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Amelia stepped out of the shower and into a soft, warm towel. She wrapped it snugly around her body and closed her eyes. She couldn't believe her life the last couple days. The fact that she was still here, breathing, coherent and complete with gifts that didn't belong to her was mind boggling enough. There was nothing she could do. He had to, he said. He saved her. The ramifications are all that follows now. The connection she felt with him was growing so strong she couldn't stop thinking of it.489Please respect copyright.PENANAW2YsZWBlNS
She rubbed the back of her neck as she sat down on the end of the tub. Her body was warm, calm and soft. She felt vulnerable in just a towel. Warren insisted he make dinner for the two of them since she hadn't eaten much of anything in the last few days. She could manage something. They were, after all, now living together. It was scary to admit that. But strangely, she didn't feel weird. This place felt like home to her more than her last one.
Warren appeared next to the bathroom door and knocked softly. He watched her for a moment through the crack of the door. He pushed it a bit further open for a clear look. Her body slanted to the side, head turned in deep thought. He noticed her appearance; he couldn't ignore the lack of clothing. If she was staying here, he was going to have to get used to seeing her like this. He looked down and blushed. "Hey, are you OK?"
Amelia took a few seconds to lift her head up. She pulled the towel a bit tighter; her body must look like a mess. "Hm? Oh, yeah."
He looked at her again; it was almost like he was piercing her with his eyes. She pulled the towel even tighter.
"You know, you don't have to check up on me so much. I am pretty strong now." She blushed and smiled.
He liked this side of her. He knew there was a happy girl in there somewhere. He was fascinated to find out more. "Dinner is nearly finished."
She smiled, her eyes shining as she watched him, just the sight of him made her mind turn to mush. She liked looking at him, even if he wasn't particularly hers to look at. Warren would never see her in that light anyway.
He cleared his throat. "I laid out your clothes on the bed. When you're ready…"
He hesitated a moment before leaving. She was being awfully quiet. He nodded, assumed she heard him and turned back on his heel.
"Warren?" She said his name. He froze and walked back to the door.
She stood up, her eyes slowly working their way to his. When they locked she smiled. She walked to him, her hair damp, towel clung to her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck in an embrace. She can't imagine living without doing this every day. It was hitting her. She needed him, badly. She really did. She needed somebody. She felt his arms envelope her close. It made her relax; she didn't notice she was just in a towel.
"Thank you, so much." She whispered in his ear but she was sure she whispered the words against his neck. Her lips grazed the delicate skin when she closed her eyes.
When they pulled away, Warren drew in a deep breath. "I'll meet you in the kitchen."
Amelia smiled as she let go of his hand. She really liked holding his hand. It was something so simple, so pure. She watched him leave and finally let the breath she was holding out. Warren made her nervous. Not in that fearful way, but a more school girl type of way. She had to be careful though. She was fairly sure this was a temporary situation. Her staying here. Once they figure out what's wrong and the doctor extracts the multiplied X-gene from her system, it's all over. She'll go back to her life. She goes back to the life of crazy fear, hiding and abusive fights with her father.
Amelia took her time getting ready. She knew Warren was waiting for her steadily. She wanted to take these moments in as if it were her last. It was slightly rude to delay but this life didn't happen to her often. She always felt as if she was meant to be alone. That her life already had a path and anything that affected it was a distraction. She grew up knowing that life in a solitary confinement was her curse. Warren was too good a man to take on her secrets. She doesn't even know how powerful she was. There was a sting of doubt that tugged at her. She knew he may not handle all the craziness.
She took off the towel, placing it to the side. After putting on her undergarments she grabbed the pair of jeans laid out on the bed. When she slipped into them, she noticed how well they fit. How did he know? She never wore anything fancy or designer brand names. She wasn't even sure of her size half the time. How did he figure it out like that?
It was so silly she would be worried about this. Its just clothes. He didn't have to do this but he did. She told herself to get over it as she pulled on the blouse. Another snug fit. She shook her head and sat down on the edge of the bed. This wasn't her home. She had to stop acting like she was a part of his world. She didn't fit in the fine corners of his days. He had a life. She had nothing.
