Six years pass by and Little Penny grows up successfully. One day, we're outside, watching Little Penny play in the grass, when I say,
"Don't you think we should start teaching her how to get food? I mean, we just start with infants or kids two to three years younger than her. Then, as she gets older, we can raise the age group."
Pennywise just shrugs. I think he's enjoying watching her play. Suddenly, she runs up to us and hides behind his leg.
"Meanie coming."
Pennywise picks her up and walks to the opening that leads out to the road. He sets her down and nudges her. She walks over to the kids and stands there. They look at her.
"Hi!" She waves at them and smiles. "I'm Little Penny the Dancing Clown!"
They just laugh at her, making her angry. She charges at them and they all run off, terrified. She runs back, laughing. She runs passed Pennywise and runs up to me. Pennywise follows.
"Did you see that, momma? They were scared!"
"Yes, dear, I saw that."
She squeals and hugs my leg and Pennywise's leg at the same time. We both laugh and she grins.
Later, in the house, while sitting on the couch, I look over to Pennywise and say,
"What about her?"
I look at Little Penny. "She's probably not used to that kind of stuff yet. We can just put her in the cellar while we take a nap in the sewers."
He looks away.
"Oh, come on. Just an hour long nap."
"Oh, fine."
I get up and grab Little Penny. We go down to the cellar and I set her down. She looks up at me.
"You just stay here and play, okay?"
She smiles.
"We won't be gone too long."
I climb into the well after Pennywise.
We get down to the sewers and he lies down on his stage. I lie down and snuggle close to him.
"Do you think we'll be able to get her to eat children? What if she doesn't want to?"
"I don't know."
"What if she thinks it's wrong?"
"I don't think she will. I mean, it is in her blood, after all." He smiles at me. "I guess this is all I needed in order to change. I still kill children, but I don't feel like I'm as 'evil' as I used to be."
"I never thought this would happen to me. I was starting to think that I would never come to earth. But then I sensed the presence of Penny Phillipson. So I decided to come." I rest my head on his shoulder. I sigh. "Right now, I just want her to grow and be strong. Just like you and me."