Admiral V'dam stood nervously on the upon the observatory, watching the excavator dig into the flesh of the planet's surface, its large, belly mounted focus cannon incinerating the earth beneath. He briefly glanced upwards through the energy shield before storming off the deck towards the communications terminal. The admiral had been constantly worried and afraid for his life ever since The Slayer became the overseer for the operation. The arachnian fleet admiral was very menacing and unrelenting, he reminded V'dam of snobby, dramatic, rich man who would jinx a game before it had begun. He planned everything and would kill anyone who stood in the way of orders.
As V'dam approached the terminal he paused, took a breath, and picked up the small microphone that stood in its slot on the side of the box. "High Admiral, this is V'dam, all mining procedures are proceeding as planned, we have not struck our target yet but soon will." V'dam swallowed and was ready for whatever the arachnian had to say.
"Very well Mr. V'dam. Be sure to warn me of any unexpected obstacles, I cannot have this operation taking longer than it needs to. Lord Nightmare will not be pleased by delays."
"Yes sir, will do. V'dam out." The relieved admiral put the microphone back in its place, glad that the Admiral was not impatient fro this mission. Some might have seen his worriedness as a bit unnatural, or unnecessary, but V'dam had seen first hand the damage done, and only heard stories of what it looked like being executed, horrifying torrents of pain and destruction. "The Slayer", an appropriate name for a creature of his reputation.
"ADMIRAL V'DAM!" He snapped back to reality, looking down at the short harry miner alien who was clearly concerned.
"Ah-uh-um, what is it miner?"
"Are ya aight sir?" the cremonian spoke, his four arms carrying some kind of fuel rods.
"Ah-Yes, quite, I'm just not wanting to disappoint the high admiral."
"Non o' us do sir. He's a scary beast he is, but don' tell 'im 'at. He'll be mad as hell."
"Run along miner, You have no business with me."
"Sorry sir, on ma way." The shot carenian waddled off with the fuel rods in his arms, heading towards the excavator, the behemoth that could very easily bring down an entire settlement.
V'dam sighed in an attempt to calm himself, this was the biggest project the PirateX had ever seen. The harnessing of the weapon of Hades, the most powerful weapon in the universe, fabled to bring destruction and ruin to all that it came in contact with. V'dam began to wonder if his morals were not what they should be, but quickly pushed those thoughts out of his mind, as to not stray from the path to glorious salvation. He sighed once more and marched himself to the bar for a drink.
Mist sat on a silvery bench, polishing her weapon, a chromatic black colored AR-16 anti-proton assault rifle. Her long cat like tail brushed the floor lazily as she waited for who ever Lucy wanted to introduce them to to show up.
Mist had long silky brown hair, her eyes were bright green, and she had long claws rather than nails.Mist had two black cat-like ears, and a long prehensile tail. she was wearing a night-black torso piece that doubled as armor and a jet pack, on her left shoulder was an armor plate that held a small slit and in that slit, a knife. on her right shoulder another armor piece but without the slit. she had armor plating protecting the majority of her thighs and upper legs. she had rail-gun rounds strapped to her right shin, and just an armor plate on her left, she also wore two heat-proof magnetic boots. under this she wore a grey techsuit which had a crossroads of circuits and heating coils. Her helmet was styled to look like a panther, with two green lenses, a pair of black ears poked up from the top of the helmet.
Next to Mist stood Axel. He had spiky black hair, and his brown eyes were almost slits, He had a smile that would often seem smug, as if he was very proud of of a prank he had just pulled. He had a blue fox-like tail and wore a blue armor set, his torso piece had a rocket launcher attached to its rear. He had pretty basic armor other than that, aside from his very unique helmet, his helmet resembled a bucket, it had a visor that was very thin, two lights mounted on either side, and an A.I. port in the back. He wielded a sr-500 energy repeater, which shot a stream of electrically charged plasma balls.
Sleeping on the bench in front of Mist was Exy. She had short black hair, and a magenta streak ran down her bangs. She had a short bunny-like tail, long rabbit-like ears, and looked adorable. She wore an unpainted grey standard armor set. She carried two A-27 plasma smg's with her at all times.
Mist's black ears twitched in the direction of the hallway, she perked her head up and nudged Exy to wake her from her boredom induced nap. She slurred to life as she looked up to see Lucy walk in with the the group of friends from Aurus.
"Friends this is Mist, Axel, and Exy. They're my friends I told you about." Lucy said excitedly. August looked over each of them from the doorway, he was impressed to see the usually peaceful and kind species looking so bad ass. Aurora squeaked in excitement. She was very jazzed to see such an imposing and epic appearence in such an awesome species.452Please respect copyright.PENANAqRYH5cGVJw
"Damn. you guys look, absolutely fabulous." Isaac had finally regained his usual aura of the wordy-nerdy guy they knew.