She closed her eyes and lay down on his bed. The top covers were so soft she almost closed her eyes in the feeling. Who was she kidding? This doesn't belong to you. Stop it. She shouldn't get so comfortable too fast. Something good always has a limit in her world. Warren just doesn't understand how it works. There was a reason she was alone. Tears she became familiar with fell off the corners of her eyes. She pinched her eyes shut. Her time may be running out right now. She better bottle the emotions more, so he doesn't suspect anything.
She got up and went to clean up. She hung up the towel to dry and washed her eyes. She blew her nose just to make sure no hints of sorrow showed. It was important to contain herself as much as she could. It may very well be over today. She could do it. She could put on a show. No more crying. It stops here.
When she dried her face off, she turned off the lights and walked to the kitchen. Sweet, spicy and salty flavors hovered around the dinner table. She didn't expect this to be so extravagant. But it was lovely. Her face softened when she saw Warren with his back turned busy preparing two plates. She came forward gently; she didn't want to startle him.
"Hey." She caught his eyes for a brief moment before he turned his attention back to the plates. "Do you need some help?"
She noticed he was wearing his overcoat on his wings. He took off his straps to cook. They were straining him and he thought it was inappropriate to sit at the dinner table with his wings spread.
"You can sit down. I am nearly done here. Go ahead." He motioned for her to the open chair at the head of the table.
Amelia nodded her head and quietly sat down. Thoughts from before were peeking into her mind but she barricaded them for now. She needed to control her urge to breakdown at the drop of a hat more eruditely. No one wants to see someone weak. They run, they don't look back. She told herself to keep it inside even stronger. Now with her new strength she can hopefully apply it to other places. Warren won't suspect anything.
She watched him turn around and bring the plates of pasta dishes to the table. The aroma was overwhelming. She was distracted by him. She kept looking at his body under the coat. It wasn't awkward until he caught her staring. She hid the pink shade again. It was becoming increasingly difficult to be stealth when her eyes glow what she's feeling. How was she going to do this? When she felt neutral they didn't glow. Around Warren, so many things were swimming throughout her nerves.
"You alright? I see that pink shade again. You don't need to be bashful around me."
She gave a stiff smile and bowed her head. "Everything is OK. I am just shaken by all this hospitality." She looked at him. "You've done so much for me."
Warren stifled a giggle. "You make it seem like I need a motive behind my actions. Do I really give you that impression?"
Amelia shrugged but shook her head.
"OK, so, we just have to teach you to trust me. I want to prove it to you, not just with words. I want to be there for you. I don't want you running away feeling lost. I don't know what happened in your past to make you so scared. But I know I want to change that." Warren reached to touch her hand across the table.
The pink glow was more prominent now. He still couldn't see as her head was still down. She licked her dry lips. "I know you do. Maybe we should just take things slow. I mean, I'm not going anywhere; you won't have to worry about me running away. Besides, I'm only a guest here."
"You're more than that Amelia." He said it faster than he could think.
Stop reading into it. He's only being friendly. Her over-analyzing mind just won't shut up.
She had to change the subject and fast. "What did you make?"
Warren realized she was burying the lead, some other time it would come up again. "Ah, it's just something I saw my mother make a few times. I watched her cook when I was younger. Her recipe was spicier. This one is mild. Spicy pesto shrimp pasta."
"I smelled it from the bedroom. Powerful smell. I kind of like spicy food."
He gestured to the fork she didn't touch yet. "Go ahead. I know it's cooled off now and that's the way I like it, when the temperature isn't too hot but warm and spicy. My mom made it that way always."
Amelia took the fork and rolled some pasta onto the utensil. She took a bite and closed her eyes. Warren waited for a reaction.
She opened her eyes and savored the taste. Her eyes glowing a neon orange. "Wow, this is, this is amazing. Have you tried it?"
"I was waiting for you. I'm glad you like it. Your eyes sure agree. I assume orange is a positive emotion?" He smirked.
"It's supposed mean excitement, fun and vigor. I read it once. But yeah it's pretty accurate. And thanks for reminding me." She took another forkful and dove another heaping portion.
