No Plagiarism!1Uywk7JIEq6PNcTxAJpgposted on PENANA "we are not here to buy a toilet."8964 copyright protection567PENANAopIGJAVhjk 維尼
Me "Hey (siblings name) what did u call My Neighbour Totoro?"8964 copyright protection567PENANA9yjpx8GbAj 維尼
Sibling "My Neighbour Toronto."8964 copyright protection567PENANA3ZzmR2xZPX 維尼
Sibling"Maybe she's reaching puberty? Again?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAXT2GDsHb1W 維尼
Me and my mother "no."8964 copyright protection567PENANAFUzZ2KrWmW 維尼
Cousin "can I flip my chip in it?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAT8kwGS4059 維尼
Her mother "No you can not dip your chip on the hot chocolate."8964 copyright protection567PENANArHkuHRJqJ9 維尼
"I sued you for a whale man?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAYXVTJ3MHPB 維尼
sibling attacking me with first aid kit8964 copyright protection567PENANAgtIrOfnC6G 維尼
Me "DUDE STOP YOUR MEANT TO FIX PEOPLE BRO NOT TRY KILL THEM!"8964 copyright protection567PENANAhcfvPb2bOw 維尼
Lina "who named an orange fish Goldie?"8964 copyright protection567PENANA1Lig0x8Wf0 維尼
Sibling "I dare you to make out with the cat."8964 copyright protection567PENANAX8EYTzmcMq 維尼
Lina's sibling "IT IS COOCHIE COOCHIE YAYA TATA!"8964 copyright protection567PENANAREMy309tMk 維尼
Lina "LOOK I RIPPED MY EYEBROW OUT!"8964 copyright protection567PENANAwuOmN00Rrg 維尼
Lina *looks at me then back at the cat* "Hey (my name) I think Mary has raibies. She made their weird sound (tries to imitate sound) and was crawling on her back (imitates cat)."8964 copyright protection567PENANA4DobWitSBG 維尼
Lina "I want hot mama pickles...that sounds really bad outta context."8964 copyright protection567PENANAKni8wIdCI2 維尼
"WHY DO YOU HAVE A SHIT BAG!"8964 copyright protection567PENANA5qwlEnLAf6 維尼
"Don't put your face in the bin."8964 copyright protection567PENANApHGRSRE6ak 維尼
1 "You ok?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAm1athH26R5 維尼
2 "yeah I shit it out."8964 copyright protection567PENANAKmjhOYt3gB 維尼
"He has a soy sauce army.8964 copyright protection567PENANAzw5FeAoLnD 維尼
"Wow are those flamingos?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAPpkYMs2GUy 維尼
"No they are flowers."8964 copyright protection567PENANAAajFNVe0kT 維尼
Jackie and sohpie go to get food8964 copyright protection567PENANA7TUv5peh1X 維尼
Them *come back* "We should probably bring money."8964 copyright protection567PENANArUumLREQGx 維尼
"They look like mini ovaries."8964 copyright protection567PENANA2bI45l7Pl9 維尼
"Mines bigger."8964 copyright protection567PENANAeWbRRQZGAl 維尼
Jackie "Balance... something you don't have."8964 copyright protection567PENANA9UHclqil0R 維尼
Father "What is wrong with your generation?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAArhpmjnLRD 維尼
Me "The world?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAzaYAjBrtLr 維尼
"I think I just proposed to the holy bible?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAYgXZEH8xqL 維尼
"It's kinda minty.'8964 copyright protection567PENANAjQ09O4Eu4L 維尼
"Look at dem teeny tiny a arms!"8964 copyright protection567PENANABRpyDZdtpV 維尼
1 "Wanna buy a chandelier?"8964 copyright protection567PENANAgxMctNP0bc 維尼
2 "it's not a chandelier."8964 copyright protection567PENANATnQqiic0vr 維尼
1" Oh it's a sock hanger."8964 copyright protection567PENANAdRLhLysISp 維尼
Alright that's it for this week!8964 copyright protection567PENANAZLHGpFVUiU 維尼