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Warren and Amelia began finishing getting ready for the day. It was time to leave the condo, both agreed while it was safe and sound inside, they wanted to enjoy being outside together. Amelia was ready for it again, slightly unsure at the same time but she needed to feel alive in the world as well. Warren didn't push her, she felt it was right.578Please respect copyright.PENANAfrcxGXk3GL
Warren had specially built straps made for the Fall and Winter seasons so it wouldn't look too obvious when his wings showed. Internally, for him, it felt like an extra part of arms were twisted and held together firmly, even in the slightest of panics it would take a few hard tries from his strength to spread his wingspan. Warren didn't have much freedom being a mutant outside in the city, even with New York and all of its eccentric characters, he would be judged. Forever he would be judged for who he is. His father made sure Warren hid himself, by any means.
Warren knew his father was right about being potentially ridiculed. The only person who mattered right now is Amelia. The day belonged to her and he was going to make it completely about her.
Amelia slipped her feet into the new shoes Warren bought her. She watched as he put on the rest of his clothes, thinking he was too surreal. So gentle, a miracle in her life. He saved her in more ways than just giving her a second chance, her heart changed. She watched him move and her heart moved with him.
She could feel it, every beat thumping against her ribcage. She placed both hands on her chest, listening, feeling, knowing it's really...alive. She was allowing herself to feel her emotions again, a calm pink flying from her eyes as a smile came naturally to her lips.
She took her hands off and put on the new dark blue jacket that made her shoulders look very broad. She pulled her long hair out of the jacket and revved in the softness of the fabric. She felt so unused to this new style. To any style. The corners of her lips turned up as she laughed at how silly she was being. This was not her world, of course she was feeling this way. But still, the thought of someone in this world could just do all this for her was unheard of, but Warren was a unique, rare man with a special place in her heart.
But he was only being nice. Even after everything she still believed Warren was too good a man for her. For a long time she was careless into thinking someone could want or even like her, someone could see her and not be afraid. Warren wasn't running, even though he should be.
"I know it's scary..." Warren said, causing her attention on his words as he continued. "Going out there, I mean. I know people. I sort of, know the area. I'll make sure you're safe when you step outside. I have to live with hiding who I am and it really sucks...oh yeah, here." Warren went to pick up her sunglasses. The new ones he bought her. "I wouldn't judge you... but I'm not too sure the world is ready for us to reveal ourselves."
Amelia took the glasses gently. They looked so new she almost didn't want to touch them, much less wear them. She sighed heavily, before placing them on, like it was routine for her, and it was. "I know...I don't think the world will ever want to give us a chance. We have to hide. It's tragic. I know very few people who don't see us and run away."
"Because they are cowards. There are several just like us, I know this. All over the world, trying to adjust, looking in the mirror, trying to accept themselves is most of the battle. The world doesn't know that. For them to judge something they don't understand is the real terror of being who we are and I wish we could change it. Change them."
Amelia sat down on the bed she and Warren shared, huddling her shoulders. "They won't change, no matter how much we do."
"I know..." Warren grabbed his phone before he forgot and quickly sent a text message to his driver. He got a reply instantly stating his driver was on his way. Warren took a deep breath and exhaled with a slight noise. "My driver will be here shortly. Um, would you like something to drink before we leave? I could get you something if you want?"
Amelia blushed and looked down. "No I'm alright..." she cleared her throat, thinking a second time. Her throat had a roughness to it. She removed her shades, looking at him, her thoughts between uncertain and need.
"Maybe, oh I don't know, my throat feels, not right." She covered her mouth coughing.
Warren leaned down to her level so he was eye to eye. "I can turn on the kettle. Would you like that?"
She nodded slightly, "Thank you."
"I should have some tea also. Coffee would be ideal if we are tired but it has been known to keep people wired. It won't be good for your heart. Plus, I never personally drink it."
"I understand. Do you need help?"
He smiled, bringing the back of his hand to touch her cheek. "You can join me."
