The faucet let out a loud squeak as I turned the shower on. Within seconds it sprung to life as the water began to pour out of the shower head, filling the bathroom with warm steam from the water's temperature. Pealing my bathing suit off, I dropped it, letting it fall to the ground with a wet flop as I stepped into the tub. Pulling the shower curtain closed, I turned towards the water before walking under the waterfall of clean freshwater, feeling the sand and salt leave my body as it spiraled down the drain.
I sighed, feeling my muscles began to relax as I closed my eyes in contentment. As the moments ticked by, I stood under the water for a moment longer than I probably should have before I made a move to grab my shampoo. Pouring a generous amount into my palm, I began to kneed the substance into my ginger red hair, which now seemed to be darker than usual. Scrubbing until suds began to cover my hands and arms, I washed the soap away, hoping that I would be able to get all of the sand out. Although, I knew that some grains would still manage to stick to my scalp no matter how many times I washed my hair.
After my shower, I grabbed a large blue towel from it's hook and wrapped it around myself as my hair dropped around me. As I ran to my room, I hoped that I wouldn't slip and fall I also hoped that no-one was looking into my windows right now because I forgot to close the curtains before I took my shower. Closing my bedroom door behind me, I sighed, padding over to the large window overlooking the sea, and closed the curtains, letting the towel fall to the floor accidentally.
"Really!" I exclaimed to no-one in particular before reluctantly picking up the towel and drying my body just before wrapping my hair up in it. Walking over to my dresser, I pulled out my comfy set of silk cami pajamas and slipped them on.
The sun was nearly setting by the time I walked into the kitchen to make my dinner. The pink and purple hues lighting up the sky and reflecting across the water as the sun escaped behind the horizon. Smiling to myself, I grabbed the bag of lunch meat from the fridge, setting it on the counter before grabbing a tomato, a slice of cheese, and some mustard as well. Setting everything on the counter, I grabbed a plate and began to make my sandwich, grabbing some bread from the bread box that I had carefully wrapped in a pillowcase rather than use the plastic sack it came in. Instead, I set the plastic packaging in the recycling bin, which was now already full and I wondered if I needed to buy another bin. After my sandwich was made, I set everything back where they belonged before grabbing my plate and making my way out onto the back porch where a lawn chair sat waiting. Easing down into the chair, I found myself staring at the sunset, watching the colors dance across the waves in perfect harmony.
I had only one day off before I started my career at the Research and Rehabilitation Center here in Myrtle Beach, and I was determined to make tomorrow a worthwhile and fun experience. I would visit every store, learn to surf, maybe even catch my first wave, but I knew I wanted tomorrow to be the most memorable start to my career. I wanted to start my new life here out with a bang, and I only hoped the weather would stay it's beautiful eighty degrees.
As I ate, I listened to the calming sound of the waves crashing onto the shore. Relishing the calming peace I felt in this moment in time as I enjoyed the sight and sound of the ocean so close to my home. In minutes I was finished eating and walking back inside to wash my plate. Setting it on the dish drying rack, I made a once over of the room to see if I might have missed anything before walking throughout my home to shut off all of the lights. I was exhausted by the time I crawled into bed, pealing the seashell patterned quilt over so I could crawl under the covers. Feeling my body relax once more, I felt my eyelids grow heavy as the calming pull of sleep overtook me, and I fell into a dreamless sleep.
I awoke to the soft sea breeze blowing through my window, the curtains blowing in the wind filling the room with the smell of salt and sand. I blinked twice, trying to ease the grogginess as the sun shone through the windows. Yawning, I sat up in bed, letting the covers fall into my lap as I sat up. As I crawled out of bed, I padded over to the window, opening up the curtains fully so that I could have a better view of the outside world. The sky was as blue as can be and the water was just as gorgeous. My phone chimed from my bedside table, bringing my attention away from the sight of the sea and over to my phone. Grabbing the device off my bedside table, I turned it on, looking over the alarm I had set. As I slid my finger across the screen to turn it off, I smiled to myself, knowing that today was going to be a perfect day.
