My sister is an art teacher and, ten months ago, she rented a cheap two-bedroom apartment to use as a studio. She never actually lived there. She just used it as a place where she could paint and store her art supplies.
When I left college, I started a new job in the city. I desperately needed a place to stay, but I hadn’t received my first paycheck, so I couldn’t afford to pay rent. Luckily enough, my sister offered to let me stay in her apartment until I got on my feet. She gave me the keys and I moved my stuff in the next morning.
That evening, I arrived home from work. I was excited about having my own place for the first time. My sister had told me that there was a lot of crime in the neighborhood and to always be sure I locked the front door. To be extra safe, I locked the door with the deadbolt and the chain.
In the kitchen, I made myself some chicken curry with rice. Then I read some comics until it was time for bed. I checked the door and the gas and went to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night. It must have been around 2 or 3 in the morning and I heard the sound of someone unlocking the deadbolt on the front door.
Must be my sister coming to paint, I thought to myself. I heard her go into the the room next door to my bedroom. That was the room she used as a studio. I’d been in there earlier and it was empty except for some canvas and paints.
I was tired and I had work again the next morning so I stayed in bed. Through the wall, I could hear her mumbling and laughing to herself.
“These artists are weird people,” I said to myself and it wasn’t long until I fell asleep again.
When I woke up the next morning, my sister was gone and I was alone in the apartment. I got out of bed, showered and dressed myself. I quickly poured myself a bowl of cornflakes and ate it hungrily.
Then I grabbed my briefcase and went out the front door. When I turned around to lock the front door, I was suddenly terrified.
After work, I went home to my parents’ house. I never went back into the apartment after that. I was too scared.