Aris looked around. Miles of nothing but sand surrounded and under his feet. He wondered if people lived in here once, or not. It was nothing, but damaged severely, the mindless people stumbling about. He did notice a car drive past and froze momentarily.
"Go beneath the car!" a man shouted. Jorge. He was leaping out of a truck, out of nowhere, screaming at them. A girl with a scarf concealing her nose and mouth leaped out of the car, armed. Was she from WICKED? He froze momentarily, diving underneath the car, gripping the wires.
"Step out of the car, rise to your feet, hands above your head," someone ordered. Something about the girl seemed familiar to Aris, as she cocked her gun, as he backed against the car, Jorge, Thomas, and Brenda lifting their hands, staring at them.
Aris kept his hands up. "We're...Immunes. From WICKED," he said in a cautious tone. Thomas jabbed him in the elbow, he realized he shouldn't have said that, if they were from WICKED. But somehow, the girl descended the weapon, staring at him, pulling down the mask-like scarf.
"Aris?" she said, gasping lightly.
Aris gasped, a sound like a laugh and a voice struggling to surface water. It was Sonya, gaping at him before she rushed forward, engulfing him in an e.mbrace. "Aris," she whispered into his ear. "You're alive. What's happened t" She seemed completely overjoyed at the sight of him.
"It's all right," he said reassuringly to Thomas. "They're my friends from Group B." Everyone stepped back, and gasped lightly. A girl pulled down her scarf. "New member?" he questioned, approaching his band of friends, as he realized who the girl was.