"Hey Bradford it's Mr. Fugasaki. Just checking in on you to see how you're doing. Please give me a call back when you can. Bye." Beep!
It's been a week since the incident in the testing room. Everything happened so quickly. Mr. Fugasaki had the test room closed down until farther precautions could be made. He wasn't too happy about what happened to his daughter.
Lucy is still in the hospital unresponsive. I've visited her a couple times just to remind myself of why I won't go back. Yeah it was just a small incident, but it put two people at risk. Something that should not have happened.
Mr. Fugasaki has been calling constantly to try and get me back to work, but I just can't risk that again. One time he even made the effort to come and knock on my door, I didn't answer. He's left notes under the door and even sent his new secretary to try and get a hold of me.
She was a very nice lady. Yesterday, which I think was Monday, she stood at the door and talked even though she never got a reply. She didn't even know me so why would she be so nice.
It's Tuesday and I was just on my way out the door to go and see Lucy in the hospital when the new secretary showed up.
"Oh hey I didn't expect you to come out."
I gave her the cold shoulder and just kept on walking. Of course she followed right behind me, but I just kept on going. I wasn't letting anyone stopping me from seeing Lucy.
I got to the train that would take me to the hospital. Cute little thing really, small but a real power house. People weren't loading on just yet so it gave the new secretary time to catch up. She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm sorry." She said to me. Those words hit me like a brick. I fell to my knees for god knows what reason. I hung my head down and the tears just rolled out. She pressed her head into my back to try and comfort me, believe me it did help. It took a little bit to pull myself together.
"Thank you." I sobbed to her. She looked at me. She was kind of cute, guess I never really looked at her before. She has short red hair, which I am kind of partial to, two hearts on her face, one under each eye, and light pinkish lips.
"We better board the train before it leaves." She helped pick me up off the ground. Funny thing is I don't even know her name yet she has been here to help me more than anything.
The train was packed with people, only one seat was open. I gave her the open seat even though she insisted on standing. The ride to the hospital was a short one, thank god, because I don't know if I could stand in here any longer.
The hospital was big for its location. A revolving door made the entrance to the hospital. It was the only thing separating a clean environment from the streets of Japan. This part of Japan was crowded with buildings, the streets were packed with people, and you wouldn't believe the smell, amazing.
"So this is the place."
"Yup I'll get the key so we can go to Lucy's room." I said walking away.
"Ok. Sounds good."
I got the key from the desk and we made our way to the elevator. The ride up was fairly quiet, save for the few making phone calls. It took about five minutes before we reached her floor. We made our way down the hall and to the left. The first door on the right was Lucy's.
"Here we are." I used the key to open the door. Lucy laid in the same position as the past couple times I've visited. Her room was filled with flowers, some from me, family, friends, and even staff.
"Hey Lucy it's Bradford I'm back. I brought a friend if you don't mind. Her names... Ah...”
"Wow that's a cool name."
"Thanks, but you do know she can't respond."
"Of course I know that. Talking just helps comfort me when I'm here."
We both stepped into the room and got comfortable. I placed my chair next to Lucy's bed and Ciceria set hers next to mine.
"You know I was talking with her father and there is a slight chance she might not wake up."
"You don't have to remind me. He left a message regarding that."
Ciceria slouched down in her chair and rested her head on my shoulder. I could tell what she was trying to do. She was preparing me for the worst if it ever came to that. So we sat there for an hour and Ciceria fell fast asleep. A nurse walked in the door. She walked over to the sink washed her hands and put on some gloves.
"Hello Bradford, how are you today?"
"I've been better."
"I'm sorry to hear that, this stuff can be hard on some people." She walked up to Lucy's bed and checked her IV.
"Yeah I bet. I couldn't imagine what her father thinks right now."
"Yeah. So who'd you bring with you today?"
"This is Ciceria she is filling in for Lucy while she's out."
"Well she's a cutie. Are you going to keep this one around?"
"I'll try, she is very nice to me."
"It looks like she has taken a liking to you."
"You think?"
"She wouldn't be using you as a pillow if she didn't."
"You have a point I guess."
"Well Bradford I have to move on."
"Ok I'll c'ya later."
"Oh and don't forget to water the flowers before you leave. They looked a little dry."
"Will do miss."
The nurse left the room to tend to her other patients. The room fell silent again except for the slight buzzing of the air conditioner. I leaned my head over and rested it on top of Ciceria's. I slowly drifted off into a slumber.
I dreamt that none of this had ever happened. That I was back in my office working like normal, waiting for paperwork to show up on my desk. That Lucy never got harmed in the accident and showed up to my office with good news. But just a moment after she showed up everything changed. She screamed, fell to the ground, and started bleeding everywhere. There was nothing I could do but sit and watch as she slowly died in front of me.
I woke up and the sun was just about to set over the trees. Ciceria was still fast asleep. I wonder what she was dreaming about, but I won't ask her. I gave her head a little nudge to wake her up.
"How long was I out?" She asked me. The nurse had just walked back in the room.
"All day I suppose. It didn't take to long for you to fall asleep after we got here." I responded.
