"Damn. Those are some colorful sheets."
I hold my hand in front of my eyes as if to protect my vision from the glare given off by Keegan's lime green and bright pink bedding.
"God don't remind me," she groans, throwing her head back. "So not me. But my mom was all about Lilly Pulitzer, and she gave them to me. I can't get rid of them."
I notice she mentioned her mom in the past tense, and I'm debating whether to ask her about that when she leans over the bed.
And of course, I'm distracted by the curve of her breasts under the red Ikana Daily shirt she's wearing.
It's taking everything in me not to get an erection right now. I'm gritting my teeth to try to stop it.
Jesus, you fool. Get yourself under control.
"Eww," Keegan says, curling her lip as she bunches a corner of the stained bedding in her fist and yanks it off. "This is so gross."
She lets the soiled bundle fall to the floor. "I can't believe I'm having to do this twice in one week," she sighs.
I had to threaten the fuck buddies in her room with serious bodily harm to get them to leave.
The house is finally quiet, and I'm dead tired. But I'm probably not as weary as Keegan.
She's new to this party house shit. And she looks pretty stressed out.
"Oh, crap!" she exclaims. "I just remembered, there's no washer and dryer in this house, is there?"
"Nope. Hunter's stepdad won't spring for it."
"I only have this one set of sheets. There's no way I'm going to the laundromat in the middle of the night."
She peers at several suspicious-looking stains on the mattress. "Eww," she says again.
Then she lets out another resigned sigh. "Maybe I can just spread the comforter on the bed."
She cuts her eyes over to me. "Um, do you happen to have an extra blanket?"
"I do," I say slowly, wrenching my eyes away from her chest and feeling my face heat up.
"But I have a better idea. Why don't you just sleep in my bed instead? I just went to the laundromat today. The sheets are clean."
Two spots of color show up on her beautiful cheekbones.
"By yourself, I mean," I rush to explain. "I can stretch out on the floor in here."
She's shaking her head before I can finish.
"I can't let you do that, Blue. There's barely enough space to stand in my room. Much less lay down. It wouldn't be right."
Max, who'd of course followed us into Keegan's room, puts his paw on her leg and looks up at her like he's giving her permission. We both start laughing.
"See," I say, "Even Max thinks it's a good idea."
She blows out a breath and again plows her fingers through her hair, indecision playing on her face. She's chewing on that luscious bottom lip.
God, the effect this girl has on me.
"Please, Keegan. Just take my bed. You'll be more comfortable there."
"I'll be fine," I add, giving her a wry smile.
No need to tell her it wouldn't matter where I stretch out; it's rare for me to sleep well.
"That would be so nice of you," she finally says, flashing a grateful smile as she twists her hands together. "Um. . .let me just brush my teeth and wash my face, and I'll be in."
I head out the door, calling Max to follow me.
In my room, I quickly shuck off my jeans and slide on a pair of sweatpants.
Then I reach into the top of my closet and pull out the embroidered, vintage Army blanket my mother gave me as a gift when I finally got out of the military hospital in Germany.
The blanket has been stashed out of sight since I moved into this house.
I pick up a pillow from the bed, thinking about how hard my mother tried in the months after I came home to figure out what was wrong.
Mama just didn't get that I didn't want to be reminded of my time in the Army.
And why would she? I've never told her the truth about what happened. I've never told anyone.
But she knows something's not right.
It's one of the reasons I rarely go home to Tulsa. I don't want her to ask me about it. I don't want to see her cry because I won't confide in her.
Because I'm a shitty son.
When Keegan comes into my room a few minutes later, wearing a shy smile and this pink pajama short set that shows off her shapely thighs, I pretend to study something on my desk.
I force myself to think of old nuns.
Max jumps up on Keegan, placing his paws right on her chest.
"Max!" I yell. "Get down!"
"Aw," Keegan laughs, sinking to the floor and scratching his ears, "it's okay. You're so cute, Max."
The dog buries his head in her breasts, and she lets him nuzzle her.
Damn mutt gets all the breaks.
There's an awkward moment as Keegan keeps her gaze on Max and I try not to look at her legs.
Then the dog jumps up on the bed and curls into a sleeping position, and we both laugh.
"Looks like he's ready for bed," Keegan quips, coming to her feet.
She's twisting her hands together again like she's nervous.
"Yeah, sorry about that," I say. "I've gotten into the bad habit of letting him sleep with me."
I snap my fingers. "Max! Let's go. You're coming with me tonight."
He ignores me.
"Max! Now!"
He doesn't budge, just gives me what I swear is a go-to-hell look.
I return the look and start toward the bed, ready to yank him off.
Keegan puts a hand on my arm. "It's okay, Blue."
It can't be my imagination that something—a sizzle, a spark—passes between us when she touches me.
I'm pretty sure she feels it too because she gives a little gasp and quickly pulls her hand away.
"Um. . .I mean. . .it's fine if Max stays," she fumbles. "I don't mind. He's my buddy."
She smiles, and I feel for a second like I can't breathe.
Lots of women can give me a boner. But I've never met anyone who takes my breath away with only a smile.
Pathetic, Daniels. Just fucking pathetic.
It's Cunny's voice I'm hearing; it's Cunny playfully mocking me like he used to.
He'd have had a field day over my weak-kneed reaction to Keegan Crenshaw.
More than five years after his death, I wish like hell I could get him and the others out of my head.
Maybe they are haunting me, trying to fuck me up from the great beyond. God knows they have good reason to.
I turn abruptly toward the door, still clutching the blanket and pillow.
"'Night, Keegan," I say. "Sleep well. If Max bothers you, just put him out in the hall."
I'm pulling the bedroom door closed when she stops me.
"Hey, Blue?"
I turn back in time to be hit with that shy, irresistible smile again. And she's blushing again, which is adorable.
"Would you. . .um. . .would you want to stay a little while and talk?"
How can I say no to that?
I mean, I should say no. The sensible part of me is yelling inside my head, ordering me to keep heading out the door.
But the wobble in Keegan's voice makes that feel impossible.
"I could really use someone to talk to right now," she adds.
And with that, I'm done for.
"Sure," I say, turning around with a big, dumbass grin that would make Cunny howl with laughter. "I'd love to talk a bit."
I spread the blanket on the dusty floor and sit cross-legged on it, bracing myself with my hands. I'm still grinning.
"What do you want to talk about?"
Thanks for reading Tangled Up in Blue! I'd love to hear what you think of the story so far!
Lots more to come. Updates every Wednesday and Saturday. :)
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