"Bradford I think it's time." The doctor said calmly.
"What do you mean you think it's time?"
"Well Lucy has been on life support for a long time now and her condition hasn't changed. We think it's time to let her rest in peace."
"No! What the fuck! She is still here and breathing and you want to fucking kill her!" I said grasping my head. Tears began to pour out of my eyes. "Fuck...why." I fell to my knees and rested my head on her bed. The nurse walked over and put her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Bradford." The nurse said.
"How much more time can you get me?"
"A couple days. What for?"
"Doc where is the nearest church?"
"5th avenue, but may I ask again? What for?"
"If I told you I'd probably have to kill you." That's when I snapped everything I had, gone.
I walked out of the hospital to find myself greeted by Ciceria. I walked straight past her not even giving her the time of day.
"Bradford get back here now!" Ciceria yelled at me.
I just kept on walking, my destination the church. Ciceria ran after me. The crowds on the streets were thick, it kept Ciceria from getting to close. I could still hear her yelling for me to stop. She was like my conscience yelling at me to stop what I'm about to do. I could see it, the church, a huge dynasty looking castle. Ciceria watched as I walked through its gates.
"That's not like him to go to church." She muttered. She followed me in.
I sat down on one of the benches and lowered my head. I couldn't fight back the tears anymore. Ciceria sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me.
"It's Lucy isn't it?"
"Yeah." I sobbed.
"Praying isn't going to bring her back."
"At least I'm trying, her father hasn't even visited since yesterday. He's out getting drunk and won't even give his own daughter company."
"Many people deal with grief in their own way."
I put my head into her shoulder.
"Do you want to talk about her? Maybe it will help calm you." She asked.
The tears just kept on falling.
"I only knew her for a couple days, but that was enough for me to fall for her. I'm pretty sure she knew that I liked her, but she wouldn't say anything."
"Oh..." I think at that moment I broke Ciceria's heart a little.
"God... Why now... Why her?"
"Maybe he's got better plans for her." Ciceria said rubbing my back.
"No! I still need her here." That's when Ciceria sat me up and kissed me. Her lips were soft and soothing. It was enough to cloud my judgment, stop me from thinking straight. I stopped crying.
"I'm tired of seeing you crying. You have been laying around moping too much and I'm tired of it. I love you Bradford."
Those words, like a brick to a bug, killed me, but not in a bad way. Someone who actually told me they loved me, was that even possible. I don't know what to do. Lucy is unconscious and laying in her death bed while Ciceria is here confessing her love for me.
Even in life's darkest moments there always seems to be a light to guide you out of the darkness. I think Ciceria maybe my light in this darkest moment. I collapsed my arms around her and hugged her.
"Thank you my guardian angel." I released my hug and she looked at me.
"You ok?"
"What are you going to do now?"
"I need to have a little talk with Mr. Fugasaki. It's about time he learns what happens when you cross me."
"You're not going to kill him are you?"
"No! God no! What kind of sick fuck do you think I am? Don't answer that."
"Well then what are you going to do?"
"Talk, what part of that did you not understand?"
"Well it was just the way you said it."
"I best get going before he's too drunk."
We made our way out of the church. The walk to the train was quite like we had absolutely nothing to talk about. She had just told me she loved me but hasn't even grabbed form hand or begged for my shoulder. Was she waiting for me to make a move or a yes I love you to? The train ride was the same way. She kept a little space between us and never said a word. Did she just say that stuff to get me moving?
At the front doors to the building she finally spoke up.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?"
"Of course I am I wouldn't come all this way just to turn around and go home."
"Well go ahead."
I tried to pass through the front door but my keycard wouldn't work. Every time I swiped the card was declined.
"Bradford he's been locked in there all day. Hasn't let anyone in. He's taking the news just as bad as you."
“Well then I am breaking in.”
“I wouldn’t try that if I were you.” But it was too late. I had already backed up and started running towards the glass. With the force of a little girl on her bike going downhill, I ran towards the glass and bam! My shoulder made contact with the glass. The glass itself did not even budge an inch, but my shoulder fell right out of place.
“Ah shit fuck!” I held my arm close to my side as it just dangled there.
“Who told you so? Oh I TOLD YOU SO!” Ciceria walked up to my arm and grabbed on to my wrist. “Ok on three.”
“Ok” I looked into her eyes and saw a gleam of enjoyment. That’s when I knew I had fucked up.
“One. Two.” On the count of two she yanked my arm outward and popped my shoulder back into place.
“Ahhhhh. What happened to three?”
“If I would’ve counted to three you would have hesitated.”
“Nu-uh.” I said childishly.
“Do you want to do it again and find out?”
“Nope, I’m good.”
