I rub my eyes to wake up back in my cage, of course. It's the same as before only It's not quiet. I can hear Hailey being louder than usual, which isn't that shocking. Letting her be loud for another few minutes I lay there and try to go back to sleep. My body hurts, my mind is everywhere. Why did I do that with him? Maybe it was just a one-time thing. I don't feel any different towards him, I still don't wanna be here. At this point, I'm not even sure how long I've been here, a few months maybe? It couldn't be any longer, right? My weak arms push me up to sit on the bed and I can see why Hailey is being loud. Alex is in her cage with her, fucking. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I chuckle as I stand up to move closer to the edge of the cage for a more clear view. My ankle still doesn't cooperate with me so, of course, I have a limp. Walking up to the door, I can see that they're laying on her twin bed with him on top of her and I can see he's rougher than he was with me. When we were in the bathtub, he was sweet and caring, now it just looks like he's doing it to someone he hates. Which I can understand. Getting ready to turn away to take a shower I see him look up and see me through the glass. His face goes into shock and he stops moving. "Alex, what's wrong? Why did you stop?" She sits up and follows his gaze to me, "What are you staring at? Are you mad that he chose me over you?" He breaks his gaze with me and looks down at her with his brow furrowed, angry. "What did I tell you? Leave her alone. You'll never be better than her." Her mouth drops open and she looks back at me with tears in her eyes and a look that could kill. With that said, he gets off of her and pulls his pants back up, and begins to fasten his belt, not breaking eye contact. This is my chance to go and take a shower, but my eyes won't break contact. I try to convince myself that I wasn't jealously overseeing that. He throws on his shoes and closes the cage door and comes over to the glass to mine with such a worried look on his face. "Kelly please don't be mad, what we had was real, I just wanted to give you a break, I know you were hurting after, that's why I carried you back down here so you could be comfortable." I wasn't mad, why would I be mad. he kidnapped me, technically that's rape. What he was doing with Hailey wasn't because she wanted it and let it happen. So does that mean what happened the other night was something I wanted? Could I be that naïve to him? I analyze his face and can see the remorse, but I don't wanna deal with it right now, I just don't care. My body automatically turns around and starts the shower not paying attention to him anymore. "Kelly please don't shut me out, I'm sorry it won't happen again, you're the only one I want." Still ignoring him I can hear Hailey screaming and huffing from her cage. "Seriously? Your pathetic, she doesn't want you, just give her up and kill her already, you'll never win her approval, just kill her already." Hearing that I turn around and finally snap at her, "You know what bitch, you've always been a pain in my ass since we were kids, now you're being held down here against your will and you still want to fuck him, even after all that he's done to people, your a sad little slut who wants everything handed to her even in the situation your in. I don't want him but at this point, I would just do it to get back at you and show you that I'm always gonna be better than you, in EVERY fucking way." Not realizing what I fully said to her until after I said it, her mouth closes and she stares at Alex waiting for him to say something to me, or stop me. I don't want to hear or see her anymore, " Alex can you make it to where she can't see in here anymore?" He turns his head from Hailey back to me and I can see him bring his hand up to the door and push something, and my cage goes white. "Do you need anything else, Kelly? You name it and I'll get it" I sit and think for a minute and without thinking I look at him dead in his eyes for a second, turning my head back to the shower, "Have a drink with me." Remembering the bottle of alcohol he gave me, this could be my chance to get him drunk and then make my way out. Without answering me or even hesitating he opens the cage door and closes it. Shocked I look at him, "I thought you couldn't open the door from this side?" He chuckles as if I made a joke, "I have a fingerprint scanner in here so that if I were to ever get locked in here I could get out, you can't see it but all I have to do is put my finger up to the door and it'll open. He shows me by putting his finger up to the door and it clicks open, as he shuts it again he looks and me with a smile, letting me know he's not an idiot. Well, there goes my chance of getting out. I slowly take off my shirt and look back at him while I slowly take off my pants and stop just below my ass. I hear him take a deep breath, he knows what I'm doing. Why am I doing it is