June 8th, 50XX297Please respect copyright.PENANAcJxVA9N61m
"So, that's their website online?" Franny whispers, lying beside Julian who's showing her everything about the Rainbow Teen Movement online, using his burner phone.
"Well, yes. It's a website, but more like a forum. Some Teens ask questions using a alias, nickname and others respond, offering advice.
The best roads to take to avoid, no offense, you, when you we're a cop.
Avoid the authorities, where the safest places to sleep at night is, where to find food, where has cheaper rates than others, food or hotels, where there is supplies or even a few dollars others hid on purpose, leaving them behind for others just like them."
"I never thought about this. They're so interconnected, a real community supporting eachother.
They're people, teenagers who will become adults one day, but I guess we weren't trained to think of them like that, anything more than rebellious immature kids who didn't know better."
"Yeah, hive minds are... well, the government isn't going about this the right way and frankly, you're a shit cop outside of this."
"Excuse me-"
"Listen, you handled going about Kate awfully. They didn't train you to calm someone, to de-escalate clearly.
I can't comment on what is wrong with her as we don't know, but it's clear she suffers from a disorder that is affecting her and she's 14 years old too who was being abused which would make her worse or even caused this..."
"To think her and my son we're going to run off together. Fourteen is young, but we have had younger runaway reports before. First it was 18, some 17 and then one day it was 16, then 15. I've even had reports for as young as 12 years of age.
Where did I fuck up so badly as a parent? I love Josh, but he must not have felt it, didn't think I cared about him.
Guess I was in too deep to my job these last few months and I didn't see him looking for attention elsewhere and planning on a way to escape and make his own life."
"That's a really hard question to answer as I haven't really been around to know what you have been like these last few months. But from what I'm seeing now, you're a fuck up. A chronic one at that."
"Right back at you." She laughs, gently slapping him and he lowers his phone and they both look to the ceiling, lying there.
"We we're all shades of fucked up, our friends too. What happened to the rest of them? Do you know?"
"Some went to juvy just like I did which did not help reform us, others we're accidentally killed or took their own lives. Some successfully escaped and just dropped off the face of the earth.
Like you did."
"I didn't escape, I just pulled away."
"But you did stop reaching out and just went under the radar."
"You know, if only my parents could see me now. Every time I screamed at them, rebelled, ran away, smoked, did the drugs and drank, skip class and tell them I'd never be like them...
I adopted a boy, I became a mum. I had a career. They never knew they did have a grandson in the end, never saw me graduate."
"Do you want to reach out to them?"
"What? I'm in my 30's, Julian and they would be old by now. It's been so long, the last time they saw me, I was 16, my birthday. They planned a small party and you and me, the others. We all skipped town that day, never looked back."
"The things we did we're not great, but it doesn't mean we we're all shades of bad. Some rules are meant to be broken and I think you having a stable career, although I don't agree with it, passing the exams and study required and adopting and raising a boy are things to be proud of.
If you're parents could see you now, they should be proud of you." He says, gently playing with her hair.
"Thank you."
"So, what do we do now? Are we going to go join a small semi, under the radar community and take Kate with us because she can't take care of herself 100% even though she think she can.
Yes, she's growing up, but she's only 14 and adults in her life failed her and she deserves the world and stability and adults who are going to do right by her.
I'd feel better slightly better about this if she was around 16 cause this is a kidnappings even though she wants to come with us, but she isn't 16."
"It's really our safest option. Trying to make it across the border is crazy stupid. She won't be happy with the decision, but I hope she comes around to it in time.
Crossing the border, let that be a last resort if things truly go south."
"South? How south do you mean?"
"I don't know. People eventually say enough, start fighting back in thousands of masses, government deploys the military on the streets, riots, looting of stores one day.
Just total anarchy I guess. I know I said I wanted to see the world burn when I was younger, but not like that. Never like that."
They hear Kate let out a few murmurs, she's waking up. "Morning, Kate." Franny says gently.
"Sleep well?" Julian adds on. "Y-yeah." She whispers, rolling over to face them.
It's silent between them, then she breaks the tension. "I'm sorry about-"
"It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Franny says.
