215Please respect copyright.PENANAIJ5iBOcfs6
It's been awhile since I visited the farm i guess the town life got to me. At least Astra agreed without a fuss which I didn't expect but she cried a lot of it out so she's probably still trying to rebuild her walls. At least she's talking openly even if the conversation is random or about the things we see on our way outta town. Every once in a while I manage to make her laugh which really makes me happy. I called Jean but he didn't have any updates on Cait's whereabouts so I told him I was taking Astra out of town for a little while. He thought it was a good idea and took down the address just In case. He was like a big brother to her he really cared for her which gives me hope.
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When we arrived Ma'Ma was lively and loving as ever. She didn't know Astra but she hugged her like she was a long lost friend. I hope this helps her in some way.
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"Alright enough greetings you two must be tired. Come inside and I will have something whipped up for dinner. "
215Please respect copyright.PENANAWhMlgE8seC
" Thanks Ma'Ma, come on Astra."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAHuFsj2n7OR
I took her hand in mine and pulled her along, I was really excited to have her here. But of course the first thing I had to show her was.
215Please respect copyright.PENANAmzvlxseAu5
" This is my most embarrassing childhood bedroom which has not changed at all... Literally."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAkCD7dWCXu6
"HA Gina it's not that bad...It's honestly really cute...So how about a tour.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAPc2YSqGcxD
"But of course"
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So I started down memory lane with her from my wall posters to the dolls I had stacked neatly in a house. I even showed her some photo album's of my younger day's. She was smiling but she seemed distant I kept checking but she was always a little distant but her smile was real I'm sure of it.
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" Is everything ok Astra you seem distant.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAUHmHFLoMsG
"Yeah everything is good.."
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" You can tell me anything you know.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAdfAarjd0AR
"Yeah I...all I could think about on the drive down here and even now is...Back at your apartment when I kissed you.. stupid I know so much happened back then but that's what replays the most you know.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANABjAU5QaH35
" Yeah it was a really good kiss."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAXccPyxqIhG
"Oh hush that's not what I meant...I mean it was a horrible first kiss and a horrible first date you know.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAF2TDiIlgZy
" Not to me but we agreed to not call it a date right.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANA7YYvFwUV5u
" I mean I said that but I don't think I could actually pretend we are not on a date...It was stupid of me to say that....But um that kiss."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAm8TeaCwPcS
"You....want a redo.?"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAxtOZC4pBUw
" Don't word it like that it's embarrassing....Sounds like we are back in highschool."
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I couldn't help but laugh at her cute embarrassment, but I was silenced by her lips. And we sat like that for what seemed like hours just kissing. She was really good at kissing Jesus. If Ma'Ma didn't hollar up for dinner we probably would have stayed like this.
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"Dinners ready you kids come on down here and get some food."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAr65zNwyPNF
" Yes Ma'ma.. Ha I think you are right we went back in time Ma'Ma caught us kissing."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAKrcIQ969sd
" Oh hush you...Dork come on let's go I'm starving."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAxwk5QSAjEA
This time she took my hand I'm sure she's just testing the waters and trying things out but she looks really happy. And I am to so this is fine.
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"Well I won't keep you kids up tonight but tomorrow you both are gonna entertain me with some gossip. Now you two go get some rest."
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" Night Miss Rita."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAERGTUOpCEf
"Night Ma'ma."
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We gave her a hug then went back to my room for the night. I felt awkward because it was one bed and I didn't want things to be weird...
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"So uhh ."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAmrGEvbVqJg
" Gina it's alright we can share the bed it isn't a problem. Everything's fine come on "
215Please respect copyright.PENANAh3sfUdFyYN
I thought I was pulling her along to my whims but ever since we took that car ride down here...I feel like we are on equal footing. That night we fell asleep and she curled up in my arms. This is progress I will take any win I can at this point.
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Birds chirping stirred me earlier then normal from my sleep but what woke me up was... My bed was empty feeling and I panicked so I ran downstairs.
215Please respect copyright.PENANAV8uUNWaFNn
" Gina what do you think you are doing running in this house like you have no sense. "
215Please respect copyright.PENANAi0I4H9GToA
" Sorry Ma'ma have you seen Astra I woke up an she was gone so"
215Please respect copyright.PENANABQdSeWK63k
" Gina hunny calm down she went for her morning run she will be back."
215Please respect copyright.PENANA3pKXiewb4I
" But what if she's running back home that could be dangerous I should"
215Please respect copyright.PENANAHcW0zw5EaX
" Calmly sit down is what you should do, she is a grown woman. This isn't something you can just fix Gina, she has to find a way to cope. Tyler did the same thing he had his own way of coping with his demons child. You got to let her breath she will be fine."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAsdmvqkTzs4
" You are right sorry Ma'Ma I just got scared."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAUCiuCqAjls
" We all get scared but God has a plan for everything I'm sure. Let her run as far as she wants and as fast as she wants. She will come back because at some point she will realize she can't keep running from things that haunt her."
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After the lecture I felt so embarrassed I don't even know why I panicked so badly. But I went about the day while waiting on her to come back. Which reminds me I should probably head outside to check on the horse's it's been so long since I seen them.
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Being in the town so long I forgot how much work went into taking care of them. I really do miss this kind of life though it's just so peaceful. No chaos or stress just life and land it was.....beautiful.
215Please respect copyright.PENANAsoFKwPPj0E
" Hey you made it back."
215Please respect copyright.PENANA9ibHna2yzo
" Yeah sorry I just needed some air so I went for a run and I didn't wanna wake you up."
215Please respect copyright.PENANALEikXkS7Om
" You could have and I would have ran with you."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAjg4zPtk3Ax
" I know so how about tomorrow, we can go for a run."
215Please respect copyright.PENANAATkO2uzGFD
" Alright that sounds like a plan. Come over here and get some water you look thirsty."
215Please respect copyright.PENANA3gPQn1DJu6
That earned me a smile which turned into a grin. I never knew she could be so playful like this, after taking a drinking she splashed a little remaining water on me. Which lead up to me chasing her around the yard it was really fun, but Jesus she is fast. Ma'ma called us in and asked me to grab some things for a dinner tonight. I know that she just wanted to talk with Astra though.
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"Alright I will be back soon, Astra you should probably take a shower"
215Please respect copyright.PENANANXHFyV9JzB
" Oh hush I will, be careful and hurry back."
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With that I left heading back towards town to the little store a couple miles out from Ma'mas.