Ch. 16
I have no idea what’s happened in the last two hours. I remember dancing, and drinks. Lots of drinks. But honestly, that’s the best I've got.
Despite the fact that my brain had been telling me to ignore the people outside and proceed to kiss Ryland silly, I ended up leaving the room first. I don't know where Ryland is now, but despite the alcohol tickling my brain and senses, he stays on my mind.
The last two hours are definitely a blur, which I suppose isn't ideal. I remember finding Grace first after coming down the stairs, who cut her nurse costume even shorter and let her hair down for the first time in weeks, golden curls spilling over her shoulders and down her back. I could tell she's already halfway to drunk from how jittery she was.
I remember finding Nevaeh and Zack again, who are sickeningly cute dressed up as Gamora and Peter from Guardians of the Galaxy. If not for Nevaeh at his side and his curly black hair poking out from behind the Star-Lord mask, I don't think I would've recognized Zack. He's got on the matching red suit and boots just like Chris Pratt in the movie, and the mask looks surprisingly lifelike. Nevaeh straightened her hair and put streaks of red through it, but apparently, she put her foot down on the whole "being green thing".
I saw Archer, who looks incredibly hot dressed as a cowboy. His flannel was unbuttoned fully, exposing his broad chest and abs, and his pants were slung low on his hips. He'd blushed wildly beneath his cowboy hat when I'd teased him about showing off. At least 7 or 8 different girls must've come up to him and tried to grab his attention in the five minutes I tried talking to him, so I eventually gave up and just left him to it.
After that, I talked to at least 30 other kids inside the barn. Though, "talked" might be too strong of a word. I'm positive words were exchanged. I just don't recall a thing that was said. I'm lucky if I made a single meaningful contribution to any of those conversations.
When I finally made my way outside, the whole friend group was back together again near the bonfire, so I went to join them. Two hours flew by in two seconds, and now the party has officially kicked into full swing, deafening music blaring from the speakers inside and outside of the barn. The air smells like smoke and alcohol, but I'm absolutely living for it. The noise and wildness of parties isn't usually something I enjoy being a part of, but this is the first time the entire friend group has been out together since the summer, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. And honestly, ever since Ryland kissed me, I've felt lighter than air.
The music is thumping in my chest like a second heartbeat, and everything's gone hazy and warm in a way I'm unexpectedly loving. Who knows how long we've been outside, just enjoying the warmth of the bonfire and dancing to the music, but I want it all to last forever.
A circle quickly forms around Zack and Nevaeh as they begin to grind to the music, wild grins on their faces as people hype them up. Nevaeh's got her hands on the grass now as she bends over, her back arched as she moves against Zack, his hands placed firmly on her hips. Grace screams and cheers, Archer whips out his phone to use as a flashlight and starts barking, and I throw my head back with laughter.
Someone screams, "SHOTS!' from inside the barn, and the five of us nearly trample each other trying to get inside. The burn from mine as I toss it back makes my grin grow wider, and then we're stumbling back outside, the flames from the bonfire warming me all the way to my bones. We're pushing each other around, laughing as we dance, and I throw myself into it completely. I can't remember the last time I let go like this.
A figure appears on my right, his hand brushing the small of my back, and a small thrill shoots up my spine.
I can't help staring at how the firelight dances over Ryland's skin, highlighting his face in stunning red and orange hues. When we lock eyes, bright green on silvery gray, my lips part in a wicked grin before I've even realized it. I grab his wrists and pull him into the middle of our little circle, and Grace and Nevaeh both scream with laughter at his costume. The song changes, and now Nevaeh and Grace have Ryland sandwiched between them as they dance, and Zack and I hoot and holler at them as we take swigs from each other's cup. Archer disappears and then passes by with a softball player on his shoulders. Eddie pops up dressed like a boxer, a bright orange lipstick stain on his cheek, and we laugh and dance to three songs before he's bounding off into the crowd again.
It's all very, very loud, and very, very messy. I have a duel with three other pirates at some point, and when I come out victorious, Nevaeh and Grace tilt their White Claw cans to the sky and spray them, showering me and everyone else in a ten-foot radius with booze. Zack laughs until he wheezes, and something sparks in my gut at the brilliant light in Ryland's eyes as he tips his head back and laughs along with him. The sound of his laughter resonates through me, his grin open and wild, and I find myself staring at him. His nose wrinkles, and he clutches Zack's shoulder, smiling so wide as he laughs that I'm dumbstruck at how achingly beautiful he is.
