Weeks pass by and I'm still stuck in the Hospital, today is the day I get released. The doctor said I'm almost healed and I'm healing in good time so I continue to heal at home. It's been about two weeks since Alex asked me to marry him. I said yes, but I wished I would've thought more about it. Some parts of me do love him, I keep telling myself that. We've got everything of mine packed and all of my meds ready to go for when we get back to the cages, although he said he would have to give them to me so that he doesn't have to worry about me overdosing. I've still got the boot on and the doctor said I would have to keep that on for about another month or two until the bone heals properly and to stay off of it as much as possible, not like I do much of anything anyways. As we are finishing up the rest of the discharge papers the doctor comes in and gives me all the necessary documents for my medication and tells me I'm good to go home. Finally. No more tests, no more x-rays, no more doctors. I haven't heard from the detectives since they visited that day in the hospital, no calls or anything. I guess I didn't make the story with enough holes to come back. We both say goodbye to the doctors and Alex wheels me out of the hospital to his truck. This is the first time I've seen what he drives. I never paid attention when I was in town and I was never out of the house long enough to notice. "Are you ready to go honey?" I turn to see Alex who has put all of our stuff in the bed of the truck and is waiting on me to get in. "Yeah." He puts the wheelchair wheels on lock and helps me up into the passenger seat and closes the door. I watch him slowly as he walks around the truck and opens the door to climb in. I grab my seatbelt as he starts the truck and we take off. As we drive by places I've never seen, I look for signs of life that remind me I'm in the outside world now. Not for long but for the ride. I know he won't drive through town so I forget that altogether. The sky is so beautiful though. It's a mix between a baby blue and grey, making it look like it's about to rain. Staring out the window and what I've been missing all these months. It's enough to make me cry, again. " So you know I was thinking, maybe if you and Hailey could agree, you could both move upstairs and we can forget all about the cages and basement. I'm surprised we didn't get caught by those nosy ass detectives." What does that mean? "What do you mean 'we'?" He looks over at me and then looks back at the road, "We Kelly, You, me, and Hailey. We all knew about Morgan and the other girls and me killing them so if I go down you girls are coming with me, it's a conspiracy." Wow. So even if I get away from him, I still go to jail. My life is gone. "I don't think me and Hailey are gonna come to any agreement, after all, she tried to kill me and when she finds out that I'm pregnant, she's bound to kill me then." I look back out the window away from him, how stupid that he even suggests that. Well then, we'll kill her" I damn near snap my neck looking at him, "What!?" He shrugs his shoulders as if it was nothing to say, "I said then we'll kill her, get it out of the way" What the fuck!? "How could you say something like that?" He looks at me for just a second, "I don't want her hurting you again and I don't want her to get in the way of what we have." I don't even bother to answer him, after what he said I just stare out the window the rest of the car ride home. Neither of us talked until we started the pull into his driveway and I could see how big his house was. Holy shit, it was a huge ranch house. It had to have at least 4-5 bedrooms and there was a huge white porch, the kind that wrapped around the house. It had a porch swing and everything looked pretty much new. He had a greenhouse and a well from what it looked like. He was right, he had a lot of land. This was all given to him. Wow. "This is all gonna be yours and the baby's one day." I continue to look around at the huge place. "What do you mean?" He stops the truck and parks it right next to the house. He takes the key out of the ignition and turns his body to me smiling so big I thought he might rip his cheeks. " After the doctor told me you were pregnant and it was too far along for you to abort it, I went to the bank before you had finally woken up and I wrote out a will. That's why I asked you to marry me and when you said yes, I knew I had made the right choice. I wanted to wait and make sure that you loved me as I love you before I did it, so you didn't kill me if you had the chance. So if something were to happen to me, then everything is yours. The ranch, the house, the bookstore, whatever money is left. That way the baby will have everything it needs in case something happens to one of us." "That's perfect." I didn't know what else to say. " I already ordered some of his things while we were at the hospital so that way when we got home it was already here so I could put it together." My face dropped into a serious look, "What do you mean him?" He looked at me and his face went white. "Before we left the hospital the doctor looked at you and asked me if I wanted to know the gender of the baby. It was a boy." What happens if the baby turns out just like him? Wants to do the things that Alex and his grandfather did? "I hope you like all the things I ordered, I just got the basic things for right now and had