Then next day, I go to the barrens and find some people there.
"Okay, Bill, calm down."
"But Beverly, my son! I can't find my youngest son!"
"I understand that, but you need to calm down. You're acting worse than you did when your little brother went missing."
"Speaking of my brother, my youngest son looks exactly like him. And sounds exactly like him. And even though I didn't want to, he has the same damn name, too! George Elmer Denbrough. And his nickname was Georgie! The same as my little brother!"
"You w-won't believe what I f-f-found!"
I watch as a young boy that looks exactly like Bill Denbrough as a kid bursts through the tall grass and walks up to Bill.
"What is it, boy? What do you have?"
"It's this p-paper, d-d-dad. I-i-it's what's on i-it."
"I'm just glad you're okay." I watch as Bill pulls his son into a hug. "Now what is it?"
Bill Jr. pulls out a paper as he says, "You know how the kids have started to go m-m-missing again?"
"Please don't start with that. Did you stop by your little brother's friend's house?"
"They said he w-wasn't at their h-h-house. On m-my way b-back here, I f-f-found this p-paper." Bill Jr. gives Bill a folded up paper and Bill unfolds it eagerly.
Bill opens it fully and yells at what he sees. He balls the paper up and chucks it to the ground. "Why? Why does this always happen to me? I don't understand! Why me? Why not someone else?"
"Bill, calm down. What happened? What's on the paper?"
I watch as Mike steps over and picks up the balled up paper. He undoes it and reads it. He looks at the other Losers and they all look back horrified.
"I'm so sorry, Bill," Beverly says. "I didn't know. I--"
"I'm going to that damn clown's house. Somehow he came back. I want to know how." He begins to walk away.
"Bill, please don't do this! Not again!"
I laugh. "Oh, poor Losers!"
They all look around frantically.
"What the hell was that?" Richie says.
"Oh, why, it was me."
The adults all move in front of the kids and look around. I step out from my hiding place and grin. They all look at me in horror.
"Oh, Losers. I've been dying to meet you for so long."
"Who are you?" Mike demands. "You've been killing these children, haven't you?"
"Well, I've stayed hidden for so long," I say and grin. "Oh, yes." I bow theatrically and say, "I'm Penny the Dancing Clown, or female Pennywise." I stand up and move towards Bill. "Your son was awfully tasty. Oh, he was delicious."
Bill leaps at me and I throw him aside.
"You're no match for me! Try and fight me! It's not gonna work!"
"Where are you from?"
"Oh, why I'm from that asteroid that hit six years ago. I don't look familiar. I possessed a girl that year, at the school's Halloween celebration."
"Penny Phillipson."
"Yes. The girl that won first place twice. Killed her father when she got home that night. And look! Finally came from hiding and isolating myself from the world! I am from a completely different macroverse! I'm at least 50 times more powerful than Pennywise is! Even now! I do come from the deadlights, but it's a different deadlights. The deadlights I come from are red, not white. I can see the future, list goes on. I can also do everything Pennywise can do. And everything he can't do. I am the most powerful entity ever!"
"What are you going to do?" Bill stands up.
"Well, every other evil doll or anything other got a bride and offspring, list goes on. Why not give that privilege to Pennywise? I can Pennywise's bride. Then you can make a movie called Bride of Pennywise, kind of like Bride of Chucky, or Bride of Slappy. Don't that sound good?"
"No, it does not."
"And you can't forget offspring, too! Oh, can you imagine little mini Pennywise's running around?"
"Oh, hell no! I'm not letting that happen!" Richie swings something at me, but I throw him aside.
Mike comes at me and I do the same with him. I grab Bill's oldest son and drag him with me. He yells. I laugh and disappear.
I appear in the part of the sewer that is my home, like Pennywise. I pull up Bill Jr. He looks up at me and sneers.
"I'm not afraid of you! Just like my dad and his friends weren't afraid of Pennywise!"
"Funny thing about that is that I'm not like Pennywise. I'm WAY more powerful than he is. And I have red deadlights and not white. I may be a female, but Pennywise is no match for me. I can show him my deadlights too, if I wanted. And him seeing my deadlights would cause him to float. Like these kids you see. Like you're about to."
"NO!" He wriggles. "I won't let you!"
I open my mouth really wide and show him the deadlights. I feel him going upwards, out of my hands. I close my mouth and watch as he floats upward, like a balloon. I grin and laugh. I disappear, laughing.