I watch as he sticks his tongue out, catching some of the falling drops. His dark hair is sweaty and matted to his forehead, his cheeks flushed, the ripple of his throat as he swallows and continues to laugh alluring and breathtaking. To see him like this, able to have fun and be open with kids his age, after he's been so closed off for so long is something else.
The night goes on, and, finally, I find myself next to Ryland again. His eyes flick over to meet mine, hazy and hot and burning, and I remember his promise from earlier. Without a second thought, I throw my arms around his neck, swaying as the music fades away and the people around us disappear. Ryland smells like cologne and booze and that distinctly Ryland smell that never goes away, soap and mint and that hint of something sweet.
“I thought the plan was to stay away from me,” I say, my lips almost touching his ear to ensure he hears me.
“Did I say that?” he asks, and I laugh again.
I think about all the smiles that flashed across his face all night, and a feeling of warmth overtakes me. I want him to always smile like that.
When I pull back from the hug, Ryland's eyes are wide, and it's only then that I realize that I said that last part out loud.
But then his arms are around my waist, and he's grinning at me again, unguarded and open. When Ryland smiles, really smiles, it lights up his entire face like a sunrise. I release a shaky breath, swallowing slightly as I stare at his face. (I can't imagine looking at anything other than his face right now.) I bring my hand up and trace his smile with my thumb, a grin of my own spreading across my lips. Cheeks tinged bright red, Ryland tips his head back and howls just like a werewolf, and I burst out laughing as the music fades back in around us.
Eddie suddenly appears at Ryland's other side, whooping and hollering over the music. Nevaeh's got her arm slung back over Zack's neck as she moves against him, Zack with one hand in her hair and one hand on her hips. Grace and Archer practically have their tongues down each other throats, which makes Nevaeh scream and Eddie whistle through his fingers, and then Archer's diving into the middle of our circle and suddenly he's breakdancing, chucking his flannel off into the distance. I gape at Ryland in giddy awe, and our circle widens as more people chant and cheer Archer on. I see a group of 3 girls towards my left playing tug of war with Archer's flannel as they scream over who gets to have it, and I glance at Ryland again. We hold each other's gaze for about two seconds before we both crack up laughing, and the moon shines high over our heads for the rest of the night as the music plays on.
At a certain moment, like I've suddenly been struck by lightning, it occurs to me that we should probably go home.
By now it's slightly after 3, so I let Ryland usher me and the others towards the front of the barn and to his car. Archer half stumbles into the passenger seat, and Grace and Eddie argue over who gets to sit in his lap. Nevaeh and Zack slide into the backseat, and I'm impressed at how they never stop kissing the whole time. A hand touches my back, and I lean back against Ryland almost on instinct.
He shakes his head and gently pushes me forward. "Come on, get in."
My cheeks flush red as I again remember his promise from earlier, and I turn to face him. "Where are we going?" I say, somewhat slurrily.
Ryland gives me a look. "Nope, not anymore. Get your mind out of the gutter, Kiwi. I'm taking you home."
I start to argue, but I'm stunned into silence when he presses a quick kiss to my lips. There and then gone. My entire body heats up, and I glance around quickly, though none of our friends were watching us.
Ryland leans back and then presses his thumb to my mouth, slowly pulling my bottom lip down. My eyes dart back to his. "You know I want to," he says softly. "Another night, alright?"
I stare at him with wide eyes, in awe at this new side of him. Slowly, he continues moving his thumb down, and my bottom lip pops back into position as he releases it. When I can finally speak again, my voice is two octaves higher than usual. "Okay."
I'm dimly aware of the car ride home. Eddie's pouting in the trunk, Grace is passed out in Archer's lap, and Nevaeh and Zack are still going at it. One by one, Ryland drops everyone off and walks them to their front doors.
When Ryland pulls up in front of my house, it's just me, him, and Archer left. Archer's snoring softly, and I shush Ryland loudly as I step out of the car.
"I didn't even say anything," he protests.
I shush him again as I bound over to his side of the car, taking his wrists. "He's sleeping!" I hiss, shaking his wrist in my hand.
Ryland rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get you inside, Kiwi."
I release his wrist, but then he reaches out and takes my hand, leading me up the stairs to my front door. The house is pitch black and silent, and my heart suddenly aches. The party had been filled with people, loud and fun and vibrant, and now...
