Dad: Hey Son.
Son: Hey Dad. What is it now?
Dad: Sorry I can’t be there. I was delayed on business.636Please respect copyright.PENANAKwzmVHGrO7
Dad: It’s only for one night. I’ll be home tomorrow.636Please respect copyright.PENANAkOthMs8cqe
Dad: Are you sure you’re OK on your own?636Please respect copyright.PENANAnIMijhPNMz
Dad: I could still get a babysitter to come over…
Son: *GROAN* I don’t need a babysitter.636Please respect copyright.PENANAHY4nTAHoEG
Son: I’m 10. I can take care of myself.
Dad: Are you sure? It can be scary spending the night alone.
Son: Yeah, I’m sure.
Dad: Well it’s past your bedtime.
Son: GAH!
Dad: How about I tell you a bedtime story?
Son: *SIGH* If you must.
Dad: Something wrong?
Son: Is this going to be another stupid scary story?
Dad: What? I thought you liked my stories.
Son: Maybe when I was a little kid, but they’re not scary now.
Dad: Alright. I get it. So now you’re 10, you’re a big man.636Please respect copyright.PENANAkiDVPhfNVG
Dad: All grown up and nothing can scare you anymore.
Son: Well… Your stories are kind of lame.636Please respect copyright.PENANAG8mfMNtAwU
Son: Sorry, Dad. Just being honest.636Please respect copyright.PENANAJomBws0hkR
Son: If you’re going to tell a scary story,636Please respect copyright.PENANA88RhWkg0Y2
Son: You need to make sure it’s REALLY scary.
Dad: I see…636Please respect copyright.PENANAiBJFDnlWdf
Dad: Well, there is one story I could tell you…636Please respect copyright.PENANAR5dwYniMfz
Dad: But… I don’t know…636Please respect copyright.PENANAZwPnrYacL5
Dad: It might be a bit too scary.
Son: I can handle it.
Dad: OK… Here we go.636Please respect copyright.PENANAUlwYul0rUQ
Dad: Once upon a time, there was a boy named Colby.
Son: Ugh. The start is like a fairytale.
Dad: Bear with me…636Please respect copyright.PENANA7omzlu6GTO
Dad: This boy named Colby used the Internet a lot.636Please respect copyright.PENANAwcXjyJyVUr
Dad: He joined a lot of websites.636Please respect copyright.PENANAl52lrqAfyv
Dad: He started talking to other kids online.636Please respect copyright.PENANAFrlCIc6zI6
Dad: He made friends with another boy named StrangerDanger23.636Please respect copyright.PENANAMglcleUble
Dad: They liked the same movies and TV shows.636Please respect copyright.PENANAobBr4byOof
Dad: They played games together online.636Please respect copyright.PENANAEMAHguJKo1
Dad: They chatted and laughed at each other’s jokes.
Son: Then they got married and lived happily ever after. The End.
Dad: Not quite…636Please respect copyright.PENANAFjxkiUhOG8
Dad: After they had been friends for a few months,636Please respect copyright.PENANAX3A9xeDV7O
Dad: StrangerDanger heard that Colby’s birthday was coming up.636Please respect copyright.PENANA6u2wJB2Vl5
Dad: Since they were best friends,636Please respect copyright.PENANAC6z30x0wfT
Dad: StrangerDanger23 wanted to send him a cool present.636Please respect copyright.PENANANhD6cXsrvB
Dad: He asked Colby for his home address.636Please respect copyright.PENANAT5Tcyck5I0
Dad: Colby was hesitant at first.636Please respect copyright.PENANA2NrrxMpnRJ
Dad: He thought about it for a while.636Please respect copyright.PENANAbitgShBmCt
Dad: He has known StrangerDanger23 for a long time,636Please respect copyright.PENANAf2yh2pE2qY
Dad: So he figured it wouldn’t hurt to give him his address636Please respect copyright.PENANArahSO9Ss9I
Dad: As long as he promised not to give it to anyone else.636Please respect copyright.PENANA9iUvvZ8z7N
Dad: StrangerDanger23 swore he wouldn’t.636Please respect copyright.PENANAs3KFKZPNqW
Dad: So Colby gave him the address and StrangerDanger23 said636Please respect copyright.PENANANGzk9Cc0RL
Dad: He would mail the package right away.636Please respect copyright.PENANAiYs3FHbmT7
Dad: Do you think that was a good idea?
