Naruto Fandom and Fan-Fictions.
Fan-Fiction doesn’t match the original Canon. All it does is that it tries really hard to right the so-called “wrongs” of the author. It’s childish, poorly written, and steeped in self-indulgence and never goes anywhere beyond the terrible Fan-Fiction writer’s own fixations. You people aren’t some kind of “freedom fighters” for finding potential suitors for your avatars, writing power-trips, and obsessing over classic fetishization of homosexual relationships in your awful Fan-Fictions. No matter what your besties tell you, you’re not a better writer than so and so (Kishimoto in case of Naruto). Trust me, you’d always be worse.
Just the other day, I’d read from a Sakura Fan that she’s making ripples in the world of women rights ’cause she writes and supports Sakura and KakaSaku Fan-Fictions (it’s the same woman who thinks that Sasuke not accepting the prosthetic arm was selfish on his part, so it isn’t all that surprising that she’s full-on crazy); how tone-deaf and crazy do you have to be to believe in even half of this cock and bull? I mean, there’s “she’s got her empty head so far up her ass that she sees her own teeth cavity”, and then there’s this. There’s nothing wrong with writing Fan-Fictions for fun, but you’d have to be bloody nuts to think that anyone should treat your work as if it’s some kind of world-changing, hyper-progressive literature. It reminds me of the number of “notes” that post got that trashed Anne Rice ’cause she dared to not allow anyone to make Fan-Fictions out of her works. God, people were completes penises to her.
Next thing you know people will be claiming that they’re ending capitalism, economic slavery, and exploitation world over ’cause Sakura aggressively stumbled onto Madara’s penis (and the entire Uchiha patriarchy’s penises) during one of her millionth trips into the past to bed hot Uchiha and Senju men and make Canon so much better. Why do I get the feeling that most on Tumblr have never opened a book in their entire lives? That’s … very sad. Do us all a favor, Fan-Fiction lovers: head over to your local libraries and issue a decent book that isn’t Harry Potter. You’d thank us.
P.s: While I’m at it, I’d like to add this: Fandoms hate it if you don’t call the slop they write “literature”, but God forbid it if you ever criticize their work; then they all revert to back to their nutty phase: “no one asked for your concrit! I do this for free! Do you want me to jump from my roof?” I mean … come on, really?
anti fanfiction crazies anti fanfiction authors anti fanfic readers ranting venting cheeky post i don't mind fanfictions but don't ask me to call them literature i'd laugh at you straight up