You stared at the puddle of blood, then at her opened eyes, your own widening as she slowly sat up. It took a while, her movements were jerky and she kept falling back down, arms giving out under her weight. You should be cradling her dead body, staring angrily up at Nikolas for his betrayal... But you were frozen to your spot, feeling unable to breathe, let alone move. It was like you were watching this all unfold from another's body.
She was finally able to right herself, blood still trickling down her face. The bullet hole, however, was slowly closing. Her hand flitted to the side of her head, the movements still unnatural. She rubbed at the shrinking hole, a look of annoyance on her face.
"Don't itch," Nikolas stated. It was almost like he was reminding her. Like he knew this would happen.
She stood unsteadily just as you turn to lunge at Nikolas. Damned be the fact that he had a gun, you were going to tear him apart. You were going to-
"Please," she whispered. The word was forced, and just like her movements had a strange, distorted quality to it. "Don't."
You whirl. "He shot you!" You cry incredulously.
"How are you not dead?" The question comes out calmer. You took a few seconds to breathe before posing it. You had to, otherwise you'd be back at Nikolas, imagining ripping his throat out with your bare hands even as he shot you with the gun.
"It's called the Limbo." It was Nikolas who spoke. "Neat trick. Not everyone can do it, though. As I told you before, everyone has their own... Gifts. That's hers. She - theoretically, of course - can't die."