Walking over to my dresser, I shimmied out of my pajamas, throwing on a pair of denim shorts and a lightweight blue tank top over my purple and pink bikini swimsuit. My favorite thing about being in a Beach town is that I could wear my swimsuit into town, and no-one cares. Making my way into the kitchen, I grabbed a banana from the counter and began to much on it as I made a mental list of the things I wanted to do today. As I finished, I dropped the banana peal into the trashcan and grabbed a few waters out of the fridge to throw into my swim bag. Turning around, I padded back into my bedroom to grab my beachbag and a few towels, shoving them in there along with the water bottles. Combing my hair with my fingers, I grabbed my purse and keys, then threw on a pair of my comfortable sandals and was out the door without a second thought. Locking the door behind me, I hoped into my truck, ready to spend time in the city I was now a resident in, and planned to live in for the rest of my days.
The parking lot to the Ripley's Aquarium was packed by the time I made it into the parking lot. Which was understandable as it was June and straight in the middle of the busiest tourist season the city hosts every year. As I shut my car off, I sighed and pulled my purse out, leaving my beachbag to sit in the passenger seat as I exited, slamming the door behind me. Following the wave of tourists, I waited patiently behind a woman with her toddler, hoping that I would be able to enter the aquarium in a timely manner. After thirty minutes however, I was finally able to make it inside to purchase my tickets.
The lady behind the register smiled up at me, greeting me as I walked forward. Smiling at her, I mentioned I wanted to purchase a ticket to the aquarium, knowing that there were several exhibits within this one building. She only nodded before ringing me up and handing me my receipt. "You can just go through those doors." She said, motioning towards a pair of glass doors to my left.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed, turning towards the double doors and making my way further into the aquarium.
Soft blue lights illuminated the room, dark as to not disturb the sea creatures inhabiting the tanks around us. I watched silently as stingrays swam along the sand, throwing sand as they skidded across. A clownfish darted along it's seaennename, moving in and out of its tentacles several times before swimming along the coral. As I stated, I remembered the first time I had ever visited an aquarium. I was twelve, and I had been dying for my parents to take me ever since the aquarium had opened. And there at such a young age I was entirely captivated by those sea creatures and knew that when I grew up I would spend my life dedicated to protecting them. And that is what I have been trying to do ever since.
An hour seemed to pass faster than I anticipated when I decided to leave the aquarium. I had scheduled my first surf lesson with the Surf City Surf Shop across town at one o'clock and still had enough time to drive over there and look around their store before it was time to take my lesson. smiling at the cashier as I passed, I made my way back into my truck to begin the eight minute drive back towards the sea.
As I entered the Surf shop, the soft sound of the radio greeted me as I walked further into the store. Rows and rows of swimwear, wetsuits, and surfboards filled the stores interior; along with of course, ankle leashes, surfboard wax, T-shirts, and several South Carolina nick nacks. Making my way over to the surfboards, I ran my hand along a blue and white shortboard that matched my five foot six height perfectly. Smiling to myself, I walked quietly over to the longboards, every once in a while looking at my phone to check the time. I suppose if I had been paying attention to my surroundings rather than staring intently at the surfboards in front of me I would have noticed when one of the salesmen came over or that he was standing next to me for longer than a minute before he spoke.
"Hi, can I help you?" Someone asked behind me, startling me as I jumped nearly three feet, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
Turning around to face the shopkeeper, I smiled, "You're fine, sorry."
"Can I help you find anything?" He asked again, looking over at me with apologetic eyes.
"Oh, no, maybe later. I have a surfing lession at one, so I just wanted to browse while I waited." I replied, looking at my phone again, "Well, it's nearly one so I should probably head over there. It was nice talking to you!"
As I exited the shop, I mentally scolded myself for my lack of social skills and entered my truck. It was only a few minute drive to the beach and I was thankful as I parked, grabbed my beachbag, and exited my vehicle. I could hear the waves before I saw them, the giddy excitement coursing through my veins as I made my way down the wood ramp and towards the sea. As I scanned the area for my surf instructor, I continued to walk, hoping I would eventually find them before it was time for the lesson to start. Of course, as I was about to turn around to go back, I spotted a small group halfway across the beach, various surfboards scattered around them as they stood in the sand. Picking up speed, I ran over to them, hoping I wasn't too late.