"Thanks. When we heard The Great Weapon of Hades was soon going to be unleashed, we suited up and were ready to go, but, we're terrified to say the least. The Omphen have such a terrifying aura around their stories." Mist said with such a fluid voice, she sounded almost like she had rehearsed it.
"alright, alright, seems legit." Rose nodded in approval. The group proceeded to shake hands. and introduce each other.
"Your August right?" Exy came up to the young engineer.
"Yes. And I was told you were Exy."
"Yeah. I just wanted to say that I think that it's cool that you were able to set the galactic record for closest brush with death." Exy half blushed and looked kindof nervouse. August's eyes widened and he too kinda blushed and was kinda embarrassed, he didn't often like presenting his achievements.452Please respect copyright.PENANA121ZSUXxJF
"Oh you know about that? I-I actually didn't know that anyone actually cared about that." August becan to feel hot and sweaty. Taking notice of this Exy quickly backed down.452Please respect copyright.PENANA9dqBRJ8FeI
"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just love close encounters. you avoided a crash with a ship by two millimeters. 452Please respect copyright.PENANAHumSLZ3NYQ
Anyway, I think Mist has an announcement to make." August let go of the breath he had been holding and sighed with relief that he no longer had to present his feats of "greatness". Mist had stood up on one of the benches in the foyer of Lucy's house.452Please respect copyright.PENANAbVfRDVe6mm
"Aight guys, listen up, two days ago, we picked up a signal from the PirateX Aurus mining team. They're moving the majority of their assets there. So. Getting there is going to be a pain in the ass, and we only have two ships. We're going to need a lot more. Anyone got any ideas?" She stepped down and they all stood in a circle presenting their thoughts.
"I have some friends in the Alpha Quadrant, I'll ask them." Lucy said
"Me and Isaac have a few life debts we need to collect from The Anomaly." August's eyes lit up, for The Anomaly was a powerful faction that resided in a space station the size of an extra small moon.
"we recently got allies in the Space Pirates who have agreed to the standard terms of alliance." Aurora spoke this time.
"Good, All together that should be enough. Our freighter should be able to hold whatever fighters and crew are needed for the surface battle. Now all that's needed is to contact them. August, Your ship has a holo-terminal doesn't it?" Mist had a commanding aura about her. as if she had been bread for this.
"Yeah, we can use that." August lead the charge to their dreadnought, all 8 of them entered the ship and went to the bridge to begin the meeting.
V'dam sat on the stool, hunched over the counter of the bar. He was drowning his fears and concerns with alcohol. As he sat there, his mind and personality slipping from him, he drank more of the blueish liquor drink he was served, trying not to think too hard about the situation at hand. A big burly man in the typically grey miners uniform walked over and sat down next to V'dam, the musk of granite, and diorite covering the muscular man.
"You too eh?" V'dam said to the man. his sweaty and worried aura now gone from drunkenness.
"Huh?" the man looked down at V'dam and only now did he notice that the man was not human but a vicorian wich was shown by the large horns on his head and elbows.
"This whole operation has me worried and tired out of my mind."
"You said it little man." The vicorian was also lost to drunkenness.
"Little man?" he said whimsically,"I'm the admiral of silly." V'dam had lost his thoughts and everything seemed to go silly
"hah. Admiral silly man. bah hahahahaha." The two continued to make drunken jokes and go silly until they both passed out.
V'dam was woken by a 3rd rank officer who was shaking him awake.
"Wha- what is it lieutenant?" V'dam said shakily.
"Sir, we've hit something." At this the admiral got up and followed the lieutenant out to the drill and they rode the elevator down to where the excavator had stopped.
"It withstood the plasma drill, and we haven't been able to cut it open sir."
"Oh no. oh no oh no oh no oh no!" the admiral regained his fear and immediately reversed the elevator.
"Sir, don't you want to see what we hit?"
"No, tell me about it on the way." V'dam walked briskly toward the outpost with the concerned lieutenant close behind.452Please respect copyright.PENANAxNVZVQDTKD
"it seems to be a sealing of some kind. a layer of protection to keep the Omphen inside." V'dam turned around and gripped the collar of the lieutenant.452Please respect copyright.PENANA3cNRTPQRue
"You keep that name to yourself you understand? we can't have any heretics on our hands."
"y-yes sir." V'dam turned around and jetted for the communications terminal. he practically ran into it and tore the mic from its place.
"High Admiral, we've hit an unprecedented obstacle. We can't seem to break through it." V'dam muted the mic and continued to catch his breath.
"understood V'dam, you are to leave your post and return to me."452Please respect copyright.PENANAtLdfThiptf
"Y-y-yes sir." V'dam hung the mic and walked this time to a shuttle outside the outpost and rose to the ominous MSB.
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Sorry I haven't put a post in a while so here's one now.
I drew a "Dream Team" fan art.
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