Gabriel: Nancy567Please respect copyright.PENANAwZP2iSZaTd
Gabriel: Nancy, are you there?567Please respect copyright.PENANAo152c5tBc5
Gabriel: Nancy answer me!
Nancy: Hey567Please respect copyright.PENANAP1Lhqmogvo
Nancy: Wow, it’s so late!567Please respect copyright.PENANAIGElSaqLPz
Nancy: What’s the matter? You can’t sleep?
Gabriel: Nancy, I need you to listen to me carefully.567Please respect copyright.PENANAeFnnoq0gxb
Gabriel: If I come to your house tonight and knock on the door567Please respect copyright.PENANAAgyp0xQ2PD
Nancy: What???567Please respect copyright.PENANA6nTFhRukRH
Nancy: You’re coming over now?
Gabriel: Nancy, focus on what I’m trying to tell you567Please respect copyright.PENANAUsSBNnsU4Z
Gabriel: If the doorbell rings and you see me standing outside567Please respect copyright.PENANAOPlQIoV6qR
Gabriel: DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!!567Please respect copyright.PENANApdP92AuY5l
Gabriel: Whatever you do, DON’T LET ME IN!!
Nancy: Have you gone completely crazy?
Gabriel: Something very bad will happen to you if you open the door
Nancy: What’s wrong with you?567Please respect copyright.PENANAZu8AHeQIjr
Nancy: Why are you saying these horrible things?567Please respect copyright.PENANAUDa8f4xe7k
Nancy: You’re scaring me!!
Gabriel: Sorry, but it’s for your own good567Please respect copyright.PENANAa2wTvssoef
Gabriel: Are you alone in the house?
Nancy: Yes, actually… My parents went to a party
Gabriel: Ok well, then lock all doors and windows567Please respect copyright.PENANAsoHLz4KQCC
Gabriel: If you see me outside, call the police567Please respect copyright.PENANAXoz1SbA8Mn
Gabriel: Immediately
Nancy: Gabriel, if this is a joke, I swear I’m going to block you
Gabriel: It’s not a joke!
Nancy: Where are you?
Gabriel: I’m not sure.567Please respect copyright.PENANA0wlgniRqMa
Gabriel: I’m in an abandoned house.567Please respect copyright.PENANA4T6M971Nej
Gabriel: But I can’t get out.567Please respect copyright.PENANAgV7kglOuO6
Gabriel: All the windows have bars on them.567Please respect copyright.PENANA8kDFhAJPsI
Gabriel: And all the doors are locked.
Nancy: How did you get there??
Gabriel: I can’t remember567Please respect copyright.PENANAGtPQcf2UTR
Gabriel: My memory is all confused567Please respect copyright.PENANAqrNUOU6mW8
Gabriel: I think it happened yesterday night
Nancy: What happened?567Please respect copyright.PENANA4hZpOirGxd
Nancy: Have you been kidnapped or something??!!
Gabriel: I don’t know.567Please respect copyright.PENANATHwTcFYfZq
Gabriel: I think so567Please respect copyright.PENANACDSYyJzTQ0
Gabriel: But, please, Nancy. Remember what I told you.567Please respect copyright.PENANAmITYXB4aBE
Gabriel: If you see me outside, don’t open the door for me!
Nancy: Wait a sec567Please respect copyright.PENANAMGhO6fipJG
Nancy: Ah, I see what’s going on now567Please respect copyright.PENANAGfvVbYRlOY
Nancy: You really are an idiot!!
Gabriel: What??
Nancy: This is just another one of your pranks.567Please respect copyright.PENANAYWppXBLfMh
Nancy: And to think I was about to call the police!567Please respect copyright.PENANAMe8dAmbAje
Nancy: Thank God I realized just in time!
Gabriel: What are you talking about?
Nancy: I can see you!567Please respect copyright.PENANAJJ50yGwJbh
Nancy: Moron!567Please respect copyright.PENANACMkJhOM1aN
Nancy: I’m looking at you through the window567Please respect copyright.PENANA6F5gvV2bTq
Nancy: You’re out there in the garden567Please respect copyright.PENANAUPIzn9RSzA
Nancy: Sending messages on your phone
Gabriel: What??
