Letting out a yawn Xuan rubbed her tired eyes and jumped up. Licking some of the dust and dirt out of her fur she then grabbed her bag and wrapped it around herself, her potions, which were only filled with fruit juices and non-toxic dyes, jingled as she did so.
After a bit of walking Xuan soon arrived at her green house. She adjusted her flower crown before walking inside.
Glancing around Xuan couldn't help but smile as she saw the bright, blooming flowers that filled her greenhouse. There were thousands, maybe even millions of gorgeous flowers that Xuan, all grew herself.
She also raised vegetables and fruits which she sold in the trading post. She also sold some of her flowers when her green house was too full.
Realizing that she most likely had to many flowers Xuan decided that she was going to sell some. Stretching Xuan then walked through her rows of flowers. Stopping the snow leopard soon spotted a row of light purple Aquilegias. Leaning down to smell the fragile flowers she then carefully nipped the stems and placed the flowers into her bag. Doing this over and over until her bag was full of countless different breeds of flowers Xuan went back to her house and placed the flowers onto the counter. Grabbing a few of her vases Xuan placed the flowers inside of them and then grabbed soil. Once she had a few vases filled with flowers she carefully placed the vases into her bag and set off to the trading post.
Adjusting her crown once more Xuan left her house and went onto a trail that led to the trading post. It was now nighttime, and the white moon was shining in the sky, filling the enteral void.
Crickets were singing as Xuan glanced at the lights that were placed at the entrance of the trading center. Moths and fireflies surrounded the lights. But Xuan didn’t mind. She loved bugs and other flying insects. Shaking away her thoughts Xuan padded inside of the trading center and looked around.
When she was in the trading center Xuan feels both gloomy and cheerful. She’s sad to see her old friends who don’t talk to her go to their homes and trading stands. But she’s also happy to just see them in general.
After a bit of walking Xuan finally arrived at her trading stand. Putting her bag onto the ground, the purple snow leopard carefully placed her vases and juices onto the table. Waiting for customers to buy her items Xuan leaned back and watched butterflies fly in the night sky as the night carried on.