Behind me I hear something scuffle, I turn my head and it's Morgan, the second girl to be taken; as far as I know. She is sitting up on her bed staring at me with discontent on her face as if she's mad at me. Then it dawned on me, she's in love with him. She loves him. How? Why would anyone fall in love with their captor? I've heard of it before but only in books and movies. Something called Stockholm Syndrome, where they force themselves to think that he's doing this for the better and they fall for it. Not me, I'll never be like that. This is for me to escape nothing more. I turn my attention back to him and he is opening the wipe to clean the blood off my arm, as he wipes the cold liquid over my skin I jump. "I'm sorry, I know it's cold" He pats it more gently as if that would help the burning sensation as it crawls over my arm. "It's okay, I don't mind". I've done things that hurt worse than this to myself so it's just a little pain. After he's finished with that he opens the band-aid and lightly presses it over my wound, the way he moves his fingers over my arm sends a shiver through my spine. Is that good? Is that bad? Is that normal for someone in this position? These run through my head and I feel a light breeze from the door and realize it's still open but I need to gain his trust, so I turn my attention somewhere else. The band-aid is on but he's still looking at me, analyzing me. "I-is everything okay?". Scared to ask him, I ask anyway hoping it might snap him back to reality. He drops his head and carefully scoops my hand into his, " Would you like to come with me?" What did he just say? Is he going to let me out? What if this is a trick? He looks back up at me, waiting for my answer. " Of course," I tell him, unsure of what the right answer would be. "NOOO, TAKE ME, SHE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!!" Scared, I yank my hand back as he gets up and I realize that it was Morgan yelling through her cage. She's insane. He leaves my cage and the door opens while he walks over to Morgan's cage and presses a little button and her cage goes white and I can no longer see inside of it. Wow. I wonder what that is for? Maybe times like this. I can no longer see or hear her, I can see a silhouette but that's it. Honestly, that's scary. He turns his attention back to me and motions for me to come to him. I'm scared, this could be a trick or it could be him trying to gain my trust. I've only been here for a few weeks at this point. I take my first step and push myself to take the rest to him. The concrete floor is cold and feels like new, after all, it is the first solid ground I've touched since I've been here. He grabs my hand and turns to the corridor to the stairs. What is up there? I follow shortly behind him up the stone-cold stairs and I can smell something I can't put my finger on. Apples? Trees? I'm not sure but I'm sure I'll find out. We get to the top of the stairs and there is a huge metal sliding door that is bolted. He lets go of my hand easily and stuffs his hand back into his pocket, as he does I hear a jingling sound. Keys. He pulls a keyring of maybe thirty keys from his pocket and goes to a certain key that looks like it has a marking on it and slides it through the hole. It takes almost all of his strength but he pulls the door aside to reveal another basement. I wait for him to let go of the door and he takes my hand once again and leads me through, I look around in the little time I have and see all kinds of things; old furniture, lamps, clothes, a washer, and a dryer, but boxes mostly. This must be under his house. I look ahead and there's another set of stairs. "This is a lot of stairs. My legs aren't used to this, are you sure you want to go up here?" I wasn't sure if he planned on hurting me or not so I came up with an excuse and hoped that he went along with it. He turned to me just before we walked up the stairs with a smile on his face, the kind of smile a child has just before they get an idea they know is going to get them in trouble. "I have a solution for that!" I don't like the sound of that and with that, he lets go of my hand and drops to the floor, and throws me over his shoulder. "AHHHH MR. SANDERS STOPPPP!!!" He takes off up the stairs while giggling from his belly. This is new. This doesn't seem like the man I know from the Library. Is he going to hurt me? Is this the last time I get to leave the basement? What is he going to do to me? We come to an abrupt stop at the top of the stairs and he opens the door on the landing and rays of sun hit me in the eyes. He sets me down easy as I'm shielding my eyes, " Are you okay?" I shake my head up and down in whichever direction he's in and I don't hear anything else after that, just silence. " Hello? Are you there?" I hear footsteps a moment later, in a low husky voice I hear him say "I've got something for you Kelly"
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