"I know there's something wrong with me. No one's ever liked me, every friend I ever had has just left me.
"My son?"
"Yeah, he saw past of all that, all my pain, suffering and hurt. I still have interests, passions, dreams.
I'm sorry about insisting I wanted to go to the border last night. You both are right, it's heavily guarded.
Just... please promise you won't leave me. I don't want to go back home and if I ever did, I'd want my step-dad to be dead before that ever happened."
"It's understandable you would feel like that, Kate..."
"You're the only adult my whole life who's ever said that. I told a teacher once, she downplayed it and told me to go study. I never bought up what my home life was like again after that."
"I'm sorry, every adult has failed you so far. We shouldn't have."
"It's okay. At-least you both haven't, you saved me yesterday. A girl you barely even knew."
"It's called doing the right thing even if it feels wrong, even if we broke some laws." Julian interjects. "But just don't break any law you feel like, okay? Be careful when picking and choosing."
She nods softly then her eyes widen a bit. "What?" Julian asks.
"You're shirt!" Franny hisses then he blushes, panicking and quickly grasps it, pulling it on.
"Did you both-"
"No!" They both cry together. "No way, we didn't do anything." Franny adds on quickly.
"Kate, we only have so much money. Getting a family room, 2 adults, 1 child is easier and cheaper than a room with 3 separate begs. Runaways can't be choosers even at the best of times." Julian speaks up.
"Oh... I thought..."
"You thought..." Franny says, nervous about the response. She's clearly knows what sex is, but this isn't a conversation she wants to have with the young teenager.
"Can you adopt me? I want a home."
"Uh... That's-"
"Please, I just want someone to love me and to feel apart of their family.
Especially on holidays when they come along on the calendar. Someone who wants to talk to me and is there in the morning and there in the evening."
Franny wants to speak and is finding it hard to search for the right words till she just throws caution to the window.
"Of course, I'll adopt you. But Kate, doing an under the table adoption, especially that you are a runaway and we're kidnappers would be really hard.
There is a law here that when any teenager turns 18 and becomes an adult, if they had a parent nature relationship with someone older than 18, they can apply to the courts for an adult adoption to occur.
While it's tricky, and it's for cases like your step-dad, I guess we can apply on a technicatally because there is not much strict criteria on it, they made it too vague for their own good...
You won't need your mum or step-dad's consent and it will look really strange to the courts that you are voluntarily asking to replace who you consider your parents and would be legally severing ties like inheritance and estate and things like that, your connection to your biological and step-family, but if you really wanted that, I will adopt you.
It would just be better waiting till 18 though because the charges against me and Julian will drop also the moment you turn 18 and we won't have to worry about anything even though you're parents would be angry.
Cause end of the day, you are 'the victim' of this 'kidnapping' and if you don't pursue, then the government will close it because governments love saving money and not spending it.
But then spend it on other frivolous things." Franny laughs at the end.
"But you didn't kidnap me, that man did and you saved me."
"But no one, but us are going to see it like that right now, okay? Do you understand?"
"Hey, Kate. How do you feel about breakfast? You hungry little one?" Julian speaks up. She nods excitedly.
"What's your favourite breakfast food?"
"Grilled cheese! No, pancakes! No waffles! No, eggs, bacon and sausage too! No, baked beans! Wait, spaghetti!"
Franny and Julian laugh together. "Well, she may have been picky about dinner, but that there is a list of breakfast foods! Don't worry, Kate.
You can have it all if you want, a bite of each and save the rest for later.
My treat." Julian says while Franny's relieved that Kate isn't going to starve herself as malnutrition seems like it might be a bit of a factor for Kate sometimes.
Kate's heading back to their room, carrying the leftovers she didn't finish in the dining hall in a takeaway container, Julian and Franny just up ahead from her, unlocking their room when she sees a small dark space down the corner of the building containing all the hotel rooms, a vending machine down there, glowing brightly and then stiffens, a female, tall down there with denim clothing and short blonde hair, partial purple strands and a duffel bag at her side.