them leave it on the porch. I want you to pick out the name." Shocked by what he said, I look at him and smile. "I will." I opened the passenger door at the same time he opened his door. He came over and lifted me out of the truck, once on the ground he looped my arm over his neck and walked me to the steps up to the house. "I'll come back and get your stuff later, once I get you inside and comfortable." Once we got to the stairs he lifted me with one arm behind my back and the other underneath my legs. Carrying me inside. "Your gonna take me down to the cage aren't you?" He looks at me briefly with a sympathetic look. "Just until I can get you and Hailey to work something out, I promise this will get better." I drop my head and look into my lap where my hands were. "How do you even know that she is pregnant? She could be lying to you. Why can't she stay down there and I can come upstairs?" He looks at me with a warning look, telling me to stop talking. He's already stressed enough. He's got two baby's on the way, one with a psycho and they're both kidnapped victims. That's enough for anybody to get admitted into an asylum. Once we get to the basement, before he even opens the door, I can hear Hailey screaming for him at the top of her lungs. "Oh, it's so good to be back in my cage." He huffs at my comment, I know it's making him mad. I don't really care. He picks me back up and carries me the rest of the way downstairs and once she sees me the screams only amplify. "Why is she back here, I thought you were taking her to get rid of her Alex?!" He ignores her and so do I, and he walks with me in his arms back to my cage. Once inside I can see a huge bouquet of red roses and a black dress hanging up. For me, I'm assuming. "What's this for?" He sets me down on the bed gently and looks over at it, plopping down on the open spot next to me. "I got it for you so we could take pictures before you had the baby. Kind of like maternity pictures. Since you aren't that big, it hardly looks like you are even pregnant. It would be like a regular picture. Does that sound good?" Before I can even answer, Hailey interrupts with her infernal screaming. "WHAT! SHE'S PREGNANT?!" Alex looks over at her, never moving off the bed, "yes and she's going to be moving upstairs with me." Confused, I look at him and raise my eyebrows, didn't he just say in the car that I was staying down here? "Do I get to stay up there too, since I'm pregnant with YOUR baby?!" He chuckles and stands up, stuffs his hands in his pockets, and walks over to her cage. Opening it with the slightest touch from his finger he takes something out of his pocket and hands it to her. "Take it and then we'll see." It's a pregnancy test. Her face distorts and she begins to look worried. Slowly raising her hand to take the test from him, she looks over at me and realizes that I'm analyzing her this time. Quickly changing the look on her face, she huffs at him in his face and walks over to where her little bathroom is. As we both are watching her, she yanks down her pants and pees on the stick as she makes eye contact with him the entire time. After she gets done she puts the little cap back on it and throws it to Alex, where it lands at his feet. As he bends down to pick it up, she stands up and flushes the toilet, and casually walks over to him waiting for the results. We all know that her life is hanging on by a thread, if this turns out to be positive, she lives to see another day, on the other hand, if it is negative, she'll never be seen again. Alex holds the test down by his side so that neither of us can see it until the three minutes are up. We wait silently, all of us on our toes. Knowing that the three minutes were up, Alex pulls the test up from his side and reads it for a second. He turns to look at me and looks back to Hailey, throwing the test at her feet. "You're lucky." Closing her door as she bends down to pick it up, he comes back over to my cage and sits on my bed. I already know the answer, as she starts laughing, but he turns to me anyways. Looking me in the eyes, I can see him start to tear up, "She's pregnant." He leans his head down so that it rests on my chest and while she continues to laugh and scream, I just hold him. He sobs a little but not enough to where she can see him. This may be hard for him but it's harder on me, having to deal with her and the thought that she might hurt my baby. After a few seconds of him laying on me, he gathers himself and sits back up. He takes one quick look at me and gets up to go over to her cage. "So now do we both get to move upstairs, you know I'm not going anywhere, I want to be with you, I love you Alex." He stares into her cage for a minute. "You have to promise me you won't hurt her or the baby. If you so much as lay a finger on either of them, I'll kill you. I don't care if you're pregnant or not. Do you understand me?" She looks at him up and down and then looks over at me, "How do the sleeping arrangements work? You have plenty of huge bedrooms here. How do you know SHE won't be the one to run away while we're sleeping?" He scoffs at her and shoves his hands into his pocket as he leans on the doorway. "I know she won't run away, because I asked her to marry me and she said yes. As for the sleeping situations, Kelly will be sleeping with me in the master bedroom and you will have the bedroom next to us so that I can keep an