"No problem. Your eyes not only changed but they grew bigger when you tried it. I thought it was linked to something like that."
"Wow, you notice all the little things." She said as she chewed a big portion of pasta.
Warren smiled as she did this. She looked incredibly cute talking with her mouth full. He does it too but he'd never seen a woman do this before. For the most part when he went out on dates, the women always felt a need to impress, manners to the hilt, napkin on the lap, taking small sips and small bites. Barely eating any of their meal; but more playing with their food as they were a lot more interested in him, or rather, his name then just being themselves and getting to know each other. He was more a prize than a person. Warren was aware of the fact that his physical appearance attracts a certain type of woman: the "tries too hard." No one ever sits down and enjoys a nice meal anymore.
But this one was different. This was a nice meal, he would say a thousand times nicer than any fancy date he'd been on. All that intense line of questioning. For a lot of his life since he was a teenager, Warren always believed people really never cared to know the guy behind the Worthington bravado. There was a sly stigma attached to that name he couldn't quite shake. He tried terribly hard to. There wasn't much he could do but just deal with it.
With Amelia, he didn't need to worry so much. She didn't know who he was. He never did tell her anyway and he'd like to keep it that way. Warren was so tired of being judged by that name. He was more than just a future Fortune 500 cover boy.
"It's the little things I pay attention to. They eventually turn into big things." He took a big bite out of his garlic bread.
Amelia was too distracted. She was too busy trying to finish her meal she didn't hear what he said. "Hmm? I'm sorry, what was that?"
He shrugged, sighing within. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. I made plenty if you want more."
Amelia sucked the last of the pasta in her mouth. She caught herself. She didn't realize she was in her own little world. She hadn't eaten and it showed. Hopefully he'd understand her lack of etiquette.
"Oh? Thank you. I think I'm good. Sorry about that."
Warren laughed. "Don't apologize for being hungry. Seriously, there's a lot left over. Don't feel you need to be polite all the time. I want you to feel satisfied."
"You're going to turn me fat, I mean, look at me." She looked at her body and frowned. How true that statement was in her mind.
"I am, what am I looking at?"
Amelia clucked her tongue, what did he just say? "Oh come on, I know no one is perfect, especially not me."
She totally didn't see what he saw. "I wouldn't be so certain."
Amelia let that sink in as if it were real. She was drowning deep into those words. Pretending again that it was meant for her. Those comments. That he wasn't just telling her what she wanted to hear. How does Warren say those complex phrases so matter-of-factly?
"What's perfection anyway? Not being a mutant? All I know about perfection is people still chase it. Just like life. We chase the things we want. Dreams, people, keep friends around. I don't feel so safe in that world. If life is there to be lived, I'd rather live it alone."
She hesitated before she stood up, and ran to the large balcony. She struggled with opening the doors. They weren't locked but she felt they were.
"So what are you going to do? Out there I mean, on your own?" She could feel him soundlessly walking close behind her.
Amelia shook her head, pulling the doors open. A gentle breeze whisking inside the room. She just wanted to be free. But where? Going back to her old life? The world she so desperately tried to escape?
"I can handle it. These powers are just temporary. Like feeling safe, invading someone's life. You deny this now but, you don't see the big picture."
Warren's fingers came on top of hers covering the handle. "You can't handle it."
Her over-thinking mind plunged into overdrive now. How did he know this? What if she could? What if things were to change just like that? What if she could step off this bridge and fly away? And keep flying? The destination awaits her. Calls to her. Wants her to reach for it. Binds her last if any will left.
"You don't know any of this. You don't know me. You think you do…but, you'll never know." She said while closing her eyes.
"Don't do this to yourself Amelia. This is a choice. You shouldn't have to live this way. Be in so much pain. I could feel your heart, its squeezing. I know you truly don't wish for this. None of us do. We belong toget—"
"Don't say it. Don't begin to try and understand. I tried it once I can do it again."
Warren forced her to turn around, grabbing her elbow. "No, you don't mean that."
Amelia swallowed hard. "I have to kill these thoughts. I need to make them go away. I tried to that night…you should have left me—"
"No. You don't know what you're saying. Life doesn't have to be this way."
