Steve: Liz, where are you?
Liz: I just got home… Why?
Steve: Listen to me771Please respect copyright.PENANA4zReh23xDC
Steve: You need to get out of the house NOW
Liz: What?771Please respect copyright.PENANATbmhYQNVeh
Liz: What’s going on?
Steve: It’s not safe. There’s no time to explain.
Liz: But what about Lucy?
Steve: Leave her771Please respect copyright.PENANA3T6AnOT82D
Steve: Don’t look for her, don’t go near her
Liz: Steve, you’re scaring me771Please respect copyright.PENANADdZYTRY9ib
Liz: Please tell me what’s going on
Steve: There’s no time, Liz771Please respect copyright.PENANA3Aia9jPcjs
Steve: Are you still in the house?
Liz: Of course I am771Please respect copyright.PENANAqPJPNWPyBT
Liz: Why are you acting so crazy?
Steve: Please just do what I say771Please respect copyright.PENANAY91wsqqEJ4
Steve: You need to hide NOW!
Liz: Hide? Hide from who?!?
Steve: From Lucy!771Please respect copyright.PENANA10zTayFX91
Steve: Something happened. She’s dangerous
Liz: Dangerous?771Please respect copyright.PENANAT3S0ysqQaz
Liz: But she’s six years old…
Steve: We always knew something wasn’t right
Liz: But she’s our little girl
Steve: We don’t know where she came from…771Please respect copyright.PENANAUyrxwO8lCg
Steve: We don’t know anything about her!
Liz: I know this past year has been hard…
Steve: Hard? Liz, she killed our dog!
Liz: It was an accident
Steve: Really? You believe that was an accident?
Liz: I believe Lucy
Steve: The woman at the orphanage was acting strangely that day771Please respect copyright.PENANAJLslc3Ew8y
Steve: You must have noticed that at least
Liz: I guess.. I don’t know Steve
Steve: Please, Liz! GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!771Please respect copyright.PENANAQJZIk4Ecrc
Steve: Stop texting me.771Please respect copyright.PENANA8et72OUVNJ
Steve: You need to leave. NOW!
Liz: I don’t understand…771Please respect copyright.PENANAgTMZuhsgeZ
Liz: Where is Lucy?
Steve: She’s there with you771Please respect copyright.PENANAU5Wpq7jcOy
Steve: Somewhere in the house771Please respect copyright.PENANAEZJex5bhrL
Steve: The babysitter called me771Please respect copyright.PENANAFY3Ge9gE1L
Steve: She said Lucy’s eyes looked funny this morning
Liz: Funny how?
Steve: Her eyes had turned completely black
Liz: Is she okay?771Please respect copyright.PENANAEaDxgkS8q3
Liz: What if she needs us?
Steve: What she needs, Liz, is a priest!!!771Please respect copyright.PENANAliszYAgjJr
Steve: Someone who knows how to deal with this!
Liz: Deal with what? You’re not telling me anything!
Steve: The babysitter said she was acting strange771Please respect copyright.PENANAp0Hu8sbIG0
Steve: Stranger than usual771Please respect copyright.PENANAAkwU8aioYQ
Steve: When she tried to look at her eyes, Lucy started screaming771Please respect copyright.PENANAuImyljUxTv
Steve: She screamed until she threw up
Liz: She must be sick
Steve: She threw up a bird, Liz771Please respect copyright.PENANAyriFMnXjFz
Steve: The remains of a dead baby bird
Liz: Sorry, what?
Steve: A dead baby bird. It came out of her mouth.
Liz: OMG
Steve: The babysitter called me and told she was going to leave771Please respect copyright.PENANAxwRk1GJNXr
Steve: That Lucy was scaring her
Liz: So she left?771Please respect copyright.PENANAqgvZh4rT0b
Liz: Why is her car still in the driveway?
Steve: The paramedics found her around the corner from our house
Steve: With stab wounds all over her body771Please respect copyright.PENANArMZKLjVKmW
Steve: I don’t know how she did it but she managed to call 911 for help771Please respect copyright.PENANAmp5itZEhL4
Steve: They asked her who did this to her771Please respect copyright.PENANA4p6ufcd5XK
Steve: She told them it was Lucy!771Please respect copyright.PENANA9ROJvYBFUF
Steve: Liz, this is why you need to leave right now!!
Liz: Steve…771Please respect copyright.PENANAiNPTGKe1V7
Liz: The doors, the windows…771Please respect copyright.PENANAzNm65ZiTAU
Liz: They’re all locked!771Please respect copyright.PENANAHSXRFRzdS1
Liz: I can’t open them!
Steve: What?771Please respect copyright.PENANA3PPCrXM7HY
Steve: What do you mean? How is that possible?
Liz: It’s like they’ve been jammed shut
Steve: OMG771Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ot14nHEBB
Steve: You need to hide!771Please respect copyright.PENANA2QN8nrnbFO
Steve: I’m almost home771Please respect copyright.PENANAGxu188ON7p
Steve: I’m two blocks away771Please respect copyright.PENANA5zWuCkGq5N
Steve: Hide somewhere she can’t get to771Please respect copyright.PENANANJv9yCGSdz
Steve: Try the attic
Liz: I’m scared, please hurry!
Steve: I’m almost there771Please respect copyright.PENANAHF04c8LMuy
Steve: Coming in through the garage771Please respect copyright.PENANAlaHhAQBCzB
Steve: Going to use an axe to break the door down
Liz: OK I’ll be nearby771Please respect copyright.PENANAiMy8YcetOW
Liz: Steve?771Please respect copyright.PENANAh4fe4YTvBG
Liz: Did you find the axe?771Please respect copyright.PENANATCEEFvLmxV
Liz: It should be in the corner771Please respect copyright.PENANAp1qK9M7ak3
Liz: Where the gardening tools are771Please respect copyright.PENANAMUAmQDcoc6
Liz: Steve?771Please respect copyright.PENANANqWTobkdBO
Liz: Steve where are you?771Please respect copyright.PENANA2mkHsT0l93
Liz: Honestly, Steve! Hurry, please.771Please respect copyright.PENANADWVI2kLfhd
Liz: Hello?
Steve: hello mommy