"Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you think Daniel Parker is flirting with you? Daniel Parker, name partner Daniel Parker?"
Helena asks while poking what is left of her salad. I used our lunch break to explain the situation outside the elevator, all the bickering since the day I met him, and the jesters he passed my way. I nod, now waiting for Helena's response, I'm not sure if she will get upset, think of me as a home wrecker or just delusional. Helena's lips goes in to a straight line before she... starts laughing? Not really the response I expected, but at least it didn't seem like she hated me, not that I had done anything wrong... yet. I just needed another person's point of view. Helena is the only person I feel I can trust, except Sam, and I don't want to talk about this with him. I have only known Helena since I started a little over a month ago, and this would be our first serious conversation, I am crossing my fingers that my gut feeling is correct telling me I can trust her.
"And the bottle?" Helena asks, looking intensely at me. I just not and she claps her hands together, almost jumping out of her seat with excitement. People sitting around us turns to look, probably wondering what in the world is going on.
"Oh... My... God!" she squeals not bothered by the people looking. I look nervously around; Helena realizes so she leans a little over the table and whispers.
"I knew there was a guy! I will tell you what I know." She says with a smirk, I get intrigued, to be honest I had expected a lecture or something, not inside information. I take a sip of my water waiting for Helena to continue.
"They got married about three years ago. They hadn't been dating for long when they got married, it almost seemed rushed, one day they were casually dating the next married. They are almost never together, and there is a rumor going that the marriage is some kind of business arrangement." Now it is my turn to laugh, I am thankful for the information, but I never believed in rumors before and I won't start now. Helena raises her shoulders when she understands that I don't believe her.
"I'm just telling you what I have heard, I won't say its real or not, but this particular informant is usually right." I can't help but wonder who this informant is, Helena has never struck me as a gossip in the sense of telling rumors, so maybe there is something to her story? It felt good getting it off my chest, but she wanted more details that I couldn't give, because there isn't any, so instead I distract her asking about any new dates coming up. She gushes and starts telling me about "Mr. perfect." Probably a new Mr. crazy. She met him online and they are going for drinks this weekend.
When I got back to the office, I had gotten a message to come to Daniel's office at 2. I am now walking down the hallway towards his office. I have still not been inside, I have walked past it several times before, but never seen the inside. I approach his secretary Peter. He is sitting at his desk looking at his computer screen. Peter was always in a rush, and not really a friendly guy, but he had to be good at his job, he has worked for Daniel for over five years from what I have heard.
"Hi Peter, I'm here to see Daniel" I say as I stop in front of his desk, Peter doesn't look up, and I'm not sure if he heard me. So, I try again.
"I'm here to..." Peter looks up at me, raising his eyebrows
"Of course you are hun, otherwise there would be no reason for you to speak to me. He is ready for you" his tone a lot bitchier than necessary. I roll my eyes at him before walking over to the door, knocking slightly before opening it. Daniel's office is huge, almost my entire apartment could fit in here. Corner office with floor to ceiling windows, the interior is modern, but manly. I can tell no woman has made any decisions in here. Not even Peter...
At the end of the long room stands his glass desk, facing away from the window. Daniel is sitting behind his computer talking to someone on the phone, it sounds serious, but I don't want to listen in on his conversation so I walk over to his book shelf, not a lot of books here, but other nig nags. A round vase from a brand I have never heard of, it stands beside a crystal whiskey set. In the shelf under, stands the most amazing chess board I have ever seen. Are all these gifts? Why ells would he have all these things here? I walk over to the black leather couch not sure if I should sit down, so I discreetly walk past it and over to the window. The view from this office is unbelievable. I realize I cant hear Daniel's voice anymore, I look to the side, he has moved from his desk, so I turn back to the couch, Daniel is standing right by it looking in my direction. I could tell he had been checking out my behind, because his eyes fly up meeting mine as I turn. He mentions for me to sit down on the couch as he sits down in the chair on the opposite side.
"I need you to prepare the contract for Nick Cornwall." He demands, and I raise an eyebrow at him, why the hell can't he just say please. Or at least hi.
"Sure." I almost mutter and he looks amused, and I'm not sure why, but he continues.
"When your done send it to Maggie for proof reading, I have also subpoenaed all of Bennet Oil's financials, I need you to read them by weeks end." I nod, if I only have four days it can't be too bad.
"When are they coming?" I ask as it knocks on the door to his office. Peter comes in and Daniel looks annoyed away from me and over at Peter.
"The files from Banner Oil have arrived, should I have them put in the conference room?"
"Yes" Daniel answer like it should be obvious, I look away from Peter and back at Daniel.
"You can just have them put them in my office" I tell, I don't need the conference room for a few documents. He smirks and gets up from the chair.
"Follow me" he says, and I get up and follow him out of his office. I can't help notice his perfectly round ass as he walks in front of me down the hallway towards the conference room. As we approach, I see a few men walking in with boxes. I can feel myself starting to worry, all these can't be from Bennet oil, right? We stop in front of the room, and I look inside. It must be at least a dozen boxes standing in the room.
"Tanner is trying to bury us in paperwork" Daniel says his face looks more annoyed than worried, mine on the other hand. I think I can feel my mouth hit the floor.
"There is no way I will read through this in four days" I cry, and he looks at me the amused look in his eyes.
"I thought you were the best, now is your chance to prove it" he says before patting my shoulder slightly then walking away, leaving me with work for five people. I look at the boxes in disbelief. Where should I even start? I walk over to the boxes and open one of them, looking at dates. The one thing Tanner didn't know is that we have seen his bake statements. So, in round one I will have to find every document around those dates.
"Are you Olive?" a voice interrupts me, and I jump. My thought is still in the papers in front of me. I look up from the document, my neck killing me. I notice that the office is dark. Only the small light in the conference room is on. What time is it? I look at the Asian man standing in front of me.
"If you mean Olivia, then yes" I smile, I can tell he is a food delivery man, he has a paper bag in his hand, but I didn't order food. He walks over to the table and puts the bag of food down.
"This is for you, have a great night" he says before walking out of the room and over to the elevator. I grab my phone and look at the time, ignoring yet another missed call from my mom. Its 09:30, I haven't had any food since lunch and now I can feel my stomach growling. But where did it come from. I grab the bag and open it, I smile when I see its sushi, and a lot of it, it at least enough to feed four people, but there are all different types, something for every taste. I grab the receipt on the bag. My smile grows even bigger as I see who ordered it. Daniel Parker. I open one of the boxes and start eating.
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