The soreness that spread across my hips seemed to remind me of the afternoon I had spent with Delmare, it was uncomfortable yet amazing at the same time. We laid together in bed, our legs and arms wrapped together in a tangled mess as the sun began to shine through the window, dancing across the waves that rose to shore far across the horizon.
I stifled a yawn as Delmare nestled closer towards me in his sleep, he mumbled something I couldn't understand as his nose brushed against the exposed skin of my neck. Trying not to disturb him as he rested peacefully beside me, I shifted onto my back as his arm instinctively wrapped around my waist as he rested his head on my chest. The sudden movement though made my bladder hate me as I groaned slightly, knowing I now needed to use the bathroom.
"Delmare." I whispered, touching his shoulder softly, shaking him slightly, "I need to get out of bed."
I did not get any words in response, only groans in protest as he wrapped his leg around me, further keeping me cuddling up to him as I shook my head. "If you don't let me get out of bed, I will pee myself." I proclaimed as he immediately let me go of me, moving over as he sat up in bed. I had a feeling he was awake when he wrapped his arms around me, there was no way he could have stayed asleep for that long. Jumping out of bed, I ran towards the bathroom, throwing the door closed as I emptied my bladder.
After washing my hands, I made my way into the kitchen, grabbing the box of Corn Flakes from the cabinet as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. As I did, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist as they kissed the back of my head, sending butterflies to my stomach immediately at his touch.
"Good morning." Delmare greeted at my ear, still hugging my close as I poured the milk.
"Good morning." I said, taking a step backwards as Delmare followed my ever move, "I have to grab a spoon." He sighed as he let me go, and walked towards the coffee pot to make himself a cup of coffee, not that he needed it he was always a ball of energy from what I can tell. Grabbing a spoon from the drawer, I scooped the cereal and took a bit as I watched Delmare pour the coffee grounds into the coffee maker. The smell of coffee filling the kitchen as I leaned against the counter eating my cereal.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Delmare asked, turning to me before reaching up to grab a mug from the cabinet.
"Hmm," I hummed, "It's supposed to be a nice day out today you could probably go swimming if you wanted to. Have you talked to your family since you left?" I asked, turning towards him as I set my bowl down, "Wouldn't they be worried about where you're at?"
His eyes shown a like blue then, as he frowned, sadness evident on his face before he looked back at me. "I haven't talked to them since I met you. And they are probably worried for me but, I cannot leave you Annie."
I shook my head, "I'll be fine. Besides, you handle my nine hour shifts at work just fine. This will be nothing." I replied walking towards him as I cupped his cheek in my hand as he looked down at me, "Go see your family Delmare. They have every right to know you are safe and well. Cherish them, because they won't always be there."
I fought back the sadness in my voice as I hugged him, remembering I had yet to find closure with my parents' deaths and knew I did not want his parents to feel the pain of think their child was dead. "Besides, you can tell them you won't be able to marry that other Symari because you have a hot ass human in South Carolina." I grinned, letting him go as he chuckled slightly.
"Yeah, that's true." He said, hesitation still evident in his tone.
"Delmare, if I have to drag you into the sea so you'll see your family I will. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Besides, I think your day might be a lot more interesting than my boring day doing lab work."
"It's not boring." He responded, defensively, "You're protecting the marine life. I think it is an honorable profession."
"I'm joking Del."
"Oh." He said, "Should I leave now so you can see me off or would you like me to wait-"
"Don't try to drag this out Delmare," I replied, giving him a knowing look, "Your family has waited long enough, you will not make them wait any longer. Now kiss me before you leave. I'm not sure when-" He cut me off practically running towards me as his arms lifted me up on the counter, kissing me passionately as if he wouldn't see me for a long time. Knowing that we would make this a proper temporary goodbye, one we would play in our minds over and over until we saw each other again and could do it again.
The drive to work was silent, traffic wasn't as bad as everyone was already on the beach by now. It was deathly silent, except for the soft sobs that managed to escape from my lips, as much as I tried to stop my emotions from getting the better of me. I was at war with myself, knowing that it was the right thing to do to let him go and see his family but also, I wanted him here, I wanted him with me. As I parked, I sat in silence knowing my eyes would now be puffy and red and everyone would know I just spent the last ten minutes crying but at least I wasn't sore anymore.
Grabbing a tissue from my glove box, I dabbed my face dry, grabbing another to blow my nose as I checked my face in the mirror. My eyes were still a little swollen, and my face was blotchy from crying but a little cold water would soon help. As I exited the truck, I had an odd feeling come over me, like something wasn't right as I shut my truck door and walked towards the front door. Once inside, I made a new line for the bathroom, turning the faucet on as I cupped the water in my hands as I stared at it before splashing the substance over my warm cheeks. Grabbing a towel, I dabbed my face dry, hoping that that would help calm me down so that I could do my work in price and try not to think about Delmare leaving. I could think about how we made love on my kitchen counter but I suppose that would just make me miss him more. Checking my reflection in the mirror again, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door towards the back, swiping my keycard as it flashed green, clocking me in for the day before I stuffed my items in my locker. Taking a deep breath, I locked the locker door, and stood, walking back out of the hall before I heard someone shout for some help not five yards away.
