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sick day

Mar 24, 2022 546 1 Min Read
Some random life stories or just things I overhear 2022 edition
campaign Request update 0
Table of Contents
#0 Intro
#1 whiteboard markers
#2 laptop backrounds
#3 Ranga
#4 Jesus simp
#5 Glue
#6 Food
#7 Eshay
#8 Egg tub
#9 Simp
#10 Well shit
#11 Stick
#12 atoms
#13 Shrek
#14 ...
#15 Mask
#16 TW//killing
#17 rain
#18 Window or door
#19 Camel
#20 Driving
#21 advice
#22 Plane
#23 Speak the truth
#24 Butt
#25 No simping
#26 Rosemary
#27 Veg
#28 RUN
#29 Biscuit
#30 Pastry chef
#31 Conversation
#32 $$$
#33 talking
#34 ghosts
#35 Cry
#36 but-
#37 fuking laptops
#38 Rip Sam TW//killing
#39 thing
#40 i don't even know
#41 Sir
#42 Lucy
#43 dam ok
#44 Candy
#45 humor
#46 swosh
#47 M.O
#48 TYSM
#49 Scarf
#50 no homo
#51 Bin
#52 Kick
#53 Bruno
#54 HEHE
#55 9 3/4
#56 Hey
#57 I guess
#58 911
#59 dumbass
#60 Bread
#61 Stick
#62 electric
#63 electricity
#64 ranga pt 2
#65 breakup
#66 last names
#67 Stupid
#68 fantsy
#69 she said
#70 wtf
#71 bounce
#72 simp pt2
#73 dog
#74 Prettieness
#75 Talks
#76 Sorry
#77 Looks
#78 dam ok
#79 Bestie TW//killing
#80 buff rat
#81 IKEA
#82 leggo
#83 social distance
#84 So
#85 Furry
#86 table
#87 hot?
#88 pick up lines
#89 fire
#90 eggo
#91 coldness
#92 thing
#93 Arson
#94 men
#95 School
#96 Pants
#97 pea
#98 sentance
#99 Kahoot
#100 Kahoot pt 2
#101 Furry
#102 Names
#103 ...
#104 sanitize
#105 Stickers
#106 potatoes
#107 table
#108 Don't you dare
#109 walking
#110 Disease
#111 hot
#112 sALTY
#113 Mr. Sir
#114 looks
#115 Botox
#116 Books
#117 seat
#118 grades
#119 date
#120 bunnings
#121 arm
#122 Dora
#123 Pants
#124 happy
#125 dad
#126 Sharpie
#127 Karl
#128 butt
#129 hog
#130 FISH
#131 kardashian
#132 wii
#133 bts
#134 Issue 134
#135 divorce
#136 Wifi
#137 life
#138 wtf
#139 Issue 139
#140 ...
#141 Testacils
#142 Hot
#143 Pancake
#144 Issue 144
#145 Chaostick
#146 I need help.
#147 Lettuce
#148 Sunday
#149 Book
#150 Stories
#151 No homo
#152 Disspaear
#153 Penis
#154 Tent
#155 Bull ant
#156 Tent pt 2
#157 Storm
#158 Tetris
#159 Gumnut babies
#160 Third person
#161 Phone
#162 bones
#163 Willis
#164 gasp
#165 ear
#166 Puss in boots
#167 Star wars?
#169 pants
#170 words
#171 Sour patch
#172 Weather
#173 Issue 173
#174 Stupid teacher
#175 ear
#176 condom
#177 =
#178 conclusion
#179 shot
#180 Milk
#181 leg
#182 nappy
#183 dirtymind
#184 penana
#185 friend
#186 tiny rant
#187 Ice cream
#188 Covid
#189 questions
#190 Issue 190
#191 Horror
#192 games
#193 faces
#194 3k reads?
#195 Names
#196 Ship
#197 Flirting?
#198 Tinky Winky
#199 Issue 199
#200 Lunch
#201 chika
#202 Name
#203 Makeup
#204 Elf
#205 Ad
#206 Sick
#207 Gay
#208 Commas
#209 Chicken
#210 Thing
#211 Big energry
#212 Issue 212
#213 BLUEY!
#214 love
#215 Issue 215
#216 Fishy
#217 Violin
#218 earing
#219 Issue 219
#220 Dead
#221 Mullet
#222 spit?