"Ah, there you are!" One of the men wearing a pair of swim trunks and a lightweight shirt exclaimed, turning towards me.
"Sorry." I mumbled, dropping my stuff next to me.
"Alright, now that everyone's here let's begin." The same man from before slightly yelled after he introduced himself as Daniel.
A half an hour came and went as we practiced the pop up position on our boards and how to correctly paddle out to see. I knew I probably wouldn't catch a wave my first time out, but I was extremely excited to get out and do it. The excitement filled me with a giddy warmth that spread throughout my body as I waited slightly impatiently to begin the lesson in the water.
It seemed like hours had passed before we were able to jump in the water, of course, we wouldn't be going very deep. Daniel had us go one at a time, letting us know when the best time to pop up on the board was and what we should do. I watched as Daniel turned to me, motioning for me to take my turn as I paddled towards the wave, turning at the best possible time. And when I felt the water begin to pick me up, I popped up, placing my feet firmly and steadily onto the board as the water pushed me further towards shore. I knew at this moment that I was instantly hooked.
By the time I had made it home it was nearly three and I was absolutely exhausted. Pushing my front door open, I wobbled into my living room, sand covering my skin and the smell of salt in my hair. Padding into my bathroom, I turned the tub's faucet on, checking the water's temperature before adding the plug into the drain. As the water filled, I threw in a few handfuls of bathsalts, the calming smell of lavender filling the bathroom in it's aroma. Walking out of the bathroom, I grabbed a pair of Pajama's and a new pair of underwear and set it neatly on the counter of the sink.
As I got undressed, I began to wonder about the man I had met yesterday, I remembered the way his brow knit together as he thought I didn't understand me and the beautiful silver color of his eyes. Suddenly my cheeks began to burn as I shook my head trying to think of anything other than that stranger. Stepping into the tub, I sunk down, the water flowing over me as the sand no longer clung to my body. But the relaxing feeling left when I heard a load crash, jolting me out of the bathtub as I jumped out of the tub. Grabbing a nearby towel, I hastily wrapped it around myself before I could cautiously run towards the sound. As I rounded the corner, I heard someone yell and curse under their breath. Grabbing the closest thing next to me, I pushed my bedroom door open, my heart beating hard against my chest as I walked into the living room where I thought the intruder was.
And there I saw him, scrambling to clean up the broken lamp. I instantly recognised him as the man from yesterday although, he wasn't stark naked then but now, he was. Reverting my eyes, I felt the blush creep up my neck. What the hell was he doing in my house?
"Excuse me," I choked out, before clearing my throat and looking over at him, trying not to check him out, "Excuse me, what the hell are you doing in my home!"
I watched as he jumped up turning around as I saw the panic written across his face, "I um, I."
"Why are you naked!" I exclaimed, clutching the object more tightly in my hands, "Where are your clothes?!"
"I don't, I'm sorry, I-" He sighed, "This is so not how I wanted this to go."
"How did you want this to go? What's your problem?" I asked, panic lacing my tone, as I cautiously walked towards my couch to throw one of the white throw blankets I had on the back of it at him, "Here, wrap this around yourself.'
"Annie listen, I'm sorry I-"
"I'm not mad about the lamp." I said, still clutching the towel around myself, "I'm mad and upset because you just intruded into my home naked! Why are you here?"
"I had nowhere else to go!" He exclaimed, his silver eyes searching mine, "I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go. We started off on the wrong foot, look, my name's Delmare."
"What do you mean you have nowhere else to go?"
"The ocean's are dying. I had to flee onto land."
I blinked, searching his face for any sign of living but there was none. What did he mean flee? What is happening right now?
"You are the only human I know, I figured you wouldn't mind but, if I am too much of a bother I will leave." He said, turning away from me.
"Human?" I asked, "What do you mean human? What do you mean you had to flee the ocean?"
I watched as he looked over at me, walking cautiously over to me as he grabbed the object from my hand, "I'm not going to hurt you."
I found myself holding my breath as he led me back into the bathroom that I had just been in before he dropped the throw blanket and jumped into the tub. And within seconds his lower half was replaced with a gigantic silver fishtail. And in moments, I found myself falling, my vision turning black as I fell unconscious.