eye on you. You will have everything you need for the baby in your room, at night there will be a lock on your door and you won't come out and the windows will be locked as well so that I can entrust you not hurting Kelly. In the daytime, only when I am home from work, you can come downstairs with the baby and sit with us in the living room, etc." She stands with her mouth open, not knowing what to say to that. I realized that all he does is antagonize it, telling her these things. It just makes her want to hurt me more. As if she finally snapped back into reality, she closes her mouth and seems to come off calmer all of the sudden. "And who will make dinner and clean house for you and shit? Why can't we take turns sleeping with you?" He looks at her and then looks at me as if for approval on her idea, baffled I shake my head no. He nods his head and looks back at her, "She said no if I want something from you I'll know where to find you. If Kelly is up for it then she can cook and clean and if not I'll do it when I get home. You'll each have what you need for the babies and I don't want any fighting over shit. Got it?" She nods her head and looks at me the same way she did the night she almost killed me. "Start packing the stuff you want to take upstairs with you, I'm gonna get the rooms prepared. Both of you." He closes her door and turns to me, "I'm gonna leave your door open, if you need me just yell, I'll hear you." He takes off up the stairs and I don't hear the door close, which means he meant what he said. Slowly getting up I start to get my stuff together and I hear Hailey talk to me, "Don't even think about naming your dumbass baby after him, I already am going to. I already know I'm having a boy. That's what I want so of course, I'll get it. Also don't worry, I don't give a shit about you or your baby, if it even lasts that long, so I don't wanna have anything to do with either of you and when he realizes that I and MY baby are gonna give him the family he wants I'll get everything and he'll kill you your kid." Wow I wasn't expecting that and the way it sounded, she believed it. Time for me to burst her bubble. I start to chuckle at what she said and I drop what's in my hand and walk over to her door, "your too late, we already figured out what we're having, and it's a boy, as for the name you can keep it, I don't want it. But I want you to know if you come anywhere near me or my baby, I'll kill you myself and it won't be quick. As for the thought you have of him realizing that you're better than me, you're already too late. I mean just look, I have my door open and you don't. He also informed me that if something were to happen to him, MY baby and I would be getting everything. The house, the money, the land. All of it." Her face turns red with anger and I can hear the rage in her voice, "It's okay, you won't live that long to find out." I give her a huge smile and put my hand on my belly and turn around back to my cage. I hear her scoff at me and I throw my hand behind my back and flip her the finger telling her to fuck off as I go back to my packing. I put all my clothes that he got me in my chest as well as some other things and I look over to find her staring at me and smiling. Not doing anything just sitting there, staring daggers into me. All of a sudden I find myself sleepy, so I make my way up to my bed, making sure to close the door to the cage first making sure that Hailey doesn't get out again. I lay down and decide to take a little nap before I have to unpack everything. Closing my eyes I think about the times when I first arrived here. Hailey was so nice, I thought she would turn out to be my friend. I guess she never thought that Alex would fall in love with me the way he did. Now, even though it's only been a few years for me it's been longer for her, so she must believe the things she says and just must be in love with him. Now we're both pregnant and I'm gonna be ready to give birth soon. A few weeks ago even earlier today I told myself that I didn't want this baby. I told myself over and over again that this baby didn't ask to be born by him or me. So it's not their fault, after all, there is nothing I can do now. So I'm gonna have this baby and I'm gonna keep it. If it were me in this situation, I would want someone to keep me. After all, I never had a family growing up, I get to give life to something and give it a better life than I had. With that last thought running through my head, I fall fast asleep, I'm not sure for how long but for the first time in a long time, I had amazing dreams. It wasn't until I woke up to the sounds of Hailey and Alex screaming at each other that I realized I wasn't dreaming anymore. Growing tired of waking up to screaming I open my eyes to see that Alex is standing in front of Hailey's door listening to her scream in his face. "What the hell is going on?" I sit up and look at Alex. Both of them, hearing me, look back at me and Alex comes over to my cage and puts his finger up to open the door for me. Pushing myself up and joining Alex in front of Hailey's cage he looks at Hailey but talks to me. "She is upset that I won't put her in the master bedroom with me and put you in the other bedroom and when I told her no, she flipped her shit." He looks down at me, reminding me of how short I am compared to him. Hailey looks at me with the same look as always, " It's not like