Amelia pushed him back, she didn't want to push hard but he stumbled back. "I can't be what you want. I'm not going to give in. I had a plan and you ruined it. It's not right to keep me alive when all I want to do is make it stop."
Warren gripped her with an iron hold. "Life is ugly. It's not perfect. I've learned this every day. It's shitty. Sometimes I want to kill myself. You have no idea what I did to myself when I first found out who I am. How many times I wanted to end it. I've been where you are."
She narrowed her eyes, they were glowing a bright red. She said nothing, she couldn't disagree with him. He continued.
"When I didn't trust anyone I felt so alone. I wanted everything to go away. All the hurt, nothing would change. But I made it. I had to. I believed there was more to life than being afraid. I cried all the time. I never told anyone this but I did. I didn't love myself. I hated what I was. Who I was... I didn't know what I was doing. How fast it could be over like that. I needed to trust. I have to, without it I was dead. There's no guarantee we're coming back."
Amelia shoved Warren hard against the wall. Her eyes appeared to have an optic red beam surging out. She was raging now. "Stay away from me."
Warren stumbled, his body leaning up against the wall. That time it was rough. His thoughts were cloudy, body nearly shutting down. He slumped over. She really pushed him with a force he wasn't familiar with. His brain was growing heavy, eyelids following.
Amelia charged forward. Her mind was on a one-track road. She held the door handles onto the balcony wide open. She looked behind her where Warren laid against the wall with his head cocked to the side. She pulled the handles off the balcony doors. She was torn, distracted, lost and ferociously angry.
She dropped the handles and ran over to him. He still lay motionless. His body looked spent and tiresome.
"Oh my god. What did I do? Warren, are you there? Come on, wake up. Please. Don't leave me, stay, please stay." She held his limp hand and brought her hand to his cheek.
"Warren? Please, wake up. Stay with me." She whispered, hugging his body close. She pulled his body up.
She carried him over to the couch. Her heart raced. Palms sweated. She dreaded what she did. She looked at him; he lay motionless against the corner of the couch. If she could take it all back she would. She was afraid to touch him. Afraid to look at him. She didn't belong here. Look at the mess she made.
She fell against the coffee table, hitting her back barely phased her. Her lips quivered as she gazed at his face. He was so beautiful. How could she hurt someone so gentle? All he did was try to help. She looked at her hands and wished she was dead. Again. All over again. After all the progress made…did she want to die?
"I don't know what to do anymore. I can't leave you. It feels like I'm trying to but I just can't. I can't leave you alone." Her vision started getting sugary when more tears surfaced.
She took his hand and leaned against it. She heard groans, not hers; it was coming from above her hand. She lifted her head up and saw Warren coming to. She started shivering. More groans came as his hand held his forehead, pinching it. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes slowly.
Warren took a long moment to process where he was. It felt as if his head was tenderized by a large object, repeatedly. He grabbed the top of his head and blinked his eyes several times, trying to focus. "Shit…what, what happened? Ugh, what's going on?"
Amelia smiled inside. He was OK; she was so worried of the worst happening. She backed away from him. She watched him watch her. He recognized her and moved his body to sit up. Steady and slowly he motorized.
"Warren, I don't know if I should be near you." Her voice shook as she watched him reanimate.
He ran his fingers through his hair. He bent down, his head facing the floor. "Wow…I feel like I've been hit by an oncoming truck." He took his time calming his thoughts and looked up as he squinted. "Are you alright?"
He was more vulnerable than she and he was asking her if she was OK? That didn't make sense. She couldn't leave but she was afraid to stay. She could have killed him just now and she didn't want to take the risk. She moved even further away even though he was sitting down still rubbing his temples.
"I-I don't think you are. I was worried about this." She backed away to the corner of the room and sunk her body down.
Warren thought for a moment. When the ringing in his ears subsided he tried to stand up. His body slowly warbling as he walked closer to her.
He knelt down as she turned her face into the corner of the room. "Look at me, please; I need you to look at me."
Amelia felt him try to take her hand in his. She was shaking. How is it that he wasn't scared of her after all this? She didn't understand why she wasn't shunned out instantly. "I can't."
