My ankle is throbbing and I wanna move it but I can't. "ah ouch" I push myself to sit up on the bed and prop my back up against the glass, feeling groggy I move my hand down my leg and feel around for the bear trap, but I don't feel anything except maybe some gauze or a wrap. Rubbing my eyes helps a little, though still not being able to see, I lift myself off my bed and try to stand without hurting my leg, and walk over to the shower. With just a few short half steps and mostly dragging my leg, I switch the shower on and just sink down the wall to the bottom where I can feel the water gathering around me. Listening to the quiet silence around me, I hear the sound of something small talk, it's Hailey. "Kelly, are you okay?" Listening to her ask that question over and over again is beginning to bore me. After sitting and listening to Hailey talk to herself asking questions I feel the strangest thing, A breeze. Maybe it's the air coming from the shower and soaking into my clothes or maybe it's just my soggy clothes, which I feel should be heavier since I've been sitting there for a little while. Letting the hot shower run over my face once again I open my eyes and can see almost clearly for the first time since I woke up. I look down to take off the clothes I was wearing and shortly realize that I am completely naked, from head to toe. The water and the now wet bandages wrapped around my ankle are all covering my body. "HAAAAILEY? Hoping she would hear me so I didn't have to make myself get up, I hear her little whisper of an answer. "Kelly I'm so glad you're okay" She can bullshit me all she wants I don't even care anymore. "Where are my clothes and how long was I asleep for?" It's absolutely quiet for a minute when she doesn't respond, then I hear Morgan speak for almost the first time since I've been here. " You've been out for almost a week and he took them off of you the first night he brought you back to the cage." A week. I've been naked for almost a week in a clear cage where everyone can see me. Nice. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm never getting out of here and I lost all the trust I had with him anyway. The sliding door opens and I hear him coming down the stairs with his boots on, sounding heavier than usual. It's probably another girl or something of that sort. I suppose he got tired of us and decided to add another one to his collection, or he has come down here to finish one of us off. With the shower still running over to me getting hotter every time, I turn it up higher having high hopes of steaming up the glass so nobody could see in, not even him. Not seeing him nor caring where he is I hear a small knock that sounds like it's right behind me. "Kelly? How are you feeling?" It's him, asking if I'm fucking okay. Yeah right. "Kelly? Answer me please" Laying on the shower floor feels much better than having to listen to him bitch more and try to win me over with his stupidity. " I have something for you Kelly, to say I'm sorry." The door clicked and I can hear something slide over the floor into my cage but I don't have the motivation to even try again, who knows what else is out there. Besides he's got quite a bit of land, that I frankly don't feel like running through. After a few minutes, I hear the door click close and lean over the edge of the shower to see him walking through the hallway with his head down. I lean more into the shower to the point where half of me is outside the shower and the other half is under steaming hot water. It feels good but at the same time, I wonder if this damn water tank ever runs out. " Alex, can you please take me upstairs? It's been a long time since I got any time with you, ever since...she... came down here, all your attention is to her." It sounds like Hailey since Morgan never talks anyway unless it's bad news. *Sighs* His sighs are deep and sound like he's irritated at the world. " Not today Hailey, I'm not in the mood, maybe another day." I can hear her huff and puff at him, like a little girl who pouts when she doesn't get her way. " Please, I miss you. I've been stuck in this damn cage for weeks now. It's all because you favor that whore!" Can she be that in love with him? Disgusting. To each their own though, if it makes her time town here easier. "Don't EVER talk about her again, keep her name out of your mouth, don't look at her, don't think about her, don't talk to her, a matter of fact..." His footsteps turn louder like he's on a mission and he stops right in front of me. There are a few clicks and my cage turns white, not like bright but to where I can't see out of the cage and I'm assuming nobody can see in. Not feeling like getting up I decided to ask him a question. " So does that mean nobody can see inside the cage?" His voice is deep and low when he answers me, "Yes, nobody can see what you're doing unless they stand at the door and look straight in." Ah, fun. The shower gets hotter as I turn it up more and more, raising my hand to see if I've pruned yet and when my hand gets closer to my face I see the skin of an eighty-year-old woman. it's nice not worrying about the other girls seeing me. "THAT'S NOT FAIR! WHY IS SHE GETTING SUCH SPECIAL TREATMENT?? DO YOU LOVE HER