Carter hadn't meant to scare the child as Carter came up the stairs with bags of food. The child; a little girl that resembles a boy had been playing in the dirt when Carter walked up. Carter guessed that the little girl was not supposed to be playing in the dirt. She had on the prettiest dress ever and dress shoes. But, Carter said nothing and entered the apartment complex.
Going into his own apartment, he drops the bags of food on to the counter of the kitchen and checks his answering machine. 2 messages from his brother and 1 message from his new boss. Carter shakes his head at the way things are going with himself. But, pushing that aside, he begins to place the food in the empty refrigerator.
This is going to be a new start for Carter with no authority to listen to or no one nagging him about some thing that is petty. Anything so petty. Carter looks out to his living room; it is a little bigger than what he is use to. Everything in the apartment is so big and sometimes it's overwhelming to have so much space to himself. He is proud to have his own and to be out on his own. Proud to have gotten away from the issues he was in. Just so proud of everything he has accomplished and will accomplish in the future.