."679Please respect copyright.PENANAitdLlgNI85
"Let's do this."