“Thought so.”
I stood there holding my arm to my chest, because every time I moved it kind of hurt. I mean the pain was bearable, but it did get really annoying after a while. The only thing that bothered me more than my arm though was the thought of the glass still standing.
“So how are we going to get in now?” I asked
“Well, while you were nursing your arm and staring off into the dirt I was looking at the town records of the building.”
“Oh really now?” I sarcastically questioned.
“Yes really dipshit. It looks like there is a maintenance shaft in the sewers below that will lead us in.”
“I am not setting foot down there!”
“Do you have a better plan?”
“Yes, I actually do. I’m going to call him.”
“Don’t you think I would have tried that first.”
“Of course, I may be dumb but I’m not stupid.”
“Oh shut up.”
“Fighting like a married couple now, are we?” A mysterious voice came from behind us.
“Who in the hell are you?” I slowly turned around to come face to face with an old colleague of mine, Mike Rogan. Although being a complete ass at school he was one of the few friends I actually had. Semi tall and slender was his form and not a blemish to his face. He was the perfect man for any woman, but he wore prescription glasses.
“What you don’t remember me Buzz saw?” He extended his arm out but not for a handshake, he wanted a hug because he is a hugger.
“Mikey you are the only one who ever called me that.” I walked in and grabbed his extended hand. We pulled on each other’s hands and went for the hug.
“Man it’s been way too long. What have you been up to? Wait don’t tell me, are you sneaking around with this dame?”
“No not really. Wait a second, Mikey what the hell are you doing here?”
Mikey walked up to the door and swiped his card. A red light flashed and then a loud beep.
“Well I was supposed to be in for an interview today with the head honcho, but it seems the place is locked down.”
“Well you have always been good with locks why don’t you give that a try.”
“I will after you introduce me to this beautiful girl of yours.”
“She is not my girl, but this is Ciceria.” I held out my hand to gesture Ciceria.
“Hello beautiful.” Mikey said to her.
“Fuck off. I’m only interested in him.” Ciceria pointed at me.
“Ok I guess I’ll open the door now.”
Mikey opened the panel on the keycard lock. “This will only take a moment.” I looked over his shoulder to see him cutting wires and reattaching them to other wires. It took about five minutes and he was in.
“Bingo!” Mikey yelled.
The lock clicked and the light turned green, the doors slid open and in we went. I was finally back inside the building that started this all, but I knew that it wouldn’t be the last time I’d set foot in here.
“Ciceria could you wait here and make sure no one else tries to get into the building?” I asked her.
“The hell I am! I want to be there when you stick it to the man.”
“You’ve been talking to too much rednecks lately, haven’t you?” Mikey questioned.
“Not even once.” Ciceria said back.
“Today you two.” I told them.
I had been waiting in the elevator while those two made fun of each other. It was a quite ride to the top, only the elevator music played. The elevator came to a stop at the top floor. The doors opened up and revealed a trashed hallway. The news couldn’t have gotten to him this bad, could it? The doors to Mr. Fugasaki’s room were no better. They were shredded by gun fire, but I didn’t know he kept a gun in his office. This must mean he is truly drunk.
“Mr. Fugasaki are you in here?” I asked as I opened the door.
“Hello Bradford I’m guessing you heard the news?”
“As you can see I haven’t been taking it to well.”
“Then at least try to help her. Don’t let go of here just yet, not while she is still alive.”
“Umm Ciceria who are they talking about.” Mikey asked.
“Lucy is that guy’s daughter.” She replied.
“Don’t you think I would have? There is no cure to what we caused. That kind of science is not even around yet.” Mr. Fugasaki said.
“What do you mean we don’t have that kind of science? Look around us we have a Virtual Reality Helmet tell your people to figure it out.” I fought back.
“I can’t.”
“Because I fired them all.”
“Then bring them back.”
“it’s not that easy.”
“Of course it is give me an hour with your phone.”
“Or one press of a button.” Mikey said. Mikey walked over to the phone and pressed the number 4 button. The phone rang a couple times and a voice popped up on the phone.
“Hello how may I help you?”
“Yes operator I need you to send out a mass message to the former workers of Ragnar gaming. Let them know that they are not fired and are able to return to work asap.”
It only took a couple of hours and people started returning to the building. The mood wasn’t like it used to be but eventually it would improve.
“Ok now go tell them what to do.” I told Mr. Fugasaki.
“I can’t.” He responded.
“Why now?”
“Yeah that really helps. I guess I’ll take over now. Mr. Fugasaki I find you unfit to run the country so I hereby relieve you of your position as head founder of the company and call Ciceria to take your place.”
“Just as long as you bring my daughter back.”
“I will do my best sir.”