August sprinted for his starfighter, he leapt up and arched perfectly into the cockpit allowing the canopy to automatically slide over him. The others also ran to their fighters.
“J.E.S. Get that dreadnought up in the air! Aurora, go for the shield emitters! Isaac, take out their fighters! Rose, you and I are gonna wreak some havoc, destroy as much of their hull as possible, make it as hard for them as you can!” August jetted upwards toward the PirateX fleet, hoping for his life, and his friends’ lives, that they wouldn’t be prepared.
Isaac was going at very high speeds, making crazy spins and twists in order to keep the fighter pressure off of his friends’ backs. Aurora’s ship was equipped with more shields and was able to take more hits as she circled the large fleet ships, destroying their shield emitters. August and Rose began chaotically destroying every PirateX thing in sight. dropping bombs, and shooting missiles, blasting what remained with their turbolaser cannons.
Out of the corner of his eye, August saw the Dreadnought approaching and immediately began drawing fire away from it. As August reared around to make a pass over the deadly pin cushion of turrets, he tapped a small devise behind his ear and battle armor formed around his body, the nano-tech making this possible. August opened his cockpit canopy leapt out as his ship rolled and he landed squarely in the hangar bay, his ship now piloted by J.E.S.
August ran to the nearest 31-cm/50 type 0 turrets, climbed in and and began shooting the heck out of the two support frigates that winged the super carrier. Every shot landed where he intended. August fired a particular shot that hit the super-carrier in the engine, igniting the hydrogen behind it, resulting in an enormous explosion that not only destroyed the surrounding hull of the ship, but also erased half of the nearby frigate in a ball of fire, leaving the ship nearly unusable aside from auxiliary reactors, and the bridge along with a few cannons.
“WOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Aurora screamed into the com system, almost causing everyone’s ears to bleed.
The group continued to destroy the continuously decaying fleet. They thought that they would win, until an unsuspected thing happened, The dreadnought took a hit. It wasn’t a major hit but it stopped everyone for just a second, just long enough for the PirateX Mobile Super Base (MSB) to jump into their battlefield. The spider web of armored rooms, corridors, and machinery could be seen looming over the planet that they all called home. The moment this happened the group was taken back at the shear size of the ship. August starred, realizing that they were here to destroy them.
“HOLY S**t!!!” August exclaimed.
A few shuttles came from the belly of the MSB and rescued the terrified admiral and what remained of his crew. As the shuttles retreated to the safety of the behemoth. V’dam straightened himself up as he drew closer to the bridge of the MSB.
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!!!" Aurora was beginning to panic and freak out, Isaac was strategizing to heaven on high, August was analyzing the gargantuan ship and at the same time, wondering what on earth they had done to attract the most powerful ship in the PirateX armada.
"Guys! Come on! We gotta get outta here!" Rose called as she jetted her bomber back to the dreadnought.
"What the hell did we do to get that giant cobweb to join the party?!" Isaac screamed as he exited his interceptor and started towards the bridge.
"I don't know but we need to move now!" August ordered as he, Aurora and rose also sprinted towards the bridge. As The group of petrified friends entered the roomy interior of the dreadnought's command center, Isaac took up the engineering console that controlled, life support, climate control, energy distribution, and lights. Aurora took up the helms control, Rose took the tactical console, while August took up communication and science. "J.E.S., Activate Aurus In Danger Protocol. We're leaving." August said heavily. "Aurora, take us to Demimonria, We're going to need some help." August sighed a sigh of sadness as he watched his home fade away to the blue and orange energy tunnel that was subspace.