Aris had to lag behind because Teresa told him he was supposed to astonish Thomas. They took a few new roads, then started off towards the direction of the Gladers. As they neared them, Thomas locked eyes with Teresa again eagerly, and took a single step towards her, and Aris felt remorse in his body. He was just eager to see his friend.
"Don't," Teresa said a stern voice. Thomas, taken aback by her blunt voice, widened his eyes. Aris nodded.
"Don't do anything, Thomas. Now, let's go." He stepped forward and rested a knife at his chest. Thomas stared down at him, his piercing eyes searing through him. "Now, follow closely behind me and Teresa, and if you try anything, there will be consequences." He snatched the hem of his shirt, wincing internally as he did.
"Teresa!" Minho said in a sharp voice. "You contract that virus that quickly? Clearly, you're out of your mind already."
"Say or do anything, the arrows will begin searing through the air. Each time I count a multiple of five, and if you dare to keep him away from me, you'll regret it," Teresa said in a dangerous, harsh voice. Minho clenched his fists, but Aris lifted his knife ever so slightly, remembering what Teresa said to him the last time.
"Come, come," Teresa said firmly. When Thomas didn't budge, Aris moved meneacingly in between them. He didn't even flinch, just locked eyes with him. He shoved Thomas away from Teresa, then kicked his leg. Continuing along, he trudged behind them, as Teresa yanked Thomas towards the direction of the north.
After a few hours, the three of them were all dripping in sweat. Aris pressed the knife against the base of Thomas's neck, which wasn't even dripping in sweat. He seemed like an unfeeling human, simply trudging along and doing what he was told. Teresa didn't break her stride, but to his great shock, began talking to Thomas.
"You've met Aris already, correct?" she asked him, her voice sharp and commanding. Thomas looked astonished this time.
"'d you know?"
"I happen to know Aris very well," she said in a tight voice. Aris knew she did, though she probably had some of the main memories eliminated from her just like him,. "It's not like--we're friends or something before you and I designed the Maze together like you said, but we grew up rather close when the Creators collected us.
"The man in the white suit informed us that there's something I must do to keep Aris alive and well. That is, to kill you and banish you from my life. If I don't, he'll die right off. He's my best friend, Thomas." Aris thought she would have a sign of tremor in her tone, but her voice remained even. "We knew each other more than you and I. He's been so close to me...."
They continued on the slopes of the sand, tripping over rocks on several occasions, balancing themselves, striding down the sandspit. Sand blew around them, and Aris pulled the sheet over his head again, the tip of the weapon still leaning against Thomas's neck, but he didn't--or refused to--flinch.
Teresa didn't say anything along the way, but she spoke to Aris in his mind. I feel so remorseful, Aris, she called out to him.
Aris closed his eyes. Me, too, Teresa. But they're controlling you--you and I, aren't they? Teresa answered with a firm nod, as they walked and dragged themselves through the sand. A stash of rocks formed a cavelike structure, and Teresa slid the spear securely back into her belt, peering in the crack.
"All right, then, we're here now," Teresa announced. "Activate it, Aris."
Aris drew closer to the crack and inspected a panel attached to the cavelike structure's wall. A few buttons had instructions on it, along with letters, so he activated it rather easily, punching in the code completely, just like he did back in the Maze. A grinding sound pierced through the air, as the door opened upward, similar to the noise back when the Maze's Walls opened for the day.
There were more buttons, but Teresa punched it in within seconds. The door became wider, and then she pressed a button that indicated it would close immediately once its prisoner was inside, without her pushing any more buttons and allowed herself a small smile, as she turned towards Aris. "I'm so glad we're back together," she said.
Aris grinned. But then, to his shock, she leaned in and pressed her lips softly against his. He froze for a split second, feeling the flow of warmth course through him, noticing Thomas watch with a mixture of rage and envy from the corner of his eye, before tearing his gaze away.
Finally, Teresa withdrew her lips, moaning softly in his mouth, and Aris cleared his throat. "All right, then, Thomas. Now, behave and go on in," he said, forcing his most taunting voice into his tone. He pushed Thomas gently towards the entrance, internally wincing once again at the sight of the vacant look in the boy's eyes, as if he'd given up completely, as he obediently walked over to the entrance and peered in.
Suddenly, fury registered on Thomas's face, as he turned back to Aris. "What'd Rachel look and sound like as she bled to death?"
Aris froze momentarily. Was Thomas really thinking he and Teresa had turned their backs against him? They did everything they could to keep him alive! How could he say something like that? Before he could part his lips, Thomas leaped up and tackled him to the ground, punching him again and again.
He struggled beneath the boy, as Thomas seized his throat and squeezed the air out of him, screaming on the top of his lungs. However, he was soon tackled aside by Teresa, who waved the spear threateningly in his face, as she pinned him down with her knees to the floor.
Aris coughed and felt food threatening to make an reappearance. Struggling to his feet, he saw Teresa speaking to Thomas, glaring at him, before shoving him and securing him inside the gas chamber. He should know all that gas is false, just fake, he thought. Oh, please, God, he should know all of this is unreal.
As soon as he and Teresa secured the door to the chamber and barricaded the door to the entrance with a few rocks, they sat down. Teresa began sobbing, tears pouring out of her eyes, and Aris squeezed his eyes shut. He clapped his hands over his ears, flinching every time Thomas let out an inhuman moan.
By morning, he was allowed to be out. Aris stood, seeing Teresa sprawled out beside him, sniffling and choking back her tears. He swallowed hard and tapped on the door, ready to let Thomas out. But then--yes, he was very heartless and selfish with no moraility--he spied Sonya and Harriet and felt so much relief he'd forgotten Thomas in the makeshift gas chamber temporarily.
Author's Note: I threw in the bit of "no morality" because in nearly all my classes, we're learning about....morality, morality, morality. LOL