"Sorry, I'm really sweaty." "It's okay you all are" "Her words not mine." he was exceptionally sweaty though
"Oh shit the laptop fucked up."
"did you hit your head on the window?"
"Fuck..I killed someone...oh wait it's a drink bottle."
"I said slay to druggies."
"THEY PLAYED CUPCAKE!" "There's cake?"
"I can't sing for shit." "I can't either." "YOUR CHORUS!"
"How are you at straight at cum."
"There's always cum on the year (number) girls' bathroom." "THAT'S CUM!"
"Are you doing CPR on your bag?'
"Mis lady...who plays the mayor...god I really need to learn names I nearly called her mic 8."
"I'm going to throw this that is it I'm going to throw the laptop."