This day had been perfect so far. I had time to have a long breakfast, go to the gym, home, and take a shower before going to the hairdresser. Helena had been clear last night that going to a gala you went the extra mile. I have done everything I can to not think about the conversation I had with Daniel last night. How could I have been so stupid, like a teenager drunk dialing. So, freaking stupid! I take a sip of my wine as I try to decide what lipstick to wear. The dusty pink dress is hanging on the door behind me, it is the perfect dress, elegant yet sexy. I decide to go for a nude lip, I don't want my makeup to overpower the perfect dress. I take the dress from my hanger and put it on. It is hugging my body in all the right places, the sown in bra makes my boobs appear larger than they really are, the bare back goes down to the small of my back not leaving room for a real bra, and the high slit, makes my tan legs seem much longer than reality. It is the perfect dress. My nerves from last night are completely gone, now I'm just looking forward to showing off this dress to Nick. My doorbell rings and I take one final look in the mirror making sure everything looks perfect, then I grab my small clutch that holds my essentials and walk out.
As I step outside Nick is standing in front of a limousine in a black tux, his mouth opens a little as he sees me. I walk down the steps, and over to the limousine as he opens the door.
"Wow." He gawks, and I giggle as I get into the back. He follows shutting the door behind him. the car starts driving and Nick grabs a bottle of champagne opening it.
"Seriously wow, you look drop dead gorgeous" he says pouring a glass for me, handing it over before pouring one for himself.
"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself" I respond checking him out. He clinks his glass to mine before taking a small sip.
"Is this a charity you usually donate to?" I ask curious to find out more about him. he nods
"Yes, I grew up poor, I am lucky I found basketball, I got to send my brothers to college, and get my mom a nice house. I want to help others in the same situation I was in" he tells. I'm impressed, to be honest I would have never guessed he came from nothing. And I honestly thought this charity gala was some kind of publicity stunt, but I'm glad he proved me wrong. I decide to leave the prejudgments behind and get to know him, maybe the media has him all wrong.
"That's amazing of you" I tell him impressed and he smiles a sweet smile at me.
"So, tell me about you? What is a beautiful woman like you doing working at a stuffy law firm? You could be a model, earn millions." He states and I laugh.
"Thank you, that's sweet, but I love the law, I love being known for my brain, not my looks."
"Then I can't wait to get to know your brain" he chuckles, and I can't help but laugh at his cheesy reply. Just then we stop, and someone comes and opens the door for us. Nick gets out and holds his hand out for me. I feel the nerves hit me again, I have never been to a gala, and the only gala I can reference to is the met gala, it wouldn't be that crazy, would it? I can't hear any photographs, screaming, or clicking sounds from cameras, but just in case I put on a smile as I leave the limousine. I look around, there are some steps up to a beautiful building, the steps are covered with a red carpet, people in gowns and tuxes are walking up the steps to the front door, but there is no press to see. I let out a sigh of relive. He takes my arm and entwines it with his before we walk up the steps. When we get to the door, two men open the double doors for us, and we walk in. loud echoes of people talking and shouting hits us and a woman comes over. She is wearing an earpiece, talking to someone on the other end. she looks at the list quickly before smiling at us.
"Mr. Cornwall, please follow me. The press wall will be ready in a few minutes" she says waving at us to follow her. He takes a grip on my arm and we walk over to a side room with a new red carpet and a press wall, the wall is covered with the charities name and some of the biggest sponsors. I raise an eyebrow in surprise when I see a familiar logo on the wall, Parker & Smith. I didn't know that my firm sponsored this charity, glad I figured that out. Nick bends in and whispers in my ear.
"They are going to take a few photos of us together, ask a few questions, then I need you to step away so they can take a few photos of just me" I look at him and nod, trying to keep calm. Remember what Helena showed me about posing yesterday. The woman from before comes over and says something to Nick and then we start walking. The photographers go crazy, shouting at him, or me or both of us, I'm not really sure. But I stand beside him and we pose together, then we walk over to some of the photographers that Nick chooses. I can hear questions getting shouted at us. Who is she? Are you serious? Is this the new Mrs. Cornwall? I try to ignore them and listen to the questions from the reporter in front of us.
