Aris kept an eye or an ear out for Teresa. But he didn't see them anywhere. A few Cranks lashed out when they passed through tunnels, but none of them really inflicted harm upon them. Teresa spoke to him one morning when he was just being roused by her voice, feeling glad he had company--even in his mind.
Okay, now. So, be with them. Tell them you can be trusted.
And then, ensure that Thomas trusts you a whole lot more than the others. Are we clear? Her voice was sharp and piercing, but he sensed a tremor creeping into her voice. I need him alive.
Everyone was beginning to rise, yawning, and groaning. Jorge had set up some makeshift huts for them to spend the night in. Aris opened a can of tuna and began wolfing it down greedily. Later that day, they resumed the Scorch, continuing to hike along the sloped sand.
After a hasty breakfast of bread and seafood, they sauntered along the sinking sand. He clambered blindly after the others, as he thought about Teresa. She said they had to abuse Thomas, or they'd be executed. Fear coursed through his body, as he looked at Thomas, his eyes cast to the ground.
He'd seen the tears that streamed down Thomas's face as he backed away from Teresa. He took another swig of water, almost choking on it, along with his sobs. How would he feel if Rachel pushed him away like that? He'd be so down. And what was it all about when she said they had to abuse Thomas?
They strode along the damaged roads and sand. Cranks lashed out them when they crossed into the tunnels, but Aris fished out a spear and hurled it the creature. It lunged forward again, clawing at Aris, but he kicked it away in disgust. Around him were the cries of battle and fear as they burst out from the tunnel.
Aris stumbled along with other Gladers, shrieking in fear. Some other boys were lagging behind, whimpering softly from all the horrors. Compared to the Spring's assault, this was much, more severe. He wished he'd just died off there, but another part of him told him he had to find his girls.
I hope you're enjoying this book so far! I know the chapters are a bit short, but I'm trying the best I can to lengthen all the chapters. I just wanted to let you guys know, when you see that I'm active on Quotev/Penana, it doesn't really mean I'll update the book. I like reading books as much as you guys, and sometimes I read other people's books, to see what intrigues me and what can help with my writing. I hope you're liking this book so far :D