#223 CAR
#224 women
#225 cabbage
#226 dead
#227 laptops
#228 Shrek
#229 Work
#230 kissy
#231 Andrew
#232 Skip
#233 Hairy
#234 burnt
#235 dagger
#236 Search History
#237 relationships
#238 eshay
#239 Jesus
#240 Obama
#241 Words
#242 fight
#243 Simpson
#244 Dryer
#245 Clay
#246 paint
#247 Green
#248 Siblings
#249 Dumb
#250 SIR
#251 easter
#252 Click and collect
#253 Issue 253
#254 Cucumber
#255 writing
#256 music
#257 Thunderous
#258 Dog
#259 sieve
#260 dreamland
#261 Writers block
#262 pregnant
#263 Well
#264 3
#265 sick day
#266 Issue 266
#267 folder
#268 This
#269 Issue 269
#270 holy
#271 Issue 271
#272 red back
#273 skin colour
#274 byond repair
#275 Scam
#276 fart
#277 Meat
#278 bbq
#279 Issue 279
#280 5K?
#281 In the hights
#282 magic
#283 water stain
#284 This one time
#285 Lemur
#286 Poo
#287 Monkey
#288 gorilla
#289 Red panda
#290 Gift shop
#291 eat?
#292 elephant
#293 butterfly
#294 Nostril
#295 Preggers
#296 Dorra
#297 Butt
#298 BIRD
#299 Bird
#300 Birdile
#301 Wombat
#302 Human
#303 Fold
#304 Maps
#305 Butt
#306 ugly
#307 Elephant
#308 Issue 308
#310 platypus pt2
#311 Dingo
#312 Bush
#313 penguin
#314 Birdy
#315 Meerkats
#316 fisho
#317 Turtle
#318 Escape
#319 eating
#320 turtle master
#321 irl
#322 Wise life advice from Lina
#323 Issue 323
#324 locker
#325 Issue 325
#326 yandere
#327 writing
#328 rain
#329 Pray for the laptop
#330 Name swap
#331 sperm
#332 Gandhi
#333 Will Smith
#334 scale
#335 readyealling
#336 leo
#337 Life
#338 Math teacher is always right
#339 sibling?
#340 Siri
#341 Asthma
#342 knee
#343 run
#344 shoulder
#345 Hi
#346 Issue 346
#347 gullible
#348 Bayblade
#349 FLASH
#350 team
#351 bald
#352 click
#353 chair
#354 spider pt???
#355 mr bean
#356 Bunnings trolley
#357 Fake
#358 Taco bell
#359 Papadam
#360 PP
#361 Stop.
#362 Car
#363 child
#364 spider pt?
#365 Genshin
#366 Issue 366
#367 presumable
#368 Issue 368
#369 TESLA
#370 Issue 370
#371 rat
#372 Issue 372
#373 Issue 373
#374 right?
#375 Child
#376 pt 2 of a childs description
#377 Issue 377
#378 Issue 378
#379 Issue 379
#380 LEG
#381 toilet
#382 Waiting...