you deserve it anyway, I've been here longer and I love him more. I'll have sex with him and let him see him, baby when we both know you won't." I love how she thinks she knows me all of the damn time. "You don't know what I'm gonna do so I'd appreciate it if you shut the fuck up sometimes." Alex laughs at what I said and I just look at him. "Come on let's get you guys upstairs." He puts his hand on my belly instructing me to stand back and he opens Hailey's cage. "Grab your stuff, Hailey." He tells her to grab her stuff as he is in my cage and picking up mine. He looks at me and motions with his head to go up the stairs before him and Hailey, so I do. It takes me longer because of my ankle and belly but I finally make it up the stairs only to remember I still have another set to go. After about thirty minutes of hobbling up the stairs, I get to the top and I'm standing in the kitchen where I can smell food cooking. I hope he doesn't think we're gonna be one big sister-wife family eating dinner together at the table every night. I can't stand her now let alone eating with her. "The both of you go sit on the couch, and we're gonna talk about the rules." Oh great, I knew this was coming. We all make our way to the living room and Alex instructs us to sit next to each other on the couch. Of course, she can't do that, so we sit at each of the opposite ends both looking up at Alex waiting for him to speak. He drops my chest full of stuff on the floor and sits in the chair across from us and takes a glance at both of us and then speaks. "I wanna talk about the rules and I'm only gonna do this one time, the first one to break the rules is going back into the cage and if the other breaks them then you'll go too. The kitchen is open to both of you so whenever you are hungry you can eat, there is a piece of paper on the fridge so if you want to request something for me to pick up at the store then that's fine, the television is open but I don't want it loud. We don't have any neighbors close enough to hear but I still don't want it to hurt the babies' ears when they get here. Do NOT open the door for anyone unless I'm home and give you the go-ahead. Keep your hands off of each other. No sabotaging each other or their things. There's no home phone here, I just have my cell phone so I'm not worried about that. Hailey, once you can keep your temper under control and I can trust you not to hurt Kelly or the baby then I will unlock the door and you can come down whenever you please. Until then you can only go to the bathroom and shower when I get home. I will give you snacks as I did before so you can eat throughout the day and I will put a little potty in there for you." I snicker at the sound of him saying potty and it only seems to anger Hailey more. "Shut up bitch." Ooh, she's angry. "Both of you shut up. I'm being serious, I'm trusting you girls a lot right now. I don't want to have to kill you but I will if I have to. And I will know if you try to escape. Do you understand?" We both shake our heads, "okay well let's go get you settled, I have surprises for the both of you in your rooms." He picks my chest back up and lets me go up first. He instructs us to go straight and me to turn into the master bedroom on the right of the hall, Hailey's room will be directly across from us, where he has the door lock on already. Hopefully, she can't bust that, it's one of those huge wooden doors. Never know though. He sends Hailey into her room, leaving the door unlocked. He instructs me to go in and cover my eyes. I throw my hands over my eyes and listen to him as he guides me into the bedroom, where we've been once before and I can hear him set down the chest and come up behind me. He embraces me and kisses me on my neck, "Are you ready for your surprise love?" I shake my head up and down as he removes my hands and I see the huge bedroom and in next to what I presume would be my side of the bed, there's a bassinet with baby stuff inside of it. "Awe Alex how cute!'' I run over to it and look into it and there's almost everything I would need to start with. A baby tub, washcloths, bottles, diapers, clothes. All kinds of things. " I knew this time would come eventually so a few months ago I had this delivered." He points over to the other side of the room where a huge white dresser stood right next to his. "This is yours, for all of your things." I walk over to it and pull out one of the drawers where there is a little box that has my name on the card. "What's this?" I pick it up and look at him. "This is for you Kelly, to show how much I appreciate you." He smiles a genuine smile and I open the box to find a necklace with my name and birthstone on it. "Oh, Alex this is gorgeous! I love it" He chuckles and takes it out of my hands, "good I was hoping so, here let me put in on you" I let him walk around me and I lift what's left of my hair up and he puts the necklace through my arms and as he's hooking it in the back when Hailey walks in. "OOOH ALEX I LOVE IT ALL IT'S SO CU-what is that?'' She points to my neck and runs over to see the necklace and the new dresser. "Are you serious Alex, already she's getting better treatment than me. You told me this was going to stop." As she stomps her foot on the floor like a child he moves from me and stands in front of her. "I just got her something, I got you a whole bunch of new stuff for the baby in your room, I also