They walked to the kitchen as Warren turned on the kettle to boil. Amelia watched as he prepared the tea bags in the two mugs on the spotless counter. She watched him move, she could watch him move all day and feel at peace. The way he moved was effortless yet direct and compliant. He knew what he was doing but there was a certain earthy quality he had when he moved. A spiritual uplifting in his demeanor. He was someone you could trust.
Not only was he physically beautiful, he was extremely beautiful on the inside. Of course he didn't know that, it was obvious enough. Maybe there was something she could do about that. Warren means so much to her and he had to know that. She was going to make sure he knew it.
"I'm not, I mean, I don't feel scared of going outside." Amelia said, taking a seat at the table.
The kettle whistled and Warren poured the hot water in the two mugs. He walked over and set them down, one in front of her and one in front of his seat. He sat down and spaced out his attention for a moment before he felt her eyes on him. He shook his head in a silly way. Forgetting what he was being weird about and went back to respond to what Amelia told him.
"That's really good." He said, reaching for his mug, bringing the steaming liquid to his lips for a small sip.
"Are you OK?"
Warren took a few seconds to answer. "Yeah? Yes, I am. Just, um, I want this day to be special. I invested a few days off to calm things down hopefully. I just want you to see the world is not such a scary place."
Amelia's lips curved up to mirror his positive and encouraging expression, "Perhaps it's not so scary as I thought."
They sipped their tea in silence. Warren would pass looks at her and she returned them. They turned their attention to the people out the window. It seemed like New York, in Warren's perspective it appeared a lot more calmer than what she was used to. It was still New York but she could look outside and not fear the worst. People seemed normally stressed, possibly because of every day work, but near street corners, they would kiss and hug each other like it was their last time showing affection to one another. It brought a smile to her face and Warren sincerely caught it, causing him to smile with her.
"My mother used to do that..."
Amelia turned her head, looking at him. "Oh...do what?"
Warren blushed and suppressed a laugh because it was too uncanny. "Look down and slowly smile. She did that a lot when she would hear my stories. When I would tell her what I did that day, she would take everything I said in. I really miss those moments."
Amelia didn't know how to respond. Warren seemed to think that she had certain mannerisms that were attributed to his family. It was probably the strongest compliment she ever received. But Warren was also missing his mother, he probably saw her everywhere and maybe it was just a coincidence she did that and it triggered that thought to reveal itself just before.
Amelia breathed in deeply. It was still very kind of him to say that to her.
"I'm sure you loved her very much. Your time together must have been wonderful."
"It was," he paused, clearing his throat, feeling the emotional strain wanting to pull at him again. But he told himself he was going to keep it together for Amelia. She deserved someone stable and that is exactly who he is going to be. "It's true, you reminded me of her when you did that."
Amelia made the gesture again and that time she noticed, turning that ever noticeable shade of pink, her eyes glowing respectively. No one ever looked at her like Warren had. It was like he watched her to the point of being aware of everything she did. She wasn't used to being looked at this much. If anyone looked at her it was usually in fear or disgust. Not fawning. Strangely, she didn't feel scared of taking this in. Maybe he really meant it. Maybe it was okay to feel needed by someone.
Amelia sipped her tea, still warm around her hands, calming her mind, yet suddenly, lost in deep thought. She was tentative before she asked him a question.
"What was she like? Your mother?" What was it like to have a mother? She wanted to ask, but held back and waited for his answer.
Warren shifted a bit in his chair, he slowly moved to stand up and walked to the couch with his tea in hand, placing the mug down. Amelia stared on, unsure of how to react. Did she strike a nerve? Was it too invasive? Did she offend him? A million questions like this appeared in her mind until she heard Warren clear his throat gently.
He suddenly looked at her from where he was sitting, felt like he was looking through her. He realized where he was and gestured for her to come sit next to him on the couch.
Amelia breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and slowly walked to the couch, setting her tea down. She sat down as soundlessly as she could, slight nervousness followed her. She hugged her shoulders while watching Warren move toward her, closer, she could hear his breathing.
