Ocean Boulevard, which runs parallel to the ten miles of ocean side property that runs the length of the city, was home to many resorts, restaurants, and the infamous SkyWheel, which offers tourists and residents alike, an enormous view of the sea from high up in the air. But Ocean Boulevard wasn't just home to these sites; it was also home to the three-bedroom beach house that seemed to be hidden in between the large skyscrapers on either side of it. There, on 305 S Ocean Blvd, sat my new home, with it's blue-green shutters sitting stark against the tan shutters along it's exterior. This was my new home now, complete with half an acre of lush green grass and a wooden gate that led straight to the powdery white sand overlooking the sea.
As I entered the beachside cottage, I instantly noticed the real mahogany flooring underneath my feet and the wood cabinetry in the kitchen across the room. An open floor concept that I immediately fell in love with when I visited the home just five months before. Smiling to myself, I walked back out to grab my luggage; the moving truck would be here in an hour, and I was lucky I managed to get them to help move all of my furniture and appliances. There was no way I'd be able to do all of that all on my own. Good thing I didn't have a lot of belongings and it should only take me an afternoon to set up my entire house. After, I planned to organise my guest bedrooms, filling them with comfy blue and white comforters and tons and tons of throw pillows. Not that I planned to have anyone over to sleep in my guest bedrooms, but who knows, maybe I will rent part of my home out to someone in the near future.
As I hung up my clothes in the closet, I heard the load sound of a horn as I looked through one of the many windows dotting the master bedroom, I watched as the moving van pulled up in front of the concrete driveway. Pulling the last shirt onto the hanger, I set it on the hook in my closet and turned around to walk back outside into the seabreeze in order to greet the movers who will be helping me this afternoon.
Just as I closed the front door, my phone began to ring, letting out a soft tune as I made a grab for it out of my back pocket. I had texted Claire an hour ago so that she could have my number, and she had responded immediately to let me know if I needed help moving she would have her son John come over to help.
"Hey Claire." I said, after looking over the caller ID and answering the call.
"Hello dear, I was just wondering if you made it to your home safe and if you needed any help with your move." She clipped on the other side of the line, her southern drawl hanging on every word.
"Oh, yes, I made it here in one piece, thank you for your concern. And if you want John to come over I can give you my address." I commented, smiling to one of the guys as they walked over to the back of the truck to unlock the door. "The moving truck was just dropped off and I'm sure the men here would love the help."
"Alright dear, one sec," She said in her cheery voice before I heard her yell at her son to get his big butt off the couch and help a nice young lady with her move before I heard John's response Claire spoke again, directing at me, "He'll be right over dear."
"Alright," I sighed, "Tell him I thank him for his help. He should be able to park in the driveway, there should be enough room."
"Alright dear, he'll see you soon." She giggled at something I couldn't see before hanging up leaving the hanging up tone in my ear.
"Good news boys," I clipped, shaking my head before stuffing my phone back in my pocket, "Not only will you have my help but one of my friend's sons will be up here in about twenty minutes. We can start now if y'all want." One of them nodded as I turned to open the front door just as one of them came behind me with a box. "Whatever the box is labeled please set it in the designated room."
"Alright ma'am." One of the men wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans said, carrying a box labeled dishes in big black letters.
Just as I was about to grab another box someone pulled into the driveway next to my blue truck driving a white truck that seemed to be identical to my own except for the color. The driver got out, messing with the cuff of his shirt before throwing a ball cap on where sunglasses rested just like his father.
"Hey, you must be Anna," The man greeted, as he came towards me, offering his hand for me to shake, "I'm John, although, if you've met my mother, I'm sure you already know my name."
His blue eyes sparkled as he said this, smiling over at me as he shielded his eyes from the sun before placing the sunglasses on his face. "Alright, are you ready to get to work?"
I nodded, grabbing a box from the trailer as John helped one of the movers grab the wooden China hutch that was my grandmother's and then my mother's before they passed.
"Where would you like this?" They asked, as they passed me.
"Oh, just go ahead and set it along the wall in the living room." I said as I set the cardboard box on the kitchen counter.
After a few hours, we managed to have all of the furniture and appliances set up in the house all that I had left to do was put away my belongings and then grab my groceries during my trip to walmart. Grabbing my wallet from my purse I handed the movers a twenty and waved them off as John turned to me.
"Thank you John for your help." I said, looking him in the eye as I smiled appreciatively.
“You're welcome." He smiled, "Do you need help unloading the boxes?"
"Um, if you want to? I was going to go grab some groceries later."
"I'd be happy to help." John said, as we walked back inside and shut the door behind us.
"Okay," I sighed, "I guess let's get to work."
Two hours later, we were able to completely decorate my home, fill the kitchen with all of its utensils and dishware, and fill each bedroom with it's respective dresser, bed, and bedding. Plopping down on the couch I closed my eyes in contentment as I sighed, enjoying how my home looked and felt in my presence. "Thank you John!"