Nancy: Don’t try to deny it. I can see you
Gabriel: No!! It’s not me!!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAvqEfBTPZ1o
567Please respect copyright.PENANAeZpjOqt8yL
Nancy: Knock it off. The joke’s over567Please respect copyright.PENANAviq7SEFgTT
Nancy: It was a lame prank anyway567Please respect copyright.PENANAqlLPc8HLRX
Nancy: I’m coming down
Gabriel: No! Don’t open the door!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAEiTMYU6y74
Gabriel: I told you! Don’t let me in!
Nancy: Hahaha… You’re crazy
Gabriel: NANCY PLEASE DON’T OPEN IT!!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAo1oy1otFcK
Nancy: Why do you keep saying that?567Please respect copyright.PENANA1t3bQtyFXv
Nancy: What the hell is going on??
Gabriel: I’m trying to protect you567Please respect copyright.PENANAynY5ginuaz
Gabriel: Please believe me!567Please respect copyright.PENANAXW6NVAhgiG
Nancy: I hope you’re happy. You’ve got me so scared567Please respect copyright.PENANAZlQ0s6LaNe
Nancy: I really don’t know what the hell to do567Please respect copyright.PENANAun7vVv0J9m
Nancy: You’re knocking on the door now567Please respect copyright.PENANABqNXdTRpmD
Nancy: I hate you!567Please respect copyright.PENANAAnvEGlrwQh
Nancy: This is the most horrible joke in the world
Gabriel: It’s not a joke!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAcfqA00u8Sn
Gabriel: Don’t open it!!
Nancy: What am I supposed to do?567Please respect copyright.PENANAF8vwEKpZ77
Nancy: Why are you knocking on the door if you don’t want me to open it?567Please respect copyright.PENANAvwuwOks1KK
Nancy: Why did you even come to my house in the first place?
Gabriel: It’s not me
Nancy: What do you mean it’s not you?567Please respect copyright.PENANA5QFEzGgsWk
Nancy: I can see you through the window, Gabe567Please respect copyright.PENANA7c10J8dtbj
Nancy: I’m not blind!
Gabriel: I’m telling you, it’s not me!567Please respect copyright.PENANA9S4Lxk2bWV
Gabriel: It’s something else
Nancy: What??
Gabriel: I dont know!
Nancy: Where are you now?
Gabriel: I already told you, I’m locked in a house!!567Please respect copyright.PENANA3MeKfexRXx
Gabriel: I don’t know where I am exactly
Nancy: You’ve gone away
Gabriel: What??
Nancy: I mean… that thing outside…567Please respect copyright.PENANAzjFkna7pFN
Nancy: He moved away from the door
Gabriel: What is he doing??
Nancy: He’s just standing in the garden567Please respect copyright.PENANAh4S8PUB4dt
Nancy: Looking at his cell phone567Please respect copyright.PENANArFFiTN4GrY
Nancy: He looks exactly like you567Please respect copyright.PENANAbUnnva5oIm
Nancy: It has to be you!567Please respect copyright.PENANAeMlrYQOxZ7
Nancy: How can it not be you??567Please respect copyright.PENANADUUqT11ytf
Nancy: You’re driving me crazy!
Gabriel: Nancy, listen to me567Please respect copyright.PENANAtwjHxtFGfa
Gabriel: I don’t know what that thing is567Please respect copyright.PENANAvLsIKqrPx0
Gabriel: But I know he’s not me567Please respect copyright.PENANAzYz8nSVD8M
Gabriel: Despite what he looks like
Nancy: Oh God567Please respect copyright.PENANAYYkFuVCyM3
Nancy: He’s looking right at me now
Gabriel: Get away from the window567Please respect copyright.PENANAfombFU7IhN
Gabriel: Are the doors and windows locked?
Nancy: Yes567Please respect copyright.PENANA16stIsZ1sQ
Nancy: I think so567Please respect copyright.PENANATaWQgKYSFF
Nancy: You’re right, love, it’s not you567Please respect copyright.PENANAXk4iXviNQW
Nancy: He’s almost identical to you but567Please respect copyright.PENANA3f4Y0P26ss
Nancy: I know it’s something else!567Please respect copyright.PENANAJMYO6OBS5t
Nancy: His eyes!567Please respect copyright.PENANA4UN4785Yvt
Nancy: His eyes are red!567Please respect copyright.PENANAxgtGneWotw
Nancy: They glow in the dark!!
