The darkness crept across my vision as my head began to throb, sending sparks of pain across my temple. My limbs were numb, giving me no aid as to where I was or what has happened to me. My memory was a blur of black and white, the figures across my mind's eye foggy and unrecognisable, further frustrating me as I tried to open my eyes to ease the darkness of my vision. And then, I was able to as my senses came back, the blood flowing down my arms as the pins and needles sparked across my skin as I came to. My eyes fluttered open, as I tried to push myself up trying to register what might have happened.
"Oh good, you're awake!" A man's voice exclaimed from my side, turning to him I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked him over, realising that this man was not only the same man from earlier today but he was wearing my father's clothes.
"I hope you don't mind that I borrowed these," He paused, looking down at the clothes he wore before looking back up as me, "I don't think you wanted me to walk around naked again."
And then without warning my memories came flooding back like a tidal wave, pulling me down as the information tried to suffocate me. He wasn't human. He intruded into my home naked. He fled the ocean and he was a merman. I felt the fear then as my hands began to shake, absentmindedly pushing myself away from him.
"Anna," He said calmly, as he inched towards me, "I'm not here to hurt you."
Closing my eyes, I tried to think of what I could do. There was no way this was real. I was still dreaming, I had to be, but apart of me knew that this was definitely not a dream. This was all too real. We still haven't discovered the entirety of the ocean floor, and it was entirely possible for there to be another intelligent being beneath the depths of the sea, of course, I wasn't sure how I felt being the one to discover it. He seemed human enough, I mean, in this form he was entirely too human and increadably gorgeous. But maybe that was his tactic, to pull me in promising me sweet things until he pulled me under the waves to drown me.
"I won't drown you." He said as my eyes shot open, "I mean you no harm Anna. I know me saying this means nothing right now, but know that I am being truthful to you."
"Did you just read my mind?" I asked, dumbfounded.
He only nodded, cautiously walking over before sitting down at the foot of the bed, "Yes, I can read your mind. Although, I try not to do so as it's an invasion of privacy."
I nodded as I looked down, realising I was no longer wrapped in a towel and covered in my Pajama's. "How am I in my pajamas? Did you dress me?"
"Yes, I figured you didn't want to be naked in a stranger's presence so I dressed you in your night clothes. I hope you don't mind." He paused, "This is not what I had in mind when I wished to meet a human for the first time."
"How is your English this good?" I asked, turning to him, I couldn't help but question him further as my curiosity got the better of me, "Are there more of you out there? Why did you pick me? Why did you want to meet a human? Are there any other abilities I should know about?"
I watched as he let out a boisterous laugh, "Hold on, one at a time."
"Sorry." I mumbled, unwrapping myself from the covers to sit next to him. The side of my leg grazing against his, the warmth radiating up my body as a chill crept its way across my skin.
"My mother taught me your language, just as hers taught her." Delmare began, turning to me, "There are many of us within the depths of the sea, different kingdoms and races much like your civilizations. I chose you because you seemed trustworthy, and knowledgeable enough about the sea that I felt it wouldn't be as big of a shock. Finding out that there is another intelligent being not too far away can be strenuous I suppose, but I suppose you are handling it surprisingly well."
"I'm kind of surprised I am handling the idea of merpeople existing so well, but I suppose we haven't searched the entirety of the ocean so it can be possible. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not I'm dreaming."
He only nodded, deep in thought before turning to me, "It's nearly midnight, you should probably get some sleep."
I nodded just as a yawn tore through me, echoing throughout the room as Delmare chuckled. A sound I wanted to hear again and again. He had a nice laugh.
"I should probably show you where you're going to sleep, that is, if you want to stay. We'll have to go to the store in the morning and get you some clothes. I only have a few of my dad's things left, and I don't think you'll feel comfortable wearing the same raggedy t-shirt and jeans every day. But, I have work tomorrow so we will have to go after. You can entertain yourself until I get back at four right?"
"I should be fine Annie." He said as U stood, leading him into one of the guest bedrooms across the hall from mine.
The room was spacious, sporting a queen sized bed filled with a comfortable quilt, a dresser, and a door leading to another bathroom. I watched as Delmare smiled to himself, sitting down on the bed. "Um, I have a tooth brush in there, a few towels if you want to take a shower, eer, I suppose you can't take a shower because of your tail but there's a tub attached so you should be fine." I rambled not realising that he had gotten up and was walking towards me, "What?"
"I'll be fine. You don't have to worry."
I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding until right now, nodding to him, I went to turn out of the room before I heard him call, "Thank you."
Turning back I smiled, "You're welcome, goodnight Delmare."
"Goodnight, Anna."
Shutting the door behind me, I quietly walked back into my bedroom, crawling back in bed after I shut off the lights. Instantly I felt my limbs grow heavy as sleep overtook me, pulling me into a restful sleep.
Within moments I was dreaming, the night of dad's crash filling my vision as the memories flooded around me. I watched as the parametics rushed towards dad's jeep, which was now crushed to the side of a semi. I knew this wasn't real but still, the scream tore through me just as it did years before when my dad had passed. And just as I was about to run up and hug my father one last time, the dream vanished, taking form to fill the void with an endless sea. The sea that U was beginning to drown in and just when I was about to succumb to the water's edge, I awoke, a terrifying scream echoing from my libs as my sob's overtook me.
Within moments, someone burst through my bedroom door, panic and concern etched across their face as the saw me, drenched in sweat and clutching my bed sheets for dear life. "Are you alright?"
"Sorry." I managed to rasp out once I realised it was just a dream, "I just had a nightmare."
I watched as Delmare took a few steps towards me, silently debating whether or not he should come closer towards me or whether he should just leave me be. Thankfully, he came towards me, sitting on the side of my bed and looking over at me with watchful eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head, pushing the covers off me as I tried to calm my racing heartbeat. "Will you be alright if I go back to bed?"
I nodded taking in a deep breath before closing my eyes, but when I felt him begin to stand my body reacted on its own, grabbing ahold of his hand and before I could stop myself I spoke, asking the question I knew would change things, "Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep. You don't have to if you don't want to I mean, I have no idea why I'm asking you this. We barely know each other-"
"Yes." Delmare whispered, turning back to me as his surprise was replaced with understanding, "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."
"Thank you."
He only nodded before letting go of my hand and crawling over to the left side of the bed while I took the right. As we got comfortable I thought I would feel a little awkward sharing a bed with a man, let alone a being who wasn't even human, but I didn't. I felt entirely comfortable and felt his presence familiar in a way that I couldn't explain. As my body began to relax, I turned on my side, feeling sleep overtake me once more. And this time, no nightmares of my parent's deaths plagued my dreams, only a peaceful darkness.