the question. Who cares, at least I can make something fun while I'm in this place. "Do you want me to get in the shower with you?" His voice is low and deep, knowing that I want this to happen again. At least he can wash after being with Hailey. " You can pour us a drink and then join me if you want that is." Maybe I can seduce him into letting me out, but right now I need to focus on this. He smiles and nods at me, while he opens the chest where the liquor bottle is he opens it and takes a huge gulp while he looks at me, before handing me the bottle he takes off his shirt revealing his chest. His huge, muscular chest. Perfectly build for someone his age, like he's been preparing for this moment all his life. Picking up the bottle he hands it to me after taking another huge drink and letting out a sigh. The hot shower runs over me and soaks my hair and body. Letting the water run over me I can hear the difference in the water as he steps inside with me with the bottle in his hand, careful not to get any water in it. He grabs my hips to turn me around to face him and he cradles my face in his hand, while he forces me to look into his eyes he leans in and plants his soft lips on mine. I can taste the alcohol on his breath, it's not the best thing in the world but I can suck it up for a while. He slides his hand that was once cradling my face to the dip in my back and pulls me closer to him, letting my head lay on his chest as the water covers up both. We stand for a moment in each other's embrace not saying a word, just letting it happen. "Kelly Do you love me?" His voice is sweet and soft in my ear as he leans his head down to make sure that I can hear him. "No." His chest stops breathing for a minute and I wonder if I upset him. "What will it take to make you love me as I love you?" What an odd question. How could I love him? What happens if I do fall in love with him? I turn my head up to look at his face, while the water is falling in my face and covering my eyes I can see the expression on his face. Sweet and sad at the same time, seeing it for some reason breaks a piece of my heart. Like I do feel something for him. This time I lean up to kiss him, I have to stand on my tiptoes just to reach him but I kiss him softly to show him that I don't hate him. Even though there is a part of me that will always hate him for bringing me down here and keeping me away from the things I love. None of that matters at this moment though. Grabbing the bottle from him I take a huge gulp, more than I think I could handle. Almost throwing up, I let the water run over my face and take deep breaths. Watching me do this he leans down to kiss my neck as he did before and I can feel my body start to grow hotter just as it did before. My hands find their way to his pecks where I lay them. " I don't wanna do this now, please." His eyes are piercing into mine and I'm waiting for him to get angry and take it anyways, but he doesn't he places both of his hands on my back and just holds me close to him. My eyes close and I let him, resting my head on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat. Slow and fast at the same time it seems. "Let me take you upstairs, you can sleep with me tonight." I could run, but my ankle wouldn't let me. What if I fell in love with him? I can't, that's the end of it. I won't. "Okay, but I need to take a shower first and so do you since you decided to sleep with Hailey." he laughs loud and it tickles me enough to where I laugh with him. "Not one of my best moments." Without saying anything else I grab the shampoo and pour it in my hair and he lifts his hands to scrub the soap into my head. As he does that I continue to wash my body and just as I finish myself, I turn to and slide the rag across his chest, leaving a soap trail that smells like flowers. " Are you going to wash me?" Shocked at my actions he asks that question with what seems like a sweet victory. "No you can wash yourself, I was just helping you get started." A smile appears on my face as he takes the rag from my hand and begins to wash himself all while keeping eye contact with me. A few minutes later after we are both done in the shower we get out to dry off and Hailey begins her screaming as the shower gets turned off. "You need me!!! Alex! Answer me!" You can see his facial expression and body language change as he hears her. "Let's just hurry and go upstairs." He doesn't wanna deal with her and I can understand why. He opens the chest that has all of my clothes as I continue to dry off and he hands me a pair of the new pajamas he got me and hands them to me as I'm just finishing up. My hands work for me and grabs them as he turns to grab my hairbrush and walks behind me to gently brush my hair. As he finished with my hair he walks over to the door and puts his finger up to it, "Are you ready to go?" I give him a little smile, "yeah, I'm ready" He reaches out to grab my hand and I hobble over to where he's at, gently