Valentines day lines of devotion
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Our first holiday was coming up which would also be our first-holiday date. Gina had an idea for us to spend time alone at an old fishing spot her dad once took her to. We both agreed to cook and bake half the food together during the morning time, even though she had to do it all. I helped but I never learned to cook anything let alone bake but she was happy to teach me so I picked up a few things. For drinks, we decided on orange juice and apple juice oddly enough. We had planned on taking a couple of blankets and a phone for music, she did most of the planning but I got to enjoy her company while helping.
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Between traded kisses and timers ringing we danced through the kitchen getting things ready. Trying not to bump into each other while we moved to get everything inside the baskets and wrapped. During the late evening, we had finished up with preparation so now just needed to walk to the spot. I was giddy and couldn't control myself, this was one of my happiest moments. Since I never had the chance to celebrate such things really but it was better celebrating it with someone who's just as happy. We walked through the trail out back of her house having Duke random chatter along the way. I decided to carry the majority of items we brought even against protests but I won with a few argumentative placed kisses. I won through laughter and kisses in the end but she still pouted which was adorable.
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When we arrived night was approaching so we began setting up the blankets and other things. It took me a moment to take this place in, it was breathtaking as Gina said it would be. But it wasn't time just yet to begin celebrating Valentine's day for us so we played a few games. We started with tag but I was too fast so she pouted that it was a little unfair. I couldn't help but offer my sincere apologies which had to be sealed with a kiss. From there, we decided to play something she brought along secretly. Well not really play it was a notebook and two sets of color pencils, the idea is to write each other a letter. And underneath a rock here is where we would place the letters after wrapping them up. She said we are to write anything we like and everything that was written would be blessed when we return next year. It was a father and daughter tradition she wanted to share with me
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I couldn't help but resist the urge to cry but I began writing out my letter. I wasn't sure at first what to write but my heart knew best what to say. When we finished we went to the rock to place our letters but a letter was inside already. Gina started to cry as she swapped the letter, I could see her hands shaking. I pulled her into a hug to steady her as she stared at the letter.
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Astra; " He wrote you a letter which means he was waiting on you to find it. Don't keep him waiting any longer Gina, I have you."
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I found my strength to be strong again after being weak and vulnerable with her, but she started reading and I wasn't ready.
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" Hey, Gina this will probably be my last letter so I wanted to give you one more letter and pray it'll be blessed as we always said. So here it goes.
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Firstly I hope you find that special person in life where you can be yourself. Love is a journey a lot of people take but often steer away from it. Always follow your heart honey.
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Lastly, tell your mother I'm sorry and ill love her till we meet again, you both held a special place inside my heart. Thank you both for saving me so many times.
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Love Tyler"
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She cried softly for awhile holding on to me tightly, I couldn't help crying either. I know this kind of pain is also a type of happiness, she got his last words. After some time she settles down and we start reminiscing about her father, the good times they had. She told me the time he encouraged her to do sports and how frustrated she got at being bad at them. But he helped her get better teaches her some fitness and she slowly came to love it, and soon it was time for us to have our Valentine's date. With the night sky giving us light from the stars above we began to unpack the basket the two of us made together to share. We fed each other pieces of dessert and food as we talked in-between bites, the lighting for this night only enhanced the beauty she had. I couldn't help but stare at her so captivated this was a moment I could live in forever, but we have many memories to make ahead of us.
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Gina; " Astra tonight may have had some tears but it was perfect all the same. And thinking about my dad's letter, I always thought he read them you know. Whatever I wrote down he read and did his best to make it happen. But he couldn't have done that this time so if it's possible, maybe he was guiding me to you. Sounds terrible I know."
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Astra; " No it sounds possible he really loves you Gina and even knowing what he planned to do. You were a thought in his mind, he wanted you to find that special someone like he did with your mom. So he may be looking over you guiding you as best he can. Whatever guided you to me I'm happy all the same to have you now."
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With that said I couldn't help but kiss her and for the rest of the night, we kiss and held each other. We have a long journey ahead to find our meaning for love but this right here is a step in that direction.
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Victoria had been busy but we talked the day previously about what we wanted to do together for Valentine's day. We couldn't decide so we figured just staying in to watch a movie while sharing a meal would be enough. However since she had work I decided to get everything ready for the perfect night, I may not know how these things go. But I know what she deserves so I wanna try my best because this day is really special for couples. So I decided to slip out for some shopping at our small shopping centers and stores to are what I can find. We didn't need fancy so a romantic enough dinner I could cook myself without help and a movie we both could enjoy.