#383 fractions
#384 case
#385 butt
#386 7k
#387 Issue 387
#388 voice
#389 Random Jess fact
#390 chicken
#391 caramel
#392 woman
#393 Issue 393
#394 Knock knock
#395 Issue 395
#396 Issue 396
#397 Issue 397
#398 Opera
#399 Issue 399
#400 Read
#401 Pool
#402 Issue 402
#403 Wing
#404 Prision
#405 Prison pt 2
#406 Issue 406
#407 There are two people in this world
#408 Issue 408
#409 Issue 409
#410 Ball
#411 Popcorn
#412 Issue 412
#413 Issue 413
#414 Wasabi
#415 Walk
#416 House
#417 Child
#418 leaves
#419 Issue 419
#420 Issue 420
#421 dirty
#422 grandma
#423 train
#424 Issue 424
#425 Issue 425
#426 spam
#427 why people need to sleep
#428 Issue 428
#429 Issue 429
#430 Issue 430
#431 Issue 431
#432 Menu
#433 Issue 433
#434 Issue 434
#435 Animal
#436 Issue 436
#437 Issue 437
#438 Man
#439 Issue 439
#440 Issue 440
#441 Issue 441
#442 Issue 442
#443 Issue 443
#444 Dumb it down
#445 target
#446 Child
#447 Gey
#448 SCOMO
#449 Cuppy
#450 Charlie
#451 Fluff
#452 Issue 452
#453 Issue 453
#454 Issue 454
#455 Issue 455
#456 goose emoji
#457 Santa
#458 Issue 458
#459 Issue 459
#460 pig
#461 Issue 461
#462 Issue 462
#463 Issue 463
#464 Approval
#465 Issue 465
#466 Issue 466
#467 TW//Bully!ng mentions of de@th. Please do not read if things like that are triggering
#468 Issue 468
#469 Issue 469
#470 Issue 470
#471 Issue 471
#472 Issue 472
#473 Issue 473
#474 Issue 474
#475 Issue 475
#476 Issue 476
#477 Issue 477
#478 Issue 478
#479 Issue 479
#480 Issue 480
#481 Issue 481
#482 TW//V@PE
#483 Issue 483
#484 Issue 484
#485 Book
#486 Issue 486
#487 Issue 487
#488 Issue 488
#489 Issue 489
#490 Issue 490
#491 Issue 491
#492 LAMB
#493 Issue 493
#494 growl
#495 marry the mozzie
#496 Issue 496
#497 Okay so a new serious topic to talk about TW//mentions of r@cism
#498 Issue 498
#499 woolies
#500 fairy bread
#501 Issue 501
#502 Issue 502
#503 Issue 503
#504 green
#505 Issue 505
#506 Issue 506
#507 Issue 507
#509 3/5/22
#510 4/5/22
#511 A series of unfortunate events.
#512 Issue 512
#513 5/5/22
#514 6/5/22
#515 Issue 515
#516 Simulation
#517 PIG
#518 SPORT CARNIVAL 9/5/22
#519 10/5/22
#520 11/5/22
#521 12/5/21
#522 13/5/22
#524 teacher
#525 Issue 525
#526 18/5/22
#527 Whatever today's date is. I know it's Thursday
#528 Marketing
#529 Issue 529
#530 22/5/22
#531 banana
#532 24/5/22
#533 interval
#534 Energy drink
#535 Idk just funny mind the caption
#536 Uno
#537 Backstage maddness
#539 Files
#540 1/6/2-2/6/7
#541 Issue 541
#542 mom
#543 Issue 543
#544 Shoe
#545 Fudge
#546 4
#547 Issue 547
#549 Dumb
#550 9:31 at night
#551 Just me walking to the bus
#552 Issue 552
#553 7/6/22
#554 8/7/22
#555 9/6/22
#556 Issue 556
#557 Issue 557
#558 tall
#559 12/6/22
#560 Heck yeah public holiday
#561 Zoo
#562 Made by Jackie. I stole her laptop. Sorta.
#563 16/6/22
#564 Issue 564
#565 20/6/22
#566 The 10:20pm extra
#567 21/6/22
#568 22/6/22
#569 23/6/22
#571 lazy day
#573 1st week of school holidays
#574 the little shit
#575 We watched Little women
#576 Holidays week two
#577 Holy shit thank you! fro 20k
#578 get a boyfriend
#579 12/7/22
#580 13/7/22-14/7/22
#581 this was the span of a few days (i had so many more but my dumbass forgot to write them down)
#582 19/7/21- 20/7/21 (half the day)
#583 Paper
#584 22/7/22
#585 Issue 585
#586 25/7/22
#587 over the span of a few days
#588 3/8/22
#589 4/8/22
#590 9:24
#591 Issue 591
#592 Issue 592
#593 Sorry we've been kinda distracted but here are some qoutes
#594 2 teens reading a spicy scene in a book
#595 Dad jokes with Mira
#596 Issue 596
#597 Issue 597
#598 Issue 598
#599 Issue 599
#600 A few days...
#601 9/10/22
#602 My parents at 3am (Language warn)
#603 Issue 603
#604 5/10/22
#605 Issue 605
#606 Issue 606
#607 Some days
#608 Issue 608
#609 Issue 609
#610 Issue 610
#611 Issue 611
#612 Issue 612
#613 Crayon
#614 Issue 614
#615 Epic
#616 Chrissy stuff
#617 Chrissy day
#618 So this is the end
#619 oyster
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