"What's going on?" I asked as I walked towards the sound, not realizing that I was heading straight towards the eerie room that held the empty tank I had seen not one month before. "Do you need any help?" I asked from the doorway, staring at the five men that were carrying a large net.
That was until I realized what they were actually carrying as I saw the fin press against the netting, causing a large gash to sprout spreading a silver liquid to ooze from the wound. My heart skipped a beat as I followed the familiar silver fishtail up the creature’s torso as I saw flesh and eyes that shone a bright red. In an instant I knew they were holding Delmare, my Delmare. I found myself instinctively taking a step forward, wanting to free him from the netting but knew that if I did that they would wonder why. Why was I helping him? What was I after? Instead, I stood still, turning to my colleagues in the most professional manner I could muster as I asked them, "What are you doing with this creature?"
"We found this bloody thing on our radar, Dr. Jones wanted to take a look and we brought it up on the ship. He wants to do some further testing. We need to get him in the tank." One of them replied, looking me in the eyes, bewilderment and excitement filling his tone as if he can't believe he is holding a creature who was thought to be a myth.
This is bad. This is so bad! What can I do, what should I do? I need to get him out of here. I need to do it when everyone isn't here.
"Here, you boys get him in the tank and I'll start up the machines." I said, turning towards the monitors as I turned them on, the machines humming to life. With a loud splash I heard them drop Delmare into the tank, looking up I watched through the frosted glass his silver blood float in the water for a few seconds before stopping as his wound healed over. I didn't know he could do that. God, I hope he forgives me for what I am made to do while he is here.
"Ah, Ms. Lisle!" I heard James call as he came towards me, grinning from ear to ear.
"Isn't this an extraordinary day! I have actually found the existence of another intelligent being on this earth!" He boasted, motioning towards Delmare as he sat on the sandy floor of the tank. His eyes flashing from red to gold.
"Yes, it is." Is all I said, my mind preoccupied as I tried to think of what I could do, "It's hard to believe that this is real."
"I assure you Ms. Lisle this being is entirely real." He grinned; his eyes bright.
"He," I corrected, unable to stop myself, "He is not a being. He is a he, and he probably has a family and people who care about him and you have ripped him from them. Do you expect you will keep him here? You have no idea what he needs to have a sustainable living and I do not approve of this."
My tone was upset and I knew I was but I knew I probably shouldn't have made an outburst like that. He may not keep me to help with testing of Delmare and if he didn't keep me, I wouldn't be able to know what they were doing to him or will be able to get him out.
"Ms. Lisle, I do not need your approval on this as I am your superior. And we are going to study him, find out what his needs are so that he will live a happy and healthy life here."
I bit my tongue, looking away. That bastard, who did he think he is? He can't just keep him here!
"I'm going to take your silence as an okay. Now, can you get started on the data sheets?" He asked and I only nodded, leaving the room as quickly as I could as I tried to control my emotions as I made a dash towards the bathroom. Falling to the floor as I retched up my breakfast from this morning and into the toilet.
I cried then, unable to control myself as my emotions overwhelmed me. They were going to test him, pry him with needles, find out any information on him by any means necessary. And I had the sinking feeling that if it came to it, they would keep him until he died.
"Are you alright in there?" I heard someone call from the other side of the stall but I didn't answer.
I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted Delmare safe. I sniffed, grabbing some toilet paper as I wiped my face clean, before tossing the paper into the toilet and flushing it. Fumbling with the lock, I swung the door open, seeing Diana on the other side, her eyes filled with concern.
"Oh honey, are you alright dear?"
I shook my head, walking past her towards the sink to wash my mouth out, "I'm-" I paused trying to think of a suitable answer to her question, "I'm just not feeling well."
"Oh dear, why don't you take the day off if you aren't feeling well." She suggested, "There's obviously something going on, maybe it will be good for you to take a day off."
I shook my head, "No I can't."
I couldn't leave Delmare here alone, I couldn't bare it.
"Oh nonsense, we'll be fine. You run along home and feel better soon alright." She cooed, practically leading me out the bathroom door and towards my locker. I looked at her and then back to my locker unsure if I should take the day off. "I'll see you in a few days dear, give me a call when you're feeling better alright." She called as she left me to unlock and grab my stuff from my locker.
As I stood, I felt the concern consume me as I passed the room with Delmare in it, we locked eyes then as one of the men stuck him with a needle. He didn't even flinch as he gave me a knowing look. I wanted to go in there, I wanted to tell at them to stop, to let him go. But I couldn't. So instead, I thought in my head that I'll be back and about how much I loved him hoping he was listening in on my thoughts as I walked towards the entrance to the center and towards my truck.
The house was quiet as I entered, immediately dropping my purse as I walked into our bedroom and undressed until I was only wearing my underwear. Shuffling through his drawer, I threw on one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweats that he insisted on buying even though it was nearly eighty outside and curled up in bed, breathing in Delmare's scent as I laid there. I knew then that I would do anything in my power to get him out of there. Even if it killed me, all I wanted was for Delmare to be safe away from prying eyes that seemed to want to use him for their own personal gain.