Warren became brave and moved closer. He knew she wouldn't budge so he tried to move her stiff body gently to face him. "I forgive you. I'm ok. Please look at me now."
"Warren…I—" She paused and looked around. The room seemed to get darker suddenly. Her eyes moved until they landed on Warren. She briefly glanced into his eyes. "How can you still want me here? Why am I here? I already hurt you—"
"You didn't. I told you, I am fine. Look…" He sighed deeply and moved even closer. "You're here because you need to be. Because I want you here."
"It could get worse." Amelia wiped at her eyes before anything fell. "I never felt a rage inside me like this." She moved her eyes to his. Those ice blues shining like icicles dangling off a window pain. "I could have killed you—"
"You didn't. Amelia, you didn't do anything wrong. It's this urge in you, to do these things. Its not you, it's my blood. I know because I suppress those feelings too. We have to figure what is going on. I promise I will help you find the answers."
She breathed in deep. "But what are the questions? Do I want to know these answers? I feel so much power in me it's about to burst. Warren I don't know what I am capable of. Why aren't you like the others? You could have let me go. You could have…"
Warren brought her hand to his lips, pressing them firmly on her fingers. "Because I know what's like to feel like this. Confused. Out of place. Every second, and you don't scare me. My injuries heal quickly. I can't let you go. I can't let a piece of myself go just like that."
Through the sullen expression Amelia smiled sadly. "That's a tall order."
He felt her loosen her body finally and moved a bit closer to wrap his arm around her shoulders. "It feels that way anyway. We are connected through my DNA. I can sense your emotions and you mine."
"That could be a huge burden." She bit her lip, looking at him.
Warren thought for a moment. All this waiting and more waiting. What if the doctor doesn't have an answer? Still, he remained an optimist.
"What if it's not permanent? The doc knows more about this stuff than I do. I'm still not letting you out of my sight."
Amelia smiled. She settled herself in his arms. "So we just wait? I still think, oh god. I don't know what to think. We have so many questions; I only wish it would be easy to push back this rage. I feel like even the slightest anger pushes my limits. Warren what if—"
"I don't believe you have the complete power to take me down. Heh, my body can withstand enormous amounts of pain. I really wouldn't worry if I were you so much."
She cleared her throat. "I don't want to hurt you. I want to hurt everyone else. All those people who made life so difficult for me, in school, my friends and people I tried to trust. I want to hurt them. Not you. I want them to feel 10 times what I've felt since I was born."
"Revenge is never a good thing to hold onto. Trust me when I say it's like drinking poison and you have a hard time seeing out of the fog."
Amelia hugged him tighter as he said this. He was right, everything he said made perfect sense. How did he know so much about this? Maybe because they both in some way have to hide who they really are behind covers. Why would he ever want to hide who he is? She relaxed against the heat off his chest. She could feel his heartbeat pound against her temple placidly, so rhythmically. She felt so safe lying like this. So much warmth coming from his body, it was lulling her thoughts. She felt herself dosing off.
"I want to see clearly for once." She whispered, burying her head further inside his coat.
Warren chuckled softly. "Well you're not gonna see it from there."
Amelia licked her lips, slowly looking up at him. She felt goose bumps covering her arms.
"It will be clear."
Amelia brushed her fingers along Warren's cheek. She smiled as she traced his jaw line. She scanned his face, he was hiding it but he was scared too. He couldn't admit this because he was protecting her. She couldn't look too long in his eyes. There was so much truth staring back at her she couldn't take it. He caught her hand suddenly. She looked at his hand holding hers.
"If I run you'll find me. I'm not going to run." Her eyes caste aside, she couldn't show him her eyes.
He turned her face toward his. He hated seeing her like this. He wanted to erase all her pain instantly.
"I'll always find you. You don't need to—"
She moved closer to his face, brushing her lips against his. He brushed back, making sure. Her breathing sped up. She opened her eyes, moving closer.
The phone rang. They pulled apart in silence. Warren looked to the receiver. He glanced at her and slowly stood up. The phone rang a 5th time before he got to it.
"Warren, its Moira. I have some news about your mutant."