sliding my hand into his. He steps out of the door first and helps me out, making sure I don't fall and I can see Hailey standing there smiling like a crazy person, not saying anything, just staring. Somehow my gut is telling me that something is about to happen. Looking at her and making sure nothing is going to happen, we reach the stairs and I look at him and whisper, "Something is wrong." His face changes and he presses his eyebrows together, "What's wrong." After he says that, I hear a bloodcurdling scream as I turn my head and see Hailey out of her cage running towards me. "AHH ALEX!" She sprints right into Alex causing him to fall onto the stairs hitting his head, knocking him out. He's not moving, I push her back and she falls to the ground, while she is down I try to shake him to wake him up. Without him she'll kill me, my ankle won't let me move and I don't stand a chance against her. "Alex please wake up." Hailey jumps on my back instantly putting weight on my ankle and causing me to cry out in pain. "HAILEY get off of me, you can have him, I don't want him." I try to throw her off but she has her arms wrapped around my neck trying to put me into a chokehold. " I don't care if you don't want him, HE wants YOU! He'll never love me the same way he does you!" She blindsides me with her fist as I try to keep my balance, trying to keep the both of us up. "You know what's crazy, he treated me the same what he does you before you came, what makes you think that when he gets another girl he won't do the same to you?" Did he treat her like me, with all of the special things? I didn't have time to think about it, she throws the top half of her head back and we land on the ground, as she quickly scrambles out from underneath me she kicks me in my ribs and my ankle causing pain to shoot through my body. "AHH," It's getting harder to breathe, I can't take deep breaths anymore, she probably broke a rib when she kicked me. Why does she want to hurt me so bad? I fold myself into the fetal position to try and get more air. I look around to try and find her, she's over kneeled talking to Alex, running her fingers through his hair. She's saying something to him, so I decide to scoot closer to hear what she's saying. " I'll deal with her for you, I know you won't tell her that you love me more." She runs her hand across his face one more time and kisses him on the forehead, and turns her head to look at me with daggers in her eyes. She's gonna kill me. She goes into the closet for a minute and I know I have to move. I start to crawl in the other direction to my cage. If I can get there she can't open it without his fingerprint. There's clattering and she's throwing things, looking for something to kill me with, but I'm so close to the cage. "KELLY!!!!!!" She's coming, I've got to hurry. My arms are working overtime and I'm almost there when I feel a pain shoot through my leg and my head rings with the sound of my screams. "AHHHHH!" She had something sharp she stabbed me with. I'm hoping she missed the major artery in my leg otherwise I'll bleed to death before Alex even wakes up. "ALEX WAKE UP PLEASE!!" She grabs my arm and turns me over so that I am on my back and facing her. "You wanna know something? He will never love you and he's only telling you what he says so that you believe him and listen." Her face turns red and she raises the scalpel she found up in the air and swings it down aiming for my face. I raise my hand to block the attack and the scalpel goes right through my hand and my blood starts to uncontrollably drip onto my face. "AHH PLEASE STOP!" She pulls it out of my hand and swings it at my stomach cutting me open. The tears start to fall and I can't control it, "If your gonna kill me you better do it now because we both know when Alex wakes up he's gonna fuck you up, maybe even kill you." That just seems to make her madder and she swings again, and we both know this will be the last swing she's gonna need to make to kill me. I hear her scream as she starts to swing the weapon down to my face and I just accept it, I close my eyes so that she isn't the last person I see before I go. I'm at peace now, I tell myself that I'm ready to go. I've done all I can do. I wait for the scalpel to hit me where it would count. I feel it enter my stomach and it gets even harder to breathe. It feels like a wet cough as I cough up blood. This is it. I'm going home. "NOOO!!! KELLY!!!" Alex. I don't know if that's him but I hear his voice. Maybe I did love him a little. I never had that kind of love before, even if I am being held against my will. I manage to open my eyes and I see Alex on top of Hailey hitting her in her face. "Alex stop" I raise my hand for him to hold as I spend my last minutes with him. This is all I wanted. He doesn't rush to me, he keeps beating her. I can hear her scream one final thing before my eyes close. "Alex, Stop, I'm pregnant". No.
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