ALREADY? DOES SHE FUCK YOU AS I DO? YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO TREATS YOU THE WAY I DO!" Damn she's mad. Listening to her scream at Alex tickles me and the next thing I know I start laughing, louder and louder until I get a reaction from someone, and it just happens to be Hailey. " SHUT UP BITCH!!! DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? LET HIM OPEN THE CAGE AND I'LL FUCK YOU UP AND SHOW HIM THAT HE DESERVES ME!!" **BOOOM* A loud bang rang through the basement and I can hear Hailey scream and then turn silent. "I told you to keep her name out of your whore ass mouth, do it again and that's the last time I tell you, got it?" I can hear her whimper from beyond the glass to him and he grunts in satisfaction, as I hear his boots thudding on the cement he utters one last thing before he leaves, "Please get better Kelly, I love you." Gross. I'm so tired of him telling me that, clearly I don't love him so you think it would just be easier for him to stop saying it to stop speaking to me all together. Laying there letting the shower run over me, I remembered that he brought something in here, again. Taking everything in me of course since I was weak, my arms manage to turn my body around to see what it was, it was another tote. I don't care to be honest what is in the tote, probably junk. Sitting here so long has made me drowsy though, so I decided to hobble my way back to my bed. Laying next to the bed was the tote, I might as well open it and get it out of the way. It's heavier than usual and takes almost everything in me to drag it over to the bed. What did he think, that this would make up for him keeping me hostage here? Wrong. Even though it's heavy it opens easy for me and on top, there is a satin pair of black pajamas. Underneath it was a brand new pack of Victoria's Secret Underwear and Bras. What the actual hell? They're cute I won't lie but how could he know my size? I wasn't wearing a bra when I got taken. Digging deeper in the tote there were more things to snack on and more water. More tampons and soap, things that I would need or he wants me to have. More books, paper, pencils, clothes, dumb shit like that. As I was almost done putting everything where it belonged, there was a box at the bottom wrapped in a pretty pink bow. Before I decided to open whatever that was, I hobbles around and put everything where it was supposed to go and picked the box up to set it on my bed, just as I did a note fell off the bottom. "Kelly, I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have run away though, I just want you to love me as much as I love you, I hope eventually we can use this and I can make up for the things that happened, Alex" I hit him in the head with a frying pan, why is he apologizing? Unless he's just absolutely crazy. I crumble the note in my hand and throw it across the box and sit back down with the box on my lap. The box is beautifully wrapped and the bow is cute and if I wasn't in the situation that I was in, I would be excited to open this. I'm not though, I'm stuck here so I might as well treat this like it's something cool. Sitting the box on my lap, I realize it's bigger than I thought and pull at the sides so that it opens evenly, careful not to break anything, just in case. The top of it takes forever to get off but as I finish taking it off I can see pink wrapping paper inside, curiosity has the best of me, I carefully move the paper and hold up the bright pink cloth. You have got to be kidding me. It's lingerie, bright pink, and a lacey bodysuit. Along with another black lace tight-fitting dress underneath it. As I continue to look at the outfits I can feel a deep nausea sickness climbing its way up my throat as I keep pulling outfits out. There have to be five maybe six in the box. What the hell does he think we are gonna use this for? Oh no. No. No. NO. NO. NO. Why try to have sex with me when Hailey is begging to be with him? Maybe he likes the rough that he knows I would give him if he even ever tried to put his nasty hands on me. I'll kill him if he tries, no if and's or but's about it. Shortly after opening it, I realize that I had zoned out thinking of different ways to hurt him, and Hailey heard me talking. She's what breaks my daydream as I hear her screaming for Alex. For someone who can't stand her, he came rushing down the stairs rather quickly. "What?! What's wrong?! Kelly are you okay??" He comes running over to the door and see's me sitting on the bed with the box on my lap. "Kelly your bleeding again, can I help?" Just as he says that I feel the warm trickle of blood travel down my ankle to my foot. "ALEX!!!!" It's Hailey, still screaming. I wonder what it's about now. He looks over at her cage and his face turns red with anger. "WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT HAILEY?!" She's screaming and it sounds like she's throwing everything at the wall we share. "YOU GOT HER LINGERIE!! I NEVER GOT THAT!!" Seriously? What a freak. He doesn't say a word, instead, I hear his shoes slapping the ground as he walks away. A few minutes later, the sprinkler goes off and I know what that means. He's gassing us.
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