Admiral V'dam entered the bridge of the MSB and looked around at the very spacious command center which was styled to give the console officers a sense of superiority by having their positions above the rest of the bridge crew which operated things such as hangars, PA, non essential weaponry, and other such items. As V'dam walked along the catwalk that went through the middle of the lower officers, he gulped in preparation to face his superior, a cloaked figure standing at the front of the bridge, overlooking the smoldering remains of V'dam's fleet. the figure at the head of the bridge was a fleet admiral, tier 7, he was of the Arachnia species, with a humanoid form, but covered in a thin coat of hairs, and with eight arachnid legs for his lower half. The fleet admiral also sported hands that were not fleshy and soft, but made of a hard exoskeleton and rather fractal looking in texture. "You were beaten. By children Admiral V'dam. Were it not for me, you would have died with the rest of your crew. However, Lord Nightmare believes your knowledge to be too valuable and unique to let you die." The Arachnian superior stated coldy, very clearly annoyed at having to rescue someone who wasn't worthy of his presence.
"I am grateful for your descision." V'dam began to sweat. He had heard of the ferocity of The Slayer, of how he would mercilessly murder those who failed to comply with orders.
"Enough pleasantries, Where is it? Where is the fabled 'weapon of Hades'?" Admiral V'dam was hesetant to relinquish his knowledge of unholy destructive power, but let it go out of fear.
"I have the coordinates here." The terrified admiral took out a small fob from his uniform pocket and gave it to the ominous creature that stood beside him. The Slayer took it and plugged it into the console in front of him. "Take your mining crews to the surface, and begin digging at these coordinates." The cloaked menace ordered into the microphone also in front of him that transmitted his orders to the hanger bay, which lay in the largest of the armored pods that the ship was composed of.
August watched as they completed re-entry, the cloud cover fading away to reveal a large island that was covered in trees, aside from the roads, farmland, and towns that dotted it. Aurora looked at the island, then at the holographic map, then at the island again. She repeated this process until she reached the coordinates of Lucy's home, which lay, perched atop the mountain in the center of the island. Aurora parked the 100 meter ship beside the landing pad of her house and extended a boarding ramp that lowered to touch the outstretched platform, and locked in place. Lucy ran out and greeted them warmly as the group of weary friends stepped out upon her home. They all exchanged hellos, hugs, and laughs of relief. "Come on in guys. There's something I need to show you." Lucy beckoned them to follow her into her house and they followed.
The interior of Lucy's house was very neat. It was all very polished, cleaned and yet, carried a gentle aura of impending chaos that seemed to humor the group a bit. The room they had stepped into was the living room, which had a large circular holo-table in the center, as well as several large display screens for whatever purpose the reader can imagine. The room also contained a comforting half ring of couches around the holo-table. "Sit down guys, this is gonna be a bit heavy." They all sat down with constantly declining expectations of what would happen. Lucy walked over and inserted a card into a slot on the side of the cylindrical display table. It wirred to life, and the surface glowed blue, and a projection of a grotesque insect like creature.
"First things first. Do you guys know what this thing is?"
"An oversized nightmare?" Isaac joked. Lucy scoffed at the joke, swished her tail, and continued with her presentation.
"As much as i would love that, no. It's a parasitic insect known as the Omphen. They created such mayhem and destruction in one of the most horrid ways possible, that the ancient Vak'an species called it 'The Weapon of Hades" Hades being a god from prehistoric earth. They would infect their victims by attaching entering the bloodstream and growing along the spinal cord, giving them access to the brain, they would take control of your body, make whatever modifications necessary and force you to watch as your body would murder tens of thousands."
Lucy was beginning to sound a bit over dramatic.
"Geez, a bit excessive don't you think?" Rose said.
"Yes, but, this would drive one mad enough to wish for death."
"Damn, that's harsh. But what does this have to do with Aurus?" Aurora was amiss as to what this had in relation to their home.
"Because, the place they just so happened to hideaway at, was a couple miles underneath the surface of Aurus."
"Damn it. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be the only place we could decide on as home. WHY!?" August had become angry with how fate had teased him for so long.
"And that's why PirateX wants our home. To use the Omphen as a weapon against the universe." Isaac finalized these thoughts within everyone's minds.
"This isn't good. If I'm assuming correctly, the Omphen aren't going to listen to reason, or force. They'll just be unleashed upon all the universe." Rose had assumed correctly, the Omphen were a ruthless species.
"We still have hope. Plasma shields. If we modulate them right, the Omphen should burn on impact, but that's only if we need to use your guys' home as a fallout shelter." Lucy said. "The Omphen are extremely flammable, and will die from it. Most of our weapons are based around a heat producing substance. We should be able to fend off against them if need be." Lucy pushed a few more buttons on the side of the table and the thing shut off, allowing the groups eyes to adjust to the comparatively dim interior lighting. Lucy wagged her tail excitedly as the group began to get up and stretch.
"Hey guys, I also have some new friends i want you guys to meet." Lucy tried to calm the wagging of her large and bushy fox-like tail.