"Same goes for you to Bradford. I left for five minutes and by the time I got back you were out." The nurse said.
"But don't worry I watered the plants." She smiled. "Lucy had a lot of visitors today. You wouldn't believe how many of them looked at you two and took pictures. They thought you looked cute sitting there together."
I looked over at Ciceria and I could see the blush rising in her face. The hearts on her cheeks really brought it out.
"Shit that means I missed a whole day of work." Ciceria panicked.
"You'll be fine. Mr. Fugasaki was in here today, said not to worry about it. Said as long as you're keeping Bradford happy you'll be fine."
"Oh thank god. I can't get fired this job is all I have."
"Well Ciceria we better get going it's getting late." I told her.
"Ok." We stood up and made our way to the door. I looked back at Lucy laying in her bed. She looked so peaceful.
"Ok you two we will see you later." The nurse said.
We walked out of the hospital and it started to rain. The rain came down in sheets drenching anything and everything.
"Shoot I forgot my jacket." Ciceria cried.
"Here take mine." I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders.
We ran to the train depot to get out of the rain. It wasn't so packed this time round so we both could sit down this time. We were soaked, but that didn't stop the rain from coming down. We got back to my apartment and we stood at the door.
"Thanks for tagging along." I told her.
"Yeah I had fun even though I did sleep most of the time."
I wasn't expecting but Ciceria wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. Moments later she sneezed right on my shoulder.
"Ok you're coming inside. We need to get you some dry clothes."
"Ok" she sniffled. I opened the door and in we went.
"This is the first time anyone stepped foot into my apartment."
"So I should be honored."
"Nah it's not too much of a grace."
I grabbed my jacket off her and hung it up on the door.
"You don't mind if I take a shower do you?"
"No not at all. I'll just set out some dry clothes on my bed for when you finish."
"Ok thanks."
I showed her to the shower next to my room. Then I walked back out to the kitchen and started making some chicken soup.
"Bradford which way is warm?" She yelled.
"All the way right is hot. The start is cold!" I yelled back.
I continued boiling water for the chicken. After the chicken was thawed I cut it up and put it in fresh water with some broth. I cut up vegetables and put them in the pot along with some noodles.
"Bradford where are the towels?"
"Under the counter!"
"Shit I forgot to set out the clothes." I said to myself. I walked into my room to grab some dry clothes for her. When I opened the door there she stood wrapped in her towel. She didn't scream or nothing she just stood there like she was comfortable with this. I just kept staring like I was in a trance.
"Hey are you going to get me some clothes?"
"Oh...shoot...yeah." So I went to my closet and grabbed some of my pajamas. "Here are your choices. A pair of elegant plaid sweat pants or plain sweat pants."
"I'll go with the plaid."
"Ok good choice, and now for the shirt. We have batman, superman, flash, plain, or dress."
"How about the flash."
"Sounds good to me." I threw the shirt at her and walked out of the room. I went to check on the soup, boy did it taste good. I put the burner on low just to keep it warm.
"Hey where do you want these?" She had a pile of wet clothes in her hands.
"We can put them in the washer right away." So I showed her where the washer was and we started a load of laundry.
"Now what about you, aren't you going to dry off?"
"I probably should." I went and got into the shower. The warm water felt good against my skin. A knock came from the door that led to the shower.
Ciceria walked right in.
"Is that soup ready on the stove?"
"Yup go right ahead. I'll be out in a moment to join you."
"Ok." I finished up my shower and she must've heard the shower shut off because she came walking in through my bedroom door, luckily I had a towel on.
"Now you picked out clothes for me. I get to pick some out for you."
"Ok I guess that seems fair."
She went digging through my dresser and pulled out a pair of my underwear.
"You'll need those."
Then she found me my batman shirt. After a few moments of digging around she pulled out another pair of plaid sweat pants.
"There now we can match." She said.
"Great I'll be out in a bit."
She left the room. By the time I had gotten dressed and walked out of the room she had found the bowls and set the table. She was siting already eating. I walked over to the radio and turned it on low.
"So Bradford did you like what you seen?"
"Ummm ahh."
"You don't have to answer your expression said it all before."
We sat in silence for a bit while we ate. The rain just kept on coming. I took the wet from the wash and threw them in the dryer. We sat down to watch a little television while the clothes dried.
"You don't mind if I spend the night do you?" Ciceria asked sleepily.
"No not at all. I wouldn't want you going back out there in this weather anyway."
"Thank you the couch will be fine for me."
"You sure you can have my bed instead."
"No I'll be fine."
"Ok." I went to my bedroom and grabbed a couple of blankets out of the closet. I walked back out and she had already fallen asleep. So I took the blankets and covered her up. I turned the television off and went to lay down in my bed.
I couldn't fall asleep due to the storm, thunder rolled constantly. The rain started to come down even harder. I turned my radio on to listen for any warnings, but nothing showed up. Knock Knock. Ciceria walked in the door.
"Can I sleep with you, the storm is scaring me."
"Yeah. Sure."
Well she walked over to the other side of my bed and flopped down with her blanket. She scooted really close to me and rested her head right against my shoulder.
"Good night." I said to her.
"Night." She yawned.