"You're welcome. If you don't need anything else I think I'm gonna head home." He said as I looked up as he began to walk towards the front door. Jumping off the couch, I grabbed my wallet and turned to John. Throwing a ten into his hand before he could open the door.
"Oh, no, you don't need to pay me." He protested, trying to hand me back the money.
"Are you sure?" I asked, "That was like five hours of work!"
"My mother would kill me if she found out I accepted money from you." He mumbled, "It's fine, really."
"Okay." I sighed, "Well, have a safe drive."
"Thanks." He smiled, before opening the front door and leaving me alone in my home. As I heard the sound of his engine turn over, I grabbed my purse and the grocery list I had made earlier and exited my beach home before locking the door behind me and following John out onto the roadway. As I started up my car, I placed my purse in the passenger seat before making sure I had enough cloth sacks for all of the groceries I was going to get before looking behind me and backing out of the drive to make the five minute drive to the walmart, driving away from the sea and further into town. I knew at this moment that this was the start of a new adventure, one that I couldn't wait to see what might happen next.
With a large huff, I dropped the seven sacks onto the dining room table, sweat beginning to run across my brow as the weight from the groceries left my arms. As I began to empty the sacks, I turned the television on, as the news began to play through the speakers that John helped me set up. I looked up as they began to talk about the weather and the swell report for today's surf. I knew one of these days I would learn how to surf and I couldn't wait to get started. Maybe after I finish with my groceries I could take a dip in the cool ocean that my home faced.
Shutting the fridge, I folded all of my cloth sacks and set them near the front door before turning towards my bedroom to change into my swimsuit and grab my beach bag. Peeling off my clothes, I quickly changed into my swimsuit and grabbed my sunglasses, setting them on my head and grabbing my beach bag from the closet. Throwing two towels into the bag, I added a bottle of sunscreen and padded into the kitchen to grab a few water bottles. Sliding the glass door open, I stepped out into the hot summer sun, popping the sunglasses over my eyes to save them from the blinding light. As I opened the gate in my back yard that would lead me to the white sandy beaches and bright blue sea stretching across the horizon, I instantly felt at home.
Silently, I made my way across the sand and towards the water. Once I got about halfway towards the water, I set my bag down, grabbing my towel and laying it out onto the sand. As I applied my sunscreen, I watched the waves curl in front of me, no clouds were in the sky this afternoon and the weather was absolutely perfect. Smiling to myself, I began to walk towards the water again, my feet squishing into the partly wet sand as my feet touched the water ahead of me. Within moments, I was neck deep in the water, swimming happily as the waves rose and broke around me. I felt absolutely free here, that was, until I felt something scaly brush against my leg. I felt my heart stop as panic set in, staring down into the murky blue water as I tried to see what had just touched my leg. Then, within seconds, I felt whatever had touched me before brush my skin just as I lost my footing and dropped fully into the water, letting out a scream as it muffled under the water. Kicking my legs, I surfaced as quickly as I could, spitting out the saltwater as I drew in quick and panicked breaths. Looking around, I tried to swim away from the spot. I knew I shouldn't be scared, it was probably just a fish, but at the pit of my stomach, I wasn't exactly sure what it was.
"Hello." I turned towards the sound, finding myself face to face with a man I had never seen before. His eyes were silver, nearly white against his skin and his hair was wet, sticking to his head as the water seemed to calm around us. "Are you alright?"
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came, I watched as his brow furrowed confusion filling his fetchers. "Can you understand me?"
All I could do was nod, knowing that he shouldn't be here because this was a private beach and he was trespassing.
"Can you speak?" He persisted, swimming closer to me until I felt the scaly creature brush up against my leg again until panic over took me again. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you."
"What-- why are you here? You aren't supposed to be here this is a private beach." I managed to rasp out, panic lacing my tone. "Is that a fish? What keeps brushing against me?"
"I think it is just a fish." He replied, but I could tell through his eyes he was lieing to me.
"Okay, well, I would be mindful of where you swim next time." I said, beginning to make my way towards shore.
"Wait," He called, "What's your name?"
I turned, the water down to my waist, and smiled, "Anna, but you can call me Annie."
As I turned back around I began to walk back up onto shore, feeling the water run down my legs and seeping into the hot sand just as the same sand clung to my legs and feet. Grabbing my towel from my bag, I began to dry myself as I glanced back out onto the water. I noticed that the man who I had just spoken to moments before was nowhere to be seen as if he was never there at all. All that was left was the sound and sight of the waves crashing onto shore. I felt my brow furrow as I stared at the ocean, my wet hair clinging to my shoulders and face. As I stared, I wondered if I would ever see the mysterious man again or if he was just a figment of my imagination.
I remembered the feeling of the scaly creature brushing up against me and how quickly the man had arrived straight after it happened. Although, I know what I am thinking isn't likely but of course, only two percent of the Earth's oceans have been searched. He couldn't be a merman, it was probably just a fish.
But what if it wasn't? What if I had just made the greatest discovery in the history of this planet?
And as I stared back out to sea, I saw the faintest sight of a fluke breaking through the surface of the water right before it disappeared back into the sea.