Son: Uh… probably not.
Dad: Well, after a while, neither did Colby.636Please respect copyright.PENANARnXg7CxpPM
Dad: The boy had second thoughts about giving out his address636Please respect copyright.PENANAqzFGPLuqKb
Dad: Especially to someone he didn’t really know.636Please respect copyright.PENANAuD1wrLSho3
Dad: His parents had always told him not to do that.636Please respect copyright.PENANAWeagU8roqk
Dad: He felt nervous and guilty about it.636Please respect copyright.PENANAeeyTXmr3ju
Dad: The fear and the guilt grew and grew,636Please respect copyright.PENANAtQcjWKRxgo
Dad: Until they were gnawing away at him.636Please respect copyright.PENANAsaYi3B7uam
Dad: By bedtime the next night,636Please respect copyright.PENANA3OGDiBwCPp
Dad: He decided to tell his parents what he had done.636Please respect copyright.PENANAWV3xcdV5D7
Dad: They would probably be angry. They might even punish him.636Please respect copyright.PENANAbHWTjwc2No
Dad: But it would be worth it to put his mind at ease.636Please respect copyright.PENANA9jm7OZvi1L
Dad: He lay in his bed as he waited for his parents to come upstairs to tuck him in.
Dad: Colby lay there in the darkness and listened.636Please respect copyright.PENANAhNi6dn9W2Y
Dad: He listened to all the noises throughout the house.636Please respect copyright.PENANADKrTn5vqBO
Dad: The humming of the refrigerator in the kitchen.636Please respect copyright.PENANAuXNHnCf2WM
Dad: The sound of the TV in the living room.636Please respect copyright.PENANA3QrffMj1zd
Dad: The cries of his baby brother in the next room.636Please respect copyright.PENANAH51ud8IktE
Dad: The soft patter of the rain outside.636Please respect copyright.PENANAyIAzGML182
Dad: The scraping of branches against his window.
Son: This story is putting me to sleep.
Dad: But there were some other noises he couldn’t quite account for.636Please respect copyright.PENANAxVyMECG9vL
Dad: Finally, he heard his dad’s footsteps coming up the stairs.636Please respect copyright.PENANAcAwU63v8sp
Dad: “Hey Dad?” Colby called out nervously.636Please respect copyright.PENANAjAsJch9JEX
Dad: “Can I talk to you for a minute?”636Please respect copyright.PENANAQsvENKgf3x
Dad: In the darkness, he saw the bedroom door slowly creak open.636Please respect copyright.PENANAKNoGRV6msr
Dad: His dad stuck his head through the doorway.636Please respect copyright.PENANAlpe9bczlk7
Dad: “Yes, son” said his dad in a muffled voice.636Please respect copyright.PENANAWVMuHVeIOE
Dad: “Are you okay, Dad?” the boy asked.636Please respect copyright.PENANAmqKzdlsf7G
Dad: “Yes, Son,” his dad replied.636Please respect copyright.PENANA37CmHIOiSi
Dad: “Ummm… Is Mom around?”636Please respect copyright.PENANA5PKBIL5Nxi
Dad: “Here I am!” said his mom in a high-pitched voice.636Please respect copyright.PENANA8RY24tXRbu
Dad: She stuck her head through the doorway as well.636Please respect copyright.PENANAC1nmBXkour
Dad: “What do you want to tell us?” she asked.636Please respect copyright.PENANATjPSaQFU16
Dad: “Um… I think I made a big mistake,” said Colby.636Please respect copyright.PENANA3gqXEcK0cx
Dad: “I accidentally gave our address to someone on the internet”636Please respect copyright.PENANAUYdvt9va82
Dad: “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that!” said his mom.636Please respect copyright.PENANA3eYi9Uyzue
Dad: “We told you never to do that!”636Please respect copyright.PENANATO2yk91nhE
Dad: “Who did you give it to?” asked his dad.636Please respect copyright.PENANAsQBpi40DXt
Dad: “Um… this kid named StrangerDanger23,” said Colby.636Please respect copyright.PENANAjYORoQM7bS
Dad: “Oh, but he wasn’t really a kid!” said his mom.636Please respect copyright.PENANAs8L60jqKQ2
Dad: “He just pretended to be a kid to fool you.”636Please respect copyright.PENANAjLWKrDDKuY
Dad: “And do you know what he did?”636Please respect copyright.PENANAHnrJNBl3jQ
Dad: “He broke into our house and murdered both of us!”636Please respect copyright.PENANAXgWpfFCHm0
Dad: “Just so he could spend some time with you!”