got you a new and bigger bed, a television to watch during the day, and everything you needed." She sticks her bottom lip out and crosses her arm while looking up at him. What is she two? "It's not fair, she gets to stay in here with you in your massive bed and she gets a new dresser AND cuter stuff for her baby. Plus she gets to take a bath in your huge bathtub!" He rolls his eyes at what she was saying, "Hailey, we know what the gender of her baby is, we don't know yours until it's born. Plus she needed a new dresser since I don't have room in mine." She stomps her foot again and runs into him with her arms around him. "Do you love me more still, you know as you said in the basement?" I look at Alex waiting for him to answer her question. "Hailey we talked about this, I love you but I love Kelly more than you'll ever know." He looks back at me while her arms are still around him and smiles. I let out a small chuckle at him and Hailey lets go of him and stands up to look at him, "Shut up Bitch I'm not gonna tell you again." My face gets hot and that word and I can feel myself getting mad. "I'm about tired of you calling me bitch, slut." If she were a cartoon character, steam would be coming out of her ears by now. When all of a sudden she gets a huge smile on her face, "Alex, Honey, have you told her yet?" She breaks eye contact with me and looks at him with puppy eyes. His face gets soft and he looks at her, "Hailey please don't do this, please" Woah, what the hell is going on?! "Tell me what Alex?" He turns to me almost instantly, 'Nothing honey, I promise." Hailey starts to belly laugh, a high-pitched laugh that makes me want to scratch her eyes out. "Yeah tell her what Alex? You might as well tell her. " "HAILEY SHUT UP!!" He looks back at her to yell at her. "No, you need to tell me right now Alex." His eyes start watering, "You promised you'd never keep anything from me. So you need to tell me right now what is wrong? What is she talking about?" I'm only gonna ask him one more time. "Alex, honey, you can either tell her or I will?" She is getting a kick out of this. He turns to her, "Why are you doing this to me?" She looks at him and smiles, "We'll see if she still loves you after you tell her, Then when she doesn't love you, we can get rid of her and WE can live happily ever after." She laughs as she finishes her sentence and then looks at me as she rocks back and forth on the heels of her feet. Tears in my eyes now I look at Alex, "Please if you love me you'll tell me, right now." Tears are pouring down his face now, this must be something bad, "I can't tell you, Kelly, you're gonna hate me for not telling you, I promised I would never keep it from you and I thought it would be better if you didn't know, I don't know maybe help you adjust better." Hailey starts laughing at the sight of me tearing up, "Fine then I'll tell her for you, babe." Alex grips my hands tight as he drops to his knees and puts his head on my belly, "Hailey please-" He gets cut off as he's interrupted. "Alex, my dearest, didn't wanna tell you but yes you are different than everyone he's picked up. Only because your parents sold him to you and skipped town with the money he paid for you, promising never to say a word." I let go of his hands and back up slowly, "What is she talking about Alex, how did they even know that you were the kidnapper?" He is bawling at this point on his knees with his face in his hands. I've never seen a grown man cry. Hailey speaks up instead, "They didn't know he was the kidnapper, he asked them one day if he could take you on a date, because yanno he's classy, and they told him to let you move in with him, because you were an embarrassment and they didn't want you so when he offered them money to let him keep you at his house, they jumped on the offer since Alex said the only way he would give them the money as if they took it and left, never telling anyone and never coming back to Holly Springs." Tears rolled down my face, "Alex is this true.." He looks up at me, his once beautiful blue eyes glossed over in tears, he shakes his head up and down, eventually dropping his head back into his lap. "I'm so sorry Kel-" Once again he gets interrupted by Hailey and her bitch ass mouth, "Wanna know the worst part? Wanna know how much your life was worth to your parents? Alex paid them $1,000, and a kilo of cocaine that his grandfather left in his safe before he died. The old man liked to party, but the point is after they got that, they sold their house the next week and left. Alex let me read the newspaper article that had the house up for sale. Your life was worth $1000 and drugs." I fall to my knees and cry with my head in my lap. I can hear Alex stand and her screaming to stop pushing her, "GET THE HELL OUT YOU FUCKING BITCH! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE IT ALONE!" You can hear the pain in his voice as he screams at her. Her door slams and heavy footsteps are coming at me, Alex sits on the ground beside me and tries to hold me, "NO!! YOU DON'T GET TO DO THAT!! YOU PROMISED ME TO TELL ME EVERYTHING AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU OWN ME!! BULLSHITTT!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs so loud that it feels like my head explodes and I have time for one glance at Alex before I pass out on the floor next to him.
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