Deep in the recesses of the Cycondriac Asteroid nebulae, lay a strange system, a system that contained nothing less than a typical system: A sun, habitable planets and uninhabitable, moons and asteroids. But what made this system unique was not its placement, or format, but its inhabitants. The Demimonria system was home to a number of diverse species, there were deserts, forests, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, plains, plateaus, deep holes, and winding caves, volcanoes and ice planets. The particular planet of interest was one called Vulpes-vulpes, and this planet was home to creatures who’s intelligence slightly surpassed that of humans, who’s physical abilities definately surpassed human capacity. These creatures were known as Demimon. One might easily mistake a Demimon for a half breed of human and animal. But these creatures have a completely different genetic structure, and are in almost no way related to animals or humans, save for one’s appearance.
Now, a particularly “foxy” looking Demimon, was riding her hover bike along the road, being sure to stay within the defining lines of traffic. As she approached a small town on the edge of this island that one could compare to a small town on earth , she began to slow, once she reached the town she became very cautious of where she was going, as not to hit a pedestrian. She passed colorful shops, speeder bikes like her own, construction mechs, and other hovering vehicles.
As she approached a particular shop that had a light blue paint job, a white garage door that stood nearly 10ft tall, a white door at the other end that had a doorbell, a small flower bed with red, star shaped flowers, and a large white sign with large red glyphs on it wich read (when translated) “Genna’s Mechanic garage” which hung in between the two doors, she turned in and stopped in front of the garage door, got off and walked to the front door, her orange and white tail swaying as she walked, her pointed and similarly colored ears rotating in various directions to collect a multitude of sounds from the area. She pushed the door open and walked to the front desk, a medium sized, rectangular hole in the wall that had some plastisteel around the edges on which a few holographic flyers for jobs, events, want ads, and whatever else the reader imagines on these holographic images. She pressed a button that stuck up from the counter, and in response a faint tune could be heard playing from behind the pair of grey doors at the back of the small room that lay behind the window, as the tune played, the loud clang of tools and crates could be heard. The fox tailed demimon looked through the small, dirty windows of the grey doors to see what had occurred, but as she did so a stout lady with two pointed grey ears and a grey tail with black stripes emerged wearing thick oil stained apron and a pair of welding goggles. “Sorry for the startle Ms. Genna.” She said as the lady brushed off her apron (as if that would help) and straightened her shirt.
"Nah, you're fine Lucy, I just knocked over a couple things on my that's all. So, What can I do for you today?" Genna said as she smiled and leaned up against the counter.
"I was just wondering if my ship's ready, I'm really looking forward to testing out the new upgrades. Also, my hover bike's needing a tune up." Lucy swished her tail and casually put her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.
"Why yes, I actually just finished it earlier, I was climbing down from your ship when I heard you ring the bell. And yes, I can give you a tune up. That'll be 45sc." Genna said. Lucy took a few rectangular metal chips which she handed to Genna.
"45 exactly. Thanks Lucy. I'll have your bike ready by tomorrow."
"See ya then." Lucy said as she ran out and around the building to get her ship. As she rounded the corner, Lucy stopped and looked at her SR-90 Shuriken fighter. It had a pointed nose, that widened into a triangular shape with a cockpit in the middle, S-foils on either side, medium sized hydrogen and ion thrusters in the back with an almost boat like rear wich held not only the rutter for atmospheric flight, but a torpedo housing, which Lucy often used for storage.
Lucy climbed into the cockpit and smelled the scent of fresh sendo flowers that often hung around her ship.
August paced around the bridge of their brand new dreadnought, worrying about weather or not they were followed, weather or not their home would be destroyed, or weather or not he was putting his Demimon friends in danger by simply being there. All these things were rushing through his head when Aurora called his name. "August? August?"
"huh?" He looked up with a worried expression.
"We're going to be fine. Our demimon friends can help, they're skilled and strong, we will get our home back and we WILL get the PirateX off our backs. Why they didn't attack straight away is a mystery to me."
"Thank's Aurora, you're a real help." August sighed.
"Yeah dude it'll be fine. 'We will grind them into dust!'" Rose dramatically quoted an old film from another world, and everyone lightly chuckled.
The group sat about, talked, and waited for their ship to draw closer to its destination. soon the ship dropped out of subspace and the energy tunnel faded away to the view of a planet mostly made of water, and dotted with islands of various sizes and shapes. They all let go of their breaths, the shield modulation sequences sent by the demimon had worked, they were safe. August bounded over to the communications table and began to relay the situation on the channel to Lucy's ship.
On the ground Lucy was admiring the clean interior, and the polished and re-painted exterior of her ship. As she climbed into the cockpit and laid her large bushy tail on her lap, she prepared to take off, switching on life support, thrusters, lift off engines, inertial dampeners, stabilizers, and coms. As she closed the cockpit canopy over her head and dawned a pilot's headset, she was met with an urgent message alarm and she immediately pushed a few buttons to secure a connection and display the holographic transmission. Within moments a light blue projection of her friend from youth, August, appeared and began to speak in a worried tone of voice. "Lucy, I bet you're wondering why I'm here right now, well, you see, we've gotten into a bit of a predicament. The PirateX clan has, uh, welp, occupied our home, we escaped before they decided to attack, but we don't know how long they'll stay there. they did something, horrifying. They-"
"THEY BROUGHT IN THE FRICKIN MSB!!!" Rose cut August off and joined the holographic display.
"Wait, what? An MSB? That doesn't sound right. You don't send an MSB to destroy a few teenagers. That's not right, there's definitely more to this than meets the eye. Come meet me at these coordinates, We'll talk then." Lucy closed the communication and sent the coordinates to J.E.S. as she flew off towards her home wich stood atop a mountain.Merry Christmas I am half furry.