Son: Oh God!
Dad: All of a sudden, the door opened wide.636Please respect copyright.PENANAqYy3fsX3Ob
Dad: A fat man in a yellow raincoat stood there in the doorway.636Please respect copyright.PENANAZxbB6Fb3t8
Dad: He was holding something in his hands.636Please respect copyright.PENANAqmmwZ4OvXD
Dad: The severed heads of Colby’s mom and dad.636Please respect copyright.PENANAwXu6kmSVlo
Dad: Colby gasped and let out a shriek of terror.636Please respect copyright.PENANAykB7XkBpQC
Dad: The man dropped the heads on the floor and took out his knife.
Son: NO NO NO!
Dad: After several hours, the boy was almost dead.636Please respect copyright.PENANASOm3Wt0bYa
Dad: His terrified screams had become pitiful whimpers.636Please respect copyright.PENANAE0Wuqse1h0
Dad: Then the killer noticed something.636Please respect copyright.PENANA1hN1RIYNfH
Dad: He heard the baby crying in the other room.636Please respect copyright.PENANAHchHi5grjp
Dad: He bent down and pulled his knife out of the636Please respect copyright.PENANAN5Wg3uoOaZ
Dad: Bloody mess that had once been Colby.636Please respect copyright.PENANAhXg0wZ5Ac5
Dad: Then he turned and followed the sound of the baby’s cries.636Please respect copyright.PENANAgaT5S9A2QY
Dad: When he got to the nursery, he walked up to the crib.636Please respect copyright.PENANAvBDqxwr4m8
Dad: He picked the baby up and held it in his arms.636Please respect copyright.PENANASXpy8DaZYB
Dad: The baby stopped crying. It looked up at him and smiled.636Please respect copyright.PENANAjH5X9JPG5g
Dad: The man had never held a baby before.636Please respect copyright.PENANA8JimXa7QmE
Dad: He stroked the baby’s cheek.636Please respect copyright.PENANAvpMlOrvM2R
Dad: He walked out of the nursery and took the baby with him.636Please respect copyright.PENANASk03sGiltH
Dad: He took the baby home and raised him as his very own son.636Please respect copyright.PENANA72qbjiSZRq
Dad: He named him “William”.
Son: But Dad… my name is William.
Dad: I know it is, Son.636Please respect copyright.PENANAyoHS0ZdUbH
Dad: Son?636Please respect copyright.PENANAk2xIB9yShf
Dad: Will?636Please respect copyright.PENANAfsECAL51T8
Dad: William?636Please respect copyright.PENANAHPyurentMh
Dad: You still there, Son?636Please respect copyright.PENANAuMnoW4hHkm
Dad: Was that story scary enough for you?636Please respect copyright.PENANA7dHwvR3op0
Dad: Want to hear another?636Please respect copyright.PENANAJH5Y50PQ15
Dad: LOL. Sleep tight, Son.