She places a finger to her lips, letting Kate know to be quiet and gestures for Kate to come towards her. Kate looks back at Julian and Franny, she's having trouble with the door for some reason and Julian takes over, trying to help her out. She hands down the short dark gap with the vending machine towards the female.
"Who are you?" She whispers.
"How old are you?" Asks the female. "You look way young."
"14. You?"
"Oh, you're an adult."
"Well, kinda? I only actually had my birthday yesterday, believe it or not. I sure as heck don't feel like one."
"Did you have anyone to spend it with?"
"Sadly, no. I was planning on sharing it with my girlfriend and a small group of friends, but uh, things have not been going my way lately."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"That's okay."
"Happy birthday for yesterday!"
"Aww, thank you. That's so sweet."
"Why are you hiding down here, Miss?"
"Uh, I was... hitchhiking and walking, but then you and the... man and woman with you came out of that hotel foyer there so I ducked down here."
"Why do you not want them to see you?"
"Uh, that's a complex answer-"
"Kate! Where are you?!" They hear Franny calling. "Julian, she was right behind us!"
"Shaniqua!" Julian calls out and she steps outside the hotel foyer.
"What is it, Julian? Door jammed again? I'll get the crowbar-" Then she turns her head, seeing the 18 year old hiding in the shadows and Kate standing there, talking to her.
"Do you know where Kate is? She was right behind us!" Franny chimes in and Shaniqua raises a shaky hand, pointing to Kate and the 18 year old.
The 18 year old shows her the birdie and crosses her arms. Franny and Julian start heading towards them when the 18 year old hides around the side of the vending machine even though it's slimmer than she is, partially revealing her.
"Kate, what's going on?" Julian asks her when Franny sees the female trying to be inconspicuous.
"If you think you're doing a good job of blending in, you're not. I see you, are you armed?" Franny says judgementally, pushing Kate towards Julian.
"What's your name?"
"Sadie." The female answers, heart beating a million miles a minute.
"And why are you hiding down here? Are you armed?"
"I have a knife."
"Throw it, I have a gun."
And Sadie throws her small knife into the open. Franny pulls the knife back with her foot, holding her boot on it.
"And why are you hiding, Sadie?"
"Because I don't like you, I know who you are."
"Join the club, so does everyone else know me, but I don't know them in the last two days. Step out here where I can see you."
And Sadie slowly does, revealing herself. "What's your last name?" Franny demands.
"And how do you know me, Sadie Bridge?"
"You almost arrested me back three months, but let me off with a ticket."
"Did you pay the ticket?"
"Nope, I'm not exactly strapped for cash."
"I believe it, your hair says it all. What did I book you for?"
"Spray paint."
"Oh, that was it?"
"Probably explains why I don't remember you then. I have bigger fish to fry than some spray paint tagger."
"I'm an artist, I don't just blindly tag shit."
"Sure you don't."
"Can I go?"
"Knock yourself out, I'm not on duty anyway."
"Wait, why are you with-"
"Hello, Sadie. Not long no see." Julian speaks up.
"Hey." She responds.
"You know eachother?" Franny says.
"Uh, Franny. Meet the current leader of the Rainbow Teen Movement and the one running the forums at this moment in time."
"Wait, this teenager? You're serious?"
"I turned 18 yesterday, alone." Sadie snaps. "Where's your parents? Your friends?" Franny asks her.
"I wish I knew, been without contact with any of them. I haven't been able to update the website.
My phone got nicked yesterday, I'm out of cash, and I'm a long way from home."
"You could go home? You're 18 now." Franny points out.
"No, thank you. I'd rather not." Sadie snaps again.
"I know the feeling." Kate whispers. "So, why are you with a cop, Julian and a 14 year old girl?" Sadie questions.
"Uh, make that rogue-cop. I abandoned my job, no doubt my face is in the papers and on billboards and so fourth now." Franny says harshly.
"Oh, believe me. You are." Shaniqua trails off. "Shaniqua, go inside. I'll handle this. You don't have some washing up to do or something?" Julian asks.
She doesn't say anything and slips back inside, closing the foyer door. "Thank you." Franny says.
"What did you do?" Sadie asks.
"Kidnapped a 14 year old girl as far as they are concerned."