Gabriel: Get away from the window!
Nancy: I’m on the other side of the room567Please respect copyright.PENANAOLSRnjtCRo
Nancy: Now he’s crouching down567Please respect copyright.PENANApMWTrF1FcW
Nancy: I can’t see him anymore
Gabriel: What’s he doing?
Nancy: He’s got a stone in his hand567Please respect copyright.PENANAmgEx7sHcxh
Nancy: He’s walking to the window567Please respect copyright.PENANAmCYiFo8pkp
Nancy: He’s going to break the glass!
Gabriel: Run!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAVUmpmbXSkq
Gabriel: Lock yourself in the bathroom and call the police!567Please respect copyright.PENANAqnNcDlQzN2
Gabriel: Love!567Please respect copyright.PENANAo7YklayvBc
Gabriel: Nancy?567Please respect copyright.PENANA4DMbXubjEb
Gabriel: Nancy????
Nancy: I’m upstairs567Please respect copyright.PENANAMRFbJVf8TW
Nancy: I locked myself in my bedroom567Please respect copyright.PENANAPux0ZIe317
Nancy: The lock on the door is stronger567Please respect copyright.PENANAbfTRzc5EZW
567Please respect copyright.PENANAe1lgp75hPS
Gabriel: Did you call the police?
Nancy: I’m calling them now
Gabriel: Tell them to hurry!567Please respect copyright.PENANAxlqoWOaRwH
Gabriel: Nancy?567Please respect copyright.PENANAhOaVWkq7rZ
Gabriel: What did they say?567Please respect copyright.PENANAZdLbojW3cg
Gabriel: Are you still there?
Nancy: I called them567Please respect copyright.PENANAK2J0HARAjb
Nancy: They said they’re coming right away
Gabriel: OK. Good
Nancy: I hope they come soon567Please respect copyright.PENANAMYkJ4J5Zyw
Nancy: That thing broke the window567Please respect copyright.PENANAag2LJIXmGj
Nancy: He’s inside the house!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAk1YBxPgLHE
567Please respect copyright.PENANAfHnWyqHwEe
Gabriel: Are you sure?
Nancy: I can hear his footsteps!567Please respect copyright.PENANACPTeOhgYbu
Nancy: Now he’s coming up the stairs!567Please respect copyright.PENANA2oo195pMOU
567Please respect copyright.PENANAgDw7xbCis6
Gabriel: I wish I was there!567Please respect copyright.PENANAIwafKD6zZn
Gabriel: I wish I could help you!!
Nancy: What is that thing??567Please respect copyright.PENANA7yoljT6AbS
Nancy: Why is all this happening?
Gabriel: I don’t know, love!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAUiJGV3AqWO
Gabriel: All I know is what I told you before567Please respect copyright.PENANAXu5GeVUAzs
Gabriel: It started yesterday night567Please respect copyright.PENANAokATQjD2ej
Gabriel: I was in my bedroom, studying567Please respect copyright.PENANAB9iaZexuKZ
Gabriel: The window was open and I heard a noise outside567Please respect copyright.PENANAlO2Chx5l1n
Gabriel: I looked out the window and that’s when I saw it567Please respect copyright.PENANAzHcVYx0UWR
Gabriel: There was something out there
Nancy: What?
Gabriel: Something that wasn’t human567Please respect copyright.PENANAmeIRBCOT8W
Gabriel: It had a pale, white face567Please respect copyright.PENANApXI7fbR3wL
Gabriel: And it’s eyes were glowing red!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAr8xZbillIg
Gabriel: He grabbed me by the neck567Please respect copyright.PENANAiLI1vgaAcY
Gabriel: I didn’t have time to react567Please respect copyright.PENANATM5Z32lD9B
Gabriel: Then as I watched his face began to change567Please respect copyright.PENANAy8N46baut5
Gabriel: This is the most incredible part567Please respect copyright.PENANAoCqyWSid7T
Gabriel: Before I knew it, I was looking at myself567Please respect copyright.PENANA04vtWwgIgs
Gabriel: The thing had stolen my face567Please respect copyright.PENANASWaSsYHe7T
Gabriel: He looked exactly like me567Please respect copyright.PENANAWnLGS0DVm3
Gabriel: And he was smiling at me!