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After some looking around the grocery store I figured I could make us some strawberry muffins for the desert. For the main dinner, I wanted something really good that she loves so I kept looking around. She loved cheese so I knew I had a mouse on my hands but what could I throw together with cheese to make it work. That's when I saw the ingredients for a cheese casserole surely she would love it, and I couldn't wait. After I left the grocery store I wanted a few extra touchings for tonight so I went to a general store. The movie wasn't too difficult to find but I wanted something as a gift so I shopped around trying to find something perfect.
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A hand-woven kit for creating things was the first thing I have seen that drew me in. So I grabbed two of them with the movie and headed on home to prepare everything, I was really happy to be given a chance like this. Once I got home I prepared everything and let dinner cook while I set the movie on the coffee table. I couldn't resist sitting down at the table waiting on dinner while I started crafting, I had an idea of what I wanted so I got to work. Delicately I weaved some strings together and made everything connect using her favorite colors pink and a lighter purple. Between watching dinner and weaving I was distracted but more than just words I wanted to give my heart. Something created by my hands filled with the feelings I have for her shaping it into the style of a heart. It took some time for me since I wasn't the best with these things but I had to try my best, once I finished I had to make sure dinner was good.
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Veronica was getting off work in about an hour so I finished dinner then headed to the shower. I wanted to look my best as silly as that may sound but I'm so afraid of meaning up again. It took me thirty minutes to dress up and get myself presentable but when I exited the bathroom she was already there. She set the table and seen my present for her I was surprised she was here but mostly that smile. She had tears in her eyes as she approached me and I was scared but my heart was racing the closer she got.
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Victoria; " Was this for me Caitlyn?"
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Cait; " Yeah I am not good at that kind of thing but I wanted you to have more than just a figurative word of having a piece of me you know."
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Victoria; " Caitlyn you are so amazing but I kind of thought that was the general idea so."
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It was my turn to have tears in my eyes because she did the same thing. I didn't even notice the second kit being opened and she made a similar thing with my favorite colors. I couldn't express my emotions so I kissed her and held her while trying not to cry.
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Victoria; " I don't know everything Caitlyn but I'm trying and to some degree, I can see through you. But when you do things like this it makes me happy beyond what I thought was possible. Thank you for setting up tonight for us, I'm sorry I had work taking away my time with you."
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Cait; " It's okay I wanted to do this in such a messy person but for you, I wanted to show how much I cherish you and a thank you for saving me from myself."
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After a few moments of holding each other, we finally managed to take seats and enjoy our meal together. We decided to deal with the mess and dishes in the morning since tonight was for us. So we sat down to watch our chosen movie and share the dessert, she loved everything and that made me truly happy to hear.
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I and Dan don't exactly define our relationship normally, but we celebrate everything together. And most people can tell theirs something between us but we don't label it as dating or anything, we just enjoy each other's company. We complete each other in many ways which is what keeps us connected, for this holiday we normally do something simple. Beer at home with a movie or some music and sometimes we go to the lounge but tonight was an inside night.
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What Astra arranged for us at that reunion gathering brought us closer together I feel. We got to meet so many new people who were becoming family to all of us in some way. I'm just happy that those two have found a path in life to follow that's not so dark. Dan and I still talk about those two we had witnessed a lot from them ever since our meeting, they even taught us some things that we missed.
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Tonight was gonna be simple for us and we would enjoy our time together. Because to us, we don't have anything more to say to another we let our feelings do the rest at this point. We may not celebrate like normal people or even have our relationship but we are connected and will be for a long time.
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Community college helped me but I had to get out of that place it held too many memories. But I never would have guessed the roommate I found would be such an amazing person. She's sick though and it breaks my heart but she's a fighter, she often tells me of her dad. He was a fighter as well so I see where she got that strength from, but when we speak about him I hear a lot of guilt. Each word sounds like she's choking on it, we haven't started dating officially but I think it may happen. But for now, we are just gonna celebrate finding each other as roommates and friends and see what happens.
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Joy; " Hey Cassie, do you think your dad would approve of me."
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Cassie; " Everyone has had a rough life and we all make mistakes, but my dad is stubborn and he's always kind. He would accept you easily, but I don't know if he could forgive me for what I did."
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Joy; " I think he just misses you and wants to see you again. It doesn't sound like he would hold anything against you."
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Cassie; " Once I get cured I'll head home probably and give him the news. But I don't wanna be a burden anymore to them."
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We spent the rest of Valentine goofing off and watching weird shows on tv. I can't help but wonder how everything back home is going, I hope those two are doing fine.
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{This was a side story special giving you a peek into the future if you followed the story so far. I wanna thank everyone for the support and time to read. Chapter four will be released soon I hope you are ready.}