Ryland looks back at where I've stopped on the stairs. "What's wrong?"
"The house," I mumble.
"What about the house, Kiwi?"
"It's empty."
Ryland frowns, peering up at my house. "Yeah, it looks dark. Kansas is probably asleep."
I shake my head. "He's gone."
"What do you mean gone?"
I throw my hands out to the side frantically, and Ryland looks surprised as my hand is snatched away from his. "I mean gone! He left with my dad!"
Ryland blinks. "When did he do that?"
I take a step backwards. "Today. Before the party."
Ryland goes silent, and now there's not a single sound anywhere and it's driving me insane. He turns back to my house for a moment, and when he looks back at me, his lips are pressed in a firm line, his eyes hard. He takes my hand again and starts leading me back to his car.
"Wait," I say, "where are we-"
"My house," he says, opening the backseat door. "Come on, get in."
My mouth drops open in shock, and Ryland uses that time to herd me back into his car. My brain stumbles over something as it tries to figure out how we got here, but the alcohol is seriously clouding everything. So instead, I just blurt out, "Thank you."
Ryland's eyes stay on the road. "You don't have to thank me."
"But I do." I lean my head against the window, my eyes fluttering shut. "Tonight was amazing. Was that your first high school party? We should go to more. I don't usually go that often, but it was so much fun." And that's when I again (for the third time?) remember something much more important. "Also, you look really hot in that letterman's jacket. So, the moment we get to your house, I'm going to...I'm gonna..."
The next time I'm aware of anything, I'm lying on my back in a bed, and Ryland's wrestling my shoes off. I sit up, taking a look around to try and bear my surroundings. Nothing really sticks in my drunken state, so I turn back to the most important thing in the room, reaching out for him. "Come here. We're going to kiss. Kiss and, you know, other stuff. All the sex things. Everything. All of it."
"Yes, Kiwi." Ryland turns towards his dresser, pulling out a black shirt and basketball shorts. He's still in his werewolf costume, and one of his ears is starting to fall off. "That's exactly what's about to happen."
"Good." I take the shirt and shorts from him, and he turns to face the wall as I slowly maneuver myself out of my pirate costume. "Because...because you were so nice tonight. Like, so nice." I pull his shirt on over my head, and it dangles almost to my knees. "So much nicer than usual. And you looked so happy, and I want you to be happy because you deserve to be happy, and seeing you happy makes me happy." I slip into his shorts and proceed to fall backwards onto the bed. "And did I mention you look really, really hot in that jacket..."
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When I open my eyes, there's light streaming into the room, and Ryland's asleep next to me, his hair spilled out on the pillow like a dark halo. My head is nestled on his forearm, one of his long legs over mine, his arm draped over my waist, securing me in place beside him. Ryland's breath is easy, his lashes touching his cheeks, his mouth slightly parted as he sleeps peacefully.
I lift my head up slightly, brushing my nose lightly with his, unsure of what to make of all of this. Me telling Ryland that Kansas is gone. Him letting me spend the night with him, instead of alone. It makes me feel...I don't know.
Tended to? Differently than the way Kansas took care of me growing up. I'd like to say it was the alcohol that made me finally slip up about Kansas leaving, but if I'm being honest, I'd been aching to tell someone since the moment I found out. But I didn't want to because I thought it would make me seem less solid, less strong. I've been striving to achieve this perfect picture of my life, and the thought of anyone seeing the cracks in it sent panic spiraling through me like a tornado.
But this feeling here. Being cared for by someone who's seen all of you and has no reason to still stay. Nothing beyond the offering of you yourself.
Just me...
For a long moment, I listen to the slow rhythm of Ryland's breathing. Then, I let my eyes fall shut again.
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So. Thanksgiving break is over. Which means exams in all of my classes. Yay.
Between that and Christmas break coming up (knowing my family likes to travel), this break will be a bit longer than the typical ones, so I wanted to end on a happy note. 369Please respect copyright.PENANA5c793yHcWx
I've got a lot planned for Kori and Ryland, but I've absolutely loved developing their relationship. They're going to need that strong emotional bond in the future when things start getting really messy.
-Zuffy <3
P.S. That sounded a bit ominous. Sorry.
Anyways, happy holidays, everyone!! Thank you so much for sticking with me through this story! Your support means more to me than I can even express :) I’ll be spending the holidays hard at work on new chapters, so I’ll see you then!!
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