- 7 Years later -
January, 50XX298Please respect copyright.PENANAijPdghY2BK
It's been seven years since our remaining four plus one extra who officially became one of the group later on had made their drastic escape from their home country if you could even call it that. A home...
They're living safely in a new home which turned out to be a neighboring country and was eager to welcome them, handing out citizenship, although not without some strings attached.
Information about where they come from, what happened and who was in control. What they came from was madness that was never going to make sense, but they had to live with it.
The past, the trauma and the good things too, like a new life that can be embraced.
Franny was transported to a hospital and found to have a tumor on the brain, it had been there a while, but it wasn't incurable and likely the previously stressful adventure she went through caused further deterioration. It had been growing for a short while.
Her and Julian had a real conversation later, surprisingly tying the knot.
Kat received early emancipation as she would be an adult soon enough, the new government they we're living under didn't see the point in dragging out a court case to take Kat into foster care as she was seventeen because by the time they did, she would have turned eighteen.
Sadie and Kat stayed together, but didn't feel the need to go through with a wedding to symbolize their love.
Kate went into foster care sadly as it was deemed in her best interest because the others all had the trauma and physical health needs that required treatment and it would allow Kate to get the help she needed to.
It doesn't mean she wasn't unhappy though. Made friends, had hobbies, found a part-time job, attended high-school again and graduated with high marks, eager to head to university and was adopted later by Franny and Julian when they had physical, mental and financial stability.
Our group all live together just out of the city on a farm, a home big enough to accommodate them all and there is a knock at the door one day.
"Are we expecting guests, Mum?" Kate speaks up, standing to rise from playing with blocks with her baby sister, Bella. Franny and Julian ended up conceiving despite Franny enduring fertility troubles her whole life.
"No, we aren't." Franny says, rising from the couch, Julian following.
"You stay with Bella, take her into the kitchen where Kat and Sadie are. Hide, and don't come out unless we tell you to." Julian begs her as he slides a small hand pistol from under his shirt and she obliges.
Franny peers out the window seeing a lady she briefly met seven years ago, but remembers her and someone else she only vaguely remembers, they all went to school with her...
"Who is it?" Julian whispers, not far from the door. "We're good, let's open it." Franny responds and she heads to the door with him, pulling it open.
"Mr Madsen and Miss Day." Says the lady.
"Make that Mr and Mrs Day." Julian responds, showing off his wedding ring and Franny does the same.
"Ah, I see. My sincerest apologies." The lady apologizes. "I congratulate you on your marriage."
"And who are you? I can't remember your name, but I know your face." Franny enquires.
"My name is Miss Laura Mackenzie and I am the sworn in President, voted on by the people from a nation you left behind seven years ago, which included quite some blood shed as there was some protests and fights before my election.
News of your groups escape was leaked and it set off protests and riots. You four made the news."
"It's actually five. And, what?" They say together. "Things changed?"
"Quite alot has changed since you all ran. I have gone over your case quite extensively, I know everything and I'm here personally to see you all, had to asm for permission to enter this country.
To just let you know, we are talking to every country around us, exporting, importing, we are now a democracy, I am your president from there and if you choose to come back any time, you are welcome.
But don't feel pressured to and I wanted to congratulate you even if it is seven years to late on escaping, it sounds a little odd, I know.
You, and Julian we're lucky to not be shot the day you canoed out via the river."
They stop her. "We had one more with us. Her name is Katrina Anderson, Kat for short." Franny explains. Laura continues.
"It in fact was guarded, but was on shift change at the time and it is my understanding Sadie and Kate stole Sadie's dad's pass and used some underground tunnels to flee as you all got separated.
But how wasn't clear though."
"We're aware of the dangerous plan, Sadie and Kate pulled of, they told us later. They we're left without much option after we all got separated." Franny responds.
"Okay then, but still. I just wanted to say that you all did the very thing no one had done before."
"Are you actually serious?" Julian asks.
"I'm afraid so. Adults, teenagers, even children... jailed and even maybe executed back then. Some records are missing." Lauren answers.
"Thank you for coming to see us, Lauren. It's noble of you to travel out here.
If you want... come inside and have some tea. We can talk further as it sounds like there is some gaps in our escape and story you are no doubt looking for answers to." Franny whispers.
"I'd appreciate that, there is answers I am seeking. We're not prosecuting, I'm just trying to sort out a mess of everything that was left behind by the previous government, if you could even call it that.
And I have a Miss Bennson here who I was introduced to recently and begged to come with me."
"Hello, Elizabeth."
"You're the police officer who rescued my baby girl? It's all a blur. I can't remember your name..."
"I am, yes. My name is Franny Day, we never really talked seven years ago. You can come in, Kate's grown up. She's 21 and in university. Julian and I adopted her, I don't know how she will feel about meeting you and I'm sorry you have to hear I'm her mother now, my husband and me adopted her so she wasn't left in the foster care system.
We can work towards rebuilding the relationship you lost with your daughter."
"Thank you for everything you did for me and her, Franny. Can I hug you? I left my husband, her step-dad. I haven't seen him in years." Elizabeth cries on Franny's shoulder.
"President Mackenzie." Julian says.
"Oh, no. Lauren is fine, no need to be so formal." She responds.
"Do you know of a Shaniqua Bradley?"
"Is she alive?"
"I'm sorry, Julian. I regret to inform you she was executed a few months after your escape if I recall."
"I'm sorry on behalf the government now. If it was within my power, I'd bring her back immediately.
But sadly, I'm not God."
"It's okay, come in. I'll put the kettle on, we can talk further." He smiles sadly, inviting her in the rest of the way and leading her through the living room to the kitchen.
"Kate? Honey, there is someone here to see you. I'm not sure how you will feel about it, but this is something you have discussed before with your psychologist.
And, if you can... Do you want to bring your baby sister, Bella out here?" Franny speaks up, guiding Elizabeth.
"You had a baby?" Elizabeth squeals.
"Yes, we did... It doesn't replace the hole losing my son left, but it helped and I love her so much. Her name is Bella and she's five."
Kate, holding Bella peaks out from behind the kitchen doorway, followed by Kat and Sadie who's draws drop when they see President Laura Mackenzie has a gold love heart necklace on like the one they both shared.298Please respect copyright.PENANARQPNsu0Pzf