Nancy: OMG!
Gabriel: I don’t remember anything after that567Please respect copyright.PENANAYOHxAQGEgq
Gabriel: When I woke up locked in this house567Please respect copyright.PENANAJK5nCs0m43
Gabriel: That’s all I know
Nancy: Gabe, that’s the craziest story I’ve ever heard567Please respect copyright.PENANAJx7JMVzE5f
Nancy: But I believe you567Please respect copyright.PENANA59QIvuyw4a
Nancy: And I know this thing is evil567Please respect copyright.PENANANcZ5q7pLd4
Nancy: He wants to kill me, I know it!567Please respect copyright.PENANAPaBY96ZBZ3
Nancy: He’s banging on the door now567Please respect copyright.PENANA24ofkyrgav
Nancy: The door is shaking567Please respect copyright.PENANADfrW5IGtdf
Nancy: He’s using a lot of strength567Please respect copyright.PENANAIAqlPS5R9m
Nancy: I don’t think it’s going to hold much longer!567Please respect copyright.PENANAN9iXMS2uGJ
Nancy: Please help!
Gabriel: Don’t let him in!567Please respect copyright.PENANAPH9LnzHpgq
Gabriel: Push the bed up against the door567Please respect copyright.PENANAaWnEqVPpBx
Gabriel: Do whatever it takes to survive!567Please respect copyright.PENANA9IvxxBX4zI
Gabriel: Until the police get there!567Please respect copyright.PENANAXiSVkf3aPZ
Gabriel: Nancy!567Please respect copyright.PENANAA1hGJQQe2P
Gabriel: Nancy??567Please respect copyright.PENANA7iKgN8ymKI
Gabriel: Please answer me!!567Please respect copyright.PENANA4ahevdNgc3
Gabriel: Answer me Nancy!!567Please respect copyright.PENANAA489L7iZR2
Gabriel: Nancy?567Please respect copyright.PENANAAH9UNtsSf7
Gabriel: Are you OK?567Please respect copyright.PENANAoRrIakEOKA
Gabriel: What’s happening there?567Please respect copyright.PENANALNnAhBPOes
Gabriel: Please answer me!567Please respect copyright.PENANAi2FmrxCTfP
Gabriel: Oh God567Please respect copyright.PENANAvfESW3YAWo
Gabriel: I love you Nancy
When the police finally arrived at the house, they were too late to save Nancy. She was nowhere to be found. The door of her bedroom had been smashed and the pieces lay strewn about the floor.
After checking the security cameras, the police determined that she had been abducted by her 27-year old boyfriend, Gabriel Rosales.
Meanwhile, in the abandoned house, the real Gabriel was distraught beyond belief. He managed to find a loose floorboard and got out through the crawlspace. He discovered that the house was located in the middle of the woods. He tried to phone the police, but he couldn’t get a signal. When he checked Google maps, it couldn’t find his location.
Gabriel began walking through the woods. He hiked for several kilometers until he found a house with the lights on. He went up to the front door and knocked. After a few minutes, a woman’s face peered out the window.
As Gabriel desperately tried to explain the situation, the woman’s eyes grew wide with fright. She let out a piercing scream.
“Please!” Gabriel whined, “You’ve got to help me!”
Just then, the front door opened and a man appeared from the darkness, holding a rifle in his hand. Gabriel turned and ran as fast as he could. As he dashed for the cover of the trees, he heard the sound of gunfire behind him and felt the bullets whizzing past his head.
Gabriel ran until he was out of breath. He tripped over a fallen log and his feet got tangled up in the branches. He fell and hit his head on a stone. Blood began to flow from the open wound and it soaked his whole face. He grabbed the cell phone and activated the camera in selfie mode, so he could see the extent of his injuries.
What he saw made him shake with fear and the cell phone fell from his hands.
Finally, he understood why the woman in the house had screamed with such horror.
The strange creature had taken his appearance, and in return it had left him with its own.
Today, Gabriel travels by night, hiding in the shadows, his face and body transformed forever into that of an abominable being, still wondering what it was that attacked him and stole away his girlfriend, and hoping one day to get revenge…