"And did you?"
"Sadie, she didn't kidnap me. They're saving me." Kate speaks up.
"You sware that is the truth?" Sadie responds and Kate nods.
"Okay then." Sadie says. "And you're taking them where, Julian? I've worked with this dude before."
"Uh, maybe a community that is off the grid. Where are you heading?"
"I'm about ready to pass on leadership. I'm supposed to be meeting up with my girlfriend and sneaking us across the border. A friend of mine went to pick her up as she ran into some psycho who tried to kidnap her. Apparently he was in a taxi?"
"Just stop there, I don't want to hear anymore." Franny says. "Why? Cause I'd rather die trying to cross than live another moment in this hell, the government calls society." Sadie snarls and Kate is shaking visibly.
"Oh..." Sadie trails off.
"We ran into him, yeah." Kate whispers. "My boyfriends not around anymore. I was with him before they saved me."
"I'm sorry to hear that happened." Sadie says, the raw realization and tears about to burst showing on her face.
"Sadie, do you want to come inside to our hotel room and have something to eat? You can stay with us, you're no doubt hungry.
And you can use Julian's phone to call your... girlfriend. Can't she?" Franny says.
"Absolutely, you can use my phone. You're welcome to travel with us, I can get you to your friends again or if not, you can come with us to a settlement.
I know you Teens like making it for the border, but most don't make it. Franny and me we're the first generation and you're like the, uh?"
"2-3rd generation of the Rainbow Teen Movement roughly. Although, you guys didn't call yourselves that when you we're my age and you didn't utilize technology either."
"Do not call me that, I don't consider myself that." Franny snaps. "But you don't deny you dream of freedom?!" Sadie yells at her.
"I don't know what I consider myself right now! I don't even care anymore.
I'm no longer a parent, no longer a cop.297Please respect copyright.PENANAppOIdJzv9S
I'm nothing, I have nothing to lose anymore."
"But you said you would adopt me!" Kate cries, staring to burst into tears.
"She's right, you did promise her." Julian states, gently leading Kate to come inside with as he got the door open to the room and he leaves Franny with Sadie. They both stare at eachother.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you and pushing you."
"And I'm sorry I ticketed you months ago even though I don't remember it."
"You can ask if you want."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You just confessed what you have been through. How long ago did all this happen?"
"24-48 hours.
"Shit, short time to come to terms with this."
"Indeed. So, where is home for you? Who's your parents?"
"I'm the love child of an affair. Joel Baker."
"Oh, shit... His a government member with a pretty high seat."
"Yeah, knocked my Mum up, threatened her to stay quiet and she did, I was born and he doesn't even help her out.
Doesn't pay child support."
"That bastard."
"I know, and then..."
"Did something bad happen?"
"A car ran into the car she was in, she was with a work colleague. The driver who did it got away scot free.
The man she was with died and my Mum ended up comatose. She was taken off life support not long after and I bounced years ago.
They put me in foster care, my own Dad refused to take me and said I wasn't his kid. I moved in with my girlfriend, her parents we're okay with it at first, but over time stopped tolerating me and we agreed to run away together.
They threw me out and she left home not long after. We both we're 16 then.
Traveling in groups is an easy way to be spotted by the authorities, I didn't mean to get split up from her for too long.
But everything went wrong."
She isn't completely lying, but some parts we're a lie. Franny doesn't know this though.
"What is your girlfriends name? Who was the work colleague your Mum was with? With was your Mum's name?"
"You ask alot of questions."
"I used to be a cop, Sadie two days ago."
"Fair. His name was Jamie Bennson I think, my Mum is Hannah Bridge. I don't know the name of the man who hit them."
"Shit, small world..." Franny says. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Sadie asks.
"Uh, I said, shit, need coffee."
"Oh, yeah. Today is like that, hey? Can I have some?"
"Yeah, of course. It's just in the room... It's tinned instant stuff, but-"
"Still perfect!"297Please respect copyright.PENANAzirrvShC4k
And Sadie follows Franny, twirling half a gold heart necklace with her fingers.
The other half with her girlfriend whom worried she's worried may never see her again.
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