"She was...I don't know if words can describe how I felt about her. How she made me feel when she was here. It was...she was the only person who understood all this..." Warren trailed off, collecting his thoughts. He wasn't going to lose control, even if the memory of her was so clear, so many images fled his mind and he wanted to recount them all. But he couldn't do that if he was going to be emotionally unbridled.
He had to tread carefully. Bubbles of angst wanted to take over but his mind focused on her, who she was to him.
"I mean me, she loved me more than anything in this wretched, hateful and judgmental world. I should have been more attentive to her when she was gravely ill. I couldn't handle my dad blaming me for the cause of my being a mutant. He said I was the reason for all her stress in the end. But that wasn't it. My mother was stressed, but not because of me, she told me this, the doctor told me this, she was sick and there was nothing we could do to help her. The cancer had already spread through her body. At one point she didn't recognize her family. She was gradually getting worse and worse. No amount of money or treatment we gave could cure her. What was she like?"
Warren smiled warmly, his mind easily flickering back to the moments he cherished.
"She was...life, she was a woman I admired. Someone I would die for. She taught me how to breathe and appreciate every second of my life. And she told me not to harm myself if she passed, I gave her my word and I stopped from then on hating myself for any reason. Even if the world thought I was a freak and I could never be accepted, she told me it didn't matter. What mattered was what I thought. Because she told me I would live with whatever person I choose to be, whatever feeling I felt, whatever thoughts were in my mind, that would be for the rest of my life. And I wasn't going to let her down. Even after she passed away, I still keep her advice close to me. I love her so much and I miss her every day. It's weird, I see a lot of her in you. In the way you are."
Amelia blushed, trying to take in everything he was saying. She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them again. This was real. It wasn't some fiction story someone wrote about her life, this was really happening to her.
She lifted her face up as tears fell down the slope of her cheeks. She leaned foreword while her arms held his body, reaching to grip his back. Gentler. She realized how lucky she was and how grateful she was to be alive.
Warren's arms came securely around her shoulders, enveloping her against his chest, feeling his warm heart comfortably beat and the rhythm.
"I keep thinking this a dream and any minute I'll wake up from all this."
Warren pulled away to look in her eyes, holding them as if he had a magnet to steel. "This is better than my dreams. This is us. We are here, right now. Just us."
Amelia cupped his face, placing a small kiss on his lips. Her forehead lingering on. "It's feeling that way, honestly. I'm trusting you Warren."
Warren pulled her into a hug that was tighter than neither of them could fathom. He didn't realize how much the weight of her words affected him just now. They could make each other better, lean on one another as friends, grow from experiences, learning about each others heartaches, weaknesses, secrets, fears, emotions, internal insecurities and maybe an extended discovery of whatever else they didn't know they had.
For Amelia, this was a breakthrough above all. She never had someone truly accept her the way she is. Warren wasn't family but he acted like he belonged in her life more than immediate blood.
They pulled out of the hug and Amelia rested her head under his chin, listening to his heartbeat. She loved hearing him live. It was inspiring her to see that possibility for herself.
Warren reached behind him and took a picture frame in his hand and held it in front of his face. He pulled it away as Amelia looked at the picture with him.
Silence took over them for a few seconds. Amelia sat up straighter to focus her eyes better.
More silence, then Amelia wondered something.
"What was her name?"
"Katheryn, her name was Katheryn."
Amelia had several questions forming at the center of her brain. This women, Warren's mother, his everything, his life, the most beautiful person she had ever seen, she just wanted to know... She ached to know what it was like to have a mother like her. To have someone who loved you just as Warren described.
She wasn't going to pester Warren with all her questions at once, she was just going to observe. She felt his breathing speed up and his heart following suit.
She sat up from his body and looked at the picture more closely. Warren's hands were shaking slightly. She brought her hand over his, touching his fingers, feeling them relax.
"You have a way of calming me down..." Warren trailed off in a breathy voice.
Amelia moved her free hand through his hair, touching it gently. His hair felt soft through her fingers, she brushed part of it to the side so she could see his eyes. His blinking was slow and deliberate. He was thinking about his mother. He had dreams that she was still here, still in his life. Talking with him, really listening to everything about his day. His thumb brushed his mother's cheek, it was just the glass of the frame, underneath was only a photograph he felt. It wasn't real.
"I know she's gone, I'm sorry, I just, I made peace with this when I was young. I still have memories of her that are so clear. Like they just happened. I'm sorry..." Warren embarrassingly put back the frame.
He had almost lost it there. His mother was gone and there nothing that could bring her back. Not even all those research experiments his father paid for. He couldn't forget his father's face staring him down all those times. Blaming his own son for his mother's detrimental illness.
"Warren, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I asked. I started this."
Warren pulled his hands off his eyes, facing her. "It's really not. I should have been over this by now. It happened so long ago..."
He looked off for a moment. Lost in this, unable to fully pull out, but he had to.
Amelia kept quiet for a moment. "That doesn't mean the feelings she gave you are gone forever. You're a strong man, I can tell. But it's OK to feel what you're feeling. You aren't any less of a person for feeling this way."
But I am barely human as is. I can't walk outside the way I am without ridicule sprayed over me. He thought. "I just thought I had better control over myself. I apologize if it made you feel uncomfortable."
Warren wasn't looking at her but starring off into space. His eyes were shifting and she was slightly apprehensive in speaking or moving. She took a risk and touched his arm softly.
He came back to himself, trying to calm his nerves down. He was unsure of how he felt, the emotions were just bubbling up. Wanting to come bursting in volcanic cries. Before he could stop them, tears had fallen down his face sliding off smoothly.
"Sorry...oh god." Warren shrunk back. "I know I know, I should stop."
Amelia said nothing and put her arms around him silently. Letting him cry out everything he had. He was still holding onto his mom's death being his fault. Amelia believed he thought it was his fault, but it wasn't.
"One thing I know that can't be explained is death. It's never going to make sense. It's not your fault Warren. You were her everything, you still are. That won't ever go away. She's watching over you right now. Proud of her son. She knows how strong you are."
Warren stiffly let go. He really ought to keep himself more carefully constrained. This wasn't meant to happen, not with her. The last time he came unglued he felt like it wasn't going to end. He took a deep breath, exhaling calmly and took Amelia's hand to kiss softly.
"I know..." He said, the shaking breathing slowly leaving him. "She told me that all the time when she was alive."
Amelia leaned her head on his shoulder, saying nothing. She opened this subject and now it needs to be closed. Sore subjects often dig up old feelings or sometimes feelings that won't go away. She didn't at all want to provoke him so she changed the subject.
"Is your driver is coming?"
Warren cleared his throat and checked the time.
"Yeah...we could wait downstairs. You ready?"
Amelia nodded and they stood up as Warren went to dry his eyes in the bathroom. He came out and picked up the house keys and his wallet. Amelia watched as he checked the small leather for his credit cards. She wasn't comfortable completely letting him pay for everything. It just didn't feel right for her. But it seemed like Warren didn't mind at all. He actually wanted to spend money on the day, especially on her.
He turned his attention to her.
I don't deserve your money. I don't deserve any of this. I should be gone. Why do you think I deserve a second chance? Maybe I don't, maybe I do. Maybe it's time to stop feeling so alone. Maybe trusting him could change my life. Maybe I can breathe without the terror of my life being taken away from me. Your eyes are making me think I can. I'm putting my life in your hands. I owe you everything.
"T-thank you." Was all she can say.
And she meant it. With everything, she meant it because no one could do this for her...no one.
Warren blushed slightly, looking down as he locked eyes with her.
I don't deserve someone this beautiful. Someone with such a beautiful heart and soul. Someone who doesn't always assume I would pay for everything but is finally looking at me the way I wish to be treated. I am just a normal person and she sees it. She sees me as more than what I am. She believes in me. Money is a means to survive and not a gift bought with affection. She gave me her heart, her trust and I can't let her down. I feel like I didn't earn this. So I have to prove it to her, everyday that she belongs in my life. I owe you myself.
"You're welcome, Amelia. Walk down with me, let's go face the world together."
Amelia smiled and took his hand in hers.