"Nick, you look great, Versace?" he asks and Nick nods.
"Of course," Nick smirks, the reporter turns to look at me.
"Who is your date?"
"This is Olivia Clark; she is Parker & Smiths best paralegal." He says sounding proud. And I feel myself blushing a little.
"Beauty and brains. So, Olivia tell me, who is this beautiful dress by?"
"Nicci Wilson" I state, my tone much happier than it needs to be.
"You look absolutely ravishing in it. Nick you better keep an eye on your date tonight, or someone else might steal her away." Nick laughs but doesn't answer the question. After a few more questions we walk to the next reporter and he asks somewhat the same questions, and then another, and then another. And when we are done with the interviews, he gives me a small sign and I understand his hint and I walk off the red carpet. As the photographers take his picture, I look at the people arriving, not sure why most of them just walk past the press wall just continuing up the steps. Then I see the woman checking her list again as a familiar face walks in, I know I have seen her before, but I have no idea were. But one thing I know is that she is a celebrity, and she is walking this way with the earpiece woman. The press wall is for celebrities only I take it. I turn to look at the steps again, but instead I meet a pair of familiar eyes. Daniel Parker is standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at me. He is wearing a tux that is tailored perfectly for him, and he looks out of this world. His eyes have a mixture of lust and confusion, I smile an awkward smile at him and raise my hand giving him a small wave. He straightens himself before walking over to me.
"Hi" I say shyly
"Hello" he answers, the awkward silence creeping over us. I'm happy when Daniel brakes it
"What are you doing here?"
"I was invited, I'm glad I figured out Parker & Smith are sponsors of this charity" I giggle, and he smirks.
"Yeah, good thing" he looks down at my cleavage for a second, then down my dress, taking in every part of me before meeting my eyes again.
"You look..." We get interrupted just as he is about to give me a compliment. Connor Smith walks over.
"Olivia, what a nice surprise, did Daniel invite you?" he asks, and I smile at him.
"Mr. Smith, great to see you. No actually I'm here with someone"
"Ah, a date. Then we won't keep you, we need to find our seats anyway, coming Daniel?" He asks, and I can tell that Daniel is not happy, not sure if it's the date comment or what, but he looks pissed. I meet his eyes again before licking my bottom lip biting down on it slightly. Daniels eyes goes dark, and he looks like he wants to rip the dress off me right here and now. And to be honest, if he had tried, I don't think I would stop him. Instead of following my inner desires he turns around, walks over to Connor and they walk up the steps together. As they almost reach the top, he turns his head sending me a small smirk as he sees my eyes are glued to him.
"Sorry, that took a while, you really got their interest, shall we go upstairs?" Nick's voice says and I jump, turning to look at him.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckles, and I smile.
"No, no worries, yes I'm ready" I say, and we walk up the steps together. As we get to the room, I look around in awe. The room is light up by four huge chandeliers, and the round tables are placed around the room in a U form, leaving the middle of the room open, maybe for dancing. And at the front a stage, a couple of technicians are making sure everything is working as it supposed to. A new woman with an earpiece comes over and looks at a new list.
"Mr. Cornwall, you are at table 4" she tells us pointing in the direction of our table. He takes my hand and makes his way over to our table. I look to my side and at table five sits no other than freaking Daniel Parker. But he is not looking at me, he is glaring at Nick. I gulp, I am allowed to date him, right? I have read the bylaws several times, and the only thing I could find is that its frond upon for a lawyer to date a client. Not, not allowed, and nothing about a paralegal dating a client of the firm. Daniel's eyes move to me, his does not look happy. I look down trying to hide from his glare, nick leans in and whispers
"Are you ok?" I look at him and put on a fake smile
"Of course," I say, he leaves a small kiss on my cheek as a couple comes to our table. Nick clearly knows them. The man is tall and looks like a basketball player as well, and from the way they greet each other I'm guessing I'm right. They both shake my hand before sitting down. Nick whispers again.
"We used to play together" I nod. I can't help glance over at Daniels table. He looks to be in a discussion with Connor. He is pointing at the table as if to explain something. Conner is nodding but